CDZ Humane Capitalism : an introduction


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Humane Capitalism

Cloud hosted at politics - Google Drive


Mid-2020AD, and the world is in turmoil. Riots during the election season in the U.S., a COVID-19 virus for which a vaccine still has to prove itself in the field, economic upheaval, and a new cold war brewing between NATO and it’s allies, and the Socialist/Marxist/Communists in Russia and China, together with *their* allies (Iran, Venezuela, to name a few).


Every time the rich start to hoard wealth and intellectual property because they become afraid of the growing populations, who are all consumers of goods and resources by nature, we end up with international tensions that can spark regional wars and economic / diplomatic wars and even real wars that cause mass-suffering.

So the rich resort to mis-direction of the populations, making the populations blame each other en-masse for what’s wrong in their societies, and those who call for an ability to acknowledge one’s own team’s mistakes, are made fun of or ignored.

Because it’s easier for the populations to blame the other groups, far away, than it is to fix themselves by acknowledging their own mistakes.

This is fundamentally wrong, and leads to real wars, that cause mass suffering, and much desire to reproduce into large new families after the war, which are then used and abused by the rich to produce the goods required to keep the populations happy until the next (cold) war.

I believe it’s about time these cycles of hatred and violence came to an end.

Classes of people, a.k.a. Professions
People are taught as children how to read, write, and which countries the world holds, the basics of history, the basics of some foreign languages that their country of origin is near to, so that they have a chance to make a decent life for themselves as adults.

In the school yard and in their neighborhoods / villages, they teach each other the basics of competition and struggle.

In school, they are also introduced to various professions for which adults believe there is a need to replenish the workforce with new workers as these workers mature.

Then comes the point at which the student must make a choice of which profession to pursue, to learn, and through competition with other students over grades scored for exams, they establish a hierarchy for their future paycheck level. Some will make more money than others, and this is a fairly honest result of how much talent and effort they put into their jobs as young adults, when they can still put in a lot of hours of work per day.

Most choose to become parents in their early adulthood, because this is the societal norm around the world. Family-size however, differs widely per continent and country.

Most choose to become workers for commercial companies, not leaders or police forces or medical doctors (the professions supported by tax money).

Only a very few are born into (super-)rich families, which oversee the flow of money, which in turn oversees the flow of material resources and produced goods.

Problems and Solutions

Let me be clear : dying of starvation is as bad as dying in war is. Having a bad life because of lack of resources is a life lived in unhappiness. And if your life, and your family’s life, is mostly unhappy, then what’s the point of being alive in the first place?..

So the rich can NOT be blamed for all that is wrong with the world, in my view.

Technological development, which includes agricultural technological development and which is necessary for a growing world population, requires that the rich are able to enjoy certain luxuries like private jets and expensive cars (which they use to establish a hierarchy between themselves that is displayed in their commerce choices).

Wars between the rich leading to wars between the populations

Since the internet has become commonplace, it is now competing for the populations’ attention with traditional media companies. However, in 2020, the internet still gets it’s clues and tips from the traditional media companies. And those are into mid-to-long-term planned mis-direction of attention, for seemingly political purposes, but in reality, I believe, it serves as a way for the super-rich families of this world to stay secure by controlling the movements of the populations.

Some news goes under-reported, such as how the previous leader of Libya wanted to upset the gold standard of the economy by minting (printing) his own gold coins, which led to aerial attacks by the U.S.A. to remove that leader and install a small allied government in the capital city of Libya, with a counterweight of a military leader who now controls much of the desert country side of Libya.

So an entire country is kept in a state of war, or cold war, because the new standard employed by the super rich families is to try to keep casualties down. Casualties make for the worst news, ever since WW1 and WW2 and the smaller regional wars that followed those two world wars.

One of the slogans that powered WW1 into reality was ‘the war to end all wars’.

One of the slogans that the Jews came up with after WW2, was simply : ‘never again’.

From this, and everything else that i’ve learned about history and the arts of war and politics throughout my life (i’m 43 at time of writing this), i conclude that the rich *are* willing to learn from their mistakes of the past.

This is why i recently advised the Democrats and Republicans in the U.S.A. to move some of the statues of the old US Confederates to inside museums, like the Black Lives Matter movement fought so hard for this election year,

as well as to petition for the creation of some new statues outside and inside museums, for leaders of the civil rights movements that the U.S. has seen protesting for so many decades now.

If there’s one thing the (super-)rich do not like, it would be for them to be forced by the populations into quick chances of the economy and society. The populations are expected to be patient.

This is evidenced by things as simple as the doctrines taught to all little kids in grammar school : sit still, obey the teacher (like you obey your boss later on in life), and don’t forget to do your homework.

And without this, humanity would fall into total consumerism and widespread creation of large families. Overpopulation problems would ruin everyone’s life. The rich know this, from what they see happening in low-wage countries and other countries where people grow large families just to be sure some of their children stand a chance of a measure of success.


Not everyone is born nice. Not everyone is born obedient. Some are outright evil in the flesh.

Some are deceptive by nature, employing either defensive lying habitually, or offensive and defensive lying habitually.

In the dark ages, these people were simply killed. These days, we (humanity as a whole) choose to imprison them instead. Giving them free but boring food, and shelter from the weather and cold of the nights, as well as plenty of 2nd and 3rd and 4th and N-th chances to learn from their mistakes and to *start* obeying the laws of the land.

I recommend we keep it this way. And you should know, even the protest groups that call for mercy in one region of the world over what is happening to their members in another part of the world, usually consist of both nice people, and not-nice people.

I don’t think a single group can be found on Earth that does not contain members that are hostile towards some other group in a way that becomes at least deceptive, or even down right (verbally) aggressive.


Ultimately, we live on a very competitive world with plenty of need to survive against hostile elements and life forms.

And even the marxists / socialists / communists of this world can not escape the need for a resource-and-money based economy to sustain their populations and their rich and their leaders.

It is greed and a refusal to accept changes in ways of doing business, that bring us the most evil.

It is hate between the populations, and the planned fostering of that hate, that brings us the most fear for the future.

And it is the fear of what nastiness the future might bring, that cause panic-moves like the stealing of intellectual property, the escalation into diplomatic and cold wars, which then lead to regional wars in which mass suffering is caused onto the innocent!

It’s just a few more steps of sociological evolution before we can overcome all of this and embrace the ability for our planet to use our planning and education and competitions to sustain a much larger human population on an Earth that is home to a lot more pretty farm land, dotted with tourist attractions that will bring us all much joy.
The super rich control the government. They aren’t about to give up control without a fight. They use their ownership of the media to control the narrative to their benefit. The media and the owned political parties do the bidding of the super rich. They divide us to control us.

It’s an old story repeated many times throughout human history.
The super rich control the government. They aren’t about to give up control without a fight. They use their ownership of the media to control the narrative to their benefit. The media and the owned political parties do the bidding of the super rich. They divide us to control us.

It’s an old story repeated many times throughout human history.
Jimmy Carter controlled the Presidency for 4 years. Short? Well, he managed to take America's investment of building the Panama Canal that is now run by 2 communist countries--officially, China, and all the territory around the Canal, the Russians are there in full coop with their comrades in China and are totally there, controlling passage in that part of the world.

Now, China is running little countries down with big ships offshore, threats to take out their freedoms and replace it with a huge impoverished lower class and a few rich-bitch controllers.

Good ol' Jimmy. Now, not a single person from Panama owns anything. Things have a way of getting expropriated when the Commies come to town and spend a night or two.

American Casualties of working on the Panama Canal: The Panama Canal’s forgotten casualties
The super rich control the government. They aren’t about to give up control without a fight. They use their ownership of the media to control the narrative to their benefit. The media and the owned political parties do the bidding of the super rich. They divide us to control us.

It’s an old story repeated many times throughout human history.
Jimmy Carter controlled the Presidency for 4 years. Short? Well, he managed to take America's investment of building the Panama Canal that is now run by 2 communist countries--officially, China, and all the territory around the Canal, the Russians are there in full coop with their comrades in China and are totally there, controlling passage in that part of the world.

Now, China is running little countries down with big ships offshore, threats to take out their freedoms and replace it with a huge impoverished lower class and a few rich-bitch controllers.

Good ol' Jimmy. Now, not a single person from Panama owns anything. Things have a way of getting expropriated when the Commies come to town and spend a night or two.

American Casualties of working on the Panama Canal: The Panama Canal’s forgotten casualties
It looks like Democrats today are trying to duplicate what China did to Panama. Confiscate property and rights to increase their own wealth and power. It'll be a sad day in America if we let that happen, and it WILL happen if we elect Biden.
Humane Capitalism

Cloud hosted at politics - Google Drive


Mid-2020AD, and the world is in turmoil. Riots during the election season in the U.S., a COVID-19 virus for which a vaccine still has to prove itself in the field, economic upheaval, and a new cold war brewing between NATO and it’s allies, and the Socialist/Marxist/Communists in Russia and China, together with *their* allies (Iran, Venezuela, to name a few).


Every time the rich start to hoard wealth and intellectual property because they become afraid of the growing populations, who are all consumers of goods and resources by nature, we end up with international tensions that can spark regional wars and economic / diplomatic wars and even real wars that cause mass-suffering.

So the rich resort to mis-direction of the populations, making the populations blame each other en-masse for what’s wrong in their societies, and those who call for an ability to acknowledge one’s own team’s mistakes, are made fun of or ignored.

Because it’s easier for the populations to blame the other groups, far away, than it is to fix themselves by acknowledging their own mistakes.

This is fundamentally wrong, and leads to real wars, that cause mass suffering, and much desire to reproduce into large new families after the war, which are then used and abused by the rich to produce the goods required to keep the populations happy until the next (cold) war.

I believe it’s about time these cycles of hatred and violence came to an end.

Classes of people, a.k.a. Professions
People are taught as children how to read, write, and which countries the world holds, the basics of history, the basics of some foreign languages that their country of origin is near to, so that they have a chance to make a decent life for themselves as adults.

In the school yard and in their neighborhoods / villages, they teach each other the basics of competition and struggle.

In school, they are also introduced to various professions for which adults believe there is a need to replenish the workforce with new workers as these workers mature.

Then comes the point at which the student must make a choice of which profession to pursue, to learn, and through competition with other students over grades scored for exams, they establish a hierarchy for their future paycheck level. Some will make more money than others, and this is a fairly honest result of how much talent and effort they put into their jobs as young adults, when they can still put in a lot of hours of work per day.

Most choose to become parents in their early adulthood, because this is the societal norm around the world. Family-size however, differs widely per continent and country.

Most choose to become workers for commercial companies, not leaders or police forces or medical doctors (the professions supported by tax money).

Only a very few are born into (super-)rich families, which oversee the flow of money, which in turn oversees the flow of material resources and produced goods.

Problems and Solutions

Let me be clear : dying of starvation is as bad as dying in war is. Having a bad life because of lack of resources is a life lived in unhappiness. And if your life, and your family’s life, is mostly unhappy, then what’s the point of being alive in the first place?..

So the rich can NOT be blamed for all that is wrong with the world, in my view.

Technological development, which includes agricultural technological development and which is necessary for a growing world population, requires that the rich are able to enjoy certain luxuries like private jets and expensive cars (which they use to establish a hierarchy between themselves that is displayed in their commerce choices).

Wars between the rich leading to wars between the populations

Since the internet has become commonplace, it is now competing for the populations’ attention with traditional media companies. However, in 2020, the internet still gets it’s clues and tips from the traditional media companies. And those are into mid-to-long-term planned mis-direction of attention, for seemingly political purposes, but in reality, I believe, it serves as a way for the super-rich families of this world to stay secure by controlling the movements of the populations.

Some news goes under-reported, such as how the previous leader of Libya wanted to upset the gold standard of the economy by minting (printing) his own gold coins, which led to aerial attacks by the U.S.A. to remove that leader and install a small allied government in the capital city of Libya, with a counterweight of a military leader who now controls much of the desert country side of Libya.

So an entire country is kept in a state of war, or cold war, because the new standard employed by the super rich families is to try to keep casualties down. Casualties make for the worst news, ever since WW1 and WW2 and the smaller regional wars that followed those two world wars.

One of the slogans that powered WW1 into reality was ‘the war to end all wars’.

One of the slogans that the Jews came up with after WW2, was simply : ‘never again’.

From this, and everything else that i’ve learned about history and the arts of war and politics throughout my life (i’m 43 at time of writing this), i conclude that the rich *are* willing to learn from their mistakes of the past.

This is why i recently advised the Democrats and Republicans in the U.S.A. to move some of the statues of the old US Confederates to inside museums, like the Black Lives Matter movement fought so hard for this election year,

as well as to petition for the creation of some new statues outside and inside museums, for leaders of the civil rights movements that the U.S. has seen protesting for so many decades now.

If there’s one thing the (super-)rich do not like, it would be for them to be forced by the populations into quick chances of the economy and society. The populations are expected to be patient.

This is evidenced by things as simple as the doctrines taught to all little kids in grammar school : sit still, obey the teacher (like you obey your boss later on in life), and don’t forget to do your homework.

And without this, humanity would fall into total consumerism and widespread creation of large families. Overpopulation problems would ruin everyone’s life. The rich know this, from what they see happening in low-wage countries and other countries where people grow large families just to be sure some of their children stand a chance of a measure of success.


Not everyone is born nice. Not everyone is born obedient. Some are outright evil in the flesh.

Some are deceptive by nature, employing either defensive lying habitually, or offensive and defensive lying habitually.

In the dark ages, these people were simply killed. These days, we (humanity as a whole) choose to imprison them instead. Giving them free but boring food, and shelter from the weather and cold of the nights, as well as plenty of 2nd and 3rd and 4th and N-th chances to learn from their mistakes and to *start* obeying the laws of the land.

I recommend we keep it this way. And you should know, even the protest groups that call for mercy in one region of the world over what is happening to their members in another part of the world, usually consist of both nice people, and not-nice people.

I don’t think a single group can be found on Earth that does not contain members that are hostile towards some other group in a way that becomes at least deceptive, or even down right (verbally) aggressive.


Ultimately, we live on a very competitive world with plenty of need to survive against hostile elements and life forms.

And even the marxists / socialists / communists of this world can not escape the need for a resource-and-money based economy to sustain their populations and their rich and their leaders.

It is greed and a refusal to accept changes in ways of doing business, that bring us the most evil.

It is hate between the populations, and the planned fostering of that hate, that brings us the most fear for the future.

And it is the fear of what nastiness the future might bring, that cause panic-moves like the stealing of intellectual property, the escalation into diplomatic and cold wars, which then lead to regional wars in which mass suffering is caused onto the innocent!

It’s just a few more steps of sociological evolution before we can overcome all of this and embrace the ability for our planet to use our planning and education and competitions to sustain a much larger human population on an Earth that is home to a lot more pretty farm land, dotted with tourist attractions that will bring us all much joy.

This is wrong....

We have turmoil because some human beings want power over other human beings and are willing, as black lives matter and antifa show, to burn, loot and kill to get that power. Our country is the least racist and most prosperous country for all Americans than any other country in the world....but some would rather rule in hell than live in heaven....that is the problem with black lives matter and antifa....
i have decided that the Democrats in the US should have a real chance at winning the upcoming US national elections.

i don't like Trump's calls for a new cold war one bit, you see.
i don't see anything wrong with China "stealing" some intellectual property, because the Republican-led super-wealthy Americans were probably engaging in unfair trade practices for decades, which led to this whole escalation.

let's stop this encroaching cold war dead in it's tracks by electing a Democrat as US President!

and for the record : i have stopped believing you Republican haters entirely.
all you do is sprout rehashed propaganda that you're fed by Republican media outlets like Fox News, which i watched quite a lot in recent times. it kinda disgusts me now though..
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Every time the rich start to hoard wealth and intellectual property...

Wealth hoarding doesn't arise from 'disposition' or undisciplined traits or even reactionary tendencies among the wealthy. When ownership and operation of the means of production and distribution are separated, irreconcilable class interests are put into motion. In addition to the basic contradictions between private ownership and social production, there are also basic contradictions arising from the contrary interests of nation states competing for dominance of global economic markets.

The particulars of life under this system can be discussed endlessly to no avail. Without resolution to those basic contradictions, the meaningful and permanent changes that are needed are not forthcoming. The problem is, Capital HAS no resolution of those contradictions.

As an aside, I see no socialist/Marxist country in the world today; that includes the nation states you name.
i have decided that the Democrats in the US should have a real chance at winning the upcoming US national elections.

i don't like Trump's calls for a new cold war one bit, you see.
i don't see anything wrong with China "stealing" some intellectual property, because the Republican-led super-wealthy Americans were probably engaging in unfair trade practices for decades, which led to this whole escalation.

let's stop this encroaching cold war dead in it's tracks by electing a Democrat as US President!

and for the record : i have stopped believing you Republican haters entirely.
all you do is sprout rehashed propaganda that you're fed by Republican media outlets like Fox News, which i watched quite a lot in recent times. it kinda disgusts me now though..
Gee, I'm sorry, peacefan. Guess you better buy a brown shirt if you go with the guy with brain disconnect. The Democrats are just using him to get someone else in there who can't win. Since he hasn't decided on which "black" woman the Democrats claim he wants for Vice President, I just betcha it will be Hillary Rodham Clinton, aka in some circles Lady MacBeth due to all the blood shed by friends she was on the outs with just prior to their death, incarceration, suicide, etc. You better watch out if she likes you.
Every time the rich start to hoard wealth and intellectual property...

Wealth hoarding doesn't arise from 'disposition' or undisciplined traits or even reactionary tendencies among the wealthy. When ownership and operation of the means of production and distribution are separated, irreconcilable class interests are put into motion. In addition to the basic contradictions between private ownership and social production, there are also basic contradictions arising from the contrary interests of nation states competing for dominance of global economic markets.

The particulars of life under this system can be discussed endlessly to no avail. Without resolution to those basic contradictions, the meaningful and permanent changes that are needed are not forthcoming. The problem is, Capital HAS no resolution of those contradictions.

As an aside, I see no socialist/Marxist country in the world today; that includes the nation states you name.
Welcome to USMB< Trotsky's Spectre. Hope you enjoy the boards, unless your first post was a hit and run. We get a lot of those.
Humane Capitalism

Cloud hosted at politics - Google Drive


Mid-2020AD, and the world is in turmoil. Riots during the election season in the U.S., a COVID-19 virus for which a vaccine still has to prove itself in the field, economic upheaval, and a new cold war brewing between NATO and it’s allies, and the Socialist/Marxist/Communists in Russia and China, together with *their* allies (Iran, Venezuela, to name a few).


Every time the rich start to hoard wealth and intellectual property because they become afraid of the growing populations, who are all consumers of goods and resources by nature, we end up with international tensions that can spark regional wars and economic / diplomatic wars and even real wars that cause mass-suffering.

So the rich resort to mis-direction of the populations, making the populations blame each other en-masse for what’s wrong in their societies, and those who call for an ability to acknowledge one’s own team’s mistakes, are made fun of or ignored.

Because it’s easier for the populations to blame the other groups, far away, than it is to fix themselves by acknowledging their own mistakes.

This is fundamentally wrong, and leads to real wars, that cause mass suffering, and much desire to reproduce into large new families after the war, which are then used and abused by the rich to produce the goods required to keep the populations happy until the next (cold) war.

I believe it’s about time these cycles of hatred and violence came to an end.

Classes of people, a.k.a. Professions
People are taught as children how to read, write, and which countries the world holds, the basics of history, the basics of some foreign languages that their country of origin is near to, so that they have a chance to make a decent life for themselves as adults.

In the school yard and in their neighborhoods / villages, they teach each other the basics of competition and struggle.

In school, they are also introduced to various professions for which adults believe there is a need to replenish the workforce with new workers as these workers mature.

Then comes the point at which the student must make a choice of which profession to pursue, to learn, and through competition with other students over grades scored for exams, they establish a hierarchy for their future paycheck level. Some will make more money than others, and this is a fairly honest result of how much talent and effort they put into their jobs as young adults, when they can still put in a lot of hours of work per day.

Most choose to become parents in their early adulthood, because this is the societal norm around the world. Family-size however, differs widely per continent and country.

Most choose to become workers for commercial companies, not leaders or police forces or medical doctors (the professions supported by tax money).

Only a very few are born into (super-)rich families, which oversee the flow of money, which in turn oversees the flow of material resources and produced goods.

Problems and Solutions

Let me be clear : dying of starvation is as bad as dying in war is. Having a bad life because of lack of resources is a life lived in unhappiness. And if your life, and your family’s life, is mostly unhappy, then what’s the point of being alive in the first place?..

So the rich can NOT be blamed for all that is wrong with the world, in my view.

Technological development, which includes agricultural technological development and which is necessary for a growing world population, requires that the rich are able to enjoy certain luxuries like private jets and expensive cars (which they use to establish a hierarchy between themselves that is displayed in their commerce choices).

Wars between the rich leading to wars between the populations

Since the internet has become commonplace, it is now competing for the populations’ attention with traditional media companies. However, in 2020, the internet still gets it’s clues and tips from the traditional media companies. And those are into mid-to-long-term planned mis-direction of attention, for seemingly political purposes, but in reality, I believe, it serves as a way for the super-rich families of this world to stay secure by controlling the movements of the populations.

Some news goes under-reported, such as how the previous leader of Libya wanted to upset the gold standard of the economy by minting (printing) his own gold coins, which led to aerial attacks by the U.S.A. to remove that leader and install a small allied government in the capital city of Libya, with a counterweight of a military leader who now controls much of the desert country side of Libya.

So an entire country is kept in a state of war, or cold war, because the new standard employed by the super rich families is to try to keep casualties down. Casualties make for the worst news, ever since WW1 and WW2 and the smaller regional wars that followed those two world wars.

One of the slogans that powered WW1 into reality was ‘the war to end all wars’.

One of the slogans that the Jews came up with after WW2, was simply : ‘never again’.

From this, and everything else that i’ve learned about history and the arts of war and politics throughout my life (i’m 43 at time of writing this), i conclude that the rich *are* willing to learn from their mistakes of the past.

This is why i recently advised the Democrats and Republicans in the U.S.A. to move some of the statues of the old US Confederates to inside museums, like the Black Lives Matter movement fought so hard for this election year,

as well as to petition for the creation of some new statues outside and inside museums, for leaders of the civil rights movements that the U.S. has seen protesting for so many decades now.

If there’s one thing the (super-)rich do not like, it would be for them to be forced by the populations into quick chances of the economy and society. The populations are expected to be patient.

This is evidenced by things as simple as the doctrines taught to all little kids in grammar school : sit still, obey the teacher (like you obey your boss later on in life), and don’t forget to do your homework.

And without this, humanity would fall into total consumerism and widespread creation of large families. Overpopulation problems would ruin everyone’s life. The rich know this, from what they see happening in low-wage countries and other countries where people grow large families just to be sure some of their children stand a chance of a measure of success.


Not everyone is born nice. Not everyone is born obedient. Some are outright evil in the flesh.

Some are deceptive by nature, employing either defensive lying habitually, or offensive and defensive lying habitually.

In the dark ages, these people were simply killed. These days, we (humanity as a whole) choose to imprison them instead. Giving them free but boring food, and shelter from the weather and cold of the nights, as well as plenty of 2nd and 3rd and 4th and N-th chances to learn from their mistakes and to *start* obeying the laws of the land.

I recommend we keep it this way. And you should know, even the protest groups that call for mercy in one region of the world over what is happening to their members in another part of the world, usually consist of both nice people, and not-nice people.

I don’t think a single group can be found on Earth that does not contain members that are hostile towards some other group in a way that becomes at least deceptive, or even down right (verbally) aggressive.


Ultimately, we live on a very competitive world with plenty of need to survive against hostile elements and life forms.

And even the marxists / socialists / communists of this world can not escape the need for a resource-and-money based economy to sustain their populations and their rich and their leaders.

It is greed and a refusal to accept changes in ways of doing business, that bring us the most evil.

It is hate between the populations, and the planned fostering of that hate, that brings us the most fear for the future.

And it is the fear of what nastiness the future might bring, that cause panic-moves like the stealing of intellectual property, the escalation into diplomatic and cold wars, which then lead to regional wars in which mass suffering is caused onto the innocent!

It’s just a few more steps of sociological evolution before we can overcome all of this and embrace the ability for our planet to use our planning and education and competitions to sustain a much larger human population on an Earth that is home to a lot more pretty farm land, dotted with tourist attractions that will bring us all much joy.

So what?
The super rich control the government. They aren’t about to give up control without a fight. They use their ownership of the media to control the narrative to their benefit. The media and the owned political parties do the bidding of the super rich. They divide us to control us.

It’s an old story repeated many times throughout human history.

I've never understood this claim. I see the "super rich" who have so much control over government, getting exactly what they don't want routinely.

How many companies came out against Obama Care, and it was still passed? Frank-Dodd act, and it was still passed?

One of the biggest companies in the entire country, with some of the most wealthy people, and influential people, Enron... and they tossed their butts in prison.

If the super wealthy elite in this country have so much control over the government, then why do they routinely get what they don't want passed, and have themselves tossed in prison, or with massive fines?

World Com, Tyco, Refco, and dozens of others. Why didn't they just have the government bail them out? Why did some go to prison? I thought they owned the government and had control?

Such stupid crap people come up with.
The super rich control the government. They aren’t about to give up control without a fight. They use their ownership of the media to control the narrative to their benefit. The media and the owned political parties do the bidding of the super rich. They divide us to control us.

It’s an old story repeated many times throughout human history.

I've never understood this claim. I see the "super rich" who have so much control over government, getting exactly what they don't want routinely.

How many companies came out against Obama Care, and it was still passed? Frank-Dodd act, and it was still passed?

One of the biggest companies in the entire country, with some of the most wealthy people, and influential people, Enron... and they tossed their butts in prison.

If the super wealthy elite in this country have so much control over the government, then why do they routinely get what they don't want passed, and have themselves tossed in prison, or with massive fines?

World Com, Tyco, Refco, and dozens of others. Why didn't they just have the government bail them out? Why did some go to prison? I thought they owned the government and had control?

Such stupid crap people come up with.

You need to do some research. The extreme wealthy always get what they want. The companies against Ocare were small. Ocare enriched big pharma, hospital, and insurance. All big donors to the D party.

How can you not know this. The wealthy buy the politicians. They’re for sale for Christ’s sake. Have been for decades.

Get informed. It’s not hard.
The super rich control the government. They aren’t about to give up control without a fight. They use their ownership of the media to control the narrative to their benefit. The media and the owned political parties do the bidding of the super rich. They divide us to control us.

It’s an old story repeated many times throughout human history.

I've never understood this claim. I see the "super rich" who have so much control over government, getting exactly what they don't want routinely.

How many companies came out against Obama Care, and it was still passed? Frank-Dodd act, and it was still passed?

One of the biggest companies in the entire country, with some of the most wealthy people, and influential people, Enron... and they tossed their butts in prison.

If the super wealthy elite in this country have so much control over the government, then why do they routinely get what they don't want passed, and have themselves tossed in prison, or with massive fines?

World Com, Tyco, Refco, and dozens of others. Why didn't they just have the government bail them out? Why did some go to prison? I thought they owned the government and had control?

Such stupid crap people come up with.

You need to do some research. The extreme wealthy always get what they want. The companies against Ocare were small. Ocare enriched big pharma, hospital, and insurance. All big donors to the D party.

How can you not know this. The wealthy buy the politicians. They’re for sale for Christ’s sake. Have been for decades.

Get informed. It’s not hard.

All government programs that involve handing out tons of money, or regulations.... all of them enrich the companies they are in charge of. If they didn't, those companies would close or go bankrupt.

If Obama care did not enrich those pharma companies, they would refuse to participate. Why participate in a system that does not make you money?

So of course.... OF COURSE.... government programs are going to enrich the wealthy. They all do.

The only possible way to not have government enrich the wealthy, is to not have the program at all.

That does not change the fact that massive companies opposed Obama care, and it happened anyway.

Big companies like McDonald's and numerous others opposed Obama Care.

Why didn't the super wealthy who controlled government according to you, stop it? Why didn't the massive credit card companies stop the CARD Act? Why didn't the massive communications companies, stop the idiotic net neutrality rules from happening?

Now I'm not suggesting that big companies have zero influence. Obviously they have some amount of influence. But to say they own government? No not even close. Ridiculous claim.
[/QUOTE]Welcome to USMB< Trotsky's Spectre. Hope you enjoy the boards, unless your first post was a hit and run. We get a lot of those.[/QUOTE]

Thank you. Likely, I'll stick around a while...
The super rich control the government. They aren’t about to give up control without a fight. They use their ownership of the media to control the narrative to their benefit. The media and the owned political parties do the bidding of the super rich. They divide us to control us.

It’s an old story repeated many times throughout human history.

I've never understood this claim. I see the "super rich" who have so much control over government, getting exactly what they don't want routinely.

How many companies came out against Obama Care, and it was still passed? Frank-Dodd act, and it was still passed?

One of the biggest companies in the entire country, with some of the most wealthy people, and influential people, Enron... and they tossed their butts in prison.

If the super wealthy elite in this country have so much control over the government, then why do they routinely get what they don't want passed, and have themselves tossed in prison, or with massive fines?

World Com, Tyco, Refco, and dozens of others. Why didn't they just have the government bail them out? Why did some go to prison? I thought they owned the government and had control?

Such stupid crap people come up with.

You need to do some research. The extreme wealthy always get what they want. The companies against Ocare were small. Ocare enriched big pharma, hospital, and insurance. All big donors to the D party.

How can you not know this. The wealthy buy the politicians. They’re for sale for Christ’s sake. Have been for decades.

Get informed. It’s not hard.

All government programs that involve handing out tons of money, or regulations.... all of them enrich the companies they are in charge of. If they didn't, those companies would close or go bankrupt.

If Obama care did not enrich those pharma companies, they would refuse to participate. Why participate in a system that does not make you money?

So of course.... OF COURSE.... government programs are going to enrich the wealthy. They all do.

The only possible way to not have government enrich the wealthy, is to not have the program at all.

That does not change the fact that massive companies opposed Obama care, and it happened anyway.

Big companies like McDonald's and numerous others opposed Obama Care.

Why didn't the super wealthy who controlled government according to you, stop it? Why didn't the massive credit card companies stop the CARD Act? Why didn't the massive communications companies, stop the idiotic net neutrality rules from happening?

Now I'm not suggesting that big companies have zero influence. Obviously they have some amount of influence. But to say they own government? No not even close. Ridiculous claim.
They not only own the government, they control it. It’s not really big corporations. It’s the CEOs of those big corporations. If you don’t think Bezos, Gates, Soros, Zuckerfuck, and many other billionaires don’t have enormous political power, you aren’t thinking.

Here’s a great book that is one of many, that will enlighten you.
The super rich control the government. They aren’t about to give up control without a fight. They use their ownership of the media to control the narrative to their benefit. The media and the owned political parties do the bidding of the super rich. They divide us to control us.

It’s an old story repeated many times throughout human history.

I've never understood this claim. I see the "super rich" who have so much control over government, getting exactly what they don't want routinely.

How many companies came out against Obama Care, and it was still passed? Frank-Dodd act, and it was still passed?

One of the biggest companies in the entire country, with some of the most wealthy people, and influential people, Enron... and they tossed their butts in prison.

If the super wealthy elite in this country have so much control over the government, then why do they routinely get what they don't want passed, and have themselves tossed in prison, or with massive fines?

World Com, Tyco, Refco, and dozens of others. Why didn't they just have the government bail them out? Why did some go to prison? I thought they owned the government and had control?

Such stupid crap people come up with.

You need to do some research. The extreme wealthy always get what they want. The companies against Ocare were small. Ocare enriched big pharma, hospital, and insurance. All big donors to the D party.

How can you not know this. The wealthy buy the politicians. They’re for sale for Christ’s sake. Have been for decades.

Get informed. It’s not hard.

All government programs that involve handing out tons of money, or regulations.... all of them enrich the companies they are in charge of. If they didn't, those companies would close or go bankrupt.

If Obama care did not enrich those pharma companies, they would refuse to participate. Why participate in a system that does not make you money?

So of course.... OF COURSE.... government programs are going to enrich the wealthy. They all do.

The only possible way to not have government enrich the wealthy, is to not have the program at all.

That does not change the fact that massive companies opposed Obama care, and it happened anyway.

Big companies like McDonald's and numerous others opposed Obama Care.

Why didn't the super wealthy who controlled government according to you, stop it? Why didn't the massive credit card companies stop the CARD Act? Why didn't the massive communications companies, stop the idiotic net neutrality rules from happening?

Now I'm not suggesting that big companies have zero influence. Obviously they have some amount of influence. But to say they own government? No not even close. Ridiculous claim.
They not only own the government, they control it. It’s not really big corporations. It’s the CEOs of those big corporations. If you don’t think Bezos, Gates, Soros, Zuckerfuck, and many other billionaires don’t have enormous political power, you aren’t thinking.

Here’s a great book that is one of many, that will enlighten you.
View attachment 367656

So other than the facts that consistently contradict your claim....

What evidence do you have?

By the way, that book doesn't make your point. In fact, that book makes the opposite point. That the ruling class, are the people who are in government, the career bureaucrats, the people who live and die, trying to stay in positions of power in the government.

I'm amused slightly that you posted a book that destroys your argument.

If you would like to be "enlightened" as you say, check out this video by the author of the book.

At 2:38, he gives a clear example, which I agree with, about Ronald Reagan. Reagan got up and gave a speech about the Soviet Union, and how people said that Ronald Reagan, president of the United States, did not represent the views of the US government. Which was true.

Those are the ruling elites. The people within government, the unelected that use their unlimited influence that surpasses who is in office, that are controlling everything.

We just saw this by the way. Trump is not part of the in-crowd, and they tried to get rid of him, because he wasn't using their infinite wisdom.
Every time the rich start to hoard wealth and intellectual property...

Wealth hoarding doesn't arise from 'disposition' or undisciplined traits or even reactionary tendencies among the wealthy. When ownership and operation of the means of production and distribution are separated, irreconcilable class interests are put into motion. In addition to the basic contradictions between private ownership and social production, there are also basic contradictions arising from the contrary interests of nation states competing for dominance of global economic markets.

The particulars of life under this system can be discussed endlessly to no avail. Without resolution to those basic contradictions, the meaningful and permanent changes that are needed are not forthcoming. The problem is, Capital HAS no resolution of those contradictions.

As an aside, I see no socialist/Marxist country in the world today; that includes the nation states you name.
that's the first sensible response i got so far.. ;)

i'll be thinking about this long & hard..

quick question : what are your feelings about instituting a sort of wealth-cap for individuals and companies? something that would see their total wealth heavily taxed if it grows beyond a certain point?
there would be problems with companies teaming up, and companies buying expensive luxury items as gifts for their most loyal leaders and employees, but with the proper tax oversight, these encroachment risks can be averted, i think..
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i have decided that the Democrats in the US should have a real chance at winning the upcoming US national elections.

i don't like Trump's calls for a new cold war one bit, you see.
i don't see anything wrong with China "stealing" some intellectual property, because the Republican-led super-wealthy Americans were probably engaging in unfair trade practices for decades, which led to this whole escalation.

let's stop this encroaching cold war dead in it's tracks by electing a Democrat as US President!

and for the record : i have stopped believing you Republican haters entirely.
all you do is sprout rehashed propaganda that you're fed by Republican media outlets like Fox News, which i watched quite a lot in recent times. it kinda disgusts me now though..
Gee, I'm sorry, peacefan. Guess you better buy a brown shirt if you go with the guy with brain disconnect. The Democrats are just using him to get someone else in there who can't win. Since he hasn't decided on which "black" woman the Democrats claim he wants for Vice President, I just betcha it will be Hillary Rodham Clinton, aka in some circles Lady MacBeth due to all the blood shed by friends she was on the outs with just prior to their death, incarceration, suicide, etc. You better watch out if she likes you.
yeah, i'm already having real second thoughts about supporting Biden instead of Trump.. The US and NATO does need protection against the super-wealthy of Asia, and i do believe Trump and his friends in office to be the more suitable candidates for that job.
not to mention that Trump is doing all he can against COVID and the rioting that has sparked much extra violence in the poorer neighborhoods of some US cities.

i'm also not happy with the blind support that some of these Democrat leaders in regional US offices give to the BLM movement, like their support for tent cities and defunding of the police..
that smells like 'saving your own ass at the long-term expense of regional stability'.. :(
The super rich control the government. They aren’t about to give up control without a fight. They use their ownership of the media to control the narrative to their benefit. The media and the owned political parties do the bidding of the super rich. They divide us to control us.

It’s an old story repeated many times throughout human history.

I've never understood this claim. I see the "super rich" who have so much control over government, getting exactly what they don't want routinely.

How many companies came out against Obama Care, and it was still passed? Frank-Dodd act, and it was still passed?

One of the biggest companies in the entire country, with some of the most wealthy people, and influential people, Enron... and they tossed their butts in prison.

If the super wealthy elite in this country have so much control over the government, then why do they routinely get what they don't want passed, and have themselves tossed in prison, or with massive fines?

World Com, Tyco, Refco, and dozens of others. Why didn't they just have the government bail them out? Why did some go to prison? I thought they owned the government and had control?

Such stupid crap people come up with.

You need to do some research. The extreme wealthy always get what they want. The companies against Ocare were small. Ocare enriched big pharma, hospital, and insurance. All big donors to the D party.

How can you not know this. The wealthy buy the politicians. They’re for sale for Christ’s sake. Have been for decades.

Get informed. It’s not hard.

All government programs that involve handing out tons of money, or regulations.... all of them enrich the companies they are in charge of. If they didn't, those companies would close or go bankrupt.

If Obama care did not enrich those pharma companies, they would refuse to participate. Why participate in a system that does not make you money?

So of course.... OF COURSE.... government programs are going to enrich the wealthy. They all do.

The only possible way to not have government enrich the wealthy, is to not have the program at all.

That does not change the fact that massive companies opposed Obama care, and it happened anyway.

Big companies like McDonald's and numerous others opposed Obama Care.

Why didn't the super wealthy who controlled government according to you, stop it? Why didn't the massive credit card companies stop the CARD Act? Why didn't the massive communications companies, stop the idiotic net neutrality rules from happening?

Now I'm not suggesting that big companies have zero influence. Obviously they have some amount of influence. But to say they own government? No not even close. Ridiculous claim.
if there's one thing to be said for the US it's your affinity for true free speech that leads into your legal system and then on to law making..
i have decided that the Democrats in the US should have a real chance at winning the upcoming US national elections.

i don't like Trump's calls for a new cold war one bit, you see.
i don't see anything wrong with China "stealing" some intellectual property, because the Republican-led super-wealthy Americans were probably engaging in unfair trade practices for decades, which led to this whole escalation.

let's stop this encroaching cold war dead in it's tracks by electing a Democrat as US President!

and for the record : i have stopped believing you Republican haters entirely.

Your Chinese masters will not spare you if biden wins........
unlike you, i'm an actually free man.
But you need to keep that secret from us? is that correct?...tell us why you are free unlike us!

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