How the Homeschooling Movement Can Be the Catalyst for Freedom in America


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
After 23 years of service in Congress, over a 36-year period, Ron Paul gave his farewell address to Congress. In his address, Paul delivered a sobering message to the nation:

It is self-evident that our freedoms have been severely limited and the apparent prosperity we still have, is nothing more than leftover wealth from a previous time. This fictitious wealth based on debt and benefits from a false trust in our currency and credit, will play havoc with our society when the bills come due. This means that the full consequence of our lost liberties is yet to be felt.

But that illusion is now ending. Reversing a downward spiral depends on accepting a new approacrh.

read more at How the Homeschooling Movement Can Be the Catalyst for Freedom in America

‘Home schooling’ is a means by which many on the reactionary right seek to retreat from a reality of diversity and change for the better that they fear and disdain, and attempt to create an idealized American past that never existed to begin with.

As for Paul, he merely succeeded again in exhibiting his ignorance of the Constitution and its case law. Not only is it not true that our freedoms have been severely limited, but more Americans are realizing greater freedom and liberty today than at any time in this Nation’s history.
The same ryan that voted for TARP, extended unemployment benefits, took stimulus monies and increased aid to Israel?
‘Home schooling’ is a means by which many on the reactionary right seek to retreat from a reality of diversity and change for the better that they fear and disdain, and attempt to create an idealized American past that never existed to begin with.

As for Paul, he merely succeeded again in exhibiting his ignorance of the Constitution and its case law. Not only is it not true that our freedoms have been severely limited, but more Americans are realizing greater freedom and liberty today than at any time in this Nation’s history.

On what planet do you live?
‘Home schooling’ is a means by which many on the reactionary right seek to retreat from a reality of diversity and change for the better that they fear and disdain, and attempt to create an idealized American past that never existed to begin with.

Can you prove that, or are you just crapping out your mouth again? If you're merely indulging in subjective, emotive monologging, what the fuck makes you think anyone wants to hear it from you AGAIN?
My two oldest kids were home schooled until high school..they are adults now..I have just pulled my 7 yr old out of school and start home schooling him as of this tues
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And I assume you're not 'retreating from reality' or anything like that? You might want to give Mr. Jones a heads-up.
And I assume you're not 'retreating from reality' or anything like that? You might want to give Mr. Jones a heads-up.

No the escape from reality was telling myself I could send my child at 6 to some institution for the day..I was able to delude myself for awhile until I sat in on a few classes..saw all the pointless wasted of time and distraction and it popped my bubble
that and when they stared reading childrens books written by Katie Couric..I shit you not

[ame=]EPIC MEDIA FAIL: Katie Couric pushes Human Microchipping on Live TV - YouTube[/ame]
by Katie Couric

Reading Level: Ages 4-8

The Brand New Kid by Katie Couric is a sensitive book that helps children see the effects of teasing on a new child in school, while it offers a way to help children who feel left out. We want our children to learn to face new situations with confidence, ready to face what comes next. We also want them to be kind and sensitive to others, with strategies for how to include others in play. Reading this book gives you the opportunity to discuss the best way to act when your child is either “the new kid” or watching the new kid. As the author says in her introduction, “as loving and wonderful as they are, children can sometimes be cruel. Kindness can be taught, and perhaps we can all do a better job helping our children learn about tolerance and inclusion.” Not just for new kids, this concept includes children who are misunderstood and feeling left out for any number of reasons. For parents who want to teach their children about tolerance and kindness to others, this book provides a great discussion starter.
Before Reading

Learning to Give Literature Guide: The Brand New Kid

This awful book was all about how to be a good drone a join the team so the torment will stop
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‘Home schooling’ is a means by which many on the reactionary right seek to retreat from a reality of diversity and change for the better that they fear and disdain, and attempt to create an idealized American past that never existed to begin with.

Anyone who doesn't want their children to escape the reality the "diversity and change" horror show is a damn fool. Government schools are nothing more than brainwashing institutions where government employees ram their statist agenda into naive minds. Parents should be able to have their children taught what they want them to be taught, not what some boot-licking government bureaucrat wants them to be taught.

As for Paul, he merely succeeded again in exhibiting his ignorance of the Constitution and its case law. Not only is it not true that our freedoms have been severely limited, but more Americans are realizing greater freedom and liberty today than at any time in this Nation’s history.

Horseshit. This nation is descending into fascism at an appalling rate of speed. The government determines virtually everything thing you do - from what sized soda you can buy to the kind of gasoline you can put in your car, to kind of medical treatment you are allowed to receive.
Longknife speaks about homeschooling as a possible revolutionary movement and I agree...Whether Right or Left, or in-between, this type of education prevents indoctrination. Parents within a region could get together to home-school a group, or small groups could hire one teacher to teach. I taught my kids at home and it was great! The concept can expand to parents groups that share the same philosophy..and voila! a grassroots movement begins...
this "indoctrination" stuff....I had 4 kids go through the public schools. They got a top notch education and not a one of you could find one iota, not one spec of evidence that they were "indoctrinated." Heck they were forced to say the pledge every morning and they did. Would you like them to come to school dressed up in red white and blue uniforms too? Get real.
Heck they were forced to say the pledge every morning and they did. Would you like them to come to school dressed up in red white and blue uniforms too? Get real.

You are missing the point....I am advocating the exact opposite of forcing kids to wear uniforms....although some schools now require it..
From UNKO:

And I assume you're not 'retreating from reality' or anything like that? You might want to give Mr. Jones a heads-up.

What does this mean? Jim Jones? Your reality is not mine...the beauty of democracy
‘Home schooling’ is a means by which many on the reactionary right seek to retreat from a reality of diversity and change for the better that they fear and disdain, and attempt to create an idealized American past that never existed to begin with.

As for Paul, he merely succeeded again in exhibiting his ignorance of the Constitution and its case law. Not only is it not true that our freedoms have been severely limited, but more Americans are realizing greater freedom and liberty today than at any time in this Nation’s history.
you forgot to mention that hame schooled kids score higher on standardized tests .:eusa_eh:
‘Home schooling’ is a means by which many on the reactionary right seek to retreat from a reality of diversity and change for the better that they fear and disdain, and attempt to create an idealized American past that never existed to begin with.

As for Paul, he merely succeeded again in exhibiting his ignorance of the Constitution and its case law. Not only is it not true that our freedoms have been severely limited, but more Americans are realizing greater freedom and liberty today than at any time in this Nation’s history.

Every time a law is passed in federal, state or local government you loose a little bit of freedom. A home schooled kid would know that. Institutes of higher learning used to be arenas for sharing opinions and ideology. Today they are politically correct closed minded arenas where only the liberal ideology is tolerated. A student could be kicked out for saying a word or a phrase that the academic gestapo finds offensive to some member of society.
Funny thing, my kid, DIL, and I had a talk about home schooling. Around here there hasn't been much of a success rate. 90% of the homeschooled failed to get a GED. Of the 10% that did "graduate", none have jobs that pay above the poverty line.

It's one thing if you're stinkin' filthy rich and you can hire a proper upper class tutor for your kid. It's something else entirely if a parent tries to go it alone.

Was I indocrinated in public school or college? Was any member of my family?


The "public schools indocrinate you" nonsense is part of the far right cult mentality. They want to indocrinate you.
Home schooling is a difficult choice. The husband and I have just started tossing the idea around, and luckily we have some time before we need to make a final decision. I think it can be great, but I've also seen home schooled kids who were lacking in so many areas. Parents forget that school teaches a lot more then basic subjects. I don't want to protect my child so much that I leave them unprepared for college or simply living in the real world.

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