How is the boycott going?

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It is a country, what it wasn't was a state, it is now!

None of which bolsters israel's claim to the land.

Israel already exists as a sovereign state. They don't need justification to why they exist where they do, you alcoholic leprechaun.
It is a country, what it wasn't was a state, it is now!

None of which bolsters israel's claim to the land.

Mandatory Palestine was not a country of a state before Israel declared independence . It was a region, or territory in which the Palestinians HAD NO SOVEREIGNTY over.
I'm not saying they had no rights, but they certainly had no right to decide weather Israel can set up their state in the land allotted to them in the partition plan.
"Mandatory Palestine was not a country"

Article 2. of the Mandate for Palestine:

"The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions....."

The Avalon Project : The Palestine Mandate

the country they form or divide into countries such as Israel and palestine. Israel was ready to take over their government when the mandate ended. The palestinians still are not ready for all that being a country entails.
Mandate was already divded up to form trans-jordan a state of arabs/palestinians to be ruled by a king of arabia.
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"the country they form or divide into countries such as Israel and palestine."

The Mandate never contemplated splitting up Palestine and removing the existing non-Jewish communities from a part of Palestine, as you well know.
"the country they form or divide into countries such as Israel and palestine."

The Mandate never contemplated splitting up Palestine and removing the existing non-Jewish communities from a part of Palestine, as you well know.
Nope, the international community voted for a JEWISH state. You keep repeating the same garbage over and over, like a dog chasing it's own tail.

Even this is from your own link:

"Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people"
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back to the subject

the boycott isnt working

left-wing losers and their boycotts rarely do
The reason they don't want to talk about it, is because their (bowel) movement, despite all the false propaganda, harassment, and thuggery, has NOTHING to show for.

Well other than symbolic meaningless BS. A bunch of delusional morons with terrorist ties wasting time and money, while Israel prospers and gets stronger.

The BDS Movement Against Israel has Accomplished Less Than Nothing

As it happens, there is a web page that exhaustively tracks BDS achievements. It contains such triumphal entries as “Andreas Oberg, Swedish guitarist, cancels gig in Tel Aviv, heeding BDS activists’ appeals,” and “Ten talented young harpists bow out of the International Harp Contest.” But for the most part, the entries consist of gestures similar to the York student-federation vote, which is to say: rhetorical attacks from activist groups, unions and academic organizations with no power to influence trade policy.
From the slogans emitted by BDS champions (including, at times, Canada’s own Naomi Klein), one would think that BDS was on the cusp of bringing Israel to its knees. Yet since 2004 — the period corresponding to the lifespan of the BDS movement — Israel’s economy generally has been booming, especially in the areas of telecommunications, computer technology, aviation, specialty medical equipment, military hardware and natural gas.

The BDS campaign is also morally hypocritical. Not all of Israel’s policies — especially in regard to settlement construction — are defensible. Yet in humanitarian terms, nothing Israel does to Palestinians comprises even so much as a rounding error on the horrors perpetrated by such nations as Syria, Iran and Sudan against their own citizens. The plight of Gazan religious and political dissenters — not to mention gays and women in the Hamas-run enclave — is especially notable, given that many of the same activists who champion BDS also have championed the Boat to Gaza movement and other efforts to equip and legitimize Hamas.
But eight years in, the movement has accomplished nothing. Indeed, less than nothing: For it is thanks to BDS, and similar gestures of anti-Israel antipathy (especially at the UN), that many Israelis — including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — have become convinced that their country will always be the victim of a vicious moral double standard. If Mr. Netanyahu has struck a more standoffish, militant, uncompromising tone than his predecessors when dealing with the international community, it is largely because he has come to see the hatred of his country as irrational and unremitting.

- See more at: The BDS Movement Against Israel has Accomplished Less Than Nothing | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
So if we're talking about who attacked first, the answer is absolutely without doubt the Arabs.

If someone invades my home, with the intention of taking it from me, I promise you I would be the first to attack them.

1937. David Ben-Gurion: “Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves…politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves. The country is theirs because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take from them their country".
fake quote without a link.
So if we're talking about who attacked first, the answer is absolutely without doubt the Arabs.

If someone invades my home, with the intention of taking it from me, I promise you I would be the first to attack them.

1937. David Ben-Gurion: “Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves…politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves. The country is theirs because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take from them their country".
fake quote without a link.

It's a made up quote that desperate pro Palestinians like to use to promote their bullshit, history - distorting agenda.
If someone invades my home, with the intention of taking it from me, I promise you I would be the first to attack them.

1937. David Ben-Gurion: “Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves…politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves. The country is theirs because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take from them their country".
fake quote without a link.

It's a made up quote that desperate pro Palestinians like to use to promote their bullshit, history - distorting agenda.
That's why the Muslim Devil didn't post a link.
So if we're talking about who attacked first, the answer is absolutely without doubt the Arabs.

If someone invades my home, with the intention of taking it from me, I promise you I would be the first to attack them.

1937. David Ben-Gurion: “Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves…politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves. The country is theirs because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take from them their country".


The Middle East Conflict: Zionist Quotes
"the country they form or divide into countries such as Israel and palestine."

The Mandate never contemplated splitting up Palestine and removing the existing non-Jewish communities from a part of Palestine, as you well know.

both the french and british knew the mandates would need to be broken up. Iraq, trans-jordan, israel, the arab states, aleppo, jebal druze, damascus, alawite were all carved out of the dead empire.
So if we're talking about who attacked first, the answer is absolutely without doubt the Arabs.

If someone invades my home, with the intention of taking it from me, I promise you I would be the first to attack them.

1937. David Ben-Gurion: “Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves…politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves. The country is theirs because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take from them their country".


The Middle East Conflict: Zionist Quotes
Yep. Good call, I'd say the site is more than just questionable. Here's a delirious pic I found in their home page:

If someone invades my home, with the intention of taking it from me, I promise you I would be the first to attack them.

1937. David Ben-Gurion: “Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves…politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves. The country is theirs because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take from them their country".[/


The Middle East Conflict: Zionist Quotes
Yep. Good call, I'd say the site is more than just questionable. Here's a delirious pic I found in their home page:


The sad thing is that people actually fall for this shit..
if Jews wanted every Palestinian dead they would be by now

libs like the losers here are such hypocritical crybabies.....................and they lie to themselves

Back to the subject ...

Home carbonated beverages maker SodaStream International Ltd. (Nasdaq: SODA) today reaffirmed its full-year guidance, after reporting flat higher revenue and sharply lower profits for the first quarter of 2014, albeit beating the analysts' forecasts.

Revenue edged up to $118.2 million for the first quarter from $117.6 million for the corresponding quarter of 2013. Net profit fell almost 90% to $1.8 million ($0.08 per share) from $12.1 million. The analysts' consensus was earnings per share of $0.01 on $118 million revenue.

SodaStream reaffirmed its 2014 full-year revenue guidance of 15% growth to $647.1 million revenue in 2013. It also forecasts 3% net profit growth to $43.3 million. The analysts' full-year consensus is earnings per share of $1.92 on $639.3 million revenue.

Globes English - SodaStream profit plummets

Its a good product. It could do really well. If only it didn't have the taste of blood.
..the taste of blood

it brings me great joy to know in my heart Israel will be around long after you're gone
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