HOW masks work.


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
This thread is specifically about HOW masks work. I used all caps on "HOW", because I suspect that lefties will become confused and thin that I am wondering if masks work or not. I am not asking if masks work, and I don't need propaganda that claims they work. I just want to know HOW exactly the enormous pores or holes in masks are able to trap a virus or droplet that is hundreds or even thousands of times smaller. Studies that suggest that masks work do not tell me HOW masks work, nor do testimonials from doctors or scientists. All I want is HOW masks work, including HOW the tiny virus and droplets get trapped by enormous holes that are WAY bigger.
I suspect that no lefties will be answering as to HOW masks work. I started another thread earlier asking for the sizes of the holes or pores in masks compared to the size of the virus, and no lefties had any idea the answer to that. Mask culture is purely faith based, and lefties have no clue how they actually work.
I suspect that no lefties will be answering as to HOW masks work. I started another thread earlier asking for the sizes of the holes or pores in masks compared to the size of the virus, and no lefties had any idea the answer to that. Mask culture is purely faith based, and lefties have no clue how they actually work.
Democrats don't know how they work....they've just been told they do.


Lol, what happened to all the lefties? It's like when you turn the lights on in a seedy hotel, and all the cockroaches disappear into dark places immediately. They hate Christianity, but they won't talk about their faith based mask religion...
The short answer, they don't work, at least not the way people are wearing them.

I've said it several times, these bandanas and gators that people wear are not effective. Those who do wear actual masks and have them pulled down below their noses are also ineffective.

I'd say masks would be effective if everyone PROPERLY wore a MEDICAL GRADE mask.
It's a simple case of physics which you obviously cannot comprehend. If you could, you wouldn't be asking HOW masks work. Additionally, why is this a political issue to you? Is it because trump brainwashed your dumb ass?

Logic tells me you haven't changed the air filter in your HVAC unit since you moved in. How about the one in your vehicle? I suspect you have which means this is nothing more than a failed attempt at baiting someone into your argument.

READ the article shithead. (I capitalized READ because I doubt you will).

The short answer, they don't work, at least not the way people are wearing them.

I've said it several times, these bandanas and gators that people wear are not effective. Those who do wear actual masks and have them pulled down below their noses are also ineffective.

I'd say masks would be effective if everyone PROPERLY wore a MEDICAL GRADE mask.
A medical grade mask won't help, since they were not designed for viruses. Medical facilities have always had a problem with bacteria, which is a thousand times bigger than a virus, which is why they have been wearing masks since long before the scamdemic. A medical grade surgical mask has openings on the sides that are big enough to pick you nose through.
It's a simple case of physics which you obviously cannot comprehend. If you could, you wouldn't be asking HOW masks work. Additionally, why is this a political issue to you? Is it because trump brainwashed your dumb ass?

Logic tells me you haven't changed the air filter in your HVAC unit since you moved in. How about the one in your vehicle? I suspect you have which means this is nothing more than a failed attempt at baiting someone into your argument.

READ the article shithead. (I capitalized READ because I doubt you will).

scam democrats. Carefully described this exact article in the opening post. If you think that article explains HOW masks work, quote that part here to this thread. Otherwise, that article is pure pro mask propaganda. Absolutely no "HOW" in it.
Not only do lefties have no clue about HOW MASKS actually work, but they have no clue how significant the lack of a face to mask seal is. Surgical style masks aren't even meant to seal to the face, so they have a gaps to the face that are big enough to pick your nose through. This is fine in the setting that surgical masks were intended for, but they don't do anything to stop viruses.

Even if a mask was made of something that could actually filter out viruses, there would be so much pressure created that the mask would not be able to seal. That's why we use actual respirators with replaceable cartridges in the work place when we work with hazmat that requires lots of filtration. In many cases, we have to wear supplied air type masks, especially if we are around something that is deadly. If I had to walk into a space that was known to contain a deadly virus, you would NEVER catch me entering with a DIY cloth mask, a surgical mask, or even an n95.
It's a simple case of physics which you obviously cannot comprehend. If you could, you wouldn't be asking HOW masks work. Additionally, why is this a political issue to you? Is it because trump brainwashed your dumb ass?

Logic tells me you haven't changed the air filter in your HVAC unit since you moved in. How about the one in your vehicle? I suspect you have which means this is nothing more than a failed attempt at baiting someone into your argument.

READ the article shithead. (I capitalized READ because I doubt you will).

Where are your latex gloves? Where are everyones latex gloves? What just a crappy mask is good enough for a very deadly virus thats gonna kill us all? Cant go to a pub or hairdresser but can go to a crowded walmart?
Where are your latex gloves? Without them your going to kill us all.
The fake 'mask' doesn't work, it's needed to break your will and make you to slave
Most of the masks that people are wearing were not designed to stop viruses, but they do a fine job at catching bacteria. Bacteria is about a thousand times bigger than viruses, and it gets trapped by these masks the moment it comes out of the mouth as we exhale. The bacteria is harmful waste that our bodies have rejected, that normally gets expelled at an adequate velocity to get it away from us to a safe distance. When we wear masks that were designed for bacteria, the tiny viruses slip right through like the water in a colander when you drain pasta, and the harmful bacteria stay behind like the macaroni. The next time you inhale, you suck these dangerous bacteria back in. Bacterial pneumonia is on the rise...
The fake 'mask' doesn't work, it's needed to break your will and make you to slave
Most of the masks that people are wearing were not designed to stop viruses, but they do a fine job at catching bacteria. Bacteria is about a thousand times bigger than viruses, and it gets trapped by these masks the moment it comes out of the mouth as we exhale. The bacteria is harmful waste that our bodies have rejected, that normally gets expelled at an adequate velocity to get it away from us to a safe distance. When we wear masks that were designed for bacteria, the tiny viruses slip right through like the water in a colander when you drain pasta, and the harmful bacteria stay behind like the macaroni. The next time you inhale, you suck these dangerous bacteria back in. Bacterial pneumonia is on the rise...
And they wonder why so many are on ventilators after breathing mask spittle covid back down into their lungs.
Then the stock boy rubs his face under his mask at the caught spittle and then stocks the cans on the shelves.
Masks do nothing but make a virus infection worse. No one wears latex gloves while pumping gas or sanitizes the stuff bought from a crowded walmart.
And politcians do the exact opposite of what they tell us to do.
Masks are useless alone and are simply to remind you that there is a virus out there with a near 99 percent survival rate which you would otherwise soon forget existed by participating in normal life where no masks were present.
Its a marketing ploy for the sale of industrial vaccines.
The fake 'mask' doesn't work, it's needed to break your will and make you to slave
Most of the masks that people are wearing were not designed to stop viruses, but they do a fine job at catching bacteria. Bacteria is about a thousand times bigger than viruses, and it gets trapped by these masks the moment it comes out of the mouth as we exhale. The bacteria is harmful waste that our bodies have rejected, that normally gets expelled at an adequate velocity to get it away from us to a safe distance. When we wear masks that were designed for bacteria, the tiny viruses slip right through like the water in a colander when you drain pasta, and the harmful bacteria stay behind like the macaroni. The next time you inhale, you suck these dangerous bacteria back in. Bacterial pneumonia is on the rise...
And they wonder why so many are on ventilators after breathing mask spittle covid back down into their lungs.
Then the stock boy rubs his face under his mask at the caught spittle and then stocks the cans on the shelves.
Masks do nothing but make a virus infection worse. No one wears latex gloves while pumping gas or sanitizes the stuff bought from a crowded walmart.
And politcians do the exact opposite of what they tell us to do.
Masks are useless alone and are simply to remind you that there is a virus out there with a near 99 percent survival rate which you would otherwise soon forget existed by participating in normal life where no masks were present.
Its a marketing ploy for the sale of industrial vaccines.
Lefties are absolutely BEGGING to be mocked for their ridiculous mask culture. They have no answers, just links to propaganda.
The fake 'mask' doesn't work, it's needed to break your will and make you to slave
Most of the masks that people are wearing were not designed to stop viruses, but they do a fine job at catching bacteria. Bacteria is about a thousand times bigger than viruses, and it gets trapped by these masks the moment it comes out of the mouth as we exhale. The bacteria is harmful waste that our bodies have rejected, that normally gets expelled at an adequate velocity to get it away from us to a safe distance. When we wear masks that were designed for bacteria, the tiny viruses slip right through like the water in a colander when you drain pasta, and the harmful bacteria stay behind like the macaroni. The next time you inhale, you suck these dangerous bacteria back in. Bacterial pneumonia is on the rise...
And they wonder why so many are on ventilators after breathing mask spittle covid back down into their lungs.
Then the stock boy rubs his face under his mask at the caught spittle and then stocks the cans on the shelves.
Masks do nothing but make a virus infection worse. No one wears latex gloves while pumping gas or sanitizes the stuff bought from a crowded walmart.
And politcians do the exact opposite of what they tell us to do.
Masks are useless alone and are simply to remind you that there is a virus out there with a near 99 percent survival rate which you would otherwise soon forget existed by participating in normal life where no masks were present.
Its a marketing ploy for the sale of industrial vaccines.
Lefties are absolutely BEGGING to be mocked for their ridiculous mask culture. They have no answers, just links to propaganda.

The lying propaganda of MSM is the only big weapon of lefts

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