How do we make American great again?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
What are your ideas?

I think we become great again when we as individuals do again. As long as we rely on government and even others to do what we want done we will never do it.

I also think we need to return to God, not just in word but in deed.
What are your ideas?

I think we become great again when we as individuals do again. As long as we rely on government and even others to do what we want done we will never do it.

I also think we need to return to God, not just in word but in deed.
All Progressives volunteer to go back to Europe??
Break the grip of the two party system b/c neither have our best interest at heart.
Whelp -- first we need to distinguish between proper nouns and proper adjectives.
What is UP wit dat anyway? I weep for our language.

(1) Clean up government corruption.
(2) Limit all politicians to one-term service.
(3) Demand and establish fair, equal, and balanced foreign trade agreements and policies.
(4) Put American back to work, producing what America uses and consumes.
(5) Severely punish the importing of labor.
(6) Severely punish the off-shore out-sourcing of jobs.
(7) Make the judicial system one of true justice.
(8) Do away with eminent domain laws.
(9) Give foreign aid ONLY in cases of natural disasters and emergencies.
(10) End senseless deadly costly wars.
(11) Make higher education affordable.
(12) Make health care affordable.
(13) Establish fair and equal taxation.
(14) Create self-supporting opportunities for ALL citizens able to work.
(15) Repair and upgrade infrastructure.
(16) Enable affordable home ownership.
(17) Invest in alternative energy sources
(18) End subsidies.
(19) End corporate welfare
(20) Limit government spending to only that which directly benefits American citizens.
What are your ideas?

I think we become great again when we as individuals do again. As long as we rely on government and even others to do what we want done we will never do it.

I also think we need to return to God, not just in word but in deed.

Return to which God? Whose God? There are thousands of ancient Gods to choose from.
I reject the premise that America has lost its greatness .

The problem is that we have too many negative pundits .
What are your ideas?

I think we become great again when we as individuals do again. As long as we rely on government and even others to do what we want done we will never do it.

I also think we need to return to God, not just in word but in deed.

Return to which God? Whose God? There are thousands of ancient Gods to choose from.
There is only one God and His Name is Jesus Christ. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is the LORD. Including yours, Lakhota.
We know what the righties mean. America was "great" in the 50s . Great for white men that is . They lived like kings . You could beat your wife , brown people were kept in their little corner of town , you could treat them like shit wh no problem . Racism was fun. You could drink n drive . Sexual harassment was fun for all ! There were 2 religions . Jesus and the devil Jews.

Ahhhh the good old days of water cannons and gas guzzlers!
The idea that this country needs theocratic values is wrong. How many strong First-World theocracies are there?

What we need is enlightenment. Education. Higher standards. More class.

We've been dragged down to trailer trash level, we need to aspire to a more noble lifestyle and culture, more like Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis and less like Ted Nugent.

We need better infrastructure than Europe, better schools than Japan, and the best single-payer healthcare system on the planet.

We need to encourage manufacturing here, in the US, although free trade deals pretty much killed that.
The idea that this country needs theocratic values is wrong. How many strong First-World theocracies are there?

What we need is enlightenment. Education. Higher standards. More class.

We've been dragged down to trailer trash level, we need to aspire to a more noble lifestyle and culture, more like Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis and less like Ted Nugent.

We need better infrastructure than Europe, better schools than Japan, and the best single-payer healthcare system on the planet.

We need to encourage manufacturing here, in the US, although free trade deals pretty much killed that.
Socialism doesn't work... See all of history
What are your ideas?

I think we become great again when we as individuals do again. As long as we rely on government and even others to do what we want done we will never do it.

I also think we need to return to God, not just in word but in deed.

Return to which God? Whose God? There are thousands of ancient Gods to choose from.
There is only one God and His Name is Jesus Christ. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is the LORD. Including yours, Lakhota.

Every religious nut thinks their supernatural God is the one and only true God.
The idea that this country needs theocratic values is wrong. How many strong First-World theocracies are there?

What we need is enlightenment. Education. Higher standards. More class.

We've been dragged down to trailer trash level, we need to aspire to a more noble lifestyle and culture, more like Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis and less like Ted Nugent.

We need better infrastructure than Europe, better schools than Japan, and the best single-payer healthcare system on the planet.

We need to encourage manufacturing here, in the US, although free trade deals pretty much killed that.
Socialism doesn't work... See all of history

Psssst. All the winner countries are socialist. Including the US .
Every election time we discover we have lost our greatness, but fortunately there is always a candidate that comes along that promises to make us great again. We are indeed fortunate.
The idea that this country needs theocratic values is wrong. How many strong First-World theocracies are there?

What we need is enlightenment. Education. Higher standards. More class.

We've been dragged down to trailer trash level, we need to aspire to a more noble lifestyle and culture, more like Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis and less like Ted Nugent.

We need better infrastructure than Europe, better schools than Japan, and the best single-payer healthcare system on the planet.

We need to encourage manufacturing here, in the US, although free trade deals pretty much killed that.
Socialism doesn't work... See all of history

Psssst. All the winner countries are socialist. Including the US .
Socialism is the reason why all of Europe is an epic fail, and we are well on our way too.
...we are passed the point of no return

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