How do people survive on minimum wage?

I tip 20%, and I'm a consultant who travels on the company dime all the time.

A good bartender can make $30/hr easy.

Here is drinking to the future of America. Lets all get bartending jobs for 30 bucks an hour. Who would have thought that this was the future. Fuk the advanced degree. Get a mixology cert. Work great hours. Meet lots of drunks. Ank make 30 dollars an hour.

Fuk yea.

How did what I posted imply anything like your imbecile response?
I tip 20%, and I'm a consultant who travels on the company dime all the time.

A good bartender can make $30/hr easy.

Here is drinking to the future of America. Lets all get bartending jobs for 30 bucks an hour. Who would have thought that this was the future. Fuk the advanced degree. Get a mixology cert. Work great hours. Meet lots of drunks. Ank make 30 dollars an hour.

Fuk yea.

Sounds good to me, except for the whole Irish wedding thing...

The pastor at an Irish wedding asked the people to pick out the person in the crowd that had the most influence on their lives and go stand next to him/her. The bartender was nearly crushed to death. :D
Would you mind posting a link?

Sounds about right.

Ask yourself - what other costs are there?

materials, facilities, taxes, utilities, a whole lot. Now, anybody got that link?
Other than taxes all of those things take labor to produce. If 70% of the cost of a pizza is labor that includes the labor at the store, the labor where the ingredients are prepared and packaged, the labor to grow the food, and the labor to move all that shit around.
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I don't see how living on minimum wage is possible if you have rent, food, transportation but I see it as usually a supplement to other income at least in southern california where everything is so expensive. Like for instance the husband has a better paying job and the wife works at walmart part time for extras. The waitress jobs to have tips so hopefully customers tip well.

Or you dont live in California or New York or Michigan or any other liberal ran state


The map is that of

how many hours of work at the minimum wage would be required to afford a two-bedroom unit at Fair Market Rent—the government’s measure for the monthly cost of a “modest, non luxury rental unit” in a specific area, plus utilities. In no state was a 40-hour work week enough

Why affordable housing is a myth, in one chart - The Washington Post
I don't see how living on minimum wage is possible if you have rent, food, transportation but I see it as usually a supplement to other income at least in southern california where everything is so expensive. Like for instance the husband has a better paying job and the wife works at walmart part time for extras. The waitress jobs to have tips so hopefully customers tip well.

Or you dont live in California or New York or Michigan or any other liberal ran state


The map is that of

how many hours of work at the minimum wage would be required to afford a two-bedroom unit at Fair Market Rent—the government’s measure for the monthly cost of a “modest, non luxury rental unit” in a specific area, plus utilities. In no state was a 40-hour work week enough

Why affordable housing is a myth, in one chart - The Washington Post

Well, I guess my personal experience of being able to afford an apartment working much less hours than your chart says I need to is not true. My reality is actually right wing propaganda.

How many hours a week to you work, and how come you are able to afford...actually you are probably one of those people that hog computers at the public library that have incredibly poor personal hygiene. I believe the politically correct term is 'urban outdoors man'
That's your upper lip

Thats all you have? Next time you lie about how great union jobs are you should know what the fuck your talking about.

I'm not sure why you think the jobs you have had are the same as the jobs everyone else has had. Like, Google, in this case. Its probably because you're a self-centered prick.

If by self-centered you mean not a little bitch constantly complaining about how unfair life is, then yes I am self-centered.

Go buy a tent and occupy a park, because you are pathetic. This is like reasoning with a five year old.
Why do so many nutters try so hard to be funny.......only to fail miserably? They go to such lengths to wrangle in their dopey joke....and it never pays off.
---(They don't they just exist after 3 years they become zombies)----

Article> One of my clients recently reported getting a job at a fast-food restaurant. Since she's been unemployed and desperately looking for work for nearly a year, I was thrilled for her. She was very excited that she'll be making $7.50 an hour -– a whole quarter more than minimum wage.

After she left my office, I got out a calculator. I've never worked for minimum wage, so I didn't know exactly how much -- or how little -- money that is.

Assuming 80 hours per pay period, my client will be bringing home around $462 every two weeks. That's with no health insurance or retirement contributions.

If I brought home $924 a month, would I even be able to survive? I decided to find out.

read more How do people survive on minimum wage?- MSN Money

I think everyone should start out making minimum wage. This will give them a frame of reference as they make decisions for their future.

A woman customer, the other day, was heatedly complaining that her 24 year old son had moved back home, because he can't find a job and has had jobs but been fired, and he told her he refused to work for minimun wage, or at a fast food place, for low wages. I asked if he had any skills or higher learning and she lol.

Doesn't she know that if the kid knows he can move back home, he WILL! He will let himself be fired because it is easier to live with mommy and daddy. They, fail their son, by not making him responsible for his own livelihood.

It's pretty easy to live on min. wage. Just get some roommates, drop the cell phone and other "necessities" and look for a job that you will keep, because you have to share the rent. It just might make you want to go to a trade school or something else to improve your stature in life.
I think everyone should start out making minimum wage. This will give them a frame of reference as they make decisions for their future.

A woman customer, the other day, was heatedly complaining that her 24 year old son had moved back home, because he can't find a job and has had jobs but been fired, and he told her he refused to work for minimun wage, or at a fast food place, for low wages. I asked if he had any skills or higher learning and she lol.

Doesn't she know that if the kid knows he can move back home, he WILL! He will let himself be fired because it is easier to live with mommy and daddy. They, fail their son, by not making him responsible for his own livelihood.

It's pretty easy to live on min. wage. Just get some roommates, drop the cell phone and other "necessities" and look for a job that you will keep, because you have to share the rent. It just might make you want to go to a trade school or something else to improve your stature in life.

I agree with the premise of this post but I don't think it's so easy.

In New York, for example, I'm not sure how anyone lives on minimum wage.
Why do so many nutters try so hard to be funny.......only to fail miserably? They go to such lengths to wrangle in their dopey joke....and it never pays off.

All of your posts are repetitive and childish. You say the word 'nutter' in every other post and have never made a insightful comment. Your posts are not humorous, and you obviously haven't anything to contribute beyond the simplistic name calling an classless insults--again anyone that doubts this check out his posts.

Yes, please check out my posts. I do say "nutter" a lot. I also seem to use the word "dummy" a lot. Therefore, there is no way that I could ever make an insightful comment.

BTW, when you say "again", you are supposed to follow with a reaffirmation of something that you have already stated.

Instead of getting all bent out of shape because I told you you are not funny, why not just stop taking the long route to the punch line?
---(They don't they just exist after 3 years they become zombies)----

Article> One of my clients recently reported getting a job at a fast-food restaurant. Since she's been unemployed and desperately looking for work for nearly a year, I was thrilled for her. She was very excited that she'll be making $7.50 an hour -– a whole quarter more than minimum wage.

After she left my office, I got out a calculator. I've never worked for minimum wage, so I didn't know exactly how much -- or how little -- money that is.

Assuming 80 hours per pay period, my client will be bringing home around $462 every two weeks. That's with no health insurance or retirement contributions.

If I brought home $924 a month, would I even be able to survive? I decided to find out.

read more How do people survive on minimum wage?- MSN Money

Couple of things I note that this author clearly doesn't understand about people who make minimum wage, or something not much higher.

1) And this is a biggie . . . THEY DON'T LIVE ALONE!

Usually, people working at minimum-wage jobs are very young, either teenagers or in their early twenties. This means that, more than likely, they are still occupying space with their parents. Even if their parents are charging them rent, they ain't charging $400 a month.

If they are not living with their parents, they can either do the math for themselves, or have it done for them very quickly at the first apartment complex they apply to and get turned down by. At this point, they either find a roommate - or even more than one - or they look for a room to rent in someone else's house. Again, whatever rent they get charged with either arrangement, it ain't gonna be $400 a month.

For someone a bit older who has perhaps lost his or her job or has some other reason for needing to accept a low-paying job, he or she is very likely married, and the spouse is also working. This means that, while the rent may actually be $400 a month or more, there's more money going toward it than just the minimum wage.

2) People with minimum-wage jobs rarely live in houses.

They're much, MUCH more likely to live in an apartment. Now, perhaps this is different in other places, but where I live, water is almost universally included in the rent of any large, managed apartment complex. They also usually have MUCH lower utility bills in all respects than a house does. If I had been paying $200 a month for utilities back when I lived in apartments, I'd have freaked.

Also, please see #1. It's unlikely that they're paying the utilities all by themselves.

3) Depending on where they live, they likely avail themselves of public transportation as much as possible.

And full coverage car insurance? Yeah, right. If they're law-abiding, they have the minimum-coverage liability required to drive legally.

4) Where did this person get the idea that "able-bodied adults" don't qualify for Medicaid? It depends on the circumstances, but odds are very good that if you make minimum wage, you probably do qualify.

5) The stuff this person skipped, like clothing. Car maintenance. Birthdays. Christmas. School field trips. Toilet paper and toothpaste.

I'll bet money that this person buys his clothes brand-new, possibly at a mall, takes his car to a nice mechanic, throws his kid birthday parties somewhere nice, loads the Christmas tree with presents, and buys toilet paper and toothpaste and such at the supermarket while he's grocery shopping.

Poor people, on the other hand, do things a bit more creatively than that.

They buy their clothes secondhand from a thrift store (you can find some really cool stuff like this if you're willing to work at it), and they buy them a lot less often. They get a friend who knows cars to do their maintenance, or they do it themselves. As mentioned before, they probably don't have kids, but if they do, they have the party at their house or in the city park, with presents bought at a discount store. The schools generally have ways of working around costs for field trips for low-income students, and I frankly can't remember paid field trips coming up more than once a year for either of my older kids, anyway. For Christmas, it's back to the discount store, and they only buy a few presents (again, if they even have kids). Toiletries and other sundries are bought at that self-same discount store, or even a dollar store, if they have one in their area.

The author's right about one thing: there's a lot he's missing.
This is what you get when you have a society where the price is everything.
Like I have said 1000 times...we live in a country where the nations largest company is a retail giant whose company motto is "lowest possible price".

Well, considering that "lowest possible price" is how they became the nation's largest company, that is obviously what their customers want. What should their motto be OTHER than what their customers want? (This is largely rhetorical, for the sake of the leftists who consider that retail giant and its company motto to be evil.)
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I don't see how living on minimum wage is possible if you have rent, food, transportation but I see it as usually a supplement to other income at least in southern california where everything is so expensive. Like for instance the husband has a better paying job and the wife works at walmart part time for extras. The waitress jobs to have tips so hopefully customers tip well.

Or you dont live in California or New York or Michigan or any other liberal ran state


The map is that of

how many hours of work at the minimum wage would be required to afford a two-bedroom unit at Fair Market Rent—the government’s measure for the monthly cost of a “modest, non luxury rental unit” in a specific area, plus utilities. In no state was a 40-hour work week enough

Why affordable housing is a myth, in one chart - The Washington Post

It appears that working in a state that elects Democrats as Senators is expensive.
2.2% of American workers are paid minimum wage, and the left want us all to believe that all of that 2.2% are adults trying to raise 3 children--demanding to know how someone is supposed to raise a family on minimum wage.

It's a bullshit narrative that they constantly parrot to prove their point that America is an evil and heartless place where thousands, I actually had a sociology professor tell me tens of thousands, of people die of starvation every year. It doesn't matter if it isn't true, that is what they do.
I think everyone should start out making minimum wage. This will give them a frame of reference as they make decisions for their future.

A woman customer, the other day, was heatedly complaining that her 24 year old son had moved back home, because he can't find a job and has had jobs but been fired, and he told her he refused to work for minimun wage, or at a fast food place, for low wages. I asked if he had any skills or higher learning and she lol.

Doesn't she know that if the kid knows he can move back home, he WILL! He will let himself be fired because it is easier to live with mommy and daddy. They, fail their son, by not making him responsible for his own livelihood.

It's pretty easy to live on min. wage. Just get some roommates, drop the cell phone and other "necessities" and look for a job that you will keep, because you have to share the rent. It just might make you want to go to a trade school or something else to improve your stature in life.

I agree with the premise of this post but I don't think it's so easy.

In New York, for example, I'm not sure how anyone lives on minimum wage.

Then why live in new york? - $7.25 *2,000 equals $14,500
They can always hitchhike out to Fl.
Continue to work on minimum wage but:
1) no NYC/NY income tax.
Instead of having NYC tax: on $ $14,500 of 2.907% that is $421 more in FL!
NY State income $13,000+ $26,000 5.90% another $855 taken - not in FL!
Over $1,200 more income in the former NYorker's minimum wage earner's pocket!

2) No long coats, battling snow.. I've lived in FL for 18 years and the last 5 worn long pants less then 100 times.. rest of the time shorts!

3) FL needs more minimum wage workers.. signs all over the place

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