Hur Hearing Backfires on Republicans

America Last. America Last. America Last. Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals". That is the modern Prog. When the time comes never trust them again. Shun them. And if it comes to it, kill them. And they are spewing that now for any who does not agree with their true fascist views.
That little rant had zero to do with my post. Try again
Swallwell is a traitor and a classless POS who farts during interviews.

The stench must be unimaginable.

The sight of him makes me want to pound him mercilessly.
Who Swallwell is has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion. Stop trying to divert
Not only that, he shared them with the ghost writer of his $8 million book and then told him to hide them in the recycle bin.
Well I guess if they actually had evidence of that then they could have prosecuted… but alas they didn’t and they don’t.
Violence Against Women Act was a big one. He has MANY.

The fact that you are ignorant doesn't mean everyone is.
In March 2020, during that year's election campaign for President of the United States, Tara Reade alleged that Democratic nominee Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his office. Biden denied Reade's allegation.

I believe her.
Stop lying. Hur stated that Xiden WILLFULLY broke the law and stole classified documents. Which he had NO intention of returning. Kept them in his unsecured garage, an unsecured office the Chinese had full access to, and up and down the East Coast. And said that the defense would be that Xiden didn't know what he was doing. Can't recall his son's death within years, talks to dead people, asks dead and disabled people to stand, the list goes on.
Keep whining because Biden is not being indicted, ass troll. Hur is a two bit hack who used that report to slander POTUS Biden to impress your ass buddy Trump.

And remeber this. If you ever catch COVID you can go for a cleansing & shove UV lights up your ass like that orange retard ranted about. Who's really demented?
70s, 80s, 90s, …..up to 2009 as a Senator, then from 2009-2017 as VP.

Had to be done in a SCIF.
Depends on the classification designation Level.... not all classified has to be viewed in a SCIFF

Do you know precisely what was found that was classified which was from the time period of when he was a Senator, on the Foreign Affairs/Relations committee? Was there more than 1 document? Was the classification Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential that was found?

Senators on this Foreign Relations committee all had top secret clearance....
Mike Pence had a dozen stolen classified documents.

Hang Mike Pence?
Except Biden never hid behind his dementia, this was a claim that Hur made that was totally debunked by his own interview transcripts that showed that Biden was as sharp as a tack.
Does that include when President Biden made noises like a car when talking about his Corvette?
The most obvious difference isthat Biden was guilty of a good faith mistake while Trump deliberately and maliciously broke the law.

That's the most obvious difference.

If Trump had returned the records when he was first asked, there would have been no issue.

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