How to get rid of dog pee smell in carpet?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
So my vet put my 105 lb dog on a steroid reigmen but didn't bother to tell me that it would make him PISS GALLONS CONTINUALLY FOR DAYS. By the time I had it figured out, he'd peed maybe 8-9 times...and when he pees, it's COPIOUS..he soaked areas by the front door, my couch, the hallway.

I cleaned promptly, but it doesn't matter. I bought a fabulous Hoover super duper carpet cleaner, and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned (it really is fabulous, I got it on craigslist for $45, it's a $500 machine, and she gave me a huge box of cleaning solutions, too! And the book! And the upholstery the way, it make my couch look new)

So his steroids have been reduced now, and he quit peeing about 2 days ago (if I had known I would have lodged him in the garage for the 5 day treatment, but it took 2 days for it to start, and another 2 for me to figure it out, and then he was done with it). I made him a belly band (very cool) but he doesn't need it now.

ANYWAY, my carpet looks beautiful..and it smells like a fucking kennel. I swear it's getting WORSE. I spent two days cleaning the crap out of it...last night was awful, it smelled the minute I walked in, I cranked up the heat to dry it out faster, and now it's pretty dry but still smells like big oily dog piss.

So I'm willing to pay a professional to come in and try their hand...but what sort of cleaning should I be looking for? Dry? Will they have any better luck than I did? Because I did a really super good job, and my hoover is no small potatoes. If they're just doing the same thing, I can do that myself, for all the good it does.

Should I do another run with plain water and a little vinegar and see if that helps? I hate to do it so many times that the rug and pad actually deteriorate....

Any advice is insanely appreciated. I've lived with dogs all my life, but have never had to deal with this problem at quite this level's always been a larger area, smaller dogs, and a LOT less urine.
Get rid of the dog. My wife and I have no animals so our house doesn't smell like one (or a lot of them).

I'll bet other families who chose to go "petless" have a similar happy experiences.

A friend of mine just bought a house from a guy who owned a bunch of dogs who pissed all over the carpet and walls for years. My friend is now replacing all the original wood flooring that has been ruined by dog urine. And because the walls are lath and plaster it's that much harder to fix, repair or replace.

A while back some friends of our came to visit and brought a dog with them. I was amazed that they thought I'd be ok with their dog staying in our house. I told them, "Sorry, but that dog is gonna' stay in my garage, not my house".

The next day we found the dog shaking from the cold but a-ok. And of course that fuckin' animal pissed and shit everywhere EXCEPT on the newspaper we laid out for him.

Too many animal lovers just accept animals trashing their house as normal. "Well that's just what they do!"
If someone would not allow my dog in their house, I wouldn't go there. They have absolute contol over what they will and will not permit in their home. I just don't have to go along with their program.

The dog probably shit and pissed all over everything because it was freezing and frightened.

For years my son wouldn't allow my dog in his house. I just didn't go. Now my little girl is a welcome visitor. It's not much different from someone who won't allow children in their home.
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Get rid of the dog. My wife and I have no animals so our house doesn't smell like one (or a lot of them).

I'll bet other families who chose to go "petless" have a similar happy experiences.

A friend of mine just bought a house from a guy who owned a bunch of dogs who pissed all over the carpet and walls for years. My friend is now replacing all the original wood flooring that has been ruined by dog urine. And because the walls are lath and plaster it's that much harder to fix, repair or replace.

A while back some friends of our came to visit and brought a dog with them. I was amazed that they thought I'd be ok with their dog staying in our house. I told them, "Sorry, but that dog is gonna' stay in my garage, not my house".

The next day we found the dog shaking from the cold but a-ok. And of course that fuckin' animal pissed and shit everywhere EXCEPT on the newspaper we laid out for him.

Too many animal lovers just accept animals trashing their house as normal. "Well that's just what they do!"

Wow, thanks for being an asshole.

I hope your friends are as gracious as you when you start shitting your pants as you are about their pets.

Myself, I don't subject my animals on other people, they travel everywhere with me, but I either stay with people who also are part of the animal lover club, or I get a room. Or I camp.

I'm not getting rid of the dog. I have had animals most of my life and love having them, working with them, and dealing with them. I have had times in my life when I have had to downsize...I had to sell horses I loved because I couldn't afford them, and I was dogless and catless for two years when my children were little because I was living in subsidized housing that would not allow pets. Yes it was convenient and nice to be able to come and go and know your house would be the same when you came back as it was when you return. But here's the thing...the animals are my hobby. I don't want to give them up. I like to take them for walks, I like to feed them, I like to groom them, I marvel at their personalities and enjoy interacting with them, I get a kick out of their weird little quirks. My dog doesn't piss on the floor. He was sick, he got a med that caused the problem, and now the issue is no longer ongoing, but of course there are the after affects.

And I'm sure some day in the future, someone will shit on the floor, or tear up a chair, or barf on a beloved bedspread, or dig a big hole. Horrors.
I'm not getting rid of the dog.
But here's the thing...the animals are my hobby. I don't want to give them up. I like to take them for walks, I like to feed them, I like to groom them, I marvel at their personalities and enjoy interacting with them, I get a kick out of their weird little quirks. My dog doesn't piss on the floor. He was sick, he got a med that caused the problem, and now the issue is no longer ongoing, but of course there are the after affects.

And I'm sure some day in the future, someone will shit on the floor, or tear up a chair, or barf on a beloved bedspread, or dig a big hole. Horrors.
So you have a "hobby" that drives the value of your house down? Oh now it makes perfect sense!
If someone would not allow my dog in their house, I wouldn't go there. They have absolute contol over what they will and will not permit in their home. I just don't have to go along with their program.

The dog probably shit and pissed all over everything because it was freezing and frightened.

For years my son wouldn't allow my dog in his house. I just didn't go. Now my little girl is a welcome visitor. It's not much different from someone who won't allow children in their home.

I'm with you. I don't want people to hate my dogs, but if they come to my house, my house is dog central. I have a big one, a small one, and they're loud, hairy, and take up a lot of space. I vacuum up bushels of hair every single day...anyone who visits will get drool on them and will get hair on them. They don't have to come visit if it bothers them.

But like you, I don't force my dogs on anyone outside of my home. I don't drag them to non-pet households because I know very well that people who don't have pets are hyper-critical of those who do, and take great pride in telling them how stupid they are to have animals when they could be happy and wonderful like THEM, in complete petless splendor. I don't want to hear people whining "Don't sniff my crotch!" "Why do dogs always have to sit by ME?" "Get away from me" "Ewwwww....your dog smells horrible" "Why don't you teach that dog some manners? I'd teach him in about 5 minutes flat" "The only good dog is a dead dog" and so on. I've heard it all. "Eww, they're so dirty, do they have fleas? I don't want fleas!"

My own sister is great at that...she'll say "I LOVE dogs!" but then spend all the time she's in my house (or any family member's house if they have pets) complaining about the smell, the hair, the manners of the animals, the presence of the animals, the sounds they make, their breath, the possibility that they might have something she could catch, and the stupidity of those who waste time and money on them. But she LOVES animals. Yeah, right. She sent me an article this morning about all the reasons we shouldn't have animals and all the diseases we can get from them (plague. Yes, I know plague comes from fleas. I would bet that the chances of catching plague because I have a dog is about as likely as my winning the Miss America pageant this year).

Honestly, aside from my sister, I don't have much to do with people who are antagonistic towards those of us with pets. I find them officious, rude, insensitive, and way too enamored of their own opinions about animals (which they admittedly have spent very little time with) to enjoy spending time with them. I'll drop in if I must, say hi, then go get back into my car where my dog is shedding and drooling all over the place, and head for the beach. Bliss.
The smell is probably at the base of the carpet the area needs to soak in an Alkaline cleaning product for at least an hour then wetvac/Hoover it up and rinse with a weak vinegar and water mix, spread over with old bath towels till it's completely dry a day or so
I have a dog that is far more like a child than dog. She has been a welcome guest at The Beverly Hills Hotel, The Beverly Hilton and the Palomar. She doesn't pee or crap on the carpet nor barf on the bedspread. It's amusing that five star hotels allow her to stay there but silly people won't.

If someone has a home that has suffered deletrious effects from having animals living there, it's not the fault of the animal but the owner.

For those who are unaware, unless a dog is specifically trained to potty on paper, they won't. They will avoid the paper and go everywhere else. The floor is covered up for some reason, it must be that they aren't supposed to "go" there. There are potty pads with a scent that attracts dogs and helps with training. My dog will use a potty pad in an emergency such as in the middle of the night. When traveling, I put the potty pad in the bathroom. The pads are backed with a waterproof backing to further protect the floor.

Putting a house dog in the garage and expecting them to just know they are supposed to use paper is the worst kind of foolishness.
Get rid of the dog. My wife and I have no animals so our house doesn't smell like one (or a lot of them).

I'll bet other families who chose to go "petless" have a similar happy experiences.

A friend of mine just bought a house from a guy who owned a bunch of dogs who pissed all over the carpet and walls for years. My friend is now replacing all the original wood flooring that has been ruined by dog urine. And because the walls are lath and plaster it's that much harder to fix, repair or replace.

A while back some friends of our came to visit and brought a dog with them. I was amazed that they thought I'd be ok with their dog staying in our house. I told them, "Sorry, but that dog is gonna' stay in my garage, not my house".

The next day we found the dog shaking from the cold but a-ok. And of course that fuckin' animal pissed and shit everywhere EXCEPT on the newspaper we laid out for him.

Too many animal lovers just accept animals trashing their house as normal. "Well that's just what they do!"
H202, then get rid of the carpet. Carpeting is useless.
buy new carpet AND get rid of dog.

Fuck you very much.

you are welcome.

but somehow i get the impression that you won't follow this best advice.

the second best advice i can give you is the following.

everyone knows that dogs pee to mark their territory.

your dog obviously thinks the carpet and/or the room where the carpet is hanging around is the territory of the dog.

you cannot let this stand.

you have to mark the carpet and, to be sure, everything else in your house as your territory.
Any pet shop (not the pet counters of big-box stores) will have products which will effectively eliminate the urine smell. There are several such products available. The one I used is Nature's Miracle.
"How to get rid of dog pee smell in carpet?"

Keep cammmpbell out in the yard from now on.
If it has happened repeatedly and has dried it will be impossible to get the stain/smell out completely. I have tried all the pet store stuff. I finally decided to go with "orange" hand cleaner like sold in the auto stores. I apply the goop over the stained area and then go over it with a carpet cleaner like a Bissell or Rug Doctor. The first thing you should get when you have a pet is a carpet cleaner. You are kidding yourself if you dont have one. The carpet cleaner alone is sufficient if you catch an accident with 12-24 hours. The carpet cleaner is 90% of the cleaning and the "orange" cleaner is maybe 10%.

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