Humans - Good Start

HUMANS episode 5 was probably the weakest so far. The show has hit a low point, but has 3 episodes left to rebound.

I think they're writing themselves into the corner.

"Gee, you had sex with the totally hotter than me android!" Oh, please. They spent five episodes setting that up, and it was boring.

It opened up an interesting point. They are so life like is having sex with one cheating? Or is it a form of playing with one's self?
I mean in the end is it different than screwing a blow doll?

I have never done that in case you ask.

It's different for the Hawkins family. The little kid has bonded with the synth and the son is infatuated with her. The older daughter is taking an interest. Even the mother is growing an attachment. So, in addition to the issue of cheating there's a sense that Anita was somehow violated.
I'm not all that thrilled with the acting. And, it't taking a bit of time for the plot to develop. The cop being a synth is a neat twist.
The movie I remember about Westworld, where the programming went bad.

The thing is, you need a robot to handle your sexual fantisies you can't have a great personality. Your robot, which in theory is programed to respond to your cues, would have to go to the shop as the robot would quickly turn shrewish and vindicktive.

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