Humiliation, fasting, and prayer


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I’ve been thinking about this election tomorrow. And I encourage everyone to go vote if you haven’t.

I wanted to invite everyone to consider doing a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer tomorrow for our nation. I don’t care what side you are on or if you are on any. But we need the Lord’s blessing on our nation. So I encourage everyone to humble yourselves before the Lord. And then pray and fast for at least part of the day tomorrow if you physically can. If you can’t fast from food for medical reasons fast from social media or tv or something to show unity.

We are fasting and praying for:

1) Gods will to be done no matter the outcome tomorrow

2) unity instead of disunity

3) healing the pain, anger, and divisions among us.

4) for the ability to truly love those that we consider our enemies and that hate us.

We need divine power if we’re going to unite and stay strong as a nation
I like the part about "Gods will". Includes the polytheists.

But the whole "humiliation" thing is a perverse bag of crap. Have some self-respect.

There's no way in the world I'm going to go hungry and think it's gonna influence anything but my own hunger. So-called 'social' (antisocial) media and TV are already not in my sphere of existence so that shit is already shunned.
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But you just excluded all the atheists....
No he didn't. He invited everyone. If the atheists choose to exclude themselves, then so be it.
No he didn't. He invited everyone to pray to his god. Of course, that excludes atheists and other atheistic religions, like Taoism, Buddhism , etc.

I invite all of you to reject your magical sky fairies and join me in rejecting prayer. You know, in the spirit of "unity"!!!

I’ve been thinking about this election tomorrow. And I encourage everyone to go vote if you haven’t.

I wanted to invite everyone to consider doing a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer tomorrow for our nation. I don’t care what side you are on or if you are on any. But we need the Lord’s blessing on our nation. So I encourage everyone to humble yourselves before the Lord. And then pray and fast for at least part of the day tomorrow if you physically can. If you can’t fast from food for medical reasons fast from social media or tv or something to show unity.

We are fasting and praying for:

1) Gods will to be done no matter the outcome tomorrow

2) unity instead of disunity

3) healing the pain, anger, and divisions among us.

4) for the ability to truly love those that we consider our enemies and that hate us.

We need divine power if we’re going to unite and stay strong as a nation
I’d join you in doing absolutely nothing tomorrow but I have to vote and go to work.
This part has always struck me as completely bizzaro:

We are fasting and praying for:

1) Gods will [sic] to be done

--- Let's assume this is supposed to mean "God's will" (the will of a monotheism "God") and not "the will of an indeterminate number of gods" --- why on earth or elsewhere would it ever be necessary to "pray" for God to do its own will? If "God" exists as described ........... then isn't it going to do whatever it wants by definition? How on earth could "God" be prevented from doing its own will, to the extent that it needed help from humanity to convince itself to do and be what it already does and is in the first place?

I’ve been thinking about this election tomorrow. And I encourage everyone to go vote if you haven’t.

I wanted to invite everyone to consider doing a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer tomorrow for our nation. I don’t care what side you are on or if you are on any. But we need the Lord’s blessing on our nation. So I encourage everyone to humble yourselves before the Lord. And then pray and fast for at least part of the day tomorrow if you physically can. If you can’t fast from food for medical reasons fast from social media or tv or something to show unity.

We are fasting and praying for:

1) Gods will to be done no matter the outcome tomorrow

2) unity instead of disunity

3) healing the pain, anger, and divisions among us.

4) for the ability to truly love those that we consider our enemies and that hate us.

We need divine power if we’re going to unite and stay strong as a nation
But we need the Lord’s blessing on our nation ... We need divine power if we’re going to unite and stay strong as a nation.

how about voting in our secular nation without allowing intolerant religious fanatics interfering by worshiping their madeup, selfserving and phony religions on election day. election = / = religion .... halealulia
I’ve been thinking about this election tomorrow. And I encourage everyone to go vote if you haven’t.

I wanted to invite everyone to consider doing a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer tomorrow for our nation. I don’t care what side you are on or if you are on any. But we need the Lord’s blessing on our nation. So I encourage everyone to humble yourselves before the Lord. And then pray and fast for at least part of the day tomorrow if you physically can. If you can’t fast from food for medical reasons fast from social media or tv or something to show unity.

We are fasting and praying for:

1) Gods will to be done no matter the outcome tomorrow

2) unity instead of disunity

3) healing the pain, anger, and divisions among us.

4) for the ability to truly love those that we consider our enemies and that hate us.

We need divine power if we’re going to unite and stay strong as a nation
Religion has never united people.
This part has always struck me as completely bizzaro:

We are fasting and praying for:

1) Gods will [sic] to be done

--- Let's assume this is supposed to mean "God's will" (the will of a monotheism "God") and not "the will of an indeterminate number of gods" --- why on earth or elsewhere would it ever be necessary to "pray" for God to do its own will? If "God" exists as described ........... then isn't it going to do whatever it wants by definition? How on earth could "God" be prevented from doing its own will, to the extent that it needed help from humanity to convince itself to do and be what it already does and is in the first place?


I'm only responding because you put the smilie there :eusa_think:. Figured it was a serious question. The reason we pray to God is because in a free election we have free will. That means humans can mess it up like they messed up paradise. They could vote for the wrong candidate. They could vote illegally. They could not vote. As for humiliation, you've seen the political commercials, ads and what the ex-Hollywood celebs have done. It doesn't make sense to take your clothes off to state a public service announcement if it doesn't make you want to vote, but puke.


"Vote like your life depended on it." C. Handler
I like the part about "Gods will". Includes the polytheists.

But the whole "humiliation" thing is a perverse bag of crap. Have some self-respect.

There's no way in the world I'm going to go hungry and think it's gonna influence anything but my own hunger. So-called 'social' (antisocial) media and TV are already not in my sphere of existence so that shit is already shunned.

I was gonna say that humiliation, hunger and prayer is what you do two days before payday...
This part has always struck me as completely bizzaro:

We are fasting and praying for:

1) Gods will [sic] to be done

--- Let's assume this is supposed to mean "God's will" (the will of a monotheism "God") and not "the will of an indeterminate number of gods" --- why on earth or elsewhere would it ever be necessary to "pray" for God to do its own will? If "God" exists as described ........... then isn't it going to do whatever it wants by definition? How on earth could "God" be prevented from doing its own will, to the extent that it needed help from humanity to convince itself to do and be what it already does and is in the first place?


I'm only responding because you put the smilie there :eusa_think:. Figured it was a serious question. The reason we pray to God is because in a free election we have free will. That means humans can mess it up like they messed up paradise. They could vote for the wrong candidate. They could vote illegally. They could not vote. As for humiliation, you've seen the political commercials, ads and what the ex-Hollywood celebs have done. It doesn't make sense to take your clothes off to state a public service announcement if it doesn't make you want to vote, but puke.


"Vote like your life depended on it." C. Handler
Your prayers will do as much for the nation tomorrow as they do to stop the bullets that rip through our regularly murdered schoolchildren.
This part has always struck me as completely bizzaro:

We are fasting and praying for:

1) Gods will [sic] to be done

--- Let's assume this is supposed to mean "God's will" (the will of a monotheism "God") and not "the will of an indeterminate number of gods" --- why on earth or elsewhere would it ever be necessary to "pray" for God to do its own will? If "God" exists as described ........... then isn't it going to do whatever it wants by definition? How on earth could "God" be prevented from doing its own will, to the extent that it needed help from humanity to convince itself to do and be what it already does and is in the first place?


I'm only responding because you put the smilie there :eusa_think:. Figured it was a serious question. The reason we pray to God is because in a free election we have free will. That means humans can mess it up like they messed up paradise. They could vote for the wrong candidate. They could vote illegally. They could not vote. As for humiliation, you've seen the political commercials, ads and what the ex-Hollywood celebs have done. It doesn't make sense to take your clothes off to state a public service announcement if it doesn't make you want to vote, but puke.


"Vote like your life depended on it." C. Handler

I don't know or care who that is and the post has nothing to do with elections. It's asking why we (or anybody) would need to PRAY that "God's will be done", since "God" by definition is already going to do its will regardless what anybody wants. What would the alternative be? That "God" didn't do its will because not enough humans "prayed" for it?

It just doesn't add up.
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This part has always struck me as completely bizzaro:

We are fasting and praying for:

1) Gods will [sic] to be done

--- Let's assume this is supposed to mean "God's will" (the will of a monotheism "God") and not "the will of an indeterminate number of gods" --- why on earth or elsewhere would it ever be necessary to "pray" for God to do its own will? If "God" exists as described ........... then isn't it going to do whatever it wants by definition? How on earth could "God" be prevented from doing its own will, to the extent that it needed help from humanity to convince itself to do and be what it already does and is in the first place?


I'm only responding because you put the smilie there :eusa_think:. Figured it was a serious question. The reason we pray to God is because in a free election we have free will. That means humans can mess it up like they messed up paradise. They could vote for the wrong candidate. They could vote illegally. They could not vote. As for humiliation, you've seen the political commercials, ads and what the ex-Hollywood celebs have done. It doesn't make sense to take your clothes off to state a public service announcement if it doesn't make you want to vote, but puke.


"Vote like your life depended on it." C. Handler

I don't know or care who that is and the post has nothing to do with elections. It's asking why we (or anybody) would need to PRAY that "God's will be done", since "God" by definition is already going to do its will regardless what anybody wants. What would the alternative be? That "God" didn't do its will because not enough humans "prayed" for it?

It just doesn't add up.

God gives us free will. So we can choose not to follow Gods will.

When you understand that it makes perfect sense. That’s why Jesus taught us to pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

To other responses:

American citizens practicing humility would do more to heal us and unify us than any policy the government can conceive.

Atheists are free to participate or not. Prayers can call blessings upon them as much as anyone else in our society.

God blesses the heathen and the saint
Everyone is invited to my church of Scientology for a Zeta scan and to give us money.

You know...for unity!
Truvia question: which prayers will help America more tomorrow?

A. Prayers to Shiva

B. Prayers to Zeus

C. Prayers to Allah

D. Prayers to Jesus

E. Prayers to Lucifer

F. None of the above
Humbling yourself before God, fasting, and prayer... all good ways to reconnect with the force that binds us all but is not part of.

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