How is government in way of Business??

No, we are talking about fees being used for revenue. You obviously are wrong in your general assertion that fees are not used for revenue, so you are trying to change the debate.

Guess what, you still loose.

San Luis Obispo seeking business fee and tax revenue - Cal Coast News

Some states even call their taxing authority the Department of Revenue.

Excise Taxes : Business : Louisiana Department of Revenue

Do you see all those fees being used to raise revenue.

Idiot wingnuts think words mean whatevery they want them to mean

"Fees" are not "used for revenue". "Fees" ARE "revenue"

The govt doesn't raise revenue for the sake of raising revenue, and in the case of fees, the revenue they generate is USED FOR financing services.

Again "fees" ARE "revenue". They are not "used for revenue". They ARE revenue that USED FOR funding services.

Are you trying to change the rules in the middle of the debate, or simply trying to switch to the other side because you know you lost?

In wingnut world, posting the definitions of a word is "changing the rules" because wingnuts believe that words mean whatever they want them to mean:cuckoo:
How is requiring a business to spend 25 billion dollars to pay for air pollution controls not a obstacle to business?


Large corporations champion expensive environmental regulations because it keeps start ups from entering the field. They already have the money available to pay for things, so they get to look good with the idiots, and get to keep others from taking away their government subsidized monopoly.

Businesses are required to clean up the messes they make. To allow corps to pollute would be to allow those corps to expropriate assets from others, which the wingnuts seem to oppose.........except when they dont

The new business didn't make the mess, and is using a new process that cannot possibly result in said mess, yet they still have to comply with the regulations requiring them to prevent the mess someone else has already made, and to pay for cleaning up the mess they had nothing to do with.

I bet you think that makes sense.

Now you're becoming delusional.

You are hallucinating new businesses with new non-polluting technology that are subject to non-existing rules that require them to clean up someone else's mess.:cuckoo:

Why don't you tell us the name of this new business with new non-polluting technology that is subject to non-existing rules that require them to clean up someone else's mess?

Or are you just lying again?
All of which are paid for by the park and recreation budget. Politicians prefer to spend that money on pork, so they want to raise more money to pay for parks, which they can then steal and use elsewhere.

Nice try though.

Idiot wingnut doesn't realize that those fees ARE a part of the parks and recreation budget:cuckoo:

The parks and recreation budget already exists. The new fees were to free up that money to be spent in other places, and not part of the budget. That is the reaosn it failed, because voters are not stupid enough to fall for extra taxes that will not fix things.

Thanks for playing though, it is fun mocking you.

If wingnuts didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say

The P&R budget is part of the budget. The fees they collect are part of the budget.
You obviously never ran your own buisiness.... so your dimissed as well.

I knew if I came up with an example you'd laugh at it.

For that I :clap2:

Thanks for not letting me down. Although a good debate with an intelligenty honest person would have been nice.

I won several successful companies. Printing 1099's takes about 30 minutes over the course of the entire year. But for a wingnut, looking for vendors with purchases over $600 is as difficult as building a space shuttle out of tinfoil.:cuckoo:

How many 1099s did you print for WalMart, Best Buy, or your local pizza place?

[The new business didn't make the mess, and is using a new process that cannot possibly result in said mess, yet they still have to comply with the regulations requiring them to prevent the mess someone else has already made, and to pay for cleaning up the mess they had nothing to do with.

I bet you think that makes sense.

What the hell are you talking about? That it should be the consumer to clean up the messes corporations make?? Or maybe it is the wrong business to be in and cannot accept the risks of being in business.

You claimed that a business should be required to pay up any mess it makes as justification for making them spend money to start a business, and then you think I do not make sense?

Boy are you dumb!! You can't even undestand simple english

I said THEY should pay for any mess THEY make. I said nothing about a "justification for making them spend money to start a business"

Restaurant owners have to pay to have their garbage disposed of. They can't just dump it in the street.

Oil refineries, electrical plants, etc (ie the types of business required to clean their emission from their smokestacks) can't just dump their pollutants into the air and water.
You claimed that a business should be required to pay up any mess it makes as justification for making them spend money to start a business, and then you think I do not make sense?

I didn't say it, but part of owning a business is meeting government regulations and paying taxes. Most of those regulations are there because someone screwed over human beings, while others are there to prevent any further screwing. A business isn't a license to do whatever you want regardless of who gets harmed. If you got a gripe, maybe you should gripe about the dumb SOB that screwed over humans & resulted in the regulations.

You didn't say that? Was somebody else posting using your nick?

How is requiring a business to spend 25 billion dollars to pay for air pollution controls not a obstacle to business?


Large corporations champion expensive environmental regulations because it keeps start ups from entering the field. They already have the money available to pay for things, so they get to look good with the idiots, and get to keep others from taking away their government subsidized monopoly.

Businesses are required to clean up the messes they make. To allow corps to pollute would be to allow those corps to expropriate assets from others, which the wingnuts seem to oppose.........except when they dont

You MORON!!!

I wrote it. Even your quotes show that shintao didn't say it, but you're a dumb fucker, aren't you?
5th post
If you do not think government uses license fees to increase revenue ,you're in la la land.
Look, it really doesn't matter what you think. Government regulation that is fair balanced and serves the public good is an essential function of government under the area of public safety or providing for the general welfare of the people.
Having a rouge employee of government knocking on doors of businesses looking for a "little something to speed things up" is a shakedown.
Now because you are a lib and a fan of big government, I will excuse your lack of comprehension skills.

If you think I"m going to believe a word you say simply because you said it, it's you who is living in lala land :lol:

The facts don't care what you think. Taking bribes is illegal, and if you're asked for a bribe, you should do your civic duty and report it to the police.

Stop blaming your cowardly failure to run your business correctly on regulations when you're really concerned about mythical bribes.
You don't get out much, do you?
Call the cops. File a lawsuit....Open your mouth and not have irrefutable evidence and you'll never get a permit nor pass an inspection ever..
NOw , how about you try to focus..
I never stated govt regs are a shakedown. You made that up to cover your rowboat assed argument..You are in the big water, boy. Learn to swim or get the fuck out of the pool.

Bull shit

It has never happened. My family owned several restaurants and were never shaken down. If any inspector tried that shit, the mayor would hear about it and handle it.

And you make your lies obvious when you claim you didn't call regs a shakedown right after you described your fantasy about how regulators shake businesses down.
Yep, none of us can explain anything, which is why we post videos. We are too stupid to understand anything else.

Fortunately, the people who make the videos are pretty smart.
Why must everything involving RW wingnuts feature or include people that talk like they just came in from the sticks? Who are they supposed to be catering to with that backwood bumblef--k hillbillay hick talk?

And you rejects get so upset when people say you are ignorant, dumb and/or a low-information voter.

Yet at every turn this is what you present.

Stop it.....With the potential for the largest tax increase in US history, the never ending supply of paper coming from the Federal Reserve( this time it's $600 billion to prop up the stock market) which devalues the dollar , an impending spike in energy prices due to a falling dollar and of course rising interest rates, again necessary to cover the falling value of the dollar.
We are headed for a double dip recession. The Obama people have all but told us this is very possible......All this and you or any one of your Obama cheerleaders can't figure out how government is wholly responsible for the lack of growth?....

If wingnuts didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say

Tax rates have gone down under Obama

Riggins: Economic policies are worth thank you | | Springfield News-Leader

1. The tax cut 95 percent of working Americans received. Even though my tax reduction was only $30 per paycheck (multiplied by 24 pay periods) $720 annually is nothing to sneeze at.
2. The $8,000 first-time home buyer tax credit allowing my wife and I to buy our first home (using a VA loan).
3. The cash for clunkers program, along with the new car sales tax deduction, saved us over $5,500 on the purchase of a dependable, fuel-efficient, and safe automobile. I am now saving over $66 per month on fuel expenses. That's $792 annually no longer going to countries that want to kill Americans.
4. The tax credit for purchasing energy-efficient furnaces gave us the opportunity to replace our 30-year-old furnace (it died this past winter) with a 95 percent efficient model for the same price as an 80 percent efficient model.
5. The student loan reforms instituted that now calculate monthly payments based on a percentage of income above the poverty level and remove predatory banks from the student loan business.
Well guess you just dont know me as well as you think you do.... Ive been "ranting" for years.... you just are'nt in my circle of friends that know me (I wouldnt have a friend like you) .... How is this for just ONE example

Health care law's hidden tax change to launch 1099 avalanche - May. 5, 2010

Senators seek to repeal 1099 rule in healthcare law - The Hill's On The Money

Health-Care Bill Surprise: 1099 Nightmare - BusinessWeek

I know... I know.... just more memorized the "10,000 regulations" rants right?:fu:


Wingnuts think it's hard to print a 1099!!:lol::lol::lol:

Wingnuts are such incompetent boobs, they think it's hard and expensive to do the simple calculation a 1099 requires
yes 60% of all employers are small business and yes ,you're right, they are all buffoons..
Hey shitforbrains...the issue here is not the is more government intrusion and more friggin paperwork..
You libs just hate business ,don't you....The very same business that provides you idiots with jobs so you can buy computers and internet access so you can post moronic anecdotes such as the ones we have to endure form you.

Now the wingnut thinks every small business owner are complaining about this. :cuckoo:

And he's still whiining about 30 minutes of work a year (if that)
What? :eusa_eh:

Your words:

And you cite things that weren't in play at the time. YOU are one confused puppy.

Still stands.

So you want pre-constitutional examples? No problem

Before the Constitution, the govt was responsible for the division of land into useful units. In an agrarian economy, this represented an enourmous involvement in the economy. The govt passed laws which stated that new states admitted to the union in certain specific territories would never be slave states, another huge involvement in the economy
around here we source our posts when they are not our own work or words.
If you stating an opinion, then indicate it as such..
What you posted above is NOT based in fact but your own view of how the government effects or interacts with the marketplace.

My post was my words. No need to source, but here's a link to prove I'm right, and you are lying

Articles of Confederation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It puts an undue burden upon business to fill one out for every expenditure over $600.00 Dumbass.

YOU are a fucking control is Gubmint.

Clear now ACE?

Again, the wingnuts think words mean whatever they want them to mean

"Undue" means "excessive" or "inappropriately large" - 30 minutes/year is not excessive or large, unless you're a wingnut (in which case, the job could take all year long):lol:

It's the principle...Every day it's something else with this fuckin overbearing ever more intrusive government ...Why the fuck do you think we turned over the US House?...We're putting a stop to this bullshit

Wingnut has gone from "UNDUE BURDEN!!! UNDUE BURDEN!!" to "It's not the burder; It's the principle!!!":lol::lol::lol:
Idiot wingnuts think words mean whatevery they want them to mean

"Fees" are not "used for revenue". "Fees" ARE "revenue"

The govt doesn't raise revenue for the sake of raising revenue, and in the case of fees, the revenue they generate is USED FOR financing services.

Again "fees" ARE "revenue". They are not "used for revenue". They ARE revenue that USED FOR funding services.

Are you trying to change the rules in the middle of the debate, or simply trying to switch to the other side because you know you lost?

In wingnut world, posting the definitions of a word is "changing the rules" because wingnuts believe that words mean whatever they want them to mean:cuckoo:

In wingnut world, posting the definitions of a word is "changing the rules" because wingnuts believe that words mean whatever they want them to mean:cuckoo:


Another wingnut reduced to posting smilies

I accept your surrender:lol:
hey, check your mirror. You're the one with the two black eyes.
Look. The voters have spoken. Your side lost because Americans do not want to live in a lib/socialist country. So what you have to say does not matter.

Another wingnut reduced to posting smilies

I accept your surrender:lol:
hey, check your mirror. You're the one with the two black eyes.
Look. The voters have spoken. Your side lost because Americans do not want to live in a lib/socialist country. So what you have to say does not matter.

So you're still whining because the Nanny State govt wont force the insurers to give your dependent daughter a discount?

Could've fooled me. Looks like we shut you up but good.
So you're still whining because the Nanny State govt wont force the insurers to give your dependent daughter a discount?

Could've fooled me. Looks like we shut you up but good.

Could you try being consistent and less hypocritical. By the way, how is that marriage working out with the pony?? LMAO!!

"Attacking family members is against the rules wingnut"

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