How Immigration Reform Would Help the Economy

Birthrates are falling among Latinas in America, legal and illegal, faster than among any other demographic.

This is the statement that I have definitively proven, whether a certain petulant little boy has the balls to admit it or not.

Kids these days... :rolleyes:
The birth rates of the latino has fallen but thet are still popping out the most babies. More than any other race.
Why do you hate the American citizen?

Were you under the impression that there are no American citizens of Latino descent? Does your ignorance run that deep, boy?
I have not heard one person say that the comprehensive immigration reform legislation is a partisan ploy. I have heard the process is but not the legislation itself. So what is it in the legislation itself that the Right has issue with. I have yet to hear an answer to that that has any merit? These attempts at reform the Democrats are making are not created by a few party operatives sitting in a room planning the 2014 race. They are the collection of input from the experts and people on the ground who know the situation. Because these reforms would actually help America Republicans would rather block reform because of 2014 than help America.

Oh cmon!...THE RIGHT WANTS IT AS WELL!! After all, it is the right wing corporate america that want the cheap labor to increase profits and they all vote republican. Why do you think that the right does absolutly nothing about the problem when it their turn at bat?
But they humm a good tune for their base dont they?
Birthrates are falling among Latinas in America, legal and illegal, faster than among any other demographic.

This is the statement that I have definitively proven, whether a certain petulant little boy has the balls to admit it or not.

Kids these days... :rolleyes:

lol. Wheres the link? I supplied one. It took me about 30 sec to find it too.
The link stated that, yes, the birthrate is falling and is below replacement levels but hispanic birthrates are still the highest.
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Survey data indicate that the public increasingly accepts and approves of intermarriage and interracial dating..

Are you suggesting that you don't?

Why dont you wrap your mouth around the bottom of a toilet so when ppl take a shit in it, and then the flush, that shit goes right down into your face? I figure that the amount of insults and plain ignorance that comes out of your mouth leaves a deficit of said shit in your women like body and you like to eat shit anyway. Youve proven that. If you want to insult me go right ahead. I will no longer hold back. Maybe we can both get kicked off of this site.
You stupid, ignorant, masquerading as an American. You hunk of a churning, bubbling caldron of shit, moldie cum, piss, puss and desease.
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Survey data indicate that the public increasingly accepts and approves of intermarriage and interracial dating..

Are you suggesting that you don't?

Why dont you wrap your mouth around the bottom of a toilet so when ppl take a shit in it, and then the flush, that shit goes right down into your face? I figure that the amount of insults and plain ignorance that comes out of your mouth leaves a deficit of said shit in your women like body and you like to eat shit anyway. Youve proven that. If you want to insult me go right ahead. I will no longer hold back. Maybe we can both get kicked off of this site.
You stupid, ignorant, masquerading as an American. You hunk of a churning, bubbling caldron of shit, moldie cum, piss, puss and desease.

So, is that a yes or a no? Don't be shy.
How Immigration Reform Would Help the Economy

But it would be a mistake to limited those admitted – or those allowed legal status and eventual citizenship – to people who already have or are in the process of getting a university-level education . . . .

Nonsense. The notion of Immigration Reform is a myth. We already have perfectly-good immigration and employment laws in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 that ARE NOT BEING ENFORCED. The lawless Administration and the bought-and-paid-for Congress have no credibility to pass 'new' immigration and employment laws that they also will NEVER ENFORCE. America is being systematically destroyed by "Worker Displacement" pushing more and more US Citizens out of the local labor markets, by unscrupulous employers hiring from the Obama/Reid Illegal Alien Labor Pool. This is what America deserves for allowing the Illegal Alien Invasion to continue allowing Congress to look the other way, while Barry in the White House kicks the back door open for his illegal alien foreign national comrades invading the USA from every nation on Earth. Twenty Five US Citizens are killed by illegal aliens each and every day and by people that are not even supposed to be here, but again, that is what US Citizens deserve for being so utterly naive and stupid ....
Help the economy? Do any of you bleeding heart fucks even know what builds a healthy economy? Huh?
Do you even have a clue as to what ruins an economy? Huh? You have proved that you dont know or do not care. Either way, your existance is having a negative effect to our country and you should be taken out, cut up, shot and then slapped.
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How Immigration Reform Would Help the Economy
Oh it will help the economy all right ... the Mexican economy! Many unemployed Mexicans are residing in the US.

Immigration reform will not fix anything as the cycle will just repeat itself. It is nothing more than a patch, and patches will create more problems than they fix.

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