Huge Advance In Education!

I have said that unless we wrest control of education back from the Democrat/Liberal government schools, as earlier Republicans pried their slaves away from them, the nation has no future.

But....I couldn't see any possible way to do this........

"Coronavirus has parents looking at homeschooling

With the COVID-19 virus closing schools in China, South Korea, Italy, and the United States, parents are having to make a sudden and unexpected change in their children’s education. Most often, it means shifting education into the home.

This learning at home looks different in different places. In Hong Kong, the government ordered 800,000 students to take what the Wall Street Journal calls “a crash course in digital learning.”

In New York City, parents are already seeking out homeschooling resources that fit their children and their families in preparation for any school closings.

The freedom of parents to choose the kind of education that’s best for each child is something we’ve been advocating for more than 35 years.

Homeschool grads go to college, join the military, launch their own businesses, and start families. They serve in soup kitchens, run for office, fight fires, and give back to their communities in many other ways.

In fact, more than 1.7 million students are homeschooling in the U.S., according to the National Center for Education Statistics.If both parents are working, it is still possible to make homeschooling work through options such as alternating work schedules or one parent working from home. It takes creativity, commitment, and even saying, “No,” to some opportunities. But without the restriction of a traditional school-day schedule, families are able to carve out time together and even flex their homeschool schedule along with variable work schedules (such as healthcare providers or cross-country transport)."
Coronavirus has parents looking at homeschooling

This is the sad positive aspect. We may end up with better educated kids than ever before, and less left-wing indoctrinated kids than ever before.

My sister has seriously considered now, just keeping her 6 children at home for school forever, but she's seeing them improve more under her teaching, than in the schools.
I am angry because you dipshits cannot even recognize when you are talking out of your ass. You would argue with a wall! I have a Master's degree in the topic and you can't even Google worth a damn!
You have a master's degree in common core? That is what you argued with me, common core. Certainly if you have a master's in anything else, you are unqualified to speak of common core. By your rules.
Of course, you call me a liar when I am a witness to what is being taught as I have children in school right now, which you do not. You are not even a teacher, anymore, are you? Grandpa! I have children bringing The Common Core home, I see it and try to help with it, and you call me a liar!

You behave like an asshole and a bigot. "projecting", you are doing what you accuse others of. You are talking out your ass. Hell, you argued with the common core, itself. Speaking of arguing with walls.
I see they are not the only ones who cannot read. They didn't get a dime. The money went back to the schools. They are also elementary schools. Want to bet most of the plaintiffs are illegals from Mexico or their children?
I will take that bigoted bet. You certainly are an asshole. I spent 20 years in California. The sad fact is that most those illegal aliens are a better person than you are. As you demonstrate with your bigoted comments. You do realize your posts are angry stereotypes. Most children from mexico learn english and do as well if not better than the other children. Their parents make sure of that for they fear deportation otherwise. I have had mexican moms complain that their children are becoming to American in our schools.

Of course, you being a bigot will fly off the handle and argue that you are right and I do not know what I speak of. You are simply an angry fearful grandpa that spews out nothing but bigotry.
I am angry because you dipshits cannot even recognize when you are talking out of your ass. You would argue with a wall! I have a Master's degree in the topic and you can't even Google worth a damn!
You have a master's degree in common core? That is what you argued with me, common core. Certainly if you have a master's in anything else, you are unqualified to speak of common core. By your rules.
Of course, you call me a liar when I am a witness to what is being taught as I have children in school right now, which you do not. You are not even a teacher, anymore, are you? Grandpa! I have children bringing The Common Core home, I see it and try to help with it, and you call me a liar!

You behave like an asshole and a bigot. "projecting", you are doing what you accuse others of. You are talking out your ass. Hell, you argued with the common core, itself. Speaking of arguing with walls.

I have a Master's degree in education which you show no evidence of even having a GED. Where is that Common Core history standard I asked you to post and highlight the history content? Still looking? It isn't up your ass with your, head is it?

They are not bringing Common Core home because they would learn nothing from a standard. See! You are stupid you don't even know the difference in standards and a curriculum, neither of which is homework. I taught Common Core math from the time it was adopted until it was changed to a state standard. Most of that time, I wrote y own curriculum to align with the Common Core standards my students would be tested on. How long do you teach it?
I see they are not the only ones who cannot read. They didn't get a dime. The money went back to the schools. They are also elementary schools. Want to bet most of the plaintiffs are illegals from Mexico or their children?
I will take that bigoted bet. You certainly are an asshole. I spent 20 years in California. The sad fact is that most those illegal aliens are a better person than you are. As you demonstrate with your bigoted comments. You do realize your posts are angry stereotypes. Most children from mexico learn english and do as well if not better than the other children. Their parents make sure of that for they fear deportation otherwise. I have had mexican moms complain that their children are becoming to American in our schools.

Of course, you being a bigot will fly off the handle and argue that you are right and I do not know what I speak of. You are simply an angry fearful grandpa that spews out nothing but bigotry.

You deny that the language barrier is the cause of poor test scores? I have seen data that proves it. Hispanic and Black kids perform poorly on standardized tests because they struggle with the language. The same goes for recent immigrants whose primary language is NOT English. Spanish and Ebonics just don't cut it!
I see they are not the only ones who cannot read. They didn't get a dime. The money went back to the schools. They are also elementary schools. Want to bet most of the plaintiffs are illegals from Mexico or their children?
I will take that bigoted bet. You certainly are an asshole. I spent 20 years in California. The sad fact is that most those illegal aliens are a better person than you are. As you demonstrate with your bigoted comments. You do realize your posts are angry stereotypes. Most children from mexico learn english and do as well if not better than the other children. Their parents make sure of that for they fear deportation otherwise. I have had mexican moms complain that their children are becoming to American in our schools.

Of course, you being a bigot will fly off the handle and argue that you are right and I do not know what I speak of. You are simply an angry fearful grandpa that spews out nothing but bigotry.

You deny that the language barrier is the cause of poor test scores? I have seen data that proves it. Hispanic and Black kids perform poorly on standardized tests because they struggle with the language. The same goes for recent immigrants whose primary language is NOT English. Spanish and Ebonics just don't cut it!
your comment was awful and bigoted. and as i predicted, you simply contradicticted me pontificating how you are right.
I see they are not the only ones who cannot read. They didn't get a dime. The money went back to the schools. They are also elementary schools. Want to bet most of the plaintiffs are illegals from Mexico or their children?
I will take that bigoted bet. You certainly are an asshole. I spent 20 years in California. The sad fact is that most those illegal aliens are a better person than you are. As you demonstrate with your bigoted comments. You do realize your posts are angry stereotypes. Most children from mexico learn english and do as well if not better than the other children. Their parents make sure of that for they fear deportation otherwise. I have had mexican moms complain that their children are becoming to American in our schools.

Of course, you being a bigot will fly off the handle and argue that you are right and I do not know what I speak of. You are simply an angry fearful grandpa that spews out nothing but bigotry.

You deny that the language barrier is the cause of poor test scores? I have seen data that proves it. Hispanic and Black kids perform poorly on standardized tests because they struggle with the language. The same goes for recent immigrants whose primary language is NOT English. Spanish and Ebonics just don't cut it!
your comment was awful and bigoted. and as i predicted, you simply contradicticted me pontificating how you are right.
Anyone with any sense know you are pathetic dumbass and nothing but a troll. I have tried to educate you but you just retarded enough to prevent that.

Goodbye you worthless piece of shit!
Anyone with any sense know you are pathetic dumbass and nothing but a troll. I have tried to educate you but you just retarded enough to prevent that.

Goodbye you worthless piece of shit!
I posted quotes from the official common core site. I also posted the link. You blew your top in your first comment. You continued with simple contradictions. You swore and cussed when you did not get your way. And you cherry picked the overall name of the common core standard while never ever posting the official alpha/numeric designator which explictedly showed you are wrong.

A master's in what? Baiting? Trolling, ha, ha, ha!
I have said that unless we wrest control of education back from the Democrat/Liberal government schools, as earlier Republicans pried their slaves away from them, the nation has no future.

But....I couldn't see any possible way to do this........

"Coronavirus has parents looking at homeschooling

With the COVID-19 virus closing schools in China, South Korea, Italy, and the United States, parents are having to make a sudden and unexpected change in their children’s education. Most often, it means shifting education into the home.

This learning at home looks different in different places. In Hong Kong, the government ordered 800,000 students to take what the Wall Street Journal calls “a crash course in digital learning.”

In New York City, parents are already seeking out homeschooling resources that fit their children and their families in preparation for any school closings.

The freedom of parents to choose the kind of education that’s best for each child is something we’ve been advocating for more than 35 years.

Homeschool grads go to college, join the military, launch their own businesses, and start families. They serve in soup kitchens, run for office, fight fires, and give back to their communities in many other ways.

In fact, more than 1.7 million students are homeschooling in the U.S., according to the National Center for Education Statistics.If both parents are working, it is still possible to make homeschooling work through options such as alternating work schedules or one parent working from home. It takes creativity, commitment, and even saying, “No,” to some opportunities. But without the restriction of a traditional school-day schedule, families are able to carve out time together and even flex their homeschool schedule along with variable work schedules (such as healthcare providers or cross-country transport)."
Coronavirus has parents looking at homeschooling

This is the sad positive aspect. We may end up with better educated kids than ever before, and less left-wing indoctrinated kids than ever before.

My sister has seriously considered now, just keeping her 6 children at home for school forever, but she's seeing them improve more under her teaching, than in the schools.

We're a home school family.
"Teachers Refusing To Go Back In The Fall Launch 'Every Child Left Behind' Movement
July 30th, 2020

U.S.—Teachers who have been enjoying the extended time off due to COVID concerns are eager for it to continue. Desperate to avoid returning to the classroom in the fall while still getting paid for it, teachers have come together to launch an “Every Child Left Behind” movement.

Citing concerns of possible exposure to the virus, teachers have expressed that they will not be returning until their safety can be guaranteed. They also do not want to be bothered by teaching online, either. “We don’t want some kids falling behind and other, more privileged kids learning online.” said Director of Education Susan Birchfield, “No! We say all kids should have their education equally hindered.”
“My greatest joy in life is teaching my wonderful, little angels, but if I can not go to work and still get paid then see ya later, snot-nosed brats!” said 2019 teacher of the year Kathy Frazzelbum as she floated by in her pool tube while sipping a piña colada.
“Kids have their entire lives to learn. It’s not like these are formative years that could leave their education stunted and trailing behind the rest of the world,” explained teacher’s union founder Trish McDonald.
Teachers across the nation expressed their utmost thanks to the taxpayers and assured them that this was money well spent. “I am much more productive as a teacher thanks to the Every Child Left Behind movement. Now I can go run errands as I please and instead of grading papers I can binge Netflix!”
At publishing time, the teacher’s union was planning a series of strikes to continue the Every Child Left Behind movement until a cure for all sickness and death was found."
"Teachers Refusing To Go Back In The Fall Launch 'Every Child Left Behind' Movement
July 30th, 2020

U.S.—Teachers who have been enjoying the extended time off due to COVID concerns are eager for it to continue. Desperate to avoid returning to the classroom in the fall while still getting paid for it, teachers have come together to launch an “Every Child Left Behind” movement.

Citing concerns of possible exposure to the virus, teachers have expressed that they will not be returning until their safety can be guaranteed. They also do not want to be bothered by teaching online, either. “We don’t want some kids falling behind and other, more privileged kids learning online.” said Director of Education Susan Birchfield, “No! We say all kids should have their education equally hindered.”
“My greatest joy in life is teaching my wonderful, little angels, but if I can not go to work and still get paid then see ya later, snot-nosed brats!” said 2019 teacher of the year Kathy Frazzelbum as she floated by in her pool tube while sipping a piña colada.
“Kids have their entire lives to learn. It’s not like these are formative years that could leave their education stunted and trailing behind the rest of the world,” explained teacher’s union founder Trish McDonald.
Teachers across the nation expressed their utmost thanks to the taxpayers and assured them that this was money well spent. “I am much more productive as a teacher thanks to the Every Child Left Behind movement. Now I can go run errands as I please and instead of grading papers I can binge Netflix!”
At publishing time, the teacher’s union was planning a series of strikes to continue the Every Child Left Behind movement until a cure for all sickness and death was found."

You don't recognize a satire site?
"Teachers Refusing To Go Back In The Fall Launch 'Every Child Left Behind' Movement
July 30th, 2020

U.S.—Teachers who have been enjoying the extended time off due to COVID concerns are eager for it to continue. Desperate to avoid returning to the classroom in the fall while still getting paid for it, teachers have come together to launch an “Every Child Left Behind” movement.

Citing concerns of possible exposure to the virus, teachers have expressed that they will not be returning until their safety can be guaranteed. They also do not want to be bothered by teaching online, either. “We don’t want some kids falling behind and other, more privileged kids learning online.” said Director of Education Susan Birchfield, “No! We say all kids should have their education equally hindered.”
“My greatest joy in life is teaching my wonderful, little angels, but if I can not go to work and still get paid then see ya later, snot-nosed brats!” said 2019 teacher of the year Kathy Frazzelbum as she floated by in her pool tube while sipping a piña colada.
“Kids have their entire lives to learn. It’s not like these are formative years that could leave their education stunted and trailing behind the rest of the world,” explained teacher’s union founder Trish McDonald.
Teachers across the nation expressed their utmost thanks to the taxpayers and assured them that this was money well spent. “I am much more productive as a teacher thanks to the Every Child Left Behind movement. Now I can go run errands as I please and instead of grading papers I can binge Netflix!”
At publishing time, the teacher’s union was planning a series of strikes to continue the Every Child Left Behind movement until a cure for all sickness and death was found."

You don't recognize a satire site?

Of course I do, you's Babylon Bee.
"Teachers Refusing To Go Back In The Fall Launch 'Every Child Left Behind' Movement
July 30th, 2020

U.S.—Teachers who have been enjoying the extended time off due to COVID concerns are eager for it to continue. Desperate to avoid returning to the classroom in the fall while still getting paid for it, teachers have come together to launch an “Every Child Left Behind” movement.

Citing concerns of possible exposure to the virus, teachers have expressed that they will not be returning until their safety can be guaranteed. They also do not want to be bothered by teaching online, either. “We don’t want some kids falling behind and other, more privileged kids learning online.” said Director of Education Susan Birchfield, “No! We say all kids should have their education equally hindered.”
“My greatest joy in life is teaching my wonderful, little angels, but if I can not go to work and still get paid then see ya later, snot-nosed brats!” said 2019 teacher of the year Kathy Frazzelbum as she floated by in her pool tube while sipping a piña colada.
“Kids have their entire lives to learn. It’s not like these are formative years that could leave their education stunted and trailing behind the rest of the world,” explained teacher’s union founder Trish McDonald.
Teachers across the nation expressed their utmost thanks to the taxpayers and assured them that this was money well spent. “I am much more productive as a teacher thanks to the Every Child Left Behind movement. Now I can go run errands as I please and instead of grading papers I can binge Netflix!”
At publishing time, the teacher’s union was planning a series of strikes to continue the Every Child Left Behind movement until a cure for all sickness and death was found."

You don't recognize a satire site?

Of course I do, you's Babylon Bee.
This is not the political satire thread, dumbass!
"Teachers Refusing To Go Back In The Fall Launch 'Every Child Left Behind' Movement
July 30th, 2020

U.S.—Teachers who have been enjoying the extended time off due to COVID concerns are eager for it to continue. Desperate to avoid returning to the classroom in the fall while still getting paid for it, teachers have come together to launch an “Every Child Left Behind” movement.

Citing concerns of possible exposure to the virus, teachers have expressed that they will not be returning until their safety can be guaranteed. They also do not want to be bothered by teaching online, either. “We don’t want some kids falling behind and other, more privileged kids learning online.” said Director of Education Susan Birchfield, “No! We say all kids should have their education equally hindered.”
“My greatest joy in life is teaching my wonderful, little angels, but if I can not go to work and still get paid then see ya later, snot-nosed brats!” said 2019 teacher of the year Kathy Frazzelbum as she floated by in her pool tube while sipping a piña colada.
“Kids have their entire lives to learn. It’s not like these are formative years that could leave their education stunted and trailing behind the rest of the world,” explained teacher’s union founder Trish McDonald.
Teachers across the nation expressed their utmost thanks to the taxpayers and assured them that this was money well spent. “I am much more productive as a teacher thanks to the Every Child Left Behind movement. Now I can go run errands as I please and instead of grading papers I can binge Netflix!”
At publishing time, the teacher’s union was planning a series of strikes to continue the Every Child Left Behind movement until a cure for all sickness and death was found."

You don't recognize a satire site?

Of course I do, you's Babylon Bee.
This is not the political satire thread, dumbass!

Trying to hide your embarrassment????

Too late, dunce.
"Teachers Refusing To Go Back In The Fall Launch 'Every Child Left Behind' Movement
July 30th, 2020

U.S.—Teachers who have been enjoying the extended time off due to COVID concerns are eager for it to continue. Desperate to avoid returning to the classroom in the fall while still getting paid for it, teachers have come together to launch an “Every Child Left Behind” movement.

Citing concerns of possible exposure to the virus, teachers have expressed that they will not be returning until their safety can be guaranteed. They also do not want to be bothered by teaching online, either. “We don’t want some kids falling behind and other, more privileged kids learning online.” said Director of Education Susan Birchfield, “No! We say all kids should have their education equally hindered.”
“My greatest joy in life is teaching my wonderful, little angels, but if I can not go to work and still get paid then see ya later, snot-nosed brats!” said 2019 teacher of the year Kathy Frazzelbum as she floated by in her pool tube while sipping a piña colada.
“Kids have their entire lives to learn. It’s not like these are formative years that could leave their education stunted and trailing behind the rest of the world,” explained teacher’s union founder Trish McDonald.
Teachers across the nation expressed their utmost thanks to the taxpayers and assured them that this was money well spent. “I am much more productive as a teacher thanks to the Every Child Left Behind movement. Now I can go run errands as I please and instead of grading papers I can binge Netflix!”
At publishing time, the teacher’s union was planning a series of strikes to continue the Every Child Left Behind movement until a cure for all sickness and death was found."

You don't recognize a satire site?

Of course I do, you's Babylon Bee.
This is not the political satire thread, dumbass!

Trying to hide your embarrassment????

Too late, dunce.
You are a fucking troll, dipshit!
"Teachers bring coffins, guillotine while protesting NYC schools reopening plan
Teachers brought along visual aids, including handmade coffins and a guillotine, while protesting Mayor Bill de Blasio’s schools reopening plan in Lower Manhattan on Monday afternoon.

If schools are closes, parents can't return to work.
If the economy is destroyed, so is Trump.

"the Infection Fatality Rate Estimate drops dramatically. Those age 20-49 have a 0.0092%, or nine deaths per 100,000 infections. As for children age 10-19, the rate drops to 0.00032%, or three deaths per 1 MILLION infections."

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