Howard Zinn: A Communist and a Liar


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Recently released FBI files show that Howard Zinn really was a Communist, and a quite active one at that, who lied.

Hardly a surprise to anyone who understands the philosophical basis of his teaching.

The prominent “progressive” historian Howard Zinn, whose books are force-fed to young people on many college campuses, was not only a member of the Moscow-controlled and Soviet-funded Communist Party USA (CPUSA) but lied about it, according to an FBI file released on Friday.

The file, consisting of three sections totaling 423 pages, was made available on the FBI’s website and released in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from this writer.

Zinn taught in the political science department of Boston University for 24 years, from 1964 to 1988, and has been a major influence on the modern-day “progressive” movement that backed Barack Obama for president.

Although Zinn denied being a member of the CPUSA, the FBI file discloses that several reliable informants in the party identified Zinn as a member who attended party meetings as many as five times a week.

What’s more, one of the files reveals that a reliable informant provided a photograph of Zinn teaching a class on “Basic Marxism” at party headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, in 1951. A participant in the class said that Zinn taught that “the basic teaching of Marx and Lenin were sound and should be adhered to by those present…”

Zinn was included on the “Security Index” and “Communist Index” maintained by the FBI. The “Security Index” was more ominous and included individuals who could be detained in the event of a national emergency.

Howard Zinn, “Outed” as a Communist and a Liar The Progressive Hunter
I think he (was) and Chomsky are both communists (meaning Marxists, not Stalinists). With or without an FBI file.
That's just the beginning. He continued for years - and was a 9/11 Truther as well.

Quite a Progressive Hero.
That's just the beginning. He continued for years - and was a 9/11 Truther as well.

Quite a Progressive Hero.

I don't know that he was a 9/11 truther. Chomsky certainly isn't/

Zinn signed the infamous statement at in 2004 (the same one Van Jones signed).
No, I can't. Many of them were taught, directly or indirectly, by Zinn and his cohorts.
That's just the beginning. He continued for years - and was a 9/11 Truther as well.

Quite a Progressive Hero.

I don't know that he was a 9/11 truther. Chomsky certainly isn't/

Zinn signed the infamous statement at in 2004 (the same one Van Jones signed).

did he simply want an independent investigation, or did he actually think Bush blew up the towers, shot a missile at the pentagon, etc?
The group theorized that the U.S. government was responsible for 9/11, or knew of it and allowed it to happen. It's the genesis of the term "Truther".

Zinn was a truther.
Because I am going to believe everything the FBI has to say, especially since he was no security risk, and the fact he denied being a communist while admitting to other things that could be damaging.
Because I am going to believe everything the FBI has to say, especially since he was no security risk, and the fact he denied being a communist while admitting to other things that could be damaging.

aside from his FBI file, he was a borderline communist, as is Chomsky. That doesn't mean he's a security risk, though.
Well, not anymore, now that he's dead.

He was a security risk in the sense that he advocated for destroying our country from within, and influenced a great many susceptible students.
Because I am going to believe everything the FBI has to say, especially since he was no security risk, and the fact he denied being a communist while admitting to other things that could be damaging.

aside from his FBI file, he was a borderline communist, as is Chomsky. That doesn't mean he's a security risk, though.

Maybe not so much now, but it sure did during the Cold War.
The group theorized that the U.S. government was responsible for 9/11, or knew of it and allowed it to happen. It's the genesis of the term "Truther".

Zinn was a truther.

does signing a document necessarily define a person? You may be correct. I am looking at youtube vids and his tune regarding 9/11 is a bit different from Chomsky's.
Giving the fact Van Jones DIDN'T sign the petition I want proof Zinn did Boed.
He did sign the original petition, the flavor of which is quite consistent with his philosophy. If he didn't believe what it represented, then he was a fool for doing so.
Because I am going to believe everything the FBI has to say, especially since he was no security risk, and the fact he denied being a communist while admitting to other things that could be damaging.

aside from his FBI file, he was a borderline communist, as is Chomsky. That doesn't mean he's a security risk, though.

Maybe not so much now, but it sure did during the Cold War.

Do you agree with the US government trying to deport John Lennon? He as also viewed as a security risk.

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