Zone1 How should non-Jews fix antisemitism?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
There was a thread a couple of days ago in which a black poster asked whites how they should fix racism, so I’m asked a similar question: what should non-Jews do to fix antisemitism?

Given that it can be argued that there is more pronounced prejudice against Jews than there is against blacks (link below), and that Jew-hate is on the rise worldwide, it’s an important question.

As a start, we need to ramp down on these hate crimes, since Jews are experiencing them at twice the rate of blacks or Muslims, and thus more attention should be paid there. Suggestions?

There was a thread a couple of days ago in which a black poster asked whites how they should fix racism, so I’m asked a similar question: what should non-Jews do to fix antisemitism?

Given that it can be argued that there is more pronounced prejudice against Jews than there is against blacks (link below), and that Jew-hate is on the rise worldwide, it’s an important question.

As a start, we need to ramp down on these hate crimes, since Jews are experiencing them at twice the rate of blacks or Muslims, and thus more attention should be paid there. Suggestions?

To answer your question, why do you think anti-Semitism is on the rise?

Any ideas?
There was a thread a couple of days ago in which a black poster asked whites how they should fix racism, so I’m asked a similar question: what should non-Jews do to fix antisemitism?

Given that it can be argued that there is more pronounced prejudice against Jews than there is against blacks (link below), and that Jew-hate is on the rise worldwide, it’s an important question.

As a start, we need to ramp down on these hate crimes, since Jews are experiencing them at twice the rate of blacks or Muslims, and thus more attention should be paid there. Suggestions?

Considering most people do not practice antisemitism it would be hard to fix what is not broken, now apologize for the nasty things said about Soros.
Considering most people do not practice antisemitism it would be hard to fix what is not broken, now apologize for the nasty things said about Soros.
Most people don’t practice racism, either, but that’s not preventing a big focus on it. Why are you downplaying antisemitism, other than the fact that liberals tend to tolerate it?

And why should I apologize for criticism of Soros? I hate his politics.
There was a thread a couple of days ago in which a black poster asked whites how they should fix racism, so I’m asked a similar question: what should non-Jews do to fix antisemitism?

Given that it can be argued that there is more pronounced prejudice against Jews than there is against blacks (link below), and that Jew-hate is on the rise worldwide, it’s an important question.

As a start, we need to ramp down on these hate crimes, since Jews are experiencing them at twice the rate of blacks or Muslims, and thus more attention should be paid there. Suggestions?

Awareness. One of my favorite annual destinations in Los Angeles is the Simon Wiesenthal Museum of Tolerance. I took my kids there as soon as they were old enough to understand how dangerous bigotry is, and they have since taken their own children there. I have mentioned before that my father was an educator, and he insisted that I read
"Mans Search For Meaning" at an early age in order to understand the horror of what was done to Viktor Frankl, and how easily it could happen to others. The book was also an inspirational story about survival.
Only God can 'fix' antisemitism.

"And I will persecute them with the sword, with the famine, and with the pestilence, and will deliver them to be removed to all the kingdoms of the earth (the diaspora), to be a curse, and an astonishment, and an hissing, and a reproach, among all the nations whither I have driven them:" Jeremiah 29:18
I have no idea, but as the economy continues to put pressure on Americans, the anti-semitism will get worse. Jews are always the scapegoat.

Do YOU have any ideas?
Yes. Yes I do.

In Nazi Germany, in a book called "Hitler's Beneficiaries", I learned some things

The focus on the Jews had to do with the fact that the Jews were socioeconomically more successful than most other groups in Germany. This caused envy, and envy bred hate and murder.

Essentially, the Jewish extermination, as well as the centuries of Jewish persecution before the Nazi Holocaust, I think was fueled on such envy.

As Jews were kicked out of entire countries in Europe, centuries before the Holocaust, their economies collapsed. So you kick out the money makers, and then scratch your head as to why the economy collapses. Pretty simple really.

In fact, Hitler enacted severe taxation on the top 4% of wealthy Germans in addition to taking all the gold from Jews and then sending them off to die.

So this is how things went down in Europe under Hitler. He would invade a country, then create a fiat currency so his soldiers could then loot the country via the fiat money, and then send all the goodies home. This would then create hyperinflation as these puppet governments would ask Hitler for help. Hitler simply told them to round up all the Jews and send them to him, and the use the gold to stabilize the economy.

Shrug, it worked.

But the Nazi regime were National Socialists, and as we see today, the same kind of hate is thrown towards those with wealth by socialists in the US. Occupy Wall Street, for example, held up signs saying "Jewish bankers go home" and "eat the rich".

I once had a video to show you on Youtube but they have long taken it down so people can't see all the anti-Semitism from the Left.

But I do have this video

And today in the US, Jews still lead the way in terms of economic success, which makes them a huge target for the Left.

Awareness and the willingness to learn. One of my favorite annual destinations in Los Angeles is the Simon Wiesenthal Museum of Tolerance. I took my kids there as soon as they were old enough to understand how dangerous bigotry is, and they have since taken their own children there. I have mentioned before that my father was an educator, and he insisted that I read
"Mans Search For Meaning" at an early age in order to understand the horror of what was done to Viktor Frankl, and how easily it could happen to others. The book was also an inspirational story about survival.
This was a great answer. Thank you.
Yes. Yes I do.

In Nazi Germany, in a book called "Hitler's Beneficiaries", I learned some things

The focus on the Jews had to do with the fact that the Jews were socioeconomically more successful than most other groups in Germany. This caused envy, and envy bred hate and murder.

Essentially, the Jewish extermination, as well as the centuries of Jewish persecution before the Nazi Holocaust, I think was fueled on such envy.

As Jews were kicked out of entire countries in Europe, centuries before the Holocaust, their economies collapsed. So you kick out the money makers, and then scratch your head as to why the economy collapses. Pretty simple really.

In fact, Hitler enacted severe taxation on the top 4% of wealthy Germans in addition to taking all the gold from Jews and then sending them off to die.

So this is how things went down in Europe under Hitler. He would invade a country, then create a fiat currency so his soldiers could then loot the country via the fiat money, and then send all the goodies home. This would then create hyperinflation as these puppet governments would ask Hitler for help. Hitler simply told them to round up all the Jews and send them to him, and the use the gold to stabilize the economy.

Shrug, it worked.

But the Nazi regime were National Socialists, and as we see today, the same kind of hate is thrown towards those with wealth by socialists in the US. Occupy Wall Street, for example, held up signs saying "Jewish bankers go home" and "eat the rich".

I once had a video to show you on Youtube but they have long taken it down so people can't see all the anti-Semitism from the Left.

But I do have this video

And today in the US, Jews still lead the way in terms of economic success, which makes them a huge target for the Left.

Another terrific answer. Thanks to you as well.

You did hit on something I suspect, as well - that much of the antI-semitism is due to jealousy (and the remainder to ignorance). After all, you basically have a minuscule minority that has been subjected to unspeakable horrors as a result of their religion, and they still manage to not only survive, but succeed above average.

But that explains WHY there is resentment toward Jews, but it doesn’t answer how we fix it? If much of the antisemitism is due to jealousy over the Jews’ success, as a group, then is the solution to become LESS successful? That doesn’t seem like a positive goal.
Only God can 'fix' antisemitism.

"And I will persecute them with the sword, with the famine, and with the pestilence, and will deliver them to be removed to all the kingdoms of the earth (the diaspora), to be a curse, and an astonishment, and an hissing, and a reproach, among all the nations whither I have driven them:" Jeremiah 29:18
God said his people would be blessed, which based on economics they clearly have been blessed.

But this blessing is not just economic. Look at the Nobel prize winners and just see how a very small percentage of the population has won so many awards because they have contributed so much to our knowledge, like Einstein. So the blessing of the Jews is then extended to the rest of the world in terms of increasing revenue for a better quality of living as well as advances in such things as science.

The world has no explanation as to how such a persecuted people can be so successful. It definitely destroys the narrative of the Left that if you persecute people they need reparations to try and fix their economic plight. This is another reason the Left hates them.

So what is different between the Jewish and Black cultures where both have been severely persecuted, yet only one group seems to be resilient? Although many Jews are atheists, which they then naturally gravitate towards the Left as a result, they still hold on to a culture that values family and education. Conversely, about 70% of black homes are without a father..
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Only God can 'fix' antisemitism.

"And I will persecute them with the sword, with the famine, and with the pestilence, and will deliver them to be removed to all the kingdoms of the earth (the diaspora), to be a curse, and an astonishment, and an hissing, and a reproach, among all the nations whither I have driven them:" Jeremiah 29:18
^^^ This is an example of the antisemitism I was speaking of. In this case, the antisemite comes onto a thread asking how we can fix antisemitism, and takes some verse out of context to claim G-d curses Jews,
Another terrific answer. Thanks to you as well.

You did hit on something I suspect, as well - that much of the antI-semitism is due to jealousy (and the remainder to ignorance). After all, you basically have a minuscule minority that has been subjected to unspeakable horrors as a result of their religion, and they still manage to not only survive, but succeed above average.

But that explains WHY there is resentment toward Jews, but it doesn’t answer how we fix it? If much of the antisemitism is due to jealousy over the Jews’ success, as a group, then is the solution to become LESS successful? That doesn’t seem like a positive goal.
So here we have a successful people being persecuted for being successful.

It seems to me that to fix the situation, the answer is not to punish the successful who are benefiting the rest of society, rather, the focus should be on those who are full of hate for their success, from which the unknowingly benefit from.

Good luck with that.
God said his people would be blessed, which based on economics they clearly have been blessed.

But this blessing is not just economic. Look at the Nobel prize winners and just see how a very small percentage of the population has won so many awards because they have contributed so much to our knowledge, like Einstein. So the blessing of the Jews is then extended to the rest of the world in terms of increasing revenue for a better quality of living as well as advances in such things as science.

The world has no explanation as to how such a persecuted people can be so successful. It definitely destroys the narrative of the Left that if you persecute people they need reparations to try and fix their economic plight.

So what is different between the Jewish and Black cultures where both have been severely persecuted, yet only one group seems to be resilient? Although many Jews are atheists, which they then naturally gravitate towards the Left as a result, they still hold on to a culture that values family and education. Conversely, about 70% of black homes are without a father..
Yes. The key to the Jewish people’s success is their emphasis on intact families and their value for education.
So here we have a successful people being persecuted for being successful.

It seems to me that to fix the situation, the answer is not to punish the successful who are benefiting the rest of society, rather, the focus should be on those who are full of hate for their success, from which the unknowingly benefit from.

Good luck with that.
Yeah, it’s a difficult goal for sure.
There was a thread a couple of days ago in which a black poster asked whites how they should fix racism, so I’m asked a similar question: what should non-Jews do to fix antisemitism?

Given that it can be argued that there is more pronounced prejudice against Jews than there is against blacks (link below), and that Jew-hate is on the rise worldwide, it’s an important question.

As a start, we need to ramp down on these hate crimes, since Jews are experiencing them at twice the rate of blacks or Muslims, and thus more attention should be paid there. Suggestions?

Stop oppressing the Palestinians... that would help.
^^^ This is an example of the antisemitism I was speaking of. In this case, the antisemite comes onto a thread asking how we can fix antisemitism, and takes some verse out of context to claim G-d curses Jews,
What is puzzling is watching a group of gay males in San Fran, who are Leftists, protesting the Zionist nation of Israel

Why? Why are they not protesting the Sudan that was actively engaged in the mass extermination of Christians in Southern Sudan? Is the Zionist nation as bad? LOL.

The kicker is, if you are gay the only safe place in the Middle East is Israel. If they were anywhere else, they would be thrown from roof tops to their collective deaths for being gay under Islam.

But this just shows the blind hate from the Left that continues today that we saw in National Socialist Nazi Germany.
What is puzzling is watching a group of gay males in San Fran, who are Leftists, protesting the Zionist nation of Israel

Why? Why are they not protesting the Sudan that was actively engaged in the mass extermination of Christians in Southern Sudan? Is the Zionist nation as bad? LOL.

The kicker is, if you are gay the only safe place in the Middle East is Israel. If they were anywhere else, they would be thrown from roof tops to their collective deaths for being gay under Islam.

But this just shows the blind hate from the Left that continues today that we saw in National Socialist Nazi Germany.
It shows how their liberalism overtakes even their own best interests, as well as the double standards liberals apply to Israel.

For example, why aren’t the leftists boycotting and rallying against Myanmar? They’re far worse than Israel, and I bet most liberals on any college campus wouldn’t even know what I’m talking about.

Which brings me to another thought. (The benefit of talking this through). The antisemitism is being promoted on liberal college campuses, particularly ones with BDS chapters. We need to crack down on that. Trump made a good first move by issuing an EO prohibiting federal funds to colleges that allowed Jew-hate to fester on their campuses.
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Yeah, it’s a difficult goal for sure.
You are delving into the supernatural with this question.

The Bible predicted thousands of years ago the very persecution of the Jewish people, as well as their relative success despite the persecution

Pretty astounding if you ask me. It also predicted the Israeli nation would be revived, and against all odds, it was in 1948.

And guess what, the only fix is the return of their Messiah.


Have I answered all your questions now?
^^^ This is an example of the antisemitism I was speaking of. In this case, the antisemite comes onto a thread asking how we can fix antisemitism, and takes some verse out of context to claim G-d curses Jews,
Don't kill the messenger.

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