How Funny Would It Be If....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Joe Biden just SNAPPED right there on the stage during the debate with President Trump....


'VP Biden, who are the top people on your list for filling the vacant USSC seat - America wants to know?!


"Although not a Judge, Matlock is at the top of my list - that guy is f*ing amazing in a courtroom! Who else? Raymond Burr...that ni**er that got OJ Simpson off - talk about pulling off a miracle....Simon Cowell....and Clarabelle The Clown - Yeah, I know he is a clown that uses a horn instead of talking, but the USSC is so drab wearing those black robes and always so serious. Clarabelle would liven the joint up and be funny as hell! Can you imagine Roberts' face when Clarabelle was sworn in....Hahahahahaha......"

Joe Biden just SNAPPED right there on the stage during the debate with President Trump...

To be honest...I thunk that's what's going to happen.

Trump just has to needle biden a tiny bit (which is what Trump does)...biden will get pissed off (which is what biden does Mister FAT...I challenge you to a push-up lying dog faced pony soldier).

Biden wil lose it right there on the debate stage for all to see.
Joe Biden just SNAPPED right there on the stage during the debate with President Trump...

To be honest...I thunk that's what's going to happen.

Trump just has to needle biden a tiny bit (which is what Trump does)...biden will get pissed off (which is what biden does Mister FAT...I challenge you to a push-up lying dog faced pony soldier).

Biden wil lose it right there on the debate stage for all to see.

Agreed. Biden is quick to bite a hook. Fingers crossed. :auiqs.jpg:
Joe Biden just SNAPPED right there on the stage during the debate with President Trump....

View attachment 391718


I wouldn't blame him. Saying that I suspect he will lose like 16 other republicans lost, but I don't care he is a lot better than tramp who is a fascist and authoritarian.
What exactly makes someone "a fascist and authoritarian," in your opinion?



".....tramp who is a fascist and authoritarian...."


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