How Friggin' Dumb

Wasps; The girls piloted newly built Bombers, etc. from the airfields of the production plants to areas where they went to War. Thank you, girls, for your sacrifices. The men pilots were undependable, couldn't let them crash in those first flights.

In 1977, for their World War II service, the members were granted veteran status, and in 2009 awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.
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So, you shut down the government, the DOT can't continue to pursue criminal punishment to a Fellon. It's so easy! Haha So then you put a felon in the House as Speaker and second in line for POTUS > Haha JHC it's so easy. to understand total b.s.

The ratio is about 4 - 1 republicans serving in the armed forces to Democrats within Washingtons elected Senate and Congressmen. That said the senate far outnumbers the Congress. Basically, Democrats are a bunch of Cowards talking big talk and walking around with a bump stop. Now the actual figures are about 100 elected to the top of the Government in Washington have actually served. The oldest have at least 5 deferments and a medical 4F to escape the drafts. So also, most presidents didn't serve. Its simply a fact of knowledge not a condemnation.

So, you launch additional modules of increased proportions, cause it's really easy to do and bolt them on, the Astronauts love this chance to get into space & then unbolt the old worthless lil guys one at a time. That's a no brainer, you don't just crash and burn 10's of $$$ Billions unless you're a total fool. Look being into space isn't some pretty SiFi drawing, its ugly crap your sitting in.

NASA's plan to crash and burn the ISS explained and what space commercialization means for science (
Yes listen to the Beasts Mouth & follow the Beasts mouths money trail and you got him dead to rights. Fraud, liar, definitely has deaths in his past because of what he's said.

Of course the Beast uses every delay tactic that the open law of the USA allows. its endless bull shit and on and on.

Of course, this is the Crap people cause because they just can't do their jobs because they want to move up $$$ !
Good luck with the Beef you Purchase tomorrow.
Get a good vehicle with a lot of infotainments capabilities.
The Children today just want to know how to keep online!
Everyone under 70 spend a great deal of time with their smart cell phone.
Can one actually believe what they read online? ...............

Today we drove thru 3 Big Pickup dealerships yards, These are major $$$ Dealerships, not Ho Duke off places, just to see that there are no Lil Pickups on their lots.
It's not the first time in the past 2 years. Clearly Big Trama isn't in touch with the facts of life,
today's current plan and family needs do not exist. And they may not care.

Women may not find ya handsome, but they will find you in a F150 !
Then I went Dirt Bike "Hill Climbing !"
Can one believe that super Pac's are what is wrong with the USA political crash and burn governments? Nontaxable donated super funds that follow their political agendas. Sort of Marxist to me it seems.
Does our government run on an emergency basis? Haha When's, will Socialists ever learn! NEVER WILL THEY GET IT. CONSUMERS TALK AND BUSINESS WALKS.

SOCIALISTS AND COMMUNISTS AND TERRORISTS / MARXISTS ARE TOTAL B.S. The problem is many of our senators and Congressmen are ?????

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/SO PUT YOUR 9mm in your mouth and find out how stupit this really is !

I know you don't give a shit! haha

Of course, I'm' not saying their Nutz, but be very careful here. Reality is real and the rest is just some kind of dream.... So, move with each step carefully put one ahead of the other or turn around and slowly move in a different direction that makes sense to you. You know I got lots of questions about those guys reality abilities remove greed and all that stuff. They crap in a Throne just like the rest of us......

While understanding it takes 10 minutes to cut thru this shit and walk into the USA. Why would families, terrorists, low life want to go thru all the hell of this expanse. Life only choice?

Yep, I have listened to the constant criticism since Nixon in our political system, Super Pac's selecting their addenda and monies to their politician choices. I have also heard all the constant criticism voiced over the decades. Criticisms of every choice, every idea, every choice possible. News, and whatever outlet and mouthpiece and I have decided it's all Marxism. Every last syllable of every bull shit sentence. You know you are right if you heard that what I have digested as total Bull Shit lying syllables of total crap. Yep, Politicians are nothing but a lying bunch of capers from the time they grad from law school. ...... hahhahahaha
Evaluations of property are up to experts who are basically going to devalue it for loan Values. N>Y> is mostly so crooked it has no grounds to be so supper anti virion. That said we know The Donald is a Liar. end of his story. N.Y. is a suck state!

all dictators play this stupid game!

" The older dictators fell because they never could supply
their subjects with enough bread,enough circuses,enough
miracles and mysteries.Nor did they possess a really effective
system of mind-manipulation.
Under a scientific dictator,education will really work -- with
the result that most men and women will grow up to love
their servitude and will never dream of revolution.
Aldous Huxley { Brave New World Revisited } 1958

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