How many African-Americans were killed in WWI?

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.
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American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.


AMERICAN soldiers. And yes, it is a thick book. Hell, did you even look at it when I posted the reference?
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
They were just not keeping records that way back then.
And why should they. The heroes that died in that war from this country were AMERICANS. Americans should not be counted by their ethnicity but by their nationality. To do otherwise is just an attempt to divide the country and a house divided CANNOT stand.
This is my attitude toward everything the government does.

Why does it keep track of race for educational opportunities? Why does it keep track of race for social programs? Why does it keep track of race for crime statistics? Why does it keep track of race for voting registration and the census?

None of that is necessary.

We are all Americans, and the only reason police brutality exists, is targeted towards the POOR, not towards anybody of a particular race. Discrimination in hiring and housing now occurs because of one's credit score, not the color of a person's skin.

If ethnic or religious subcultures tend to be more poor, or have less credit? That doesn't mean society is inherently "patriarchal," or inherently racist, it means it works for those who have money, wealth and credit. . . and for those sub-cultures that promote success and good financial literacy. Those sub-cultures that don't? Well. . .they are going to be left behind.

So you are absolutely correct, keeping track of racial or other sub-categories in the population is meant to do one thing, and one thing only, to divide folks and incite hatred and friciton within the population.
They were just not keeping records that way back then.
And why should they. The heroes that died in that war from this country were AMERICANS. Americans should not be counted by their ethnicity but by their nationality. To do otherwise is just an attempt to divide the country and a house divided CANNOT stand.
This is my attitude toward everything the government does.

Why does it keep track of race for educational opportunities? Why does it keep track of race for social programs? Why does it keep track of race for crime statistics? Why does it keep track of race for voting registration and the census?

None of that is necessary.

We are all Americans, and the only reason police brutality exists, is targeted towards the POOR, not towards anybody of a particular race. Discrimination in hiring and housing now occurs because of one's credit score, not the color of a person's skin.

If ethnic or religious subcultures tend to be more poor, or have less credit? That doesn't mean society is inherently "patriarchal," or inherently racist, it means it works for those who have money, wealth and credit. . . and for those sub-cultures that promote success and good financial literacy. Those sub-cultures that don't? Well. . .they are going to be left behind.

So you are absolutely correct, keeping track of racial or other sub-categories in the population is meant to do one thing, and one thing only, to divide folks and incite hatred and friciton within the population.
Well said.
I have done several seeches on the subject but unable to obtain the official stats on the death of Black Soldiers in WWI.......I found several articles on black particiption in the Greart war....their units etc. but unable to find how many died in combat?

The only black combatants I know of are some French colonial units that served commendably in several key battles. The Brits had some too, Nigerians.

Just ignore the bullshit editorializing and spin at the link; most Africans were better off under European administration than under their own corrupt dictators. A couple of exceptions don't disprove that fact.
I have done several seeches on the subject but unable to obtain the official stats on the death of Black Soldiers in WWI.......I found several articles on black particiption in the Greart war....their units etc. but unable to find how many died in combat?

The only black combatants I know of are some French colonial units that served commendably in several key battles. The Brits had some too, Nigerians.

Just ignore the bullshit editorializing and spin at the link; most Africans were better off under European administration than under their own corrupt dictators. A couple of exceptions don't disprove that fact.

Excellent article.

The fact that an American could show such valor and courage, and then be shafted so bad is pitiful. Wounded 21 times. The Purple Heart was 67 years late. The worst is that there was no mention of any wounds in his discharge papers, so he was denied disability. But this physical condition meant he could no longer do the hard work that he had done prior to service. A true hero. Recognized by France and ignored by his own country.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.
So the answer is very few black Americans lost their lives relative to all the other casualty groups. We already knew that. 2 million Africans were killed in WW I fighting for France and Britain.
Jeez dude, you certainly want a very narrow idea of the topic, don't you?

You asked for me to post the relevant part of the article Coyote posted. I posted the entire article. The number of deaths of blacks in 2 divisions is listed near the bottom.
Actually the OP didn't specify Americans; the aricle I linked to claims 2 million Africans.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???
The numbers are so tiny I'm surprised you could find the 800 number for WW II.

You might find this article interesting.

They go in for job training now and avoid the combat arms, then whine about being under-represented in command positions. They're never happy, always sniveling for no reason.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.
He did not say they were not part of the war he simply made an observation.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?
The vast majority of U.S. black soldiers mainly served in supply and logistics under the American flag and commanded by white U.S. Army.
But there were two divisions of black U.S. Army combat soldiers that were given to the French, commanded by French officers, wore French helmets and used French weapons, and fought under the French flag during WWl. ... :cool:
They avoid combat duty these days. Whites and hispanics are over-represented in the combat arms. Our new 'Defense Secretary' is running around claiming it's cuz 'white supremacy n stuff', of course, being another racist moron appointed by Biden.
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They were just not keeping records that way back then.
And why should they. The heroes that died in that war from this country were AMERICANS. Americans should not be counted by their ethnicity but by their nationality. To do otherwise is just an attempt to divide the country and a house divided CANNOT stand.
This is my attitude toward everything the government does.

Why does it keep track of race for educational opportunities? Why does it keep track of race for social programs? Why does it keep track of race for crime statistics? Why does it keep track of race for voting registration and the census?

None of that is necessary.

We are all Americans, and the only reason police brutality exists, is targeted towards the POOR, not towards anybody of a particular race. Discrimination in hiring and housing now occurs because of one's credit score, not the color of a person's skin.

If ethnic or religious subcultures tend to be more poor, or have less credit? That doesn't mean society is inherently "patriarchal," or inherently racist, it means it works for those who have money, wealth and credit. . . and for those sub-cultures that promote success and good financial literacy. Those sub-cultures that don't? Well. . .they are going to be left behind.

So you are absolutely correct, keeping track of racial or other sub-categories in the population is meant to do one thing, and one thing only, to divide folks and incite hatred and friciton within the population.
It matters because of the current sniveling over lack of 'diversity' claims in our officer corps being used as a rubrick to to appoint commanders, which in turn affects everything else in the military.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?
The vast majority of U.S. black soldiers mainly served in supply and logistics under the American flag and commanded by white U.S. Army.
But there were two divisions of black U.S. Army combat soldiers that were given to the French, commanded by French officers, wore French helmets and used French weapons, and fought under the French flag during WWl. ... :cool:
They avoid combat duty these days. Whites and hispanics are over-represented in the combat arms. Our new 'Defense Secretary' is running around claiming it's cuz 'white supremacy n stuff', of course, being another racist moron appointed by Biden.

Not exactly, I read an analysis of this during the invasion of Iraq. Black soldiers tend to join up in order to learn a trade they can apply to civilian life, thus they end up in support units mainly. Whites and Hispanics tend to join the military for the adventure so they tend to end up in combat units.
They were just not keeping records that way back then.
And why should they. The heroes that died in that war from this country were AMERICANS. Americans should not be counted by their ethnicity but by their nationality. To do otherwise is just an attempt to divide the country and a house divided CANNOT stand.
This is my attitude toward everything the government does.

Why does it keep track of race for educational opportunities? Why does it keep track of race for social programs? Why does it keep track of race for crime statistics? Why does it keep track of race for voting registration and the census?

None of that is necessary.

We are all Americans, and the only reason police brutality exists, is targeted towards the POOR, not towards anybody of a particular race. Discrimination in hiring and housing now occurs because of one's credit score, not the color of a person's skin.

If ethnic or religious subcultures tend to be more poor, or have less credit? That doesn't mean society is inherently "patriarchal," or inherently racist, it means it works for those who have money, wealth and credit. . . and for those sub-cultures that promote success and good financial literacy. Those sub-cultures that don't? Well. . .they are going to be left behind.

So you are absolutely correct, keeping track of racial or other sub-categories in the population is meant to do one thing, and one thing only, to divide folks and incite hatred and friciton within the population.
It would be nice if we could get to that spot, but we have a ways to go yet. Daily we heard news reports of racists going their racial hate from turning down a vets mic during a speech in Ohio yearbooks in Florida being suspended form mentioning BLM....

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