How the so-called Liberal Media skews to the right.



So I'm watching "Meet the Press" hosted by David Gregory. Mr. Gregory crows about the non partisanship of his program. So I'm sitting there this morning and watching the show, which is still going on and one startling fact pops out.


When Tim Scott was on, Mr. Gregory asked him questions and then let him answer without a single interruption and letting him talk until he ran out of words. Basically giving him an unchallenged soapbox.


A couple of minutes later, he had on a Democratic legislator who was being asked about the Crispie investigation. After a few minutes, it was difficult to know what his position was because Gregory interrupted him again and again. If this were a court, you would swear Gregory was Billy Flynn.

You see the same thing on Morning Joe.

This could be a matter of perspective. Perhaps Right Wingers have the media "trained". I notice when right wingers are interrupted, they become outraged. The commentators are forced to "smooth feathers". Democrats mostly "take it" as part of being a politician. But not always. There is the famous video of Bill Clinton "fighting back" after being sideswiped by Fox on Bin Laden. Course, Fox is Arab/Australian owned. Hardly mainstream.

But I think my original assessment is more accurate. I believe the media skews right.
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