How Sessions Can Save His Scalp

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Ol Jeff's recusal was a terrible mistake. He didn't inform the President he was going to do it, and the outcome has been far worse than anybody could have predicted. He not only failed to cover Trump's back, but he shut the door on a Clinton indictment. That's where your collusion and treason are to be found. So how can this get fixed without firing Sessions and trying to get a new AG through Schumer's gauntlet to confirmation? He must immediately UNrecuse himself. I could be mistaken but without a statute being quoted in his recusal statement, Sessions can decide he shouldn't have disqualified himself.


By doing so, he can then instruct Rosenstein to fire Mueller for the the many conflicts of interest he and his team have. Congress is powerless to stop this or do anything about it. He can then order the FBI Director to pursue a criminal investigation against Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation. Spare Chelsea because she's Ivanka's friend and not the criminal her parents are. This solves the problem and Sessions saves his scalp.
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Didnt he say he would during his confirmation hearing? Saying something about seeking legal council?
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Didnt he say he would during his confirmation hearing? Saying something about seeking legal council?

No, he did it either his first or second day in office and acted on bad advice. I've looked high and low and can't find anything to prevent him from changing his mind.
Big name donors fuel McAuliffe's bid for Virginia governor

The Donald is backing The Macker.

Donald Trump is just one of many big name donors funding Terry McAuliffe's campaign to win the Virginia governor's mansion this fall, according to newly released financial disclosure reports

Trump was a big donor to Terry McAufillfe, a close personal friend of the Clintons.

Conflict of interest! Trump should be fired.
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Didnt he say he would during his confirmation hearing? Saying something about seeking legal council?

Yes. If I remember right he was asked if he would and he said yes I believe, then it came after he was confirmed. I think it was AL Frankin who asked him. Cant remember.
Trump has been a big donor to Democrats, including one of the biggest pieces of shit Democrats ever. And he donated to the Clinton Foundation.

Clearly, he has a conflict of interest and cannot objectively examine whether or not the Russians helped Clinton lose the last election.
He could start by doing his job. Find the leaker on Flynn. Investigate the Ukrainian collusion with the DNC.

Maybe get around to the D's criminal IT guys.
Didnt he say he would during his confirmation hearing? Saying something about seeking legal council?

Yes. If I remember right he was asked if he would and he said yes I believe, then it came after he was confirmed. I think it was AL Frankin who asked him. Cant remember.

He was sworn in 9 February and recused himself 2 March.
He could start by doing his job. Find the leaker on Flynn. Investigate the Ukrainian collusion with the DNC.

Maybe get around to the D's criminal IT guys.

Dang, sounds like Trump failed at hiring the best people. :rolleyes:
He could start by doing his job. Find the leaker on Flynn. Investigate the Ukrainian collusion with the DNC.

Maybe get around to the D's criminal IT guys.

He can't...he recused himself from investigating EITHER campaign...he's useless at this point.
Didnt he say he would during his confirmation hearing? Saying something about seeking legal council?

Yes. If I remember right he was asked if he would and he said yes I believe, then it came after he was confirmed. I think it was AL Frankin who asked him. Cant remember.
Sessions did not say he would recuse himself during the confirmation hearing. He did not mention recusal until a month after he was confirmed.

Sessions was confirmed in February.

March 2: Jeff Sessions: 'I will recuse myself' if necessary
Didnt he say he would during his confirmation hearing? Saying something about seeking legal council?

Yes. If I remember right he was asked if he would and he said yes I believe, then it came after he was confirmed. I think it was AL Frankin who asked him. Cant remember.

He was sworn in 9 February and recused himself 2 March.
and his confirmation hearing was in the middle of January
Didnt he say he would during his confirmation hearing? Saying something about seeking legal council?

Yes. If I remember right he was asked if he would and he said yes I believe, then it came after he was confirmed. I think it was AL Frankin who asked him. Cant remember.
Sessions did not say he would recuse himself during the confirmation hearing. He did not mention recusal until a month after he was confirmed.

Sessions was confirmed in February.

March 2: Jeff Sessions: 'I will recuse myself' if necessary
he said something about seeking legal council for this at his hearings
He could start by doing his job. Find the leaker on Flynn. Investigate the Ukrainian collusion with the DNC.

Maybe get around to the D's criminal IT guys.

He can't...he recused himself from investigating EITHER campaign...
No he did not. He never recused himself from investigating Clinton.

He just doesn't have the Third World tinpot dictator mentality Trump does.
Trump is trying to divert attention away from Russian meddling every way he can think of.

It's classic red herring bullshit. His tweet storm was a whole basket of them.
Ol Jeff's recusal was a terrible mistake. He didn't inform the President he was going to do it, and the outcome has been far worse than anybody could have predicted. He not only failed to cover Trump's back, but he shut the door on a Clinton indictment. That's where your collusion and treason are to be found. So how can this get fixed without firing Sessions and trying to get a new AG through Schumer's gauntlet to confirmation? He must immediately UNrecuse himself. I could be mistaken but without a statute being quoted in his recusal statement, Sessions can decide he shouldn't have disqualified himself.


By doing so, he can then instruct Rosenstein to fire Mueller for the the many conflicts of interest he and his team have. Congress is powerless to stop this or do anything about it. He can then order the FBI Director to pursue a criminal investigation against Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation. Spare Chelsea because she's Ivanka's friend and not the criminal her parents are. This solves the problem and Sessions saves his scalp.

Dream on spunky - the minuet Jeff Sessions "UN-recuses" himself the Congress will impeach his ass for lying under oath so fast it will make his head spin.

Jeff's goose is cooked unless Trump gets convinced that firing Sessions will mean more problems, not less.
Didnt he say he would during his confirmation hearing? Saying something about seeking legal council?

Yes. If I remember right he was asked if he would and he said yes I believe, then it came after he was confirmed. I think it was AL Frankin who asked him. Cant remember.

He was sworn in 9 February and recused himself 2 March.
and his confirmation hearing was in the middle of January

I'm going off memory so I can't call it fact, but I remember it coming up. But Trump could have just asked him if he planned on recusing himself so lamenting the fact way out here is pretty stupid. Trump needs to stop this "apprentice" reality TV bull shit and get on with whatever he is going to do. He needs to stop complaining about the rules and just go do stuff. He needs to remember that he got elected with a 40% +- so it's not like he is doing good. So far all he has been is NOT Hillary.
That won't last. Just fire Sessions, Fire Muller and primary all the republicans he can. If republicans won't work with him gen he should find democrats who will. Trump will overplay his hand if he isn't careful and hasn't already.

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