How Liberals Debate

Well tweddle, no matter where you go, here or the Chambersburg, PA. Public Opinion newspaper online, the readers peg you as the cut and paste Reich Wing idiot that you truly are.

You pretend to be some kind of cyber Rush Limbaugh as you parrot the same verbal hate vomit that they puke on air.

You are a sad example of humanity.

And your post is what, exactly?
Well tweddle, no matter where you go, here or the Chambersburg, PA. Public Opinion newspaper online, the readers peg you as the cut and paste Reich Wing idiot that you truly are.

You pretend to be some kind of cyber Rush Limbaugh as you parrot the same verbal hate vomit that they puke on air.

You are a sad example of humanity.
You know this person?
He is a kooky loner that lives in a trailer on a lonely country road an cuts and pastes article and posts them on the Public Opinion website. I can not post a URL because I have not made 15 posts yet. It' http:/www {dot]publicopiniononline[dot]com or you can Google PublicOpinionOnline then go to the Opinion Section (it has 7 days of editorials)see in red "past articles", under each article is a COMMENT link. He is Tweddle. He writes a monthly letter, since I pointed out that he was plagerizing material, he has started providing references to links. He has a current letter posted at the Public Opinion.
Check it out:
Wednseday March 7, 2007 "Retreating From Iraq will Help the Enemies".
The letter was written by him and the Comment link is at the bottom of the letter.
Here is another post of Red State Tweddle in a Maryland paper, the

February 20, 2007 - "proudconservative"
Libs have one goal and one goal only - to continue their war on Bush. Libs see the war as a defeat only for Pres Bush. It will be a defeat for America, and it will send a message to the terroists, America does not have a will to fight. The terrosists will continue to come after us. I wonder how the libs would react if they get their wish and the troops leave Iraq; then America has another 9-11 attack. Or we have nombs going off all over the country. Who will the libs blame? Will they admit they were wrong to show weaknes and run, or will they blame Pres Bush?
He is a kooky loner that lives in a trailer on a lonely country road an cuts and pastes article and posts them on the Public Opinion website. I can not post a URL because I have not made 15 posts yet. It' http:/www {dot]publicopiniononline[dot]com or you can Google PublicOpinionOnline then go to the Opinion Section (it has 7 days of editorials)see in red "past articles", under each article is a COMMENT link. He is Tweddle. He writes a monthly letter, since I pointed out that he was plagerizing material, he has started providing references to links. He has a current letter posted at the Public Opinion.
Check it out:
Wednseday March 7, 2007 "Retreating From Iraq will Help the Enemies".
The letter was written by him and the Comment link is at the bottom of the letter.

Red States Rule...BUSTED!
He also posts on the Herald Mail in Hagerstown.
He used to post under multiple names and have conversations with himself. He was libslayer, musicman, JB Hartman, a few others, and himself as Tweddle. The Tweddle character would pretend to be Rush Limbaugh and the others were his fans. Tweddle would give the fatherly advice. It was funny because they all wrote in the same style with the same spelling patterns, and agreed. It is rare for anybody to actually agree with him.
He also posts on the Herald Mail in Hagerstown.
He used to post under multiple names and have conversations with himself. He was libslayer, musicman, JB Hartman, a few others, and himself as Tweddle. The Tweddle character would pretend to be Rush Limbaugh and the others were his fans. Tweddle would give the fatherly advice. It was funny because they all wrote in the same style with the same spelling patterns, and agreed. It is rare for anybody to actually agree with him.

ROFL! :rofl:
it is the same tired old cut and paste that this moron has given us before. He is incapable of ever stringing more than four words together of his own selection to convey his OWN thoughts or ideas and now, he can't even find any NEW cut and paste words from someone else and has resorted to repeating his cut and paste posts. This is pathetic, but I have long since given up on expecting anything of substance from this guy.

ho hum

Ahhh, so I see you followed the liberal debate tactic of, if you dont have the facts on your side, attack the person.:eusa_clap: :clap2:
More from the king of cut-and-paste. Having debated you, several times, and having presented links to support my arguments, you consistently failed to make any cogent arguments to refute my assertions and your responses were little more than cut-and-pasted patchworks from right wing blogs.

Your post is no more than the pot trying to call the kettle black.

Nobody can ever make cognent arguements against you. You see, if we provide links, its "from a right wing biased bullshit blog", but when you present links from liberal sources, to you they are "credible".

I think that is tactic #13 under RSR's list.:rofl: :rofl:
One thing RedStates does well is PARROT all the talking points of his fellow right wing parrots. No original thought, just cut & paste. People like him were not trained to THINK. They were trained to LISTEN AND REPEAT.......just like PARROTS.

I see you are folllowing in the footsteps of MM. Hmmm, yea, this is funny actually, three posts from liberals in a row complaining how RSR has no original thoughts, and yet all three liberals are parroting each other perfectly !:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Well tweddle, no matter where you go, here or the Chambersburg, PA. Public Opinion newspaper online, the readers peg you as the cut and paste Reich Wing idiot that you truly are.

You pretend to be some kind of cyber Rush Limbaugh as you parrot the same verbal hate vomit that they puke on air.

You are a sad example of humanity.

ahhhhh, parrot number 4. What really cracks me up is how the libs are always making that claim. I have more than once been accused of being a Ditto head, but I DONT EVEN listen to rush. I find too much talk on only politics boring.

Not to mention the talking head points that are years and years old, and disproved over and over, and yet the talking head libs still bring them up, over and over.
Ahhh, so I see you followed the liberal debate tactic of, if you dont have the facts on your side, attack the person.:eusa_clap: :clap2:

Without facts or the truth on their side - what else can libs do? In a feeble attempt to elevate their talking points they have to slander their opponent
Nobody can ever make cognent arguements against you. You see, if we provide links, its "from a right wing biased bullshit blog", but when you present links from liberal sources, to you they are "credible".

I think that is tactic #13 under RSR's list.:rofl: :rofl:

To Bush haters like BP, if Chris Matthews or Keith Olbdermann does not mention it, or Air America reports it - it never happened
He is a kooky loner that lives in a trailer on a lonely country road an cuts and pastes article and posts them on the Public Opinion website. I can not post a URL because I have not made 15 posts yet. It' http:/www {dot]publicopiniononline[dot]com or you can Google PublicOpinionOnline then go to the Opinion Section (it has 7 days of editorials)see in red "past articles", under each article is a COMMENT link. He is Tweddle. He writes a monthly letter, since I pointed out that he was plagerizing material, he has started providing references to links. He has a current letter posted at the Public Opinion.
Check it out:
Wednseday March 7, 2007 "Retreating From Iraq will Help the Enemies".
The letter was written by him and the Comment link is at the bottom of the letter.

Oh no, my cover is blown! I am pleased you did not mention I am the illegitment son of Pres Bush, and in six months when he suspends the US Constitution, declares nationwide martial law, I will be in charge of a concentration camp in the middle of a desert where liberals will be held prisoner.
Ahhh, so I see you followed the liberal debate tactic of, if you dont have the facts on your side, attack the person.:eusa_clap: :clap2:

oh please... are you suggesting that his oft posted liberal rules for debate is, in any way , FACTUAL? I pointed out that he posted the same sarcastic tripe written by someone else earlier on this same site... and you are telling me that the facts are not on MY side? get a life.
oh please... are you suggesting that his oft posted liberal rules for debate is, in any way , FACTUAL? I pointed out that he posted the same sarcastic tripe written by someone else earlier on this same site... and you are telling me that the facts are not on MY side? get a life.

The writer was probably using you as a role model. You follow the tactics perfectly

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