If The Anti-Abortion Movement Doesn't Condone Violence, How Do Republicans Explain These Remarks?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee recently appeared with a pastor who once said a murdered abortion doctor got what he deserved.

After Robert Lewis Dear was arrested for opening fire inside a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic on Friday, he reportedly made a remark about "no more baby parts," according to a law enforcement official. The revelation prompted a heated debate about what motivated Dear to allegedly target a reproductive health provider that has been under near-constant assault from Republicans in recent months.

Some GOP presidential candidates rushed to argue that the killings have nothing to do with the anti-abortion movement or with the political campaign against Planned Parenthood, which has hinged upon a series of heavily edited sting videos that purport to show staff members discussing the donation of fetal tissue.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz claimed that the rampage was carried out by a "deranged individual," not a "pro-life" activist. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said the attacks were not something that the anti-abortion movement would condone, though he went on to say it was too early to jump to conclusions about the attacker's motive and called the shooting an act of terrorism. (Other presidential hopefuls, of course, have yet to say anything about the incident.)

But if Cruz and Huckabee want to argue that the anti-abortion movement rejects violence against abortion providers, they'll have to re-examine their ties to well-known activists who have made inflammatory comments in support of exactly that sort of extremism.

Just eight days before the Planned Parenthood shooting, Cruz touted an endorsement from Troy Newman, president of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue. Newman has previously called for the mass execution of abortion providers and people who had sought their services, according to Right Wing Watch. Here's an excerpt from his book Their Blood Cries Out:

"When moms, dads, abortionists are added together, well over 100,000,000 people bear personal bloodguilt for at least one abortion. The doctrine of community bloodguilt found in Scripture further implicates the entire nation. The perpetrators are far too numerous and the bloodguilt has spread too far. We deserve God’s judgment.

In addition to our personal guilt in abortion, the United States government has abrogated its responsibility to properly deal with the blood-guilty. This responsibility rightly involves executing convicted murderers, including abortionists, for their crimes in order to expunge bloodguilt from the land and people.​

Newman's group has sought to craft a mainstream image as "the most visible voice of the pro-life activist movement in America," but its leadership tells a more complicated story. In 1988, Cheryl Sullenger, now Operation Rescue's vice president, was convicted along with her husband for their part in a failed plot to blow up an abortion clinic. (Sullenger says she now regrets her actions.)

After Friday's shooting, Operation Rescue was careful to strike a different tone, saying in a statement that it "unequivocally deplores and denounces all violence at abortion clinics."

Earlier this month, both Cruz and Huckabee -- as well as Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who has since dropped out of the presidential race -- attended a conference hosted by pastor Kevin Swanson. At the time, Swanson attracted criticism for his vehemently anti-gay views. But as Right Wing Watch pointed out earlier this month, in 2009, Swanson also hailed the actions of Scott Roeder, the anti-abortion extremist who was later found guilty of murdering Kansas abortion provider George Tiller.

“If anybody’s keeping count ... Let’s see, Tiller killed 60,000 babies, so that’s 60,000 dead babies and one dead abortionist," Swanson said on his radio show. "So, let’s just say, the abortionists are still ahead on this one."

"It is interesting that if you live by the sword, you die by the sword," the pastor continued. "Wasn’t that what Jesus said? And this is really, pretty much, what happens. People tend to get their upcommance, and that’s precisely what happened to Tiller the Killer."

Both Cruz and Huckabee have since sought to downplay the significance of Swanson's anti-gay beliefs, and neither campaign responded to HuffPost's requests for comment on the pastor's anti-abortion views.

While Cruz and Huckabee are quick to say they don't support anti-abortion violence themselves, it's harder for them to deny the troubling rhetoric and behavior of activists claiming to represent the candidates' values.

More: If The Anti-Abortion Movement Doesn't Condone Violence, How Do Republicans Explain These Remarks?

Cruz and Huckabee's remorse can't be taken seriously when they continue to associate with rabid anti-abortion radicals who have "called for the mass execution of abortion providers and people who had sought their services."

Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee recently appeared with a pastor who once said a murdered abortion doctor got what he deserved.

After Robert Lewis Dear was arrested for opening fire inside a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic on Friday, he reportedly made a remark about "no more baby parts," according to a law enforcement official. The revelation prompted a heated debate about what motivated Dear to allegedly target a reproductive health provider that has been under near-constant assault from Republicans in recent months.

Some GOP presidential candidates rushed to argue that the killings have nothing to do with the anti-abortion movement or with the political campaign against Planned Parenthood, which has hinged upon a series of heavily edited sting videos that purport to show staff members discussing the donation of fetal tissue.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz claimed that the rampage was carried out by a "deranged individual," not a "pro-life" activist. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said the attacks were not something that the anti-abortion movement would condone, though he went on to say it was too early to jump to conclusions about the attacker's motive and called the shooting an act of terrorism. (Other presidential hopefuls, of course, have yet to say anything about the incident.)

But if Cruz and Huckabee want to argue that the anti-abortion movement rejects violence against abortion providers, they'll have to re-examine their ties to well-known activists who have made inflammatory comments in support of exactly that sort of extremism.

Just eight days before the Planned Parenthood shooting, Cruz touted an endorsement from Troy Newman, president of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue. Newman has previously called for the mass execution of abortion providers and people who had sought their services, according to Right Wing Watch. Here's an excerpt from his book Their Blood Cries Out:

"When moms, dads, abortionists are added together, well over 100,000,000 people bear personal bloodguilt for at least one abortion. The doctrine of community bloodguilt found in Scripture further implicates the entire nation. The perpetrators are far too numerous and the bloodguilt has spread too far. We deserve God’s judgment.

In addition to our personal guilt in abortion, the United States government has abrogated its responsibility to properly deal with the blood-guilty. This responsibility rightly involves executing convicted murderers, including abortionists, for their crimes in order to expunge bloodguilt from the land and people.​

Newman's group has sought to craft a mainstream image as "the most visible voice of the pro-life activist movement in America," but its leadership tells a more complicated story. In 1988, Cheryl Sullenger, now Operation Rescue's vice president, was convicted along with her husband for their part in a failed plot to blow up an abortion clinic. (Sullenger says she now regrets her actions.)

After Friday's shooting, Operation Rescue was careful to strike a different tone, saying in a statement that it "unequivocally deplores and denounces all violence at abortion clinics."

Earlier this month, both Cruz and Huckabee -- as well as Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who has since dropped out of the presidential race -- attended a conference hosted by pastor Kevin Swanson. At the time, Swanson attracted criticism for his vehemently anti-gay views. But as Right Wing Watch pointed out earlier this month, in 2009, Swanson also hailed the actions of Scott Roeder, the anti-abortion extremist who was later found guilty of murdering Kansas abortion provider George Tiller.

“If anybody’s keeping count ... Let’s see, Tiller killed 60,000 babies, so that’s 60,000 dead babies and one dead abortionist," Swanson said on his radio show. "So, let’s just say, the abortionists are still ahead on this one."

"It is interesting that if you live by the sword, you die by the sword," the pastor continued. "Wasn’t that what Jesus said? And this is really, pretty much, what happens. People tend to get their upcommance, and that’s precisely what happened to Tiller the Killer."

Both Cruz and Huckabee have since sought to downplay the significance of Swanson's anti-gay beliefs, and neither campaign responded to HuffPost's requests for comment on the pastor's anti-abortion views.

While Cruz and Huckabee are quick to say they don't support anti-abortion violence themselves, it's harder for them to deny the troubling rhetoric and behavior of activists claiming to represent the candidates' values.

More: If The Anti-Abortion Movement Doesn't Condone Violence, How Do Republicans Explain These Remarks?

Cruz and Huckabee's remorse can't be taken seriously when they continue to associate with rabid anti-abortion radicals who have "called for the mass execution of abortion providers and people who had sought their services."

So being in the same room with a guy makes you responsible for everything he says? Does that include the Reverend Wright? How about William Ayers?
People get killed everyday in abortion clinics
Cruz and Huckabee can't cozy up to anti-abortion terrorists, then act surprised when violence occurs, then express fake remorse - and expect to be taken seriously.
Just think of the murders as really late abortions
Cruz and Huckabee can't cozy up to anti-abortion terrorists, then act surprised when violence occurs, then express fake remorse - and expect to be taken seriously.
your assessment as seen through hyperpartisan glasses..... in other words propaganda...
It's sad that some obviously condone, support, and sponsor terrorism against those providing and receiving legal abortion services. A reminder that 97% of Planned Parenthood's services to poor women have nothing to do with abortions.

Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee recently appeared with a pastor who once said a murdered abortion doctor got what he deserved.

After Robert Lewis Dear was arrested for opening fire inside a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic on Friday, he reportedly made a remark about "no more baby parts," according to a law enforcement official. The revelation prompted a heated debate about what motivated Dear to allegedly target a reproductive health provider that has been under near-constant assault from Republicans in recent months.

Some GOP presidential candidates rushed to argue that the killings have nothing to do with the anti-abortion movement or with the political campaign against Planned Parenthood, which has hinged upon a series of heavily edited sting videos that purport to show staff members discussing the donation of fetal tissue.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz claimed that the rampage was carried out by a "deranged individual," not a "pro-life" activist. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said the attacks were not something that the anti-abortion movement would condone, though he went on to say it was too early to jump to conclusions about the attacker's motive and called the shooting an act of terrorism. (Other presidential hopefuls, of course, have yet to say anything about the incident.)

But if Cruz and Huckabee want to argue that the anti-abortion movement rejects violence against abortion providers, they'll have to re-examine their ties to well-known activists who have made inflammatory comments in support of exactly that sort of extremism.

Just eight days before the Planned Parenthood shooting, Cruz touted an endorsement from Troy Newman, president of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue. Newman has previously called for the mass execution of abortion providers and people who had sought their services, according to Right Wing Watch. Here's an excerpt from his book Their Blood Cries Out:

"When moms, dads, abortionists are added together, well over 100,000,000 people bear personal bloodguilt for at least one abortion. The doctrine of community bloodguilt found in Scripture further implicates the entire nation. The perpetrators are far too numerous and the bloodguilt has spread too far. We deserve God’s judgment.

In addition to our personal guilt in abortion, the United States government has abrogated its responsibility to properly deal with the blood-guilty. This responsibility rightly involves executing convicted murderers, including abortionists, for their crimes in order to expunge bloodguilt from the land and people.​

Newman's group has sought to craft a mainstream image as "the most visible voice of the pro-life activist movement in America," but its leadership tells a more complicated story. In 1988, Cheryl Sullenger, now Operation Rescue's vice president, was convicted along with her husband for their part in a failed plot to blow up an abortion clinic. (Sullenger says she now regrets her actions.)

After Friday's shooting, Operation Rescue was careful to strike a different tone, saying in a statement that it "unequivocally deplores and denounces all violence at abortion clinics."

Earlier this month, both Cruz and Huckabee -- as well as Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who has since dropped out of the presidential race -- attended a conference hosted by pastor Kevin Swanson. At the time, Swanson attracted criticism for his vehemently anti-gay views. But as Right Wing Watch pointed out earlier this month, in 2009, Swanson also hailed the actions of Scott Roeder, the anti-abortion extremist who was later found guilty of murdering Kansas abortion provider George Tiller.

“If anybody’s keeping count ... Let’s see, Tiller killed 60,000 babies, so that’s 60,000 dead babies and one dead abortionist," Swanson said on his radio show. "So, let’s just say, the abortionists are still ahead on this one."

"It is interesting that if you live by the sword, you die by the sword," the pastor continued. "Wasn’t that what Jesus said? And this is really, pretty much, what happens. People tend to get their upcommance, and that’s precisely what happened to Tiller the Killer."

Both Cruz and Huckabee have since sought to downplay the significance of Swanson's anti-gay beliefs, and neither campaign responded to HuffPost's requests for comment on the pastor's anti-abortion views.

While Cruz and Huckabee are quick to say they don't support anti-abortion violence themselves, it's harder for them to deny the troubling rhetoric and behavior of activists claiming to represent the candidates' values.

More: If The Anti-Abortion Movement Doesn't Condone Violence, How Do Republicans Explain These Remarks?

Cruz and Huckabee's remorse can't be taken seriously when they continue to associate with rabid anti-abortion radicals who have "called for the mass execution of abortion providers and people who had sought their services."

So being in the same room with a guy makes you responsible for everything he says? Does that include the Reverend Wright? How about William Ayers?
Better yet? Obama DECLARED WAR on Republicans and vowed to raise an army to do battle with them.... Not one lefty minded that rhetoric. Remind me what happens in wars and what forces do to the other side?
Love watching the PHONY OUTRAGE of the demented left.... NEVER tell the truth should be on the DNC seal!

  • Here’s Ted Cruz’s full statement on the Planned Parenthood shootings (Video)
    The Right Scoop ^ | Nov 30, 2015
    The media is reporting today that Ted Cruz has called the Planned Parenthood shooter a ‘transgender leftist’, but that’s not what he said at all. He was simply pointing to the fact that we don’t have enough information about the shooter to make a decision, and referenced our report that the shooter had been registered as a female on his voting record after the news reporter said it was reported that the shooter said ‘no more baby parts’. He wasn’t calling the shooter a transgender leftist, just saying there are reports suggesting it.Watch:Ted Cruz's Remark (Video)
Considering the extreme, savage violence that abortion is, it is a rather extreme expression of hypocrisy for anyone who would defend this savage practice to accuse even the most extreme among those who oppose it of “condoning violence”.

Not all violence is unjustified. Certainly, violence carried out for the purpose of defending innocent lives from savage, subhuman monsters who would seek to take those lives, is an act of heroism.
“We bring people into a frenzy of hate and anger while providing them with easy access to firearms and it has proven disastrous to our country.”

— Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), quoted by Politico, on the Planned Parenthood shootings in Colorado.

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