How quickly Socialism can destroy a country


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
...It only took the liberals and the socialists seven years to practically destroy Spain. It only took them seven years. It wasn't that long ago that they elected this far-left government after 9/11, because the terrorists blew up a train station, and the leader of Spain wanted to cave and give the terrorists whatever they wanted to make sure that there were no more terror attacks on the train station or anything else. That was a rebuke to Bush. Was a rebuke to Bush. So the people of Spain elected this far-left, fringe government. In seven years, less than seven years, with a green jobs economy. It was one of the foundational building blocks of the new socialist regime, green jobs. They created 21% unemployment.

They did exactly what Barack Obama's trying to do here. Obama's on a faster pace than the leftist government of Spain. He's been less than three years, and look at the destruction. It took the government of Spain seven years, but the people of Spain said no mas, don't want it anymore, voted en masse for conservatism.

Spain Says, "No Mas!" to Socialists Who Destroyed the Country, Votes Conservative - The Rush Limbaugh Show
myopic blowhards who cannot even see clearly the blister of the prescription drugs they are about to abuse should not comment on politics on another continent.
...It only took the liberals and the socialists seven years to practically destroy Spain. It only took them seven years. It wasn't that long ago that they elected this far-left government after 9/11, because the terrorists blew up a train station, and the leader of Spain wanted to cave and give the terrorists whatever they wanted to make sure that there were no more terror attacks on the train station or anything else. That was a rebuke to Bush. Was a rebuke to Bush. So the people of Spain elected this far-left, fringe government. In seven years, less than seven years, with a green jobs economy. It was one of the foundational building blocks of the new socialist regime, green jobs. They created 21% unemployment.

They did exactly what Barack Obama's trying to do here. Obama's on a faster pace than the leftist government of Spain. He's been less than three years, and look at the destruction. It took the government of Spain seven years, but the people of Spain said no mas, don't want it anymore, voted en masse for conservatism.

Spain Says, "No Mas!" to Socialists Who Destroyed the Country, Votes Conservative - The Rush Limbaugh Show

You obviously know very little about Spain's history of high unemployment under any party rule. The fact is that unemployment continued to decrease under the socialist rule until after 2007 when almost every economy started going bad. The unemployment rate had little if anything to do with the socialist agenda.
Socialism combined with capitalism works.

you mean like in Spain......and all those other failing Euro countries.....?


Western Europe generally has an economy in much better shape than ours. All of these arguments from the right cherry-pick among the poorest outliers (such as Spain and Greece), when they aren't even more deceptively putting up third-world dirt-poor socialist countries like Cuba for comparison, completely ignoring all of the other factors involved.

What we can really see from history is that two types of economy are a failure:

1) Laissez-faire capitalism results in excessive concentration of wealth, a weak base of consumer demand, frequent severe breakdowns, lackluster economic growth, and eventually a move by a fed-up population to add socialist elements.

2) Top-down, centralized socialism, especially in a non-democratic political context, results in excessive military spending, poor response to the consumer market, poor quality control, low levels of innovation, and a weak economy generally.

Either of these approaches works fine to industrialize an economy, but once industrial production is up and running, neither works well for sustained prosperity.

That's what history tells us, and insistence on the virtues of either one is simply not fact-based; it emerges from ideological conviction that is completely out of touch with reality.

An approach that has worked better than either of those two failures is what might be called a mixed, managed market, social-democratic, or regulated capitalist model, which incorporates government regulation and social welfare elements into a basically capitalist framework.

Another approach that hasn't been tried but might work even better is a decentralized socialist model based on the paradigm of worker ownership and public ownership, in which economic decisions are made by local managers without micromanagement by centralized bureaus, and in which the government manages the economy only through measures similar to what works in a mixed-economy model. All in a context of democratic government, of course. That's never been tried, though, so I can't point to a successful example.
I think we will be staying with what really works the best and that is capitalism.****

This past week, anti-Obama merchandise outpaced sales of pro-Obama merchandise 79 percent to 21 percent at the online clothing store CafePress, which has been tracking sales of election-relevant items.
CafePress, an online custom merchandise shop, launched its 2012 “Election Meter” at the beginning of November but has been tracking the trends in candidate merchandise sales since April.

According to the clothier, the “Meter” successfully predicted President Obama’s victory in 2008. This week’s data represents a stark contrast to Obama’s sales during the 2008 election cycle."

Read more: Anti-Obama T-Shirts | | Election Meter | The Daily Caller

if socialism/socialism mix is so great......explain why the Spanish people are ejecting the 'fantastic' socialist party....?

if socialism/socialism mix is so great......explain why the Spanish people are ejecting the 'fantastic' socialist party....?

I'm sure they have either a good reason or a bad one. However, no European country is even considering a return to laissez-faire capitalism, you can be sure of that.
...It only took the liberals and the socialists seven years to practically destroy Spain. It only took them seven years. It wasn't that long ago that they elected this far-left government after 9/11, because the terrorists blew up a train station, and the leader of Spain wanted to cave and give the terrorists whatever they wanted to make sure that there were no more terror attacks on the train station or anything else. That was a rebuke to Bush. Was a rebuke to Bush. So the people of Spain elected this far-left, fringe government. In seven years, less than seven years, with a green jobs economy. It was one of the foundational building blocks of the new socialist regime, green jobs. They created 21% unemployment.

They did exactly what Barack Obama's trying to do here. Obama's on a faster pace than the leftist government of Spain. He's been less than three years, and look at the destruction. It took the government of Spain seven years, but the people of Spain said no mas, don't want it anymore, voted en masse for conservatism.

Spain Says, "No Mas!" to Socialists Who Destroyed the Country, Votes Conservative - The Rush Limbaugh Show

You obviously know very little about Spain's history of high unemployment under any party rule. The fact is that unemployment continued to decrease under the socialist rule until after 2007 when almost every economy started going bad. The unemployment rate had little if anything to do with the socialist agenda.

the socialist government reined in spending.
they had a housing bubble, which burst.
they were hit by the world economic crisis.
unemployment is at record high, especially for people under 25.
the population did not like the austerity measures implemented by the socialists after and during the crisis.

rajoy has done nothing but sit back and wait.

now he has to deliver.
...It only took the liberals and the socialists seven years to practically destroy Spain. It only took them seven years. It wasn't that long ago that they elected this far-left government after 9/11, because the terrorists blew up a train station, and the leader of Spain wanted to cave and give the terrorists whatever they wanted to make sure that there were no more terror attacks on the train station or anything else. That was a rebuke to Bush. Was a rebuke to Bush. So the people of Spain elected this far-left, fringe government. In seven years, less than seven years, with a green jobs economy. It was one of the foundational building blocks of the new socialist regime, green jobs. They created 21% unemployment.

They did exactly what Barack Obama's trying to do here. Obama's on a faster pace than the leftist government of Spain. He's been less than three years, and look at the destruction. It took the government of Spain seven years, but the people of Spain said no mas, don't want it anymore, voted en masse for conservatism.

Spain Says, "No Mas!" to Socialists Who Destroyed the Country, Votes Conservative - The Rush Limbaugh Show

You obviously know very little about Spain's history of high unemployment under any party rule. The fact is that unemployment continued to decrease under the socialist rule until after 2007 when almost every economy started going bad. The unemployment rate had little if anything to do with the socialist agenda.

the socialist government reined in spending.
they had a housing bubble, which burst.
they were hit by the world economic crisis.
unemployment is at record high, especially for people under 25.
the population did not like the austerity measures implemented by the socialists after and during the crisis.

rajoy has done nothing but sit back and wait.

now he has to deliver.

Enough with the facts, logic, and reason. Quit trying to hijack a troll thread.
How quickly Socialism can destroy a country

....But, not as quickly as BIGOTED, White-Trash/White-Wingers'.....



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