How Religious Freedom Became A Rightwing Assault On The Rule Of Law

I don't know this from all Protestants - but Lutherans for example are Catholic. But they hate the word Catholic so they replaced the word "Catholic" in all creeds with "Christian" - what's in my view to the world an unnecessary reduction - if it is not wrong at all to do so.

Aha. And how do you know that God has no need of "a" God - whatever "a God" could be? I never spoke about "a" god in anything what I said about god. I said "god is the god of god". And I had to reduce in this context your sentence "God has no need of a God" to "God has no need of god" - what would be an immense paradox. God not needs his creation - for example - but as well his creation and god need god.

God is God. He has no need to have a god.
Since long years never anyone in the USA listened to anything what Germans said to them in this context. Let us now solve this not existing problem "exports of Germany within the EU" and the "money which we pay for our own defense to our own army" and the agreements we made with Barack Obama in this context. Now take your money, take your soldiers and leave Germany. And throw out every German and German company from the USA whomever you like to throw out. We don't need an ally like the USA who is anyway only interesteted in the death of all Germans and the destruction of Germany and Europe.

As I have said before, I would be happy to leave NATO. Both of us agree with this. It is the rest of our countries that insist on remaining allies.

Your beef is not with me.

In general: When we sell to someone a machine in the world - in whatever country - then this one is normally using this machine to produce something and to make a lot of money with. So how are we able to be "aggressive" only because US-Americans make a lot of money by exporting things which cost nothing while they betray all people?

As I said before, I'd be happy to. Your beef is not with me, but with your own people that choose to remain allied with us.

Since long years never anyone in the USA listened to anything what Germans said to them in this context. Let us now solve this not existing problem "exports of Germany within the EU" and the "money which we pay for our own defense to our own army" and the agreements we made with Barack Obama in this context. Now take your money, take your soldiers and leave Germany. And throw out every German and German company from the USA whomever you like to throw out. We don't need an ally like the USA who is anyway only interesteted in the death of all Germans and the destruction of Germany and Europe.

In general: When we sell to someone a machine in the world - in whatever country - then this one is normally using this machine to produce something and to make a lot of money with. So how are we able to be "aggressive" only because US-Americans make a lot of money by exporting things which cost nothing while they betray all people?

Not sure what you mean by "betray all people".
God is God. He has no need to have a god.

You speak intentionally nonsense. The expression "a god" is a polytheistic expression. Polytheism is in worst case nonsense and in best best case part of creation - but god is creator. So to say monotheistically "God has no need to have god" would lead us to a dicussion about paradoxes of our logic and god - which would need a very good knowledge in philosophy and theology. And anyway I said nothing in such a context. I said: "God is the god of god". A clear sentence which includes that god could be religious on his own.

By the way - that god is god doesn't mean god isn't a lampshade. It's really diffcult to say only such a simple sentence in case of god. "To be god" is not a philosophical attribute like all others. Even what "to be" means in this context is a very difficult question because god is also able not to be. And to say "god is love" for example doesn't mean god loves. I think it is true that god loves us - everyone of us much more than all others together - but this all is not a question of logic - it is a question of revelation and belief.

Nevertheless if my lampshade would tell me something about his ideas in context of the universe - specially the idea he is god - then I guess they would bring me into a psychiatric hospital and not the lampshade. The world is not just. So perhaps you should let it be to say nonsense like: "God has no need to have a god." only because such a sentence is true so it is more easy for you to be an intrigant liar by saying so.

God is always in us, but we are rarely at home.
Meister Eckhart
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As I have said before, I would be happy to leave NATO. Both of us agree with this. It is the rest of our countries that insist on remaining allies.

Your beef is not with me.

As I said before, I'd be happy to. Your beef is not with me, but with your own people that choose to remain allied with us.

Not sure what you mean by "betray all people".
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Stop spouting stupid anti-American shit, if you are not going to defend it. Otherwise I am going to be reporting you for flaming and trolling.

What Donald Trump said about Germany was always nothing else than hateful balatant nonsense. And what the USA did do in case of the sanctions "for the energy safety of Europe" was carrried from incompetence, hate and greed. So take your money and your soldiers, leave Europe, throw all Europeans out of the USA, build a wall in the middle of the Atlantic - do whatever you like to do - that all is not any problem of Germany - this all is only a problem of the USA for the USA. But I am absolutelly convinced Donald Trump will be a problem for the survival of all mankind if no one is able to stop him and he should become again president of the USA.
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What Donald Trump said about Germany was always nothing else than hateful balatant nonsense. And what the USA did do in case of the sanctions "for the energy safety of Europe" was carrried from incompetence, hate and greed. So take your money and your soldiers, leave Europe, throw all Europenas out of the USA, build a wall in the middle of the Atlantic - dow whatever you like to do - that all is not any problem of Germany - this all is only a problem of the USA. But I am absolutelly convinced Donald Trump will be a problem for the survival of all mankind if no one is able to stop him and he shoud become again president of the USA.

What Trump said about Germany was not hateful. It was a serious diplomatic issue. We believed that your nation's actions were incorrect and as allies it was thus our problem too.

You need to toughen up some.

Man, if you had to put up witht the stupid shit talk that we as AMERICANs have to deal with, from the idiots of hte world, you would spend all your time crying while hiding under your bed.

If Trump becomes President again, he is likely to move strongly on Trade, and against his vile internal enemies. And both would be a good thing.

And neither a threat to the world. Unless you think China would go to war if they don't get their way on Trade.
What Trump said about Germany was not hateful. It was a serious diplomatic issue. We believed that your nation's actions were incorrect and as allies it was thus our problem too.

You need to toughen up some.

Man, if you had to put up witht the stupid shit talk that we as AMERICANs have to deal with, from the idiots of hte world, you would spend all your time crying while hiding under your bed.

If Trump becomes President again, he is likely to move strongly on Trade, and against his vile internal enemies. And both would be a good thing.

And neither a threat to the world. Unless you think China would go to war if they don't get their way on Trade.

China kicked his ass on trade.
China kicked his ass on trade.

Well, I think that Trump made the mistake of negiotating in Good Faith with China, while China played a Run out the CLock game, hoping Trump would be a one termer.

But, the issue remains the same. We are fucking stupid to let China make this kind of money off of US. The "Trade" between us is greatly enriching them and greatly fucking US.

Trump was the first to try. We need to try again and more seriously and aggressively next time.
Well, I think that Trump made the mistake of negiotating in Good Faith with China, while China played a Run out the CLock game, hoping Trump would be a one termer.

But, the issue remains the same. We are fucking stupid to let China make this kind of money off of US. The "Trade" between us is greatly enriching them and greatly fucking US.

Trump was the first to try. We need to try again and more seriously and aggressively next time.

Maybe some day we will get a serious negotiator in office.
Maybe some day we will get a serious negotiator in office.

Oh, I think Trump was a serious negiotator. I doubt you noticed, but he really got into the actual responsibilities of the office.

CHINA, is the one that wasn't negotiating in good faith, imo.
Oh, I think Trump was a serious negiotator. I doubt you noticed, but he really got into the actual responsibilities of the office.

CHINA, is the one that wasn't negotiating in good faith, imo.

Trump cowardly walked away.
... 1. Trump warned Germany NOT to trust Putin providing him gas, and Trump was right. ...

The real answer would be much more longer. The short form: Donald Trump warned not to trust in Germany specially if Germany will become independent from other countries with the delivery of Russian gas. And he liked to sell American LNG in Europe. Chancellor Merkel offered him to build a terminal for a billion Euro to integrate "his" LNG infra structure into the German piping lines. Suddenly Donald Trump lost the interest in this business. I guess this was because he never before thought about problems in context infra-structure which costs money.

Donald Trump liked also to destroy the NATO - what shows by the way also very clear that he saw not any problem of Russia and his friend Putin for the USA.

And Donald Trump folllows the Machiavellian politics "divide et impera". So he tries to bring conflicts in every house. He fought for example also against the Queen of Enland for the Brexit - and the "nationalistic" England followed him.
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What Trump said about Germany was not hateful. It was a serious diplomatic issue. We believed that your nation's actions were incorrect and as allies it was thus our problem too.

You need to toughen up some.

Man, if you had to put up witht the stupid shit talk that we as AMERICANs have to deal with, from the idiots of hte world, you would spend all your time crying while hiding under your bed.

If Trump becomes President again, he is likely to move strongly on Trade, and against his vile internal enemies. And both would be a good thing.

And neither a threat to the world. Unless you think China would go to war if they don't get their way on Trade.
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How Religious Freedom Became A Rightwing Assault On The Rule Of Law
The right’s ‘religious freedom’ lie is a rightwing assault on both the rule of law and the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause prohibiting the conjoining of church and state.

Prohibiting government from promoting or entangling itself with Christian dogma does not ‘violate’ the ‘religious liberty’ of Christians.
The real answer would be much longer. The short form: Donald Trump warned not to trust in Germany if Germany will become independent from other EU countries with the discovery of Russian gas. And he likes to sell American LNG in Europe. Chancellor Merkel offered him funding for a billion Euro to integrate the new LNG infrastructure into the German piping lines. Suddenly Donald Trump lost interest in this gas business . I guess this was because he never before thought about problems in context infra-structure which costs money.
1. Trump trusts Germany, not Putin. Trump said that buying gas from Putin would bite Germany on the ass, and he was right

2. Germany made a choice to take the cheaper Russian gas, a reasonable business decision, especially when the new infrastructure to import LNG via ship would cost more. But now that Putin has proven NOT to be a reliable supplier, Germany wasted money building pipelines to Russia that Putin just blew up, AND the new LNG infrastructure, meaning Trump was right NOT to trust Putin or to give him funding for his military.

3. You seem to be ignoring the FACT that Putin just blew up the Nord Stream pipelines??????

4. Germany is building new LNG terminals, now if Biden would just open the US energy sector...

Donald Trump is a so called "persona no grata" in Germany. If you do not understand what this is: For very most Germans Donald Trump is nothing else than a rotten asshole. So why do you try to speak with a German about Donald Trump?

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