How is government in way of Business??

No shit. But in a limited Capacity even then, and based upon Commerce.

You're dismissed. Go learn some history


If by "limited Capacity" you mean "policing international waters, regulating interstate commerce, establishing a national bank, a post office, and a court system to ajudicate business disputes" then "Yeah, it was a limited capacity":lol::lol:

What? :eusa_eh:

Your words:

And the govt has been involved in the economy since before the Constitution was ratified.

And you cite things that weren't in play at the time. YOU are one confused puppy.

Still stands.

So you want pre-constitutional examples? No problem

Before the Constitution, the govt was responsible for the division of land into useful units. In an agrarian economy, this represented an enourmous involvement in the economy. The govt passed laws which stated that new states admitted to the union in certain specific territories would never be slave states, another huge involvement in the economy
I won several successful companies. Printing 1099's takes about 30 minutes over the course of the entire year. But for a wingnut, looking for vendors with purchases over $600 is as difficult as building a space shuttle out of tinfoil.:cuckoo:


Good call. sangha is full of himself and an obfuscator. He knows when he's been beaten down...he can't come up with anything else.

Say the wingnuts who think it's hard to type up a 1099 :lol:
Good call. sangha is full of himself and an obfuscator. He knows when he's been beaten down...he can't come up with anything else.

Say the wingnuts who think it's hard to type up a 1099 :lol:

Uh-huh...another un-necessary expense in manpower hours.

I've come to one're still an

Get the message ace?

A whole 30 minutes of manpower per year. Of course, that means a century in wingnut power.

Ohh! The AGONY!!!!

What is so hard about filling out a 1099?
Say the wingnuts who think it's hard to type up a 1099 :lol:

Uh-huh...another un-necessary expense in manpower hours.

I've come to one're still an

Get the message ace?

A whole 30 minutes of manpower per year. Of course, that means a century in wingnut power.

Ohh! The AGONY!!!!

What is so hard about filling out a 1099?

The 16th will be repealed in due course.
What is SOOOOOO hard about filling out a 1099?

It puts an undue burden upon business to fill one out for every expenditure over $600.00 Dumbass.

YOU are a fucking control is Gubmint.

Clear now ACE?

Again, the wingnuts think words mean whatever they want them to mean

"Undue" means "excessive" or "inappropriately large" - 30 minutes/year is not excessive or large, unless you're a wingnut (in which case, the job could take all year long):lol:
This post presupposes the existence of two entities: business and government.

This is false.

Business owns & staffs government through the funding of elections and lobbying $$$.

Any time there is big legislation, business is the primary benefactor. Look at the 2003 Drug Bill which put Eli Lilly directly beneath the spigot of entitlement spending. They were able to the lock the taxpayer into above market prices. Look at ObamaCare. Business owned enough Blue Dog Democrats to block the public option, which would have forced insurance companies to compete. They were able to create legislation that literally feeds people into the current broken system, with its never-ending carnival of overpriced drugs & procedures -- all contributing to runaway administrative costs AKA profits, profits made not by doctors or because of innovative technology but profits accrued by parasites who have monopolized the space between doctor and patient. Many states only have 1 or 2 health care consumer options for reasons that have nothing to do with competition or merit, but simply because a group of people purchased the government apparatus.

The point of business is to use government to make more money. If government didn't exist, business would invent it in order to gain no-bid access to taxpayer funds. If Conservatives understood how much Lockheed Martin or Bechtel depended on government contracts, their brains would melt. business craves a dynamic state sector to protect its interests and defend its supply chains.

Business has convinced a generation of conservatives that something called government exists. It doesn't. Government is a bogus holding used to channel money into special interests and absorb losses. When business does something corrupt on a grand scale, they never take the blame because they have trained America to blame government instead. The scary part is that the Republican party has convinced the serfs that a government boogeyman actually exists.
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What is SOOOOOO hard about filling out a 1099?

It puts an undue burden upon business to fill one out for every expenditure over $600.00 Dumbass.

YOU are a fucking control is Gubmint.

Clear now ACE?

Again, the wingnuts think words mean whatever they want them to mean

"Undue" means "excessive" or "inappropriately large" - 30 minutes/year is not excessive or large, unless you're a wingnut (in which case, the job could take all year long):lol:

Yeah, I know, it's a real hardship.
Try to pay attention wingnut!!

We're talking about BUSINESS regulations; not motor vehicle regulations

And state parks provide services to the public that need funding.

No, we are talking about fees being used for revenue. You obviously are wrong in your general assertion that fees are not used for revenue, so you are trying to change the debate.

Guess what, you still loose.

San Luis Obispo seeking business fee and tax revenue - Cal Coast News

Some states even call their taxing authority the Department of Revenue.

Excise Taxes : Business : Louisiana Department of Revenue

Do you see all those fees being used to raise revenue.

Idiot wingnuts think words mean whatevery they want them to mean

"Fees" are not "used for revenue". "Fees" ARE "revenue"

The govt doesn't raise revenue for the sake of raising revenue, and in the case of fees, the revenue they generate is USED FOR financing services.

Again "fees" ARE "revenue". They are not "used for revenue". They ARE revenue that USED FOR funding services.

Are you trying to change the rules in the middle of the debate, or simply trying to switch to the other side because you know you lost?
That doesn't sound like an obstacle to business. It may be an obstacle to your business but that's because it's run by an incompetent. It's not an obstacle to the corps with deep pockets, who obviously know how to compete.

How is requiring a business to spend 25 billion dollars to pay for air pollution controls not a obstacle to business?


Large corporations champion expensive environmental regulations because it keeps start ups from entering the field. They already have the money available to pay for things, so they get to look good with the idiots, and get to keep others from taking away their government subsidized monopoly.

Businesses are required to clean up the messes they make. To allow corps to pollute would be to allow those corps to expropriate assets from others, which the wingnuts seem to oppose.........except when they dont

The new business didn't make the mess, and is using a new process that cannot possibly result in said mess, yet they still have to comply with the regulations requiring them to prevent the mess someone else has already made, and to pay for cleaning up the mess they had nothing to do with.

I bet you think that makes sense.
Roads, parking places, camp site parking, Ranger vechicles, signs, any motorized trails, law enforcement, etc. ANY more moron questions?? :eusa_angel:

All of which are paid for by the park and recreation budget. Politicians prefer to spend that money on pork, so they want to raise more money to pay for parks, which they can then steal and use elsewhere.

Nice try though.

Idiot wingnut doesn't realize that those fees ARE a part of the parks and recreation budget:cuckoo:

The parks and recreation budget already exists. The new fees were to free up that money to be spent in other places, and not part of the budget. That is the reaosn it failed, because voters are not stupid enough to fall for extra taxes that will not fix things.

Thanks for playing though, it is fun mocking you.
When it comes right down to it? It is the purpose of Government to encourage Commerce rather than hinder it.

'Nuff Said.

And that's EXACTLY what our govt does. That's why we have the strongest economy in the history of the world. It's one of the many reasons wingnuts hate America wasn't Government, and isn't government but their intrusion to date...but hard work of The PEOPLE of this nation that got us there.

Obama is seeing to it that we areknocked outta that spot.

You are nutsy Fagin:cuckoo:

Wingnuts think it's hard to print a 1099!!:lol::lol::lol:

Wingnuts are such incompetent boobs, they think it's hard and expensive to do the simple calculation a 1099 requires

You obviously never ran your own buisiness.... so your dimissed as well.

I knew if I came up with an example you'd laugh at it.

For that I :clap2:

Thanks for not letting me down. Although a good debate with an intelligenty honest person would have been nice.

I won several successful companies. Printing 1099's takes about 30 minutes over the course of the entire year. But for a wingnut, looking for vendors with purchases over $600 is as difficult as building a space shuttle out of tinfoil.:cuckoo:

How many 1099s did you print for WalMart, Best Buy, or your local pizza place?
For all the squaking and squeeling that Oddball and that Windbag character did about guvmunt being all up in dere bizniss they couldn't come up with not ONE solid reason, not ONE...after claiming they run business and suggesting others didn't.

Looks like those two dumb-dumbs got their asses handed to them and their clocks THOROUGHLY cleaned by sangha and LiberNut.


[The new business didn't make the mess, and is using a new process that cannot possibly result in said mess, yet they still have to comply with the regulations requiring them to prevent the mess someone else has already made, and to pay for cleaning up the mess they had nothing to do with.

I bet you think that makes sense.

What the hell are you talking about? That it should be the consumer to clean up the messes corporations make?? Or maybe it is the wrong business to be in and cannot accept the risks of being in business.

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