HRC on Trump: Building Moscow on the Potomac


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
HRC on Trump: Building Moscow on the Potomac
BBC One Interview of HRC by Andrew Marr.
(Trump) "doesn't just like Putin, he wants to be like Putin. A white authoritarian leader who would put down dissenters, repress minorities, disenfranchise voters, weaken the press and amass untold billions for himself. He dreams of Moscow on the Potomac"

Hillary Clinton on Trump, Brexit and Weinstein, 15/10/2017, The Andrew Marr Show - BBC One

Hillary is right. Trump is an enemy of freedom and liberty...He is attempting to be just like Putin. Hell, I dare he may even attempt to be like Stalin.
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  • #3
Thank you Hillary. Republicans seem to want American to lose freedoms & be more like Russia gov

state TV, no protests, prisons full of 'troublemakers', everything's a crime, no press questions allowed, lies, bribes, local police are feared by all, corruption galore.
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  • #5
Thank you Hillary. Republicans seem to want American to lose freedoms & be more like Russia gov

state TV, no protests, prisons full of 'troublemakers', everything's a crime, no press questions allowed, lies, bribes, local police are feared by all, corruption galore.
All fascist leaders worth their salt begin by disarming the citizens.

When is Trump going to go door to door and confiscate all guns so the American citizens can't resist when he opens his Trump brand death camps for blacks, Hispanics, gays, Muslims, women and all progs?

I can tell you this, It's gonna be great, believe me.
...and the transgendered....Trump will execute all transgendered people in America...those camps must be under construction.
I'll buy that we wn
Thank you Hillary. Republicans seem to want American to lose freedoms & be more like Russia gov

state TV, no protests, prisons full of 'troublemakers', everything's a crime, no press questions allowed, lies, bribes, local police are feared by all, corruption galore.

That's why we voted for Trump! We want a commie state just like vlad!
HRC on Trump: Building Moscow on the Potomac
BBC One Interview of HRC by Andrew Marr.
(Trump) "doesn't just like Putin, he wants to be like Putin. A white authoritarian leader who would put down dissenters, repress minorities, disenfranchise voters, weaken the press and amass untold billions for himself. He dreams of Moscow on the Potomac"

Hillary Clinton on Trump, Brexit and Weinstein, 15/10/2017, The Andrew Marr Show - BBC One

Hillary is right. Trump is an enemy of freedom and liberty...He is attempting to be just like Putin. Hell, I dare he may even attempt to be like Stalin.
HRC on Trump: Building Moscow on the Potomac
BBC One Interview of HRC by Andrew Marr.
(Trump) "doesn't just like Putin, he wants to be like Putin. A white authoritarian leader who would put down dissenters, repress minorities, disenfranchise voters, weaken the press and amass untold billions for himself. He dreams of Moscow on the Potomac"

Hillary Clinton on Trump, Brexit and Weinstein, 15/10/2017, The Andrew Marr Show - BBC One

Hillary is right. Trump is an enemy of freedom and liberty...He is attempting to be just like Putin. Hell, I dare he may even attempt to be like Stalin.
Could you explain the reasoning you used to come to that conclusion?

Also, why are you propagating party of slavery bullshit?
HRC on Trump: Building Moscow on the Potomac
BBC One Interview of HRC by Andrew Marr.
(Trump) "doesn't just like Putin, he wants to be like Putin. A white authoritarian leader who would put down dissenters, repress minorities, disenfranchise voters, weaken the press and amass untold billions for himself. He dreams of Moscow on the Potomac"

Hillary Clinton on Trump, Brexit and Weinstein, 15/10/2017, The Andrew Marr Show - BBC One

Hillary is right. Trump is an enemy of freedom and liberty...He is attempting to be just like Putin. Hell, I dare he may even attempt to be like Stalin.
HRC on Trump: Building Moscow on the Potomac
BBC One Interview of HRC by Andrew Marr.
(Trump) "doesn't just like Putin, he wants to be like Putin. A white authoritarian leader who would put down dissenters, repress minorities, disenfranchise voters, weaken the press and amass untold billions for himself. He dreams of Moscow on the Potomac"

Hillary Clinton on Trump, Brexit and Weinstein, 15/10/2017, The Andrew Marr Show - BBC One

Hillary is right. Trump is an enemy of freedom and liberty...He is attempting to be just like Putin. Hell, I dare he may even attempt to be like Stalin.
Could you explain the reasoning you used to come to that conclusion?

Also, why are you propagating party of slavery bullshit?
It's pointless to ask any of these libtard morons that.
Bill Clinton built China, presenting the greatest threat to American security and dominance potentially in history.

Obama helped prop up Iran, ISIS, North Korea AND Russia. All while Americas influenced in the world waned and China took even MORE of the pie.

I saw some of the interview and she presented some logic from time to time, but her overall premise and ideology is excessively naive.
HRC on Trump: Building Moscow on the Potomac
BBC One Interview of HRC by Andrew Marr.
(Trump) "doesn't just like Putin, he wants to be like Putin. A white authoritarian leader who would put down dissenters, repress minorities, disenfranchise voters, weaken the press and amass untold billions for himself. He dreams of Moscow on the Potomac"

Hillary Clinton on Trump, Brexit and Weinstein, 15/10/2017, The Andrew Marr Show - BBC One

Hillary is right. Trump is an enemy of freedom and liberty...He is attempting to be just like Putin. Hell, I dare he may even attempt to be like Stalin.
Hillary could babble anything and her fans would agree. Just like the repubs do.
HRC on Trump: Building Moscow on the Potomac
BBC One Interview of HRC by Andrew Marr.
(Trump) "doesn't just like Putin, he wants to be like Putin. A white authoritarian leader who would put down dissenters, repress minorities, disenfranchise voters, weaken the press and amass untold billions for himself. He dreams of Moscow on the Potomac"

Hillary Clinton on Trump, Brexit and Weinstein, 15/10/2017, The Andrew Marr Show - BBC One

Hillary is right. Trump is an enemy of freedom and liberty...He is attempting to be just like Putin. Hell, I dare he may even attempt to be like Stalin.
Our political and economic system is the enemy of freedom and liberty, and "neither" of our political parties has anything in mind other than doubling down on the status quo and "managing" the reactions and perception of the masses.
Thank you Hillary. Republicans seem to want American to lose freedoms & be more like Russia gov

state TV, no protests, prisons full of 'troublemakers', everything's a crime, no press questions allowed, lies, bribes, local police are feared by all, corruption galore.
You think big bold bullshit looks more true? It just makes you look more silly.
HRC on Trump: Building Moscow on the Potomac
BBC One Interview of HRC by Andrew Marr.
(Trump) "doesn't just like Putin, he wants to be like Putin. A white authoritarian leader who would put down dissenters, repress minorities, disenfranchise voters, weaken the press and amass untold billions for himself. He dreams of Moscow on the Potomac"

Hillary Clinton on Trump, Brexit and Weinstein, 15/10/2017, The Andrew Marr Show - BBC One

Hillary is right. Trump is an enemy of freedom and liberty...He is attempting to be just like Putin. Hell, I dare he may even attempt to be like Stalin.
Our political and economic system is the enemy of freedom and liberty, and "neither" of our political parties has anything in mind other than doubling down on the status quo and "managing" the reactions and perception of the masses.
You don´t even have political opposition.
HRC on Trump: Building Moscow on the Potomac
BBC One Interview of HRC by Andrew Marr.
(Trump) "doesn't just like Putin, he wants to be like Putin. A white authoritarian leader who would put down dissenters, repress minorities, disenfranchise voters, weaken the press and amass untold billions for himself. He dreams of Moscow on the Potomac"

Hillary Clinton on Trump, Brexit and Weinstein, 15/10/2017, The Andrew Marr Show - BBC One

Hillary is right. Trump is an enemy of freedom and liberty...He is attempting to be just like Putin. Hell, I dare he may even attempt to be like Stalin.
Our political and economic system is the enemy of freedom and liberty, and "neither" of our political parties has anything in mind other than doubling down on the status quo and "managing" the reactions and perception of the masses.
You don´t even have political opposition.
What I do not have is an idea of what you're on about here.

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