Huckabee frees Washington cop killer

but huck didn't pardon him. how about getting your facts straight! can you be that honest? didn't think so.

Huckabee did commute his sentence. Can we all agree on that, at least?

yes, we can, because of the guy's youth he felt a 100 year sentence was kinda harsh so he brought it down to 47, then a parole board paroled him. That's the facts. Since then, some 9 years ago he has comitted 8 felonies in the state of Washington including raping a 12 year old. two judges bailed him out at 15K.. now there's is where the focus should be.

Agreed. HOWEVER, anyone with even an ounce of politcal saviness knows this is a nail in the coffin of any further political aspirations Huckabee MIGHT have had...
Huckabee did commute his sentence. Can we all agree on that, at least?

Commuted down to a 47 year sentence, yes we can agree on that. Give the parole board some credit where credit is due

Agreed. HOWEVER, anyone with even an ounce of politcal saviness knows this is a nail in the coffin of any further political aspirations Huckabee MIGHT have had...

Agreed, the difference is we aren't creaming our drawers over his unfortunate situation the way you libtards are. The guy tried to do a kindess to a young criminal, cut him a break so to speak, and his reward? The very liberals who bitch and bellache about the unfair treatment of blacks in the judicial system are going to hammer his ass and cheer all the while. You guys make me want to puke.
Not only that, but he freed a BLACK guy who killed WHITE police officers. WTH?

So, with Huck now out. It's down to Mitt and Palin.....GO PALIN!!!

Huck is not out. He let a black man go because he was sentenced before he was 18. Nobody in the Democratic Party will say anything about this.

what you see on this board is exactly what the press and all democrats will do, it's what they do best, demonize.
Oh so the fact that I used pardon in my hypothetical Obama scenario instead of commute (which is what happened in one of Huckabee's REAL scenarios) is a bone of contention?
My apologies.
My remarks were meant to address Huckabee's pardons and paroles but I understand now that mentioning a cop killer would (naturally) make folks immediately link Huckabees commutation. My bad - I'm sorry.

If I'm allowed to substitute the word commute NOW - after the mistake - can I? Would it make it easier for folks to see the point. Which is - A whole lot of folks defending Huckabee's more than 1,000 pardon and commutations - would be complaining loudly if Obama had done the same.

THAT is hypocrisy - plain and simple.

But my mixing my metaphors was stupid - I'm sorry.
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Commuted down to a 47 year sentence, yes we can agree on that. Give the parole board some credit where credit is due

Agreed. HOWEVER, anyone with even an ounce of politcal saviness knows this is a nail in the coffin of any further political aspirations Huckabee MIGHT have had...

Agreed, the difference is we aren't creaming our drawers over his unfortunate situation the way you libtards are. The guy tried to do a kindess to a young criminal, cut him a break so to speak, and his reward? The very liberals who bitch and bellache about the unfair treatment of blacks in the judicial system are going to hammer his ass and cheer all the while. You guys make me want to puke.

Kinda like you guys did to Dukakis, you mean?
This one instance won't be a death sentence imho - it will be the pattern. He pardoned and commutted more than his three predecessors COMBINED. Folks can forgive a mistake - but they will hold him responsible for his policy.

That's MHO anyway.
Oh so the fact that I used pardon in my hypothetical Obama scenario instead of commute (which is what happened in one of Huckabee's REAL scenarios) is a bone of contention?
My apologies.
My remarks were meant to address Huckabee's pardons and paroles but I understand now that mentioning a cop killer would (naturally) make folks immediately link Huckabees commutation. My bad - I'm sorry.

If I'm allowed to substitute the word commute NOW - after the mistake - can I? Would it make it easier for folks to see the point. Which is - A whole lot of folks defending Huckabee's more than 1,000 pardon and commutations - would be complaining loudly if Obama had done the same.

THAT is hypocrisy - plain and simple.

But my mixing my metaphors was stupid - I'm sorry.

I am not in the least concerned about mixing metaphors. I'm interested in watching the destruction of yet another human being. Like I said, Huckabee's generosity was a bone of contention in the last primaries. He won't ever be President. But watching libtards do a victory dance over his unfortunate situation will be quite amusing. The down side is, commutations and clemmency are going to be a lot harder to come by as a result of the demonization of Huckabee.
Huck is not out. He let a black man go because he was sentenced before he was 18. Nobody in the Democratic Party will say anything about this.

it won't be the dems to raise it... will be the repubs in the primary.

he's toast.

Agreed. It now depends on how much the Republicans like Huckabee.

Some like him. The ones who are conservatives and not religious right don't much care for him. But, as of yesterday, he said he wasn't going to run, anyway.

Mike Huckabee Will Probably Sit Out 2012 Election
11/29/09 at 9:45 PM Comment 7Comment 7Comments
Huckabee (right) and friend.

Fox News host and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee probably won't run for president in 2012, he said on CBS's Face the Nation today. This is bad news for Republicans, who seem to love Huckabee more than any other potential 2012 candidate. But you can't really blame Huckabee. He's enjoying his new TV career and doesn't really think President Obama will lose anyway. "Anyone who thinks Barack Obama is an easy mark off, just remember Bill Clinton was just labeled politically dead and came back to win a resounding re-election in 1996," he said. [The Hill]

Read more: Mike Huckabee Will Probably Sit Out 2012 Election -- Daily Intel Mike Huckabee Will Probably Sit Out 2012 Election -- Daily Intel
Oh so the fact that I used pardon in my hypothetical Obama scenario instead of commute (which is what happened in one of Huckabee's REAL scenarios) is a bone of contention?
My apologies.
My remarks were meant to address Huckabee's pardons and paroles but I understand now that mentioning a cop killer would (naturally) make folks immediately link Huckabees commutation. My bad - I'm sorry.

If I'm allowed to substitute the word commute NOW - after the mistake - can I? Would it make it easier for folks to see the point. Which is - A whole lot of folks defending Huckabee's more than 1,000 pardon and commutations - would be complaining loudly if Obama had done the same.

THAT is hypocrisy - plain and simple.

But my mixing my metaphors was stupid - I'm sorry.

I am not in the least concerned about mixing metaphors. I'm interested in watching the destruction of yet another human being. Like I said, Huckabee's generosity was a bone of contention in the last primaries. He won't ever be President. But watching libtards do a victory dance over his unfortunate situation will be quite amusing. The down side is, commutations and clemmency are going to be a lot harder to come by as a result of the demonization of Huckabee.

As they should be....IMHO.
Oh so the fact that I used pardon in my hypothetical Obama scenario instead of commute (which is what happened in one of Huckabee's REAL scenarios) is a bone of contention?
My apologies.
My remarks were meant to address Huckabee's pardons and paroles but I understand now that mentioning a cop killer would (naturally) make folks immediately link Huckabees commutation. My bad - I'm sorry.

If I'm allowed to substitute the word commute NOW - after the mistake - can I? Would it make it easier for folks to see the point. Which is - A whole lot of folks defending Huckabee's more than 1,000 pardon and commutations - would be complaining loudly if Obama had done the same.

THAT is hypocrisy - plain and simple.

But my mixing my metaphors was stupid - I'm sorry.

I guess you really didn't read everything I said in my short post. I understand you are so thin skinned and defensive, you are blind to what was stated. Another observation, Nodog. I'm not defending Huckabee, I think I addressed that in my short post which was completely overlooked by you.
Agreed. HOWEVER, anyone with even an ounce of politcal saviness knows this is a nail in the coffin of any further political aspirations Huckabee MIGHT have had...

Agreed, the difference is we aren't creaming our drawers over his unfortunate situation the way you libtards are. The guy tried to do a kindess to a young criminal, cut him a break so to speak, and his reward? The very liberals who bitch and bellache about the unfair treatment of blacks in the judicial system are going to hammer his ass and cheer all the while. You guys make me want to puke.

Kinda like you guys did to Dukakis, you mean?

we did? :eek:
Oh so the fact that I used pardon in my hypothetical Obama scenario instead of commute (which is what happened in one of Huckabee's REAL scenarios) is a bone of contention?
My apologies.
My remarks were meant to address Huckabee's pardons and paroles but I understand now that mentioning a cop killer would (naturally) make folks immediately link Huckabees commutation. My bad - I'm sorry.

If I'm allowed to substitute the word commute NOW - after the mistake - can I? Would it make it easier for folks to see the point. Which is - A whole lot of folks defending Huckabee's more than 1,000 pardon and commutations - would be complaining loudly if Obama had done the same.

THAT is hypocrisy - plain and simple.

But my mixing my metaphors was stupid - I'm sorry.

I am not in the least concerned about mixing metaphors. I'm interested in watching the destruction of yet another human being. Like I said, Huckabee's generosity was a bone of contention in the last primaries. He won't ever be President. But watching libtards do a victory dance over his unfortunate situation will be quite amusing. The down side is, commutations and clemmency are going to be a lot harder to come by as a result of the demonization of Huckabee.

As they should be....IMHO.

I agree, the only commutation I cheered for was the one Bush gave the border patrol agents. Now that was justice! Yippppe Kayyyaaa

I remember a libtard parole board in california paroling a monster who took a woman into the wilderness raped, sodomized, and cut off her arms and left her to die. California paroled him, he came to florida and murdered a woman. I hope that parole board dies of kidney failure,
I'm not going to bother to read all of the pages in this thread, the last post alone makes it clear at the ignorance that some show in blaming the former governor.

It's a shame that the four lives lost do not mean anymore than cheap political fodder to some of the liberals and some others.

Oh so the fact that I used pardon in my hypothetical Obama scenario instead of commute (which is what happened in one of Huckabee's REAL scenarios) is a bone of contention?
My apologies.
My remarks were meant to address Huckabee's pardons and paroles but I understand now that mentioning a cop killer would (naturally) make folks immediately link Huckabees commutation. My bad - I'm sorry.

If I'm allowed to substitute the word commute NOW - after the mistake - can I? Would it make it easier for folks to see the point. Which is - A whole lot of folks defending Huckabee's more than 1,000 pardon and commutations - would be complaining loudly if Obama had done the same.

THAT is hypocrisy - plain and simple.

But my mixing my metaphors was stupid - I'm sorry.

I guess you really didn't read everything I said in my short post. I understand you are so thin skinned and defensive, you are blind to what was stated. Another observation, Nodog. I'm not defending Huckabee, I think I addressed that in my short post which was completely overlooked by you.

Again - didn't include you - I addressed what you wrote and then said "a whole lot of folks" why did you assume I was lumping you into that group? What did I say that was "thin-skinned and defensive?" - I just apologized for mixing metaphors. and tried to clarify my real point.

If I were thin-skinned or defensive, I might assume that when other people said "a lot of people" that they were automatically including me in that group.

Just an observation.
I'm not going to bother to read all of the pages in this thread, the last post alone makes it clear at the ignorance that some show in blaming the former governor.

It's a shame that the four lives lost do not mean anymore than cheap political fodder to some of the liberals and some others.


It will only be used against him if he runs Mike. He won't. I think he knows what vitriol the libtards are capable of. Did you watch what they did to the Palin family?
My main concern is not this one case - but the PATTERN.

If some folks (not YOU MEISTER) - on either side of the issue - want to try to pretend that it is all about this one case, then I think they underestimate the American public.

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