How is your life better---or worse


I got to go to turkey and greece with my entire family this summer.

i like my job. it pays pretty well.

my son made national honor society and is being bar mitzvot in the fall...

i saw springsteen three times this last tour

i have great family and friends... knock wood...

no complaints.
Pretty much the same.
My mother had a heart attack, but she is a lot better, and has made some good decisions about her health. I don't worry as much as I used to.
Much better. Many of my fruit trees began producing this year and I made a good bit of cash by predicting the failure of the I did the dollar.
it is better for one reason

But worse for 435 reasons and an administration full of leftists
it is better for one reason

But worse for 435 reasons and an administration full of leftists


Your life is what you choose to make it. Not anybody else.

Oh that is true, unless you are starting to live out the lefts utopian dream, and seeing the "benefits" thereof

Let's just say, watching one freedom at a time become a memory is not fun.


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Better. Finally finished my accounting degree. Half-way done with my CPA license. Promotion at work (finally moved out of being an intern!), much better pay.

Talk to me in six months when the CPA exam is finished, I've moved closer to my job, and I have time to work out and get in shape.
it is better for one reason

But worse for 435 reasons and an administration full of leftists


Your life is what you choose to make it. Not anybody else.

Oh that is true, unless you are starting to live out the lefts utopian dream, and seeing the "benefits" thereof

Let's just say, watching one freedom at a time become a memory is not fun.

Well, do you still have your health, your son, your home, your job? Friends? Family? Interests and Hobbies?
Do you enjoy them all, or have you lost all of that since the "leftists" took over?

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