How low will Bush's approval rating go?


Sep 15, 2008
This bailout/stock market crash will have to have some effect on Bush's ratings. I am wondering if they will drop below 20 percent. What you guys think?
not surprised. How recent is that poll?

This afternoon. No congress has ever been below 25%. As bad as the President is doing, Congress has absolutely NO faith from the American people.

The people have spoken out 90% DO NOT WANT A BAILOUT. We WANT the system to collapse, so we can rebuild it. Even it costs 20% of us OUR JOBS.
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This afternoon. No congress has ever been below 25%. As bad as the President is doing, Congress has absolutely NO faith from the American people.

The people have spoken out 90% DO NOT WANT A BAILOUT. We WANT the system to collapse, so we can rebuild it. Even it costs 20% of us OUR JOBS.

That would be like 1929.
I would really like to know who that 8% is and punch them in the face...

oh come on,,anyone that deluded needs compassion ..understanding ..not a punch in the face...besides they are most likely old and senile and defenceless
I'm sure if you actually saw one of them they would seem to pathetic to punch in the face....and you would realise their punch in the face is waking up each morning and being one of those 8%
This bailout/stock market crash will have to have some effect on Bush's ratings. I am wondering if they will drop below 20 percent. What you guys think?

The lower Bush's rating goes, the lower McCain's goes. They're both 'publicans. Right now Bush's approval rating is 27%. It's been lower... 23 I think is the worst it's ever been.
The lower Bush's rating goes, the lower McCain's goes. They're both 'publicans. Right now Bush's approval rating is 27%. It's been lower... 23 I think is the worst it's ever been.

And yet Congress is 8 percent and who controls Congress? And It has gone down since the Democrats took over, not up. While Bush's HAS gone up.

Go ahead you dumb shits reelect the very people that have refused for 2 years to act at all. Obama's financial advisor used to Run one of the Companies now being investigated for fraud and illegal accounting practices. In fact he got booted for JUST that reason in, what, 2004?

Obama has a great track record of whom he surrounds himself with now doesn't he?
What difference does it make?

ARe you under the impression we live in a democracy or something?
I would really like to know who that 8% is and punch them in the face...

Hey! Even congresscritters have mommies - there is your 8% if you include buddies who get government contracts and lobbyists.

Just punch the lobbyists - the buddies will be handled on election day with the congresscritter and the mommies deserve some semblance of respect.

This bailout/stock market crash will have to have some effect on Bush's ratings. I am wondering if they will drop below 20 percent. What you guys think?

Not as low as this Democrat Congress, thats for sure...
Why is Bush approval rating 10% higher than Congress. That should speak volume. If Bush approval rate in Aug 08 was in the low 30s, why is Congress in the late teens?
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I love this bullshit about how the Democrats run Congress. Yes, they have more power than the Republicans, but they can't do whatever they want. Its called filibuster, having a very very slim majority in the Senate, and a Republican president.
I love this bullshit about how the Democrats run Congress. Yes, they have more power than the Republicans, but they can't do whatever they want. Its called filibuster, having a very very slim majority in the Senate, and a Republican president.

Congress has been under the thumb of wealthy individuals and corporations ever since the mercenary lobbyists moved into DC in the 60's and 70's. The pawns in the suits that you call 'Republican' and 'Democrat' are a joke. Two different sides of the same coin - designed to pick topics like abortion that arouse passion, but have no bearing on the greater marketplace, distracting the people so that the wealth behind the corporations could design a government to their liking.

I am voting for Obama because he is the closest thing to an outsider to the system I have ever seen get this close to the Whitehouse. Honestly, I thought it would be impossible. I know he is not perfect but there is no such thing as a 'super-hero'. Any human that is going to have any success in cleaning up DC is going to have to wade into the swamp a little.

Yeah, it is a vote on 'gut feeling' instead of intellectual analysis of facts... So? Nobody is as qualified as everyone thinks they should be, and intellectual analysis is a failure because of our diversity as a mutt culture.

That leaves Fear and Faith - both are reliable 'gut feelings'... use them wisely, Grasshopper.

Fear put George Junior in the Whitehouse for 2 terms... How's that working out for you?

In reply to the threads topic:

I think they had to design a whole new rating system to keep him from going into negative. *snicker*
With an 8 percent approval rating the dem controlled Congress is expected to pick up seats in both houses in November.

Can someone explain that?

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