How to be a Commie ... Today ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Actually not as taxing as one mite dream.Not as difficult as the
invention of todays Mother of Marxism.Who used institutions
like our University's as did Herbert Marcuse to some degree.
Angela Davis was a thorn in the side of Ronald Reagan while
Governor in California.Angela Davis was used to prep movements like
Black Lives Matter.So it mite be as easy breezie as fixing a Bologna
sandwich or peanut butter and Jelly on toast.But it requires dire
every day perserverance.Like what MSNBC offers their Hosts like
Snarky Nicolle Wallace,Joy Reid and surely Rachel Maddow.
10 PM Host Lawrence O'Donnell never misses an opportunity to
showcase a twinkle in his eye as he goes about the business of
ripping apart like a Great White shards of flesh of the Conservative
bent.And of course focused like a laser on Trump.
It's todays new passion.Hardly saintly or blessed.It's cursed
and the next version of Hellraiser.It reguires dedication to a
Commie or Marxists most popular tool in his lunchpail/
The ability to Lie so often and casually ... Again it's like fixing
a Baloney sandwich on the fly.Smuthered with good old-fashioned
" blarney ".
The End of Laissez Faire { 1925 }
" Marxian Socialism must always remain a portent to the
historians of opinion -- how a doctrine so illogical and so
dull can have exercised so powerful and enduring an influence
on the minds of men,and through
them,the events of history. "
John Maynard Keynes
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The goal of a Marxist is NEVER Marxism.

For example, the leaders of BLM openly embrace Marxism, but they take their millions given to them for their own personal use, like buying million dollar mansions and living like a greedy capitalist.

And Karl Marx was also an ardent racist and looked down upon blacks

So why openly embrace Marxism? Because to make Marxism have a remote chance of working, the state needs complete and utter control over the populace while their leaders live like Hunter Biden, which is above the law.

Its the best of both worlds, they live like greedy Capitalists while denying the masses their freedom so they can order them around at will.
Anything thing other than a Trump sucking republican is a commie .
Define " Anything thing ".
Is dat some kind of new " thingy " take on words.
I predicted like 5-6 years ago a new version of
Dadaism.It's alive and well and doing just fine.
As in Larry Fine { 3 Stooges } and his wild hair.
Disorder in the Court of Mass Persuation.
Um ... lefties don't attend Mass.Let alone how and
when to Pray.
The goal of a Marxist is NEVER Marxism.

For example, the leaders of BLM openly embrace Marxism, but they take their millions given to them for their own personal use, like buying million dollar mansions and living like a greedy capitalist.

And Karl Marx was also an ardent racist and looked down upon blacks

So why openly embrace Marxism? Because to make Marxism have a remote chance of working, the state needs complete and utter control over the populace while their leaders live like Hunter Biden, which is above the law.

Its the best of both worlds, they live like greedy Capitalists while denying the masses their freedom so they can order them around at will.
I could direct those opinions to the Eric Hoffer book :
- The True Believer - { 1951 }
{ Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements }
I could direct those opinions to the Eric Hoffer book :
- The True Believer - { 1951 }
{ Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements }
Sure, you create a cult to have members be true believers, but those that run the show don't believe in it whatsoever.
Sneak into an American's house and hide under his bed. Then be ready to bite it's toes off when it steps within range!
Sure, you create a cult to have members be true believers, but those that run the show don't believe in it whatsoever.
Give an example.Without the usual Alex Jones Infowars take.
Like it's all on the New World Order.
Which apparently would have to include the guy who
pled { George Herbert Walker Bush } and his insistence of
a " New World Order ".In the early 90's.
Or maybe just the bunch on Klaus Schwab's World Economic
Forum.Or the one where Biden met with the Council on
Foreign Relations and swore they had like 6 hrs. to make up
their mind and Fire the Ukrainian Prosecutor who was investigating
Burisma Holdings.
It is actually quite easy to be a commie these days.

Join the Democrat party.
Actually it's not even necessary to Join the Democrat Party.
Just allow them to make sure and git their hands on a
Election Mail-in ballot and also make sure they mail it fir ya.
Like they did in 2020.
Plus and this is key.Americans { Citizens } are allowed their
first amendment right of Free Speech.Which includes Lying.
Of course Not under Oath or in a court of Law.
Yes,lying to one's Employer can be used as grounds for
What is also key is this ... The Left { Leftists' }
Lie a whole lot.But for another reason entirely.
They simply Don't Value Truth.
Not to be confused or conflated with :
Art poetique {1922 }
" When you get to the point where you cheat
for the sake of beauty,you are an artist. "
Max Jacob { French Jewish poet,Catholic convert }

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