How to fix the illegal immigration problem.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

GOP say secure the border first and then deal with the 12-20 that are here humanely. What is humane for Illegal Aliens may not be humane for Americans. Democrats say put them on a path to citizenship with a fine for punishment. Others say round them up and put them on busses, etc and deport them. The border is as secure as it’s going to be because without dealing with the incentives that bring them here. We have tried amnesty and that did not work. Obama has deported 1.3 million since he took office which is a record for deportation since Operation Wet Back. Only way to deal with illegal immigration is to cut off the incentives that bring them here and allows them to stay. The incentives are jobs, free healthcare and Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of Illegal Aliens. Securing the border, a path to citizenship and a deportation round up is only patch work on a 50 year old quilt. If the E-Verify is made mandatory with fines for business to check immigration status of all employers they will not be able to work and they will leave with their under age anchor babies and they will not come and leaving their anchor babies behind for tax payers to take care of is not an option, making securing the border a reality. It is not inhumane for them to return to their homeland but it’s compassion because it re-unite families that have been left behind for many years. Then set up a real temporary work program and make it work. A guest worker program will not work if illegal immigration of cheap labor continues.
So far, no one in the past 50 years, including Obama, has not been serious about solving the illegal immigration problem.
The economy will not collapse is Illegal Aliens left because unemployed Americans will take those jobs. There is no jobs that hard working Americans will not do. And we are not talking about farm work because less than 1% or Illegal Aliens workers are working on farms.
The ONLY.. I repeat the ONLY way to stop Illegal immigration is to hold the corporations that hire them responsible but since corporations control America I don't see that....

There has to be someone out there that will put ameicans before corporations. And I believe that man is Ron Paul. As close as we can get.
The ONLY.. I repeat the ONLY way to stop Illegal immigration is to hold the corporations that hire them responsible but since corporations control America I don't see that....

There has to be someone out there that will put ameicans before corporations. And I believe that man is Ron Paul. As close as we can get.

I would vote for Ron Paul. I don't agree with everything he says but....
So far, no one in the past 50 years, including Obama, has not been serious about solving the illegal immigration problem.

For many it’s not a ‘problem,’ ask the growers in Florida.

The economy will not collapse is Illegal Aliens left because unemployed Americans will take those jobs. There is no jobs that hard working Americans will not do. And we are not talking about farm work because less than 1% or Illegal Aliens workers are working on farms.


This issue isn’t difficulty of work alone but its poor wages and lack of advancement, they are indeed ‘dead-end’ jobs.

You and others obsess over this issue far too much, as jobs and the economy are of paramount concern now – once the economy is recovered and unemployment below 5 percent, then the issue may take its appropriate place among other matters.
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So far, no one in the past 50 years, including Obama, has not been serious about solving the illegal immigration problem.

For many it’s not a ‘problem,’ ask the growers in Florida.

The economy will not collapse is Illegal Aliens left because unemployed Americans will take those jobs. There is no jobs that hard working Americans will not do. And we are not talking about farm work because less than 1% or Illegal Aliens workers are working on farms.


This issue isn’t difficulty of work alone but its poor wages and lack of advancement, they are indeed ‘dead-end’ jobs.

You and others obsess over this issue far too much, as jobs and the economy are of paramount concern now – once the economy is recovered and unemployment below 5 percent, then the issue may take its appropriate place among other matters.

There are lots of American that have those "dead end" jobs and go quite well. Even flipping burgers are not a "dead end" job. Janitors and garbage collecters, domestic workers make a good salary for a person with limited skills and America has a lot of them.
Everyone cannot even get a highschool deploma and not have the smarts to go to college. You need to stop believing that lie that there are "jobs Americans will not do."
There are some jobs American have to do.
I think the National E-Verify has to be the first step. Once you remove the incentives to come here, you can start dealing with the other issues. Will it ever come to pass? Who knows
So far, no one in the past 50 years, including Obama, has not been serious about solving the illegal immigration problem.

For many it’s not a ‘problem,’ ask the growers in Florida.

The economy will not collapse is Illegal Aliens left because unemployed Americans will take those jobs. There is no jobs that hard working Americans will not do. And we are not talking about farm work because less than 6% of Illegal Aliens workers are working on farms.


This issue isn’t difficulty of work alone but its poor wages and lack of advancement, they are indeed ‘dead-end’ jobs.

You and others obsess over this issue far too much, as jobs and the economy are of paramount concern now – once the economy is recovered and unemployment below 5 percent, then the issue may take its appropriate place among other matters.

The growers in Florida can get all the farm workers they want under the H2-A Visa Program.Many Americans are working those "dead end" jobs to make end meet. FYI we do have a group of under or low skilled workers who just just want a job.

My daughter work one of those dead end jobs to supplement her income. She baby sit every weekend and during the week for an attorney. Many Americans do.
Illegal aliens don't want to do those dead end jobs either because only 6% is working on the farms and that is why farmers are always short of workers even though there are 8 million in the work force. And WTF is the other 12 million doing? Dealing in drugs and committing other crimes?
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The ONLY.. I repeat the ONLY way to stop Illegal immigration is to hold the corporations that hire them responsible but since corporations control America I don't see that....

There has to be someone out there that will put ameicans before corporations. And I believe that man is Ron Paul. As close as we can get.

What would Ron Paul do about illegal immigration?
Numbersusa has a report card report on all presidential hopefuls on exactly where they stand on this issue. You need to check them out and it tells you how your representatives are voting on those issues. It's strictly an immigration issues site.
Secure the border. Send the illegal aliens back. Fine the hell out of anybody who gives an illegal alien a job. Use e-verify. There is lots that could be done to decrease the illegal alien population in the US but the government does very little of any of it. The reason? All illegal aliens are potential Democratic voters.
The solution:
Secure the border with armed military ( I would start with 300,000 armed soldiers).

The use every measure possible to identify every single illegal--arrest them--and then deport them immediately.Any person ( not businesses or corporations--but every individual) caught hiring an illegal must serve jail time.

Do way with the birthright law.
Do away with chain migration.

Do away with all so-called guest worker programs.
Do away with greencards.
Have very extreme rules for any visitor visa( many illegals come from those who were given a visitor's visa --and then they never went back home aftyer their visit).
Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona can secure the border if Obama and Holder would just get out of the way and let them take care of business. But they want the guns, the drugs, the people trafficking to continue so they can steal our rights. The National Guard troops could do a very fine job of securing the border. What incentive do they have, hell, they be protecting their neighbors, their family from the trash south of the border. It's very doable if a few folks would grow some nuts. But Texas is stuck with Perry.
There's only one way to stop the border bleeding: elect Senators and Representatives who agree to stop the unfettered border migration. When a few of them get the message that they will not get elected unless they agree to stop it.

Get rid of presidential candidates who practice porous border prospering bamboozles. That is hint at amnesty for interlopers who fail to go through the 20-year process of waiting to come here after they apply.

Make it mandatory that congresscritters are tossed out for even thinking about giving illegal aliens more privileges than high school graduates who are citizens.

Applications by swimming the Rio Grande, climbing border fences, tunneling under, biplaning, dropping babies, or hiking across not accepted.

Keep in mind the only candidate presently saying he will stop illegal immigration is Newt Gingrich. The only. The rest of them can park their cars at McDonald's and sling hamburgers.

Of course, if enough of us make faces and don't vote for morons who will not stop the border problem, they might consider changing their tune with no other option available to them by us, the people's force of our will upon them.


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Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona can secure the border if Obama and Holder would just get out of the way and let them take care of business.

That would violate preemption doctrine, as established by the Supremacy Clause.

The right’s obsession over this is partisan, having nothing to do with the law or immigration; this only became an ‘issue’ when Obama became president, as we heard noting from conservatives during the Bush years on the subject.
Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona can secure the border if Obama and Holder would just get out of the way and let them take care of business.

The right’s obsession over this is partisan, having nothing to do with the law or immigration; this only became an ‘issue’ when Obama became president, as we heard noting from conservatives during the Bush years on the subject.

Utter bullshit! People have been screaming about it for years. We shut down the DC switchboards in 2006 when Bush tried to get amnesty passed, this is NOT a partisan issue.

Remember what happened to Grey Davis in the 90's for trying to do something about it? The libs and the anchor babies went BERZERK. California hasn't had a VALID election in 2 DECADES.

And stop with the Supremacy Clause bullshit, too. States enforce ALL KINDS of Federal laws every day!
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We must stop voting for any candidate who will not publicly say that they are in favor of securing the border with armed military and in favor of deporting all illegals. Of course--what this means is no one can then vote for any candidate from the two major parties--because not one candidate from the two major parties has said this because they are all pandering to the hispanics.
Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona can secure the border if Obama and Holder would just get out of the way and let them take care of business.

That would violate preemption doctrine, as established by the Supremacy Clause.

The right’s obsession over this is partisan, having nothing to do with the law or immigration; this only became an ‘issue’ when Obama became president, as we heard noting from conservatives during the Bush years on the subject.

You weren't paying attention, fool.
Why is everyone acting like there is a simple solution. If there was, it would be a non-issue. It's going to continue to be a problem. We should just invest in Mexico getting up to par with the rest of the developed world, then their people would be content within their own borders.

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