How did you meet your significant other?

I was a single parent of my 3 yr. old daughter and my darling future wife was a new preschool teacher. My daughter kept talking about Miss future Lumpy but I'd never actually met or saw her but eventually I Wow, sure did. I saw sparks flying so I asked her out, she refused... sweetly though. The next morning the owner of the preschool insisted that I ask Miss Future Lumpy out again, (she was willing to break the rules on dating parents).

So I waited for a month or so, we played googly eyes and such, it was fun. I asked her out again, she bluntly refused ..then she laughed, we laughed and we're still having fun.

Googly eyes? lol.
My second husband. That's a good one.

He was a good friend of my then first husband that I married when I was 15. I was looking for someone that would cause said first husband to decide that being married to me was not fun. Second husband to be was big enough and easily manipulated by my sixteen year old self. I asked Hub2 to go to the library with me to return some books. I stopped the elevator between the floors, undid his pants and convinced him that we were made for each other.

14 years later, I left him for a younger man who I eventually dumped for a wealthy client. It was all good.

You've been drinking haven't you? :113:
I never drink. I am naturally self concerned and will use anyone to further my own interests.
I was a single parent of my 3 yr. old daughter and my darling future wife was a new preschool teacher. My daughter kept talking about Miss future Lumpy but I'd never actually met or saw her but eventually I Wow, sure did. I saw sparks flying so I asked her out, she refused... sweetly though. The next morning the owner of the preschool insisted that I ask Miss Future Lumpy out again, (she was willing to break the rules on dating parents).

So I waited for a month or so, we played googly eyes and such, it was fun. I asked her out again, she bluntly refused ..then she laughed, we laughed and we're still having fun.

Googly eyes? lol.

The one that snuck in recently and took possession of my heart did so while playing an online MMORPG game. Not saying which one, but we talk all day and night now. Who knows what'll come of it .....

mmm. so a sweet talker and a gamer .. fresh member or old and wrinkly?
I love this thread. :)

We were both in college. But hubby is younger than me by a couple of years. We had been working at the mall together for a few days, and he was already sweet on me, little did I know.

We both arrived before the manager to open the store one morning, so we were making small talk. I asked him, "What year are you?" and he answered, "Sophomore." I then asked which of the two local high schools he attended. He said, " college. I'm a Sophomore in college."


He still asked me out, though. He made me laugh so much on our first date my face was sore the next day. Never knew you could get a sore face from laughing. He still makes me laugh. That was almost 28 years ago and we've been married 24....
I love this thread. :)

We were both in college. But hubby is younger than me by a couple of years. We had been working at the mall together for a few days, and he was already sweet on me, little did I know.

We both arrived before the manager to open the store one morning, so we were making small talk. I asked him, "What year are you?" and he answered, "Sophomore." I then asked which of the two local high schools he attended. He said, " college. I'm a Sophomore in college."


He still asked me out, though. He made me laugh so much on our first date my face was sore the next day. Never knew you could get a sore face from laughing. He still makes me laugh. That was almost 28 years ago and we've been married 24....

Making her laugh.

It never fails.
I love this thread. :)

We were both in college. But hubby is younger than me by a couple of years. We had been working at the mall together for a few days, and he was already sweet on me, little did I know.

We both arrived before the manager to open the store one morning, so we were making small talk. I asked him, "What year are you?" and he answered, "Sophomore." I then asked which of the two local high schools he attended. He said, " college. I'm a Sophomore in college."


He still asked me out, though. He made me laugh so much on our first date my face was sore the next day. Never knew you could get a sore face from laughing. He still makes me laugh. That was almost 28 years ago and we've been married 24....

Making her laugh.

It never fails.

Indeed. You ever read Christopher Hitchens' piece about that in Vanity Fair? I believe it's still available online. He basically said that female comedians are not generally funny, and this is because women don't need to be funny. But men do. He ruffled a LOT of feminist feathers but, c'mon. Every grown adult of some experience knows this is true.
I love this thread. :)

We were both in college. But hubby is younger than me by a couple of years. We had been working at the mall together for a few days, and he was already sweet on me, little did I know.

We both arrived before the manager to open the store one morning, so we were making small talk. I asked him, "What year are you?" and he answered, "Sophomore." I then asked which of the two local high schools he attended. He said, " college. I'm a Sophomore in college."


He still asked me out, though. He made me laugh so much on our first date my face was sore the next day. Never knew you could get a sore face from laughing. He still makes me laugh. That was almost 28 years ago and we've been married 24....

I like this guy, this husband of yours .. I don't think you can beat a marriage that includes plenty of laughter.

. my first marriage started off funny... :eusa_doh:

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I love this thread. :)

We were both in college. But hubby is younger than me by a couple of years. We had been working at the mall together for a few days, and he was already sweet on me, little did I know.

We both arrived before the manager to open the store one morning, so we were making small talk. I asked him, "What year are you?" and he answered, "Sophomore." I then asked which of the two local high schools he attended. He said, " college. I'm a Sophomore in college."


He still asked me out, though. He made me laugh so much on our first date my face was sore the next day. Never knew you could get a sore face from laughing. He still makes me laugh. That was almost 28 years ago and we've been married 24....

Making her laugh.

It never fails.

Indeed. You ever read Christopher Hitchens' piece about that in Vanity Fair? I believe it's still available online. He basically said that female comedians are not generally funny, and this is because women don't need to be funny. But men do. He ruffled a LOT of feminist feathers but, c'mon. Every grown adult of some experience knows this is true.

Yes, I heard that one.
back in the day, 1982...i went to a local dive with a girlfriend when live bands were aplenty, to see 'Apple'; a beatles cover band. found my way back to the bar for another drink & as i was taking out my wallet to pay - a few items fell out from my pocketbook. bending down to get them, another patron was already there helping to pick up my stuff.

turns out he was suppose to meet up with his buddies, but they never showed up. he asked me to dance, & at the end of the night, asked me for my phone number... & we've been together ever since.
I love this thread. :)

We were both in college. But hubby is younger than me by a couple of years. We had been working at the mall together for a few days, and he was already sweet on me, little did I know.

We both arrived before the manager to open the store one morning, so we were making small talk. I asked him, "What year are you?" and he answered, "Sophomore." I then asked which of the two local high schools he attended. He said, " college. I'm a Sophomore in college."


He still asked me out, though. He made me laugh so much on our first date my face was sore the next day. Never knew you could get a sore face from laughing. He still makes me laugh. That was almost 28 years ago and we've been married 24....

I like this guy, this husband of yours .. I don't think beat a marriage that includes plenty of laughter.

Thank you, and I couldn't agree more. He is a funny guy but he also particularly tickles my funny bone. Which works out for both of us. He would crack a joke and our teens would roll their eyes and I would laugh and laugh...see, he loves to crack jokes and I laugh VERY easily, so it's a match made in heaven. ;)
The one that snuck in recently and took possession of my heart did so while playing an online MMORPG game. Not saying which one, but we talk all day and night now. Who knows what'll come of it .....

mmm. so a sweet talker and a gamer .. fresh member or old and wrinkly?

Noone from this forum and he's younger than I am.
Boys, I landed me a real life magazine model. She's beautiful. Legs for days and long, wavy, brown hair. She did some beer commercials, too. :)

But, you know, she's a good Christian woman, she's smart, she's traveled the world as a mission worker building homes for the indigenous on donations alone, she's a strict libertarian like me, a fearless libertarian activist, she's a web developer who operates her own business with a worldwide customer base, she's funny, she's sympathetic, and she's my best friend.

We actually met online, and started talking after the GOP hosed our delegates in the 2012, that's when I went into hibernation mode away from politics. What had happen was, I told her I liked her blueberry smoothie recipe she had on one of her web sites. She's very health conscious, as am I. And, you know, we started chatting, then started talking on the phone, then, here we are. But she did not play easy to get. Nope. It was hard, for real. It took me over a year to win her heart. But, good things come to those who wait.

She'll be flying in, in the next couple of days, she's down in Baja, the renters destroyed her mom's beach house, so she's been helping her mom deal with that. I guess they're gonna try to sue for the theft and damages, I don't know how that works in Mexico.

That reminds me of something. The only quirk she really has is she'll have the painter paint a room a few times before the color is to her liking. I pity the painters, really, I do.
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