How passing the plate becomes the 'Sunday morning stickup'

guno you would not believe the number of Pastors who abuse their positions to fleece the flock. Most Christians who trust only their Pastors to interpret the Word for them don't even know let alone understand the concept of tithing the way the Lord has commanded his people in the Old Testament.

Meant to add there is no concept of tithing in the NT. Giving when and if you can and in any amount.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7).

In synagogues no offering plate is part of anything and no money is collected or asked during service , why do Christians say they have to give a ten percent tithing?

Because they don't read the Word themselves and let their pastors interpret the Bible as they see fit sadly.

tithing is mentioned in the NT------I am posting that factoid from memory----do not
quote----but I do have a good memory.

But it's not law in the New Testament. The Catholic Church actually brought tithing to Christians in the fifth century.

This passage exemplifies how our giving is to be conducted in the NT.

Mark 12:41-44New International Version (NIV)
The Widow’s Offering
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

Bible Gateway passage: Mark 12:41-44 - New International Version

And here's the data on how tithing came to be AD.

"The Catholic Church knows its own history. Here is how tithing got back into the Church after being absent for nearly five centuries:

"As the Church expanded and various institutions arose, it became necessary to make laws which would insure the proper and permanent support of the clergy. The payment of tithes was adopted from the Old Law... The earliest positive legislation on the subject seems to be contained in the letter of the bishops assembled at Tours in 567 and the [canons] of the Council of Macon in 585."—The Catholic Encyclopedia."

L. Ray Smith - Tithing is Unscriptural Under the New Covenant

your interpretation of charity by jewish law is tainted by your hatred. ----in fact very tiny contributions if any from the poor were the norm------and the RIGHTS of the poor to material support was actual law. Remember the rights of the "gleaners"?
In the context of the OT---the gleaners were people who had the legal right to
part of the harvest---------in fact---AT ALL TIMES ----picking stuff from planted
fields was legal for on the spot consumption.
Tithing is mentioned in the NT------in a way I will not describe-----because it is
far from FLATTERING------it is a remarkable and silly mistake by the writer of
that particular gospel

oh sheeeesh----no wonder the passage is silly-----it came from "Mark"
When the Romans sacked the Vians( not sure of the spelling) they took this idea of theirs to heart about charging a tithe on the it became a Roman scam...It is true Israel was an agrarian society so food was set aside for the poor or those unable to grow food...I think it would be more appropriate to bring those churches back to the original concepts of Israel by placing cans of food in those cash generating plates eventually the churches will get the idea that their scam isn't working so well maybe to teach them a lesson ... Regardless when cash is given there is no telling where it ends up and what it is used for as the accounting of these things is usually rather loose and easy to misrepresent...
When the Romans sacked the Vians( not sure of the spelling) they took this idea of theirs to heart about charging a tithe on the it became a Roman scam...It is true Israel was an agrarian society so food was set aside for the poor or those unable to grow food...I think it would be more appropriate to bring those churches back to the original concepts of Israel by placing cans of food in those cash generating plates eventually the churches will get the idea that their scam isn't working so well maybe to teach them a lesson ... Regardless when cash is given there is no telling where it ends up and what it is used for as the accounting of these things is usually rather loose and easy to misrepresent...

the directive for REQUIRED "setting aside" of the harvest ------WAS one-tenth
in torah law. The loose change church plate thing----is, of course, loose change
Well I don't know how this will work in the future as governments are moving to a cashless society so will you whip out your debit card or write a cheque or get a machine to scan your card... Really these things are coming to an end one way or another ..... I actually do not see why people have to go through a middleman anyways... If they want to give to the poor they should try to directly in their own way.... Governments are already providing by our social safety nets so all of us are contributing way more then 10 per cent anyways you look at it if you are paying taxes...
One notes a peculiar obsession and easily predictable pattern from the OP. He periodically and vainly posts attempts to attack (solely) Christianity under the guise of asking questions he thinks are difficult for Cristians to answer (here's a hint, they're not). Then, when the "question" is easily answered and disposed of, silence falls, only for the same thing pop up again in a slightly different context. Most peculiar. Also periodically (usually around Christian holy days, as if he cannot stand the thought of Christians enjoying and publicly expressing their faith), the animus becomes too much and he gets outright hostile, but that's a separate discussion.

Finances is one reason why mega churches become easy prey for corruption. If the leader is living a lavish lifestyle, watch out. He's either already been corrupted or is about to be. If he doesn't speak out against sin, he already has been, because he's afraid of losing donations by stepping on toes.
Well I don't know how this will work in the future as governments are moving to a cashless society so will you whip out your debit card or write a cheque or get a machine to scan your card... Really these things are coming to an end one way or another ..... I actually do not see why people have to go through a middleman anyways... If they want to give to the poor they should try to directly in their own way.... Governments are already providing by our social safety nets so all of us are contributing way more then 10 per cent anyways you look at it if you are paying taxes...

sheeesh-----come off it-----they can do it the jewish way----make a verbal pledge and
send it later
But that way you can keep track of it Irosie.... That is my whole point... The jig is going to be up one way or another...
Well I don't know how this will work in the future as governments are moving to a cashless society so will you whip out your debit card or write a cheque or get a machine to scan your card... Really these things are coming to an end one way or another ..... I actually do not see why people have to go through a middleman anyways... If they want to give to the poor they should try to directly in their own way.... Governments are already providing by our social safety nets so all of us are contributing way more then 10 per cent anyways you look at it if you are paying taxes...

sheeesh-----come off it-----they can do it the jewish way----make a verbal pledge and
send it later
Isn't the Jewish way that your family rents a pew in the synagogue? And the more you pay, the closer you are to the front of the house? :dunno:
Well I don't know how this will work in the future as governments are moving to a cashless society so will you whip out your debit card or write a cheque or get a machine to scan your card... Really these things are coming to an end one way or another ..... I actually do not see why people have to go through a middleman anyways... If they want to give to the poor they should try to directly in their own way.... Governments are already providing by our social safety nets so all of us are contributing way more then 10 per cent anyways you look at it if you are paying taxes...

sheeesh-----come off it-----they can do it the jewish way----make a verbal pledge and
send it later
Isn't the Jewish way that your family rents a pew in the synagogue? And the more you pay, the closer you are to the front of the house? :dunno:

no ----there is no such custom----there are no "pews"
Well I don't know how this will work in the future as governments are moving to a cashless society so will you whip out your debit card or write a cheque or get a machine to scan your card... Really these things are coming to an end one way or another ..... I actually do not see why people have to go through a middleman anyways... If they want to give to the poor they should try to directly in their own way.... Governments are already providing by our social safety nets so all of us are contributing way more then 10 per cent anyways you look at it if you are paying taxes...

sheeesh-----come off it-----they can do it the jewish way----make a verbal pledge and
send it later
Isn't the Jewish way that your family rents a pew in the synagogue? And the more you pay, the closer you are to the front of the house? :dunno:
Well I don't know how this will work in the future as governments are moving to a cashless society so will you whip out your debit card or write a cheque or get a machine to scan your card... Really these things are coming to an end one way or another ..... I actually do not see why people have to go through a middleman anyways... If they want to give to the poor they should try to directly in their own way.... Governments are already providing by our social safety nets so all of us are contributing way more then 10 per cent anyways you look at it if you are paying taxes...

sheeesh-----come off it-----they can do it the jewish way----make a verbal pledge and
send it later
Isn't the Jewish way that your family rents a pew in the synagogue? And the more you pay, the closer you are to the front of the house? :dunno:

I will help you out on how "seating" generally works in synagogues------some people attend LOTS------like virtually daily-----men show up for the morning prayer thing in really religious places----or those who ARE really religious, daily. People tend to sit -----in their "usual places"---and next to the guy they 'usually sit with'. People can DONATE or "endow" furnishings---for all kinds of reasons or just for the hell of it-----sometime whatever they donate has a little plaque on it but it generally does not become an "only for me" place. In some synagogues-----holidays are SO CROWDED -----that non members pay for a place----ie they BUY A RESERVATION-----and that is about it. I have never heard of differential pricing
on those reservations based on orchestra vs mezzanine. If you happen to go into an old old synagogue and there is a NAME on a "pew"---assuming the few places
with some pews-----it probably just means that family donated the pew---sometimes
in MEMORY OF DEAD DAD (or mom)
Why does the Christian man god need money every Sunday ? and sometimes two or three times for "love" offerings?
Why does the Christian man god need money every Sunday ? and sometimes two or three times for "love" offerings?

jerk----the church has to pay the electric bill and-------pay the pastor----and pay the guy who sweeps up--------and pay for the coloring books used in sunday school with
cartoons of Jesus holding a lamb-------and the crayons. Every institution has
It's called fraud in any other context. But we have to be all PC about it :p
i hear they call the stick up love offerings

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -
If you are not a member of this church, it's really none of your concern, is it?
So how much do YOU give every week?
What possible business is that of yours?
So you're ashamed to say? Got it.

public humiliation is the best way to GET THAT MONEY OUT OF THE

Public humiliation is for pikers. Instead tell parishioners if they cough up the cash they get excommunicated from God's only legitimate church and will therefore roast for all eternity. Oh, and by being excommunicated were cut off from the community as well. Good luck buying food when shopkeepers were told to shun you. The Medieval Catholic church had shaking people down to a science.
If you are not a member of this church, it's really none of your concern, is it?
So how much do YOU give every week?
What possible business is that of yours?
So you're ashamed to say? Got it.

public humiliation is the best way to GET THAT MONEY OUT OF THE

Public humiliation is for pikers. Instead tell parishioners if they cough up the cash they get excommunicated from God's only legitimate church and will therefore roast for all eternity. Oh, and by being excommunicated were cut off from the community as well. Good luck buying food when shopkeepers were told to shun you. The Medieval Catholic church had shaking people down to a science.

no need for acrimony-----just send the alimony -----SEE? I is a poet
Why does the Christian man god need money every Sunday ? and sometimes two or three times for "love" offerings?

'Cause money just keeps slipping through his hands, you know with the holes and all.
Why does the Christian man god need money every Sunday ? and sometimes two or three times for "love" offerings?

'Cause money just keeps slipping through his hands, you know with the holes and all.

shev-----cool it. the thing they call the "man-god" was a good Pharisee jew-----
another victim of the filth of rome. Speaking of the filth of rome-----il papa fuggen FRANCES ---very recently kissed the stinking ass of one Achmed el Tayeb -----the head of AL AZHAR U. ----the MOST ESTEEMED and authoritative institution on ISLAMIC LAW in the world-----the same one that MANY DECADES issued the famous fartwah rendering the murder of ANY jew------regardless of age or gender a legal victim of killing by any muslim in the world. (not defined as murder by the glorious imam) Be impressed-----Frances is fulfilling Allah's mission
What? I never said anything about any historical figure and they claimed their christ was hanged not crucified.
The cruciFICTION scene was taken from the Bel Tablets.
Which is why I always wondered what it would be like if they all wore hang rope around their neck instead of crosses?
With all those crosses worn in jail the nooses around their necks instead would make suicide watch all the more difficult.

Oh, and a side note; the Tanakh shows us that Dagon(father of Baal) was an idol "that Fell and broke off his hands during his fall".
Baal being the mask of his father Dagon and
Jesus being the mask for his father Baal means the remade idol has no hands which to hold money.
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