HRC on Trump: Building Moscow on the Potomac

Here's a novel idea for liberal McCarthyists: Putin did not magically beam into the voting booth from the Enterprise and force me to vote for Trump. You liberalfilth did that with your own nationwide abhorrent, beyond-anti-social behavior. Why can't you Democrats accept that your party is a perpetually rioting, baby-tantrum hate-sewer of anti-American, anti-white, anti-free-speech violence, death threats, and mindless animal meltdowns which lives on a diet of muslim semen? Seriously, I wouldn't vote for that abomination again if I lived long enough to see the sun's "red giant" stage. When Obama slithered in, that was where that political RMS Titanic and I parted company.
HRC on Trump: Building Moscow on the Potomac
BBC One Interview of HRC by Andrew Marr.
(Trump) "doesn't just like Putin, he wants to be like Putin. A white authoritarian leader who would put down dissenters, repress minorities, disenfranchise voters, weaken the press and amass untold billions for himself. He dreams of Moscow on the Potomac"

Hillary Clinton on Trump, Brexit and Weinstein, 15/10/2017, The Andrew Marr Show - BBC One

Hillary is right. Trump is an enemy of freedom and liberty...He is attempting to be just like Putin. Hell, I dare he may even attempt to be like Stalin.
Our political and economic system is the enemy of freedom and liberty, and "neither" of our political parties has anything in mind other than doubling down on the status quo and "managing" the reactions and perception of the masses.
You don´t even have political opposition.
What I do not have is an idea of what you're on about here.
While there are daily bogus rants on Russia which has a vital opposition, it would be interesting to see what would happen to an opposition in the US. If you have freedom and liberty can only be determined if you have a real opposition. I bet all they´d be crushed mercilessly as "terrorists", "communists", ect. I mean real opposition intending to change something.

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