How much patience does Barr have?

We FINALLY get a no nonsense man at the helm of the justice department and Trumps incessant and completely unnecessary tweeting may very well drive Barr out.
How long would you expect someone to take all the shit he's getting as a results of Trumps tweets to last? He's clearly fed up with the tweeting or he wouldn't have asked Trump to stop.

At this point I'm getting a little nervous that Trump is going to beat himself.
Nearly EVERY measurable metric is in Trumps favor so STOP STOKING THE FIRES. Stop giving the left unnecessary talking points.
Tamp it down till the election is over ffs.

And no, I'm not saying he needs to change or stop campaigning. Just stop giving the hacks on the left easy and COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY ammunition.

Barr has to understand that he is FAR from being the only one who has had to exercise painfully frustrating patience and see it from the majority of Americans' view...

Not just the perception but the reality of 'Justice' in America has been / still is that there are 2 separate Justice Systems n this country - one for Democrats and one for everyone else who does not embrace their ideology / agenda.

Obama NSA Director James Clapper committed Perjury before Congress, not once but at least twice. The next day after his 1st huge lie about not illegally spying on the American people quickly blew up in his face, Democrats brought him back before Congress so he could 'amend' his perjurous testimony. The next time he did so, they just 'ran out the clock' on his public crime.

Obama CIA Director Brennan was caught committing Perjury NUMEROUS times without being held accountable. Brennan committed Perjury when he denied illegally spying on Americans. It was revealed he illegally spied on citizens, reporters, & the media. It was not until D-Diane Feinstein discovered he had been spying on US SENATORS and USSC Justices that SHE helped 'bust' Brennan for 'Perjury'. The ONLY 'accountability ' or 'consequences' Brennan faced was being forced to appear before Congress, admit his crimes, 'apologize', and promise not to do it again. The man violated the Constitution, stripped Americans of their Constitutional Rights, broke laws....and 'had to apologize' before Congress.....before repeating his crimes in the coup against Trump and his team.
- Feinstein was, at the time, in the midst of facilitating decades of Chinese espionage against the United States by one of her very own inner-circle team members. Feinstein was afraid Brennan knew and was spying on her. (Feinstein's espionage was exposed a year later....the spy quietly left the country & Feinstein was not even investigated.)

Obama former FBI Director Comey admitted to leaking classified, committed Perjury before Congress, knowingly paid / used a known lying, untrustworthy foreign spy against the President, used Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda, violated the Constitution, abused Americans' rights, committed FISA Court Abuses.....etc..

McCabe admitted to his crimes and even apologized for them...

The FBI protected Hillary from Indictment - despite FBI agents declaring she committed crimes, that a criminal investigation was needed, the FBI never opened an official investigation of Clinton. They never recorded her interview, never even made notes...until approx. 6-8 months later when questions started to be asked about it - her 302 was not completed until months after her interview.

Cheryl Mills committed Perjury.....

Huma Abedin committed perjury and was caught with classified e-mails she had e-mailed herself from Hillary's server / office....

This is just the tip of the iceburg, so many not mentioned....

There is an undeniable, overwhelming mountain of evidence of crimes and has been for YEARS now....meanwhile not only are all of the people who have been indicted / convicted Conservatives, Democrats the US IG recommended Indictment for after finding sufficient evidence to indict have NOT been indicted....

The country is a virtual powder keg that amazingly did not go off when the DOJ announced they 'would no longer pursue indictment' for McCabe (NOT that he as innocent of all crimes)....

'Perspective'.......Barr thinks HE is frustrated....?!

When Comey announced Hillary was no longer being investigated (she never was), Dems and snowflakes sung his praises.

When Comey's FBI agents raised hell and demanded the case be re-opened when they found classified info and Abedin with all of Hillary's e-mails on Huma's personal home PC that rested on his junk as he sexted young girls, Comey 're-opened' the investigation...Democrats and snowflakes went insane, spewing hate for Comey.....

...until Comey quickly closed the case again (that had never been open to begin with).THEN they sung his praises again......

Democrats and snowflakes HATE Barr because of his reputation of being an extremely honorable, ethical, moral, capable, and dedicated man - even among Democrats. They KNOW he can't be intimidated, can't be bought, is NOT Deep State, and know if anyone is going to hold the Democrats for their crimes it will be him....

Like Trump, they called for his removal immediately....hell, f*in' Nadler and the Democrats demanded he break the law and Censured him when he refused to do so. THAT tells you everything you need to know about Barr and why the Democrats hate him.
We FINALLY get a no nonsense man at the helm of the justice department and Trumps incessant and completely unnecessary tweeting may very well drive Barr out.
How long would you expect someone to take all the shit he's getting as a results of Trumps tweets to last? He's clearly fed up with the tweeting or he wouldn't have asked Trump to stop.

At this point I'm getting a little nervous that Trump is going to beat himself.
Nearly EVERY measurable metric is in Trumps favor so STOP STOKING THE FIRES. Stop giving the left unnecessary talking points.
Tamp it down till the election is over ffs.

And no, I'm not saying he needs to change or stop campaigning. Just stop giving the hacks on the left easy and COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY ammunition.
An attorney general who wants to give unlimited power to the Presidency is a bad thing. Just because it's your boy crush he wants to give that power to doesn't make it good.
So, some people "close" to Barr "leak" to the press Barr's heart-felt feelings about his fabulous independence, and how he is heartily dismayed about how the Twitler-in-Chief undermines it?

I can't possibly tell how heartened and reassured I am upon hearing about it.

And I'm convinced that if you look at the timeline objectively, this was exactly the outcome intended by this public criticism.

Here's the relevant timeline:

Early last week the calls for Barr's resignation/impeachment had reached a fever pitch. On Feb 12th and 13th, almost all media outlets were leading off with stories such as Elizabeth Warren's demand that "Barr should resign or face impeachment"

Feb 14th -- while the resignation/impeachment rabble was at a fever pitch -- Barr does an interview with ABC News and levels an excoriating criticism of Trump's tweeting habits. The media narrative immediately changes after that interview, with the media jumping at the opportunity to bash Trump, and instantly squelching the news cycle calling for his resignation/impeachment.

And here's all the proof I'll ever need that this was planned: In response to Barr's very public criticism, Trump's only response was to say, essentially, "yeah, I know I make his job harder"

When have we ever seen Trump so quiet after being publicly criticized by anyone, nonetheless someone in his employ? That tells me all I need to know. We will never know what really happened, but I suspect there was a short meeting between Trump and Barr in the oval office, with Trump saying "go on TV and blame it on me, I can take it"
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And I'm convinced that if you look at the timeline objectively, this was exactly the outcome intended by this public criticism.

Here's the relevant timeline:

Early last week the calls for Barr's resignation/impeachment had reached a fever pitch. On Feb 12th and 13th, almost all media outlets were leading off with stories such as Elizabeth Warren's demand that "Barr should resign or face impeachment"

Feb 14th -- while the resignation/impeachment rabble was at a fever pitch -- Barr does an interview with ABC News and levels an excoriating criticism of Trump's tweets. Immediately the media narrative changes, jumping at the opportunity to bash Trump, getting behind Barr, and instantly squelching the news cycle calling for his resignation/impeachment.

And here's all the proof I'll ever need that this was planned: In response to Barr's very public criticism, Trump's only response was to say, essentially, "yeah, I know I make his job harder"

When have we ever seen Trump so quiet after being publicly criticized by anyone, nonetheless someone in his employ? That tells me all I need to know. We will never know what really happened, but I suspect there was a short meeting between Trump and Barr in the oval office, with Trump saying "go on TV and blame it on me, I can take it"

The original reporting by the NYT came with a little note that Barr had let in Trump on the general outlines of the ABC interview - before it happened. That this was a well-coordinated plot to befuddle the onlookers was never in serious doubt. The only question was who - or how many - would be gullible enough to buy and swallow the whole thing.
It’s not an American Dream for incomes to be equal.
True. That would infer that all men are equal. They aren't/
All men are created equal toward an unimpeded outcome. All men are not created for equal outcomes nor guaranteed such.
Every man and woman have many traits. All men and women are not equal in all traits. Humans are equal in they are a mixture of traits. No one defines the whole person
Only friciking idiots believe the monitary worth determines a person's worth. worth.
Donald Trump is an example of that. Disgusting, low life human in most traits but he has a lot of money.

Socialism does not work.

We need a system that gives people the incentive to pursue what they desire.
We have such a system .Those who do not attain it are lazy or stupid.

That's not true.
Malcolm X was a commie terrorist.
And I'm convinced that if you look at the timeline objectively, this was exactly the outcome intended by this public criticism.

Here's the relevant timeline:

Early last week the calls for Barr's resignation/impeachment had reached a fever pitch. On Feb 12th and 13th, almost all media outlets were leading off with stories such as Elizabeth Warren's demand that "Barr should resign or face impeachment"

Feb 14th -- while the resignation/impeachment rabble was at a fever pitch -- Barr does an interview with ABC News and levels an excoriating criticism of Trump's tweets. Immediately the media narrative changes, jumping at the opportunity to bash Trump, getting behind Barr, and instantly squelching the news cycle calling for his resignation/impeachment.

And here's all the proof I'll ever need that this was planned: In response to Barr's very public criticism, Trump's only response was to say, essentially, "yeah, I know I make his job harder"

When have we ever seen Trump so quiet after being publicly criticized by anyone, nonetheless someone in his employ? That tells me all I need to know. We will never know what really happened, but I suspect there was a short meeting between Trump and Barr in the oval office, with Trump saying "go on TV and blame it on me, I can take it"

The original reporting by the NYT came with a little note that Barr had let in Trump on the general outlines of the ABC interview - before it happened. That this was a well-coordinated plot to befuddle the onlookers was never in serious doubt. The only question was who - or how many - would be gullible enough to buy and swallow the whole thing.
Barr is CIA and his CIA cover name is Charles Johnson just like Oliver North had a CIA last name of Chaffee.
Barr covered up the doings of the CIA friendly BCCI that laundered drug money. He covered up the Clinton and George H.W Bush Mena drug running operation and he also appointed the the Attorney General for the state of Arkansas to (snicker) "oversee" the Mena airport operation. Mueller also attended the weddings of two of Barr's daughters.

Terry Reid's book exposed Barr and North in his book he wrote back in the mid 90's. Chip Tatum also mentioned these two and how they moved the drug running operation from Mena, Arkansas to Mexico when it went sour and Barry Seal was to turn states evidence before he was gunned down in Baton Rouge by alleged assassins of Pablo Escobar.
I have zero sympathy for Barr, or for anyone else who works for Trump.

You know what you're getting into.

Barr will now have to fold ... seeing trumps gaining the real power

And all democrats will be shown to the world as the most crooked people on the planet

Trump now about to get another big rise and support

Manufacturing is rising like a rocket !!

MAGAnomics – Big Manufacturing Jump Amid Mid-Atlantic Region Report…
Proven fact.

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