How'd Romney get $100milliion in his IRA

Which person would you rather have in the Oval Office? A dog eating former street junky who never held a job that wasn't funded by stealing from an endowment or taxpayers or a guy who understands the system? Hussein's freaking secretary of the treasury admitted to cheating on his taxes because he wasn't smart enough to fill out the federal tax form.

Can you possibly make this line of bs any deeper? :clap2:

We call the Treasury Secretary "Turbo Tax Timmy" for a reason dope.
Seriously, I'm supposed to care more about what Romney does with his own money than what Obama has done with MINE? I'd like to know how the hell Obama -a man whose sole job in the private sector was slinging ice cream for a few months -ends up worth over $10 MILLION dollars! And seriously liberals -am I really supposed to believe a man worth $10 million is actually "more in touch" with the common guy? ROFL! Romney is a very successful man -and who in their right mind would vote for someone who WASN'T? If the guy isn't able to make a success of his own life, he has no chance of making a success in the job.

Obama on the other hand is a true Manchurian candidate. His life is a composite, made up bullshit, constantly changing to suit his needs depending on his audience and how he ended up worth $10 million is highly suspect. He was paid $12,000 as a community organizer. In 2004 their combined income was just over $200,000. The next year- allegedly due to book sales apparently no one EVER bothered to read until one sole reader brought to light his dog eating incident -their combined income was $1.6 million and in 2006 was just under $1 million. NOW HOW THE HELL DID HE GET TO OVER $10 MILLION from there??? He created NOTHING and his book sales do NOT account for his $10+ million. He has a long track record of associating with some of the most undesirable, unsavory characters in the country and some of those ties are provably financial. But the press doesn't care about that AND IT NEVER WILL -because they have a truly self-made man to tear down. This is the guy they had to troll through his ADOLESCENCE trying to find something to smear him with and then suggest that lone highly contested incident somehow disqualifies him from the Presidency. While they give a nonstop pass to the proven LIAR Obama, the guy whose entire background is murky and apparently always "evolving" to meet his needs. If that IDENTICAL background, never ending questions, if the never ending lies were Romney's instead of Obama, the massive inexplicable sudden wealth -if it all belonged to Romney instead of Obama -that is all we would ever be hearing about. But NOT when it is a leftwing extremist.

I'd like to know why the left keeps pushing this notion that being successful is a shameful thing for which one owes a huge apology. Wow -what a truly un-American BULLSHIT belief. The left keeps pushing this BULLSHIT the only way rich people can possibly get rich is because he STOLE it from others -somehow. Provably not just a communist lie -but a lie spread for the express purpose of killing drive, ambition and SUCCESS. The system of government the left wants to have to rule over us all does NOT include a successful citizenry because successful people don't turn to government and demand handouts which is then used as the excuse for stripping more of the wealth from those who refuse to succumb to the entitlement mentality. And what the left seeks is largely masses of dissatisfied, unsuccessful citizens because THAT they can exploit and manipulate in order to further entrench their power. A successful, independent population they cannot easily exploit. The creation of wealth does not involve STEALING -and this man has a proven track record of growing wealth. While Obama has a proven track record of only growing POVERTY. Not a tough choice for me. More poor people in the country benefits the left -which is why Obama grew their ranks. In spite of giving it lip service -increasing poverty is the GOAL of the left and they were wildly successful increasing poverty to its highest levels since WWll.

Government is NOT the engine of our economy -it is the wrench thrown into its workings. Liberals and Obama insist the "cure" for that is even more, even larger and far more powerful government. It doesn't matter how many examples exist repeatedly proving what the left believes to be true -is a filthy lie that has only massively increased human misery. And they have set their sights on inflicting far more of it in this country now.
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Two years ago, Congress allowed for the expiration of the $100,000 adjustable gross income (AGI) limit on Roth IRA conversions. This ended income limits on Roth conversions while leaving income limits on contributions in place. In effect, this change enabled anyone (regardless of income) to convert and/or contribute to a Roth IRA.

Roth contributions are made with after-tax money, but the earnings and all withdrawals in retirement are tax-free. So, a Roth provides a big tax break on the back end that a traditional IRA does not.

Stiff-Arm the Taxman with a Backdoor Roth IRA
How did the Obama's net worth exceed $10,000,000 after he was senator when his highest paying job prior was less than $100,000k?
Barack Obama Net Worth
Net Worth: $11.8 Million As of 2012
Source of Wealth: Books, Politics (Annual Salary: $400,000)

Barack Obama Net Worth 2012 | Celebrity Net Worth

Oops - you left out the two $6 figure board membership jobs Michelle was given in the same year he was elected Senator....

I'm a taker...what's the answer...I'd like to know.
Since there is nothing in this to suggest Romney did anything illegal I think if your really interested in this you should focus more on the tax laws that made legal for him and other's to do this and less on the fact he did it.
Seriously, I'm supposed to care more about what Romney does with his own money than what Obama has done with MINE? I'd like to know how the hell Obama -a man whose sole job in the private sector was slinging ice cream for a few months -ends up worth over $10 MILLION dollars! And seriously liberals -am I really supposed to believe a man worth $10 million is actually "more in touch" with the common guy? ROFL! Romney is a very successful man -and who in their right mind would vote for someone who WASN'T? If the guy isn't able to make a success of his own life, he has no chance of making a success in the job.

Obama on the other hand is a true Manchurian candidate. His life is a composite, made up bullshit, constantly changing to suit his needs depending on his audience and how he ended up worth $10 million is highly suspect. He was paid $12,000 as a community organizer. In 2004 their combined income was just over $200,000. The next year- allegedly due to book sales apparently no one EVER bothered to read until one sole reader brought to light his dog eating incident -their combined income was $1.6 million and in 2006 was just under $1 million. NOW HOW THE HELL DID HE GET TO OVER $10 MILLION from there??? He created NOTHING and his book sales do NOT account for his $10+ million. He has a long track record of associating with some of the most undesirable, unsavory characters in the country and some of those ties are provably financial. But the press doesn't care about that AND IT NEVER WILL -because they have a truly self-made man to tear down. This is the guy they had to troll through his ADOLESCENCE trying to find something to smear him with and then suggest that lone highly contested incident somehow disqualifies him from the Presidency. While they give a nonstop pass to the proven LIAR Obama, the guy whose entire background is murky and apparently always "evolving" to meet his needs. If that IDENTICAL background, never ending questions, if the never ending lies were Romney's instead of Obama, the massive inexplicable sudden wealth -if it all belonged to Romney instead of Obama -that is all we would ever be hearing about. But NOT when it is a leftwing extremist.

I'd like to know why the left keeps pushing this notion that being successful is a shameful thing for which one owes a huge apology. Wow -what a truly un-American BULLSHIT belief. The left keeps pushing this BULLSHIT the only way rich people can possibly get rich is because he STOLE it from others -somehow. Provably not just a communist lie -but a lie spread for the express purpose of killing drive, ambition and SUCCESS. The system of government the left wants to have to rule over us all does NOT include a successful citizenry because successful people don't turn to government and demand handouts which is then used as the excuse for stripping more of the wealth from those who refuse to succumb to the entitlement mentality. And what the left seeks is largely masses of dissatisfied, unsuccessful citizens because THAT they can exploit and manipulate in order to further entrench their power. A successful, independent population they cannot easily exploit. The creation of wealth does not involve STEALING -and this man has a proven track record of growing wealth. While Obama has a proven track record of only growing POVERTY. Not a tough choice for me. More poor people in the country benefits the left -which is why Obama grew their ranks. In spite of giving it lip service -increasing poverty is the GOAL of the left and they were wildly successful increasing poverty to its highest levels since WWll.

Government is NOT the engine of our economy -it is the wrench thrown into its workings. Liberals and Obama insist the "cure" for that is even more, even larger and far more powerful government. It doesn't matter how many examples exist repeatedly proving what the left believes to be true -is a filthy lie that has only massively increased human misery. And they have set their sights on inflicting far more of it in this country now.

Your opening statement says it all "Seriously, I'm supposed to care more about what Romney does with his own money than what Obama has done with MINE? "

I would wonder about a candidate who earning power and ability to handle investments were questionable at best.
Seriously, I'm supposed to care more about what Romney does with his own money than what Obama has done with MINE?

Can you stop being a shithead for just a moment? I don't care what Romney does with his money. I care that he and other rich people pay less in taxes than the middle-class. Romney pays less in all federal taxes than a single guy earning minimum wage. If you deny this, it's only because your head is stuck in your ass, where it's too dark to see what's going on.

Yes, I care what Obama's doing with my money. But, I'm sure if the rich were paying their fair share (shutup, shithead) into the pot, they'd be less inclined to demand bigger government or to abuse my involuntary contributions to government.

Both Romney and Obama have gotten rich on big government.
How did the Obama's net worth exceed $10,000,000 after he was senator when his highest paying job prior was less than $100,000k?

He wrote two best selling books. Oh wait, the right wing said Bill Ayes wrote two best selling books FOR HIM.
How did the Obama's net worth exceed $10,000,000 after he was senator when his highest paying job prior was less than $100,000k?
Barack Obama Net Worth
Net Worth: $11.8 Million As of 2012
Source of Wealth: Books, Politics (Annual Salary: $400,000)

Barack Obama Net Worth 2012 | Celebrity Net Worth

Yes. Romney has more wealth than Obama, but less wealth and fewer houses than Kerry.
Nobody is saying that wealth is bad, merely questioning how it was acquired.
if the rule is $6000 max savings in an IRA a year for us, it should be $6000 max put in to it for ALL OF US. that's all I've gotta say...

You guys are fucking Retards, The limit is 6k Tax free, you are free to add as much as you want over that limit, it is simply not Tax Free.

Learn a little about a subject before you fucking run off at the mouth.
Barack Obama Net Worth
Net Worth: $11.8 Million As of 2012
Source of Wealth: Books, Politics (Annual Salary: $400,000)

Barack Obama Net Worth 2012 | Celebrity Net Worth

Yes. Romney has more wealth than Obama, but less wealth and fewer houses than Kerry.
Nobody is saying that wealth is bad, merely questioning how it was acquired.

Mitt Romney Financial Disclosure Form Lists Bain Capital, Goldman Sachs Gains
You guys are fucking Retards, The limit is 6k Tax free, you are free to add as much as you want over that limit, it is simply not Tax Free.

Learn a little about a subject before you fucking run off at the mouth.

Talk to the mirror, retard. It's against the law to put in more than $6K into an IRA, tax-free or not. Anything more than that is subject to an annual penalty, additional tax, until it's withdrawn.
money is a tool.

its how you use that tool and what for.

Robmoney wants to go right back to the Bush era where everything is designed to benifit the wealthy and impoverish the little guy.

That is what is happening in the Obama era.

Since Obama took control the rich got richer & the poor got poorer. We also have fewer jobs per capita.

Is this the utopia you were hoping for???
Since one can only put $6,000 a year.

More About Romney's 'Off-Shore IRA' - TPMDC - Democratic Underground

After a six-month hiatus, a Vanity Fair article about Mitt Romney’s tangled web of investments has thrust his foreign holdings and complicated tax strategies back into the center of the 2012 campaign. But questions have persisted for months about an individual retirement account held by the Romneys valued at upwards of $100 million — a stunning amount for a savings vehicle designed to provide middle class retirees comfortable, but non-lavish retirement.

His IRA raises two key questions, both of which his campaign has consistently declined to answer: How, despite a $6000 legal limit on annual contributions to an IRA, did Romney’s IRA grow to over $100 million? And did he avoid any U.S. taxes on its enormous returns?


The man oozes money.
if the rule is $6000 max savings in an IRA a year for us, it should be $6000 max put in to it for ALL OF US. that's all I've gotta say...

He put in the first $6,000 tax free. The rest was added using a low tax loop-hole called "Carried Interest". This bullshit allows money managers like Romney to only pay a maximum of 15% tax on his earnings. Others have to pay 35%. Congress needs to close this tax loop-hole for the elite. Romney only paid 13% tax on his earnings.

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