How Transgender Ideology Has Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse

Trans people molesting anyone in public restrooms - 0
Alabama Senate candidates molesting teens - 9

Trans people molesting anyone in public restrooms - 10,000
Times Seawytch has been accurate or informed - 0

5 Times ‘Transgender’ Men Abused Women And Children In Bathrooms

Transgender bathroom laws: Facts and myths - CNN

Michael Dunton, chief records clerk of Rhode Island's Cranston Police Department, told CNN his department was "hard-pressed" to find such a case: "We track our sex offenders very carefully and we haven't seen any instance of sexual predators assaulting in bathrooms."
In Maine, which has had gender identity protections in its state civil rights law for more than 11 years, the state Human Rights Commission was unaware of a single incident.

Young girls are in greater danger from republicans running for office than from Trans people.

Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing

Former Alabama police officer: We knew Roy Moore liked 'young girls' at the mall
Young girls are in greater danger from republicans running for office than from Trans people.

Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing

I will come out and say that if Mr. Trump did that, then that was wrong of him, and quiet despicable.

However, if you defend the “right” of creepy perverted men who claim to “identify” as women to intrude upon women's intimate facilities, then you are a hypocrite for condemning Mr. Trump for doing exactly the same thing.
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Young girls are in greater danger from republicans running for office than from Trans people.

Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing

I will come out and say that if Mr. Trump did that, then that was wrong of him, and quiet despicable.

However, if you defend the “right”[ of creepy perverted men who claim to “identify” as women to intrude upon women's intimate facilities, then you are a hypocrite for condemning Mr. Trump for doing exactly the same thing.

Trans women go into changing rooms to change clothes...Crooked Donnie goes in to peak at young girls.
Inclusive bathrooms don't allow cisgendered men access to women's restrooms.
Uh...the fuck they don’t. For someone who claims to “care” about this issue, you sure are completely clueless about it. They absolutely allow ANY man to use the bathroom they feel “most comfortable” using. That is a fact. This thread is filled with links about it.

No they don't, you ignorant Trumpster. They allow trans men and women to use the restroom of the gender they associate with. In the localities that have these laws, there are no issues with trans people and public facilities.

Trans people molesting anyone in public restrooms - 0
Alabama Senate candidates molesting teens - 9
How about pedophiles pretending to be trans people molesting someone anywhere?
Yes. Yes, you did fail. Are you finally ready to admit it?
Transgender bathroom laws: Facts and myths - CNN

Michael Dunton, chief records clerk of Rhode Island's Cranston Police Department, told CNN his department was "hard-pressed" to find such a case: "We track our sex offenders very carefully and we haven't seen any instance of sexual predators assaulting in bathrooms."
Bwahahahahaha! So you find an obscure quote from a tiny police department in.... Rhode Island?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I proved you are completely ignorant of bathroom laws. You claimed they only allow “transgenders” to invade the restrooms of the opposite sex (which wouldn’t even be possible, much less legal). The fact is, the laws dictate that anyone can use any facility they want.
Trans women go into changing rooms to change clothes...
First of all...they aren’t “trans women”. They are trans men. Putting the word “trans” in front of their gender does not magically alter their biology. They are still men.

And they go in to get off. They could do their little cross-dressing nonsense at home. But that no longer gets them off. They need to do it in public.
Yes. Yes, you did fail. Are you finally ready to admit it?
Transgender bathroom laws: Facts and myths - CNN

Michael Dunton, chief records clerk of Rhode Island's Cranston Police Department, told CNN his department was "hard-pressed" to find such a case: "We track our sex offenders very carefully and we haven't seen any instance of sexual predators assaulting in bathrooms."
Bwahahahahaha! So you find an obscure quote from a tiny police department in.... Rhode Island?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I proved you are completely ignorant of bathroom laws. You claimed they only allow “transgenders” to invade the restrooms of the opposite sex (which wouldn’t even be possible, much less legal). The fact is, the laws dictate that anyone can use any facility they want.

Couldn't read the whole thing? Too many words?

Your article was a fail. I provided you an actual article containing real facts about inclusive bathroom laws. Facts that derail your entire argument.

Anti trans laws don't protect anyone and they are harmful to transgendered individuals. But that's what you want because you find them icky so you're perfectly cool with this...(from the article you obviously did not read)

In one of the largest surveys of transgender and gender non-conforming Americans ever conducted, 70% of respondents reported being denied access, verbally harassed, or physically assaulted in public restrooms. The survey, conducted by UCLA's Williams Institute in 2013 before the nation's capital passed anti-discrimination protections, built on previous research with similar outcomes.
In one of the largest surveys of transgender and gender non-conforming Americans ever conducted, 70% of respondents reported being denied access, verbally harassed, or physically assaulted in public restrooms. The survey, conducted by UCLA's Williams Institute in 2013 before the nation's capital passed anti-discrimination protections, built on previous research with similar outcomes.

What do you expect to happen when creepy male perverts intrude into women's restrooms and other intimate facilities?

If they don't want to be “denied access, verbally harassed, or physically assaulted in public restrooms”, then they need to stay the f••• out of women's restrooms where they have no business being.
In one of the largest surveys of transgender and gender non-conforming Americans ever conducted, 70% of respondents reported being denied access, verbally harassed, or physically assaulted in public restrooms. The survey, conducted by UCLA's Williams Institute in 2013 before the nation's capital passed anti-discrimination protections, built on previous research with similar outcomes.

What do you expect to happen when creepy male perverts intrude into women's restrooms and other intimate facilities?

If they don't want to be “denied access, verbally harassed, or physically assaulted in public restrooms”, then they need to stay the f••• out of women's restrooms where they have no business being.

They aren’t going to. Now what?
In one of the largest surveys of transgender and gender non-conforming Americans ever conducted, 70% of respondents reported being denied access, verbally harassed, or physically assaulted in public restrooms. The survey, conducted by UCLA's Williams Institute in 2013 before the nation's capital passed anti-discrimination protections, built on previous research with similar outcomes.

What do you expect to happen when creepy male perverts intrude into women's restrooms and other intimate facilities?

If they don't want to be “denied access, verbally harassed, or physically assaulted in public restrooms”, then they need to stay the f••• out of women's restrooms where they have no business being.

They aren’t going to. Now what?

Law or not, there are going to be consequences if a perverted freak insists on going into the wrong restroom. Decent men are not going to stand by peacefully when they see one of these perverts follow their wife, daughter, sister, mother or other female loved-ones into a ladies' room.

In one of the largest surveys of transgender and gender non-conforming Americans ever conducted, 70% of respondents reported being denied access, verbally harassed, or physically assaulted in public restrooms. The survey, conducted by UCLA's Williams Institute in 2013 before the nation's capital passed anti-discrimination protections, built on previous research with similar outcomes.

What do you expect to happen when creepy male perverts intrude into women's restrooms and other intimate facilities?

If they don't want to be “denied access, verbally harassed, or physically assaulted in public restrooms”, then they need to stay the f••• out of women's restrooms where they have no business being.

They aren’t going to. Now what?

Law or not, there are going to be consequences if a perverted freak insists on going into the wrong restroom. Decent men are not going to stand by peacefully when they see one of these perverts follow their wife, daughter, sister, mother or other female loved-ones into a ladies' room.

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I'm sure you'll look lovely in an orange jumpsuit.

What are you going to do when the laws you support require that this person use the women's restroom because he still has vagina?

What are you going to do when the laws you support require that this person use the women's restroom because he still has vagina?


If we had a truly sane society, then a person such as that would either not have been allowed to be created, or else would be confined to a mental institution. A woman, horrifically mutilated to appear as a man, is not a man.
What are you going to do when the laws you support require that this person use the women's restroom because he still has vagina?
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

How do people like Seawytch make statements like that with a straight face?!? Science, biology, facts, reason, and logic all tell us that a “he” cannot have a “vagina”. It is literally impossible.
If we had a truly sane society, then a person such as that would either not have been allowed to be created, or else would be confined to a mental institution. A woman, horrifically mutilated to appear as a man, is not a man.
You’ll have to forgive Wytch. As a lefty, she rejects science, reason, logic, and facts.
What are you going to do when the laws you support require that this person use the women's restroom because he still has vagina?

She only exists because an idiotic left-wing physician violated their Hippocratic Oath and provided medications which were not needed. This creature is easily avoidable by not providing women with steroids so they can look like men.

If the left would stop creating problems, there would be no problems to “solve”!
Thank goodness we still have physicians of character who refuse to violate their Hippocratic Oath and who also refuse to bow to the Gaystapo.
Three doctors, specializing in pediatrics, biology, and psychiatry, are criticizing what they say is the reliance on feelings over facts when it comes to studying and treating children who think they're transgender.
That’s what the left does. It rejects all science, biology, facts, reason, and logic in favor of their irrational little feelings. And that’s why they have society such a mess.

What These 3 Doctors Think Should Be Done for Children Who Think They Are Transgender
Facts. They are a bitch for the left...
“Biological sex is not ‘assigned,’” she said. “Biological [sex] is imprinted by our DNA at the moment of conception, and it’s [in] every single cell in our bodies.” It comes down to chromosomes, she explained: If you have a Y chromosome, you’re a boy. If you don’t, you’re a girl.
Thank goodness we still have physicians of character who refuse to violate their Hippocratic Oath and who also refuse to bow to the Gaystapo.

What These 3 Doctors Think Should Be Done for Children Who Think They Are Transgender

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