"we got nothin" says Issa


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!

No evidence of White House cover-up in gun case: lawmaker | Reuters

(Reuters) - The congressman heading an investigation into a botched gun-trafficking case said on Sunday he had no evidence the White House was involved in a cover-up about the operation or in providing misleading information to Congress.



The second paragraph in your story:

However, Republican Representative Darrell Issa said documents the White House was shielding under an executive privilege claim would shed more light on how much high-level officials knew about a misleading February 4, 2011 letter to Congress denying that guns had been allowed to "walk" into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.
ongoing cases being FUCKED by the republican party wanting to manufacture a scandal.

Look what they did to ongoing cases when they outed Plame for poltical benifit

No evidence of White House cover-up in gun case: lawmaker | Reuters

(Reuters) - The congressman heading an investigation into a botched gun-trafficking case said on Sunday he had no evidence the White House was involved in a cover-up about the operation or in providing misleading information to Congress.



All the more reason his executive order is completely out of line.

Double derp :)

Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, was asked whether he had evidence of a White House cover-up.

"No, we don't," Issa said.

"I hope they don't get involved," Issa said. "I hope this stays at Justice. And I hope that Justice cooperates, because ultimately, Justice lied to the American people on February 4th and didn't make it right for 10 months."

How can there be evidence when the WH refuses to release it. :redface:
Becuase they are the most dishonest partisan fucks this country has ever had to bare

No evidence of White House cover-up in gun case: lawmaker | Reuters

(Reuters) - The congressman heading an investigation into a botched gun-trafficking case said on Sunday he had no evidence the White House was involved in a cover-up about the operation or in providing misleading information to Congress.



He's a bad investigator.

He's a glory hound who expects the White House to help him conduct a witch hunt.

No evidence of White House cover-up in gun case: lawmaker | Reuters

(Reuters) - The congressman heading an investigation into a botched gun-trafficking case said on Sunday he had no evidence the White House was involved in a cover-up about the operation or in providing misleading information to Congress.


You are lying
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJCiEIw513I]Obama's Fast and Furious scandal, Attorney General caught lying in interview - YouTube[/ame]

They have holder on lying to congress
I heard Issa on This Week and was quite impressed. I am not sure I had heard him speak before. He's portrayed as somewhere between a gangster and a buffoon by critics on the left but I found his bearing and his command of the facts in the interview this morning to be confidence-inspiring.

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