How Did Pterosaurs Fly? They Were Too Big And Too Heavy.

So according to Creationcysts like James Bond.. "god" Must have created a creature with Giant Wings that couldn't fly.. and would also then be unwieldly and and undefendable on the ground.
Yet they lived for 100 million years! - Hmm

I guess they indeed flew.
Does JB look for an explanation for his 2008 article?
He's a Blind believer, and and just wants to throw science in doubt.
I look and learn.
Creationists, though, are Willfully Stupid.
This is S&T forum. Not religion and Christian. I can only surmise you must be worried greatly about ending up spiritually dead and facing Jesus and the lake of fire.
If You don't believe in evolution, and you don't, you believe in Creationism.
Then YOU also believe god created a laughable nonviable monstrosity.
Of course, and again, that obviously isn't the case considering the span of time they lived for.
No answer
You lost.

Part of this article verifies what I have said that it was impossible for them to fly...
Yes I Bolded That part so I could give other points of view with more context from the Wiki entry.
IOW, Wiki mentions it/him, it Doesn't "verify" the author's contention.
At best you're left with what I just said above.
A "god-created"-non-viable creature.

James Bond said:
Thus, the atheist abu has failed in actually explaining and it's due to his stupidity.
On the contrary
I gave a few points of view on the issue.
We analytically thinking people don't claim we know everything/everything yet.
The full mechanics of Ptero-flight aren't yet 100% understood.
While Dishonest/in-Denial/LowIQ godists like you say "Goddidit" for everything they don't understand.
You tried to post - but Botched - the usual "God of the Gaps" FALLACY.
That being, assigning god to anything you can't understand.
Just as your ignorant predecessors did to Fire, Lightning, fertility, etc, x10,000.

But in this case you Porked yourself, and impeached the whole ID idea by assigning STUPID, non-viable, design to god in your usual Low IQ way just to throw some nebulous dirt at 'science.'

Really, this is the single dumbest attempt at refuting evolution in favor of god/creationism I've ever seen.
Last edited:
Maybe they were gliders.
If they had hollow bones and such, maybe.

They did have hollow bones. The hollow bones had walls the thickness of a playing card, and were supported by internal struts. Making them very light and very flexible.

And there are numerous theories suggesting the Earth's atmosphere was more dense when the pterosaurs lived, making it easier.

There are theories that they were also more likely gliders, with some adaptation for flapping wings to gain altitude.
It's popular science to claim birds are dinosaurs, but it has nothing to do with this creature.


These are giant flying reptiles. How did these giant reptiles ever get off the ground? Also, there are claims people have seen them, so questions remain if they are extinct.

"The 'dinosaur' popularly known as a pterodactyl is actually called a reptile called a pterosaur, which is Greek for flying lizard.

It existed alongside the dinosaurs between 251 and 65 million years ago, and were thought to be the biggest creatures to ever take to the air.

The fossilised remains of one example had a wing span of more than 15 metres.

But Katsufumi Sato, a Japanese scientist, who collected data from five large birds including the world's biggest, the wandering albatross, has calculated that it was physically impossible for them to stay aloft.

The University of Tokyo professor claims that the largest animal capable of soaring across the sky unaided could have weighed no more than 40kg (88lbs) or the size of a labrador dog.

Prof Soto, who reported his findings in New Scientist magazine, travelled to the Crozet Islands - halfway between Madagascar and Antarctica - and attached accelerometers, devices the size of AA batteries which measure thrust, to the wings of 28 birds from the five species including the albatross which is a soarer like the pterosaurs were thought to be.

Unlike turkeys or bustards, whose short wings are good for quick take-off but not for soaring, these larger birds fly long distances using dynamic soaring - they ride changing wind currents without moving their wings.

But when the wind dies down, or blows at a constant speed, they have to flap or be pulled down by air resistance and gravity.

The maximum speed a bird can flap is limited by its muscle strength and decreases for heavier species with longer wings.

Prof Sato says animals heavier than 40kg would not be able to flap fast enough to stay aloft. This would explain why the wandering albatross weighs only 22 kg (46lbs).

A bird weighing too close to 40kg would be incredible unstable and "would not have a safety margin to fly in bad weather", he added."

Pterodactyls were too heavy to fly, scientist claims

Pop science article
Pterodactyl, Pteranodon & Other Flying 'Dinosaurs'

They are probably just an extinct giant bat.
It's popular science to claim birds are dinosaurs, but it has nothing to do with this creature.


These are giant flying reptiles. How did these giant reptiles ever get off the ground? Also, there are claims people have seen them, so questions remain if they are extinct.

"The 'dinosaur' popularly known as a pterodactyl is actually called a reptile called a pterosaur, which is Greek for flying lizard.

It existed alongside the dinosaurs between 251 and 65 million years ago, and were thought to be the biggest creatures to ever take to the air.

The fossilised remains of one example had a wing span of more than 15 metres.

But Katsufumi Sato, a Japanese scientist, who collected data from five large birds including the world's biggest, the wandering albatross, has calculated that it was physically impossible for them to stay aloft.

The University of Tokyo professor claims that the largest animal capable of soaring across the sky unaided could have weighed no more than 40kg (88lbs) or the size of a labrador dog.

Prof Soto, who reported his findings in New Scientist magazine, travelled to the Crozet Islands - halfway between Madagascar and Antarctica - and attached accelerometers, devices the size of AA batteries which measure thrust, to the wings of 28 birds from the five species including the albatross which is a soarer like the pterosaurs were thought to be.

Unlike turkeys or bustards, whose short wings are good for quick take-off but not for soaring, these larger birds fly long distances using dynamic soaring - they ride changing wind currents without moving their wings.

But when the wind dies down, or blows at a constant speed, they have to flap or be pulled down by air resistance and gravity.

The maximum speed a bird can flap is limited by its muscle strength and decreases for heavier species with longer wings.

Prof Sato says animals heavier than 40kg would not be able to flap fast enough to stay aloft. This would explain why the wandering albatross weighs only 22 kg (46lbs).

A bird weighing too close to 40kg would be incredible unstable and "would not have a safety margin to fly in bad weather", he added."

Pterodactyls were too heavy to fly, scientist claims

Pop science article
Pterodactyl, Pteranodon & Other Flying 'Dinosaurs'

When I was a kid they said they didn't know how bees flew. Ignorance doesn't stop something from happening.
It's popular science to claim birds are dinosaurs, but it has nothing to do with this creature.


These are giant flying reptiles. How did these giant reptiles ever get off the ground? Also, there are claims people have seen them, so questions remain if they are extinct.

"The 'dinosaur' popularly known as a pterodactyl is actually called a reptile called a pterosaur, which is Greek for flying lizard.

It existed alongside the dinosaurs between 251 and 65 million years ago, and were thought to be the biggest creatures to ever take to the air.

The fossilised remains of one example had a wing span of more than 15 metres.

But Katsufumi Sato, a Japanese scientist, who collected data from five large birds including the world's biggest, the wandering albatross, has calculated that it was physically impossible for them to stay aloft.

The University of Tokyo professor claims that the largest animal capable of soaring across the sky unaided could have weighed no more than 40kg (88lbs) or the size of a labrador dog.

Prof Soto, who reported his findings in New Scientist magazine, travelled to the Crozet Islands - halfway between Madagascar and Antarctica - and attached accelerometers, devices the size of AA batteries which measure thrust, to the wings of 28 birds from the five species including the albatross which is a soarer like the pterosaurs were thought to be.

Unlike turkeys or bustards, whose short wings are good for quick take-off but not for soaring, these larger birds fly long distances using dynamic soaring - they ride changing wind currents without moving their wings.

But when the wind dies down, or blows at a constant speed, they have to flap or be pulled down by air resistance and gravity.

The maximum speed a bird can flap is limited by its muscle strength and decreases for heavier species with longer wings.

Prof Sato says animals heavier than 40kg would not be able to flap fast enough to stay aloft. This would explain why the wandering albatross weighs only 22 kg (46lbs).

A bird weighing too close to 40kg would be incredible unstable and "would not have a safety margin to fly in bad weather", he added."

Pterodactyls were too heavy to fly, scientist claims

Pop science article
Pterodactyl, Pteranodon & Other Flying 'Dinosaurs'

When I was a kid they said they didn't know how bees flew. Ignorance doesn't stop something from happening.

So, do you know how bees fly now? Or is it still, you do not know?

Your statement is one of the worst statements made in the history of humankind. Ignorance due to evolution is causing the truth of creation and creation science to be left out. Ignorance means we take the time to find out.
So according to Creationcysts like James Bond.. "god" Must have created a creature with Giant Wings that couldn't fly.. and would also then be unwieldly and and undefendable on the ground.
Yet they lived for 100 million years! - Hmm

I guess they indeed flew.
Does JB look for an explanation for his 2008 article?
He's a Blind believer, and and just wants to throw science in doubt.
I look and learn.
Creationists, though, are Willfully Stupid.
This is S&T forum. Not religion and Christian. I can only surmise you must be worried greatly about ending up spiritually dead and facing Jesus and the lake of fire.
If You don't believe in evolution, and you don't, you believe in Creationism.
Then YOU also believe god created a laughable nonviable monstrosity.
Of course, and again, that obviously isn't the case considering the span of time they lived for.
No answer
You lost.

Part of this article verifies what I have said that it was impossible for them to fly...
Yes I Bolded That part so I could give other points of view with more context from the Wiki entry.
IOW, Wiki mentions it/him, it Doesn't "verify" the author's contention.
At best you're left with what I just said above.
A "god-created"-non-viable creature.

James Bond said:
Thus, the atheist abu has failed in actually explaining and it's due to his stupidity.
On the contrary
I gave a few points of view on the issue.
We analytically thinking people don't claim we know everything/everything yet.
The full mechanics of Ptero-flight aren't yet 100% understood.
While Dishonest/in-Denial/LowIQ godists like you say "Goddidit" for everything they don't understand.
You tried to post - but Botched - the usual "God of the Gaps" FALLACY.
That being, assigning god to anything you can't understand.
Just as your ignorant predecessors did to Fire, Lightning, fertility, etc, x10,000.

But in this case you Porked yourself, and impeached the whole ID idea by assigning STUPID, non-viable, design to god in your usual Low IQ way just to throw some nebulous dirt at 'science.'

Really, this is the single dumbest attempt at refuting evolution in favor of god/creationism I've ever seen.

Creation science thinks they know, but the evo scientists do not get it. Gravity was much less in the ancient times, relatively speaking, and that's how land dwelling humans and dinosaurs grew so large. I think Mark Witton and Mike Habib think along those same lines. They mention today's scientists think atmosphere density and gravity are constants, but are willing to consider it was different in the past.
It's popular science to claim birds are dinosaurs, but it has nothing to do with this creature.


These are giant flying reptiles. How did these giant reptiles ever get off the ground? Also, there are claims people have seen them, so questions remain if they are extinct.

"The 'dinosaur' popularly known as a pterodactyl is actually called a reptile called a pterosaur, which is Greek for flying lizard.

It existed alongside the dinosaurs between 251 and 65 million years ago, and were thought to be the biggest creatures to ever take to the air.

The fossilised remains of one example had a wing span of more than 15 metres.

But Katsufumi Sato, a Japanese scientist, who collected data from five large birds including the world's biggest, the wandering albatross, has calculated that it was physically impossible for them to stay aloft.

The University of Tokyo professor claims that the largest animal capable of soaring across the sky unaided could have weighed no more than 40kg (88lbs) or the size of a labrador dog.

Prof Soto, who reported his findings in New Scientist magazine, travelled to the Crozet Islands - halfway between Madagascar and Antarctica - and attached accelerometers, devices the size of AA batteries which measure thrust, to the wings of 28 birds from the five species including the albatross which is a soarer like the pterosaurs were thought to be.

Unlike turkeys or bustards, whose short wings are good for quick take-off but not for soaring, these larger birds fly long distances using dynamic soaring - they ride changing wind currents without moving their wings.

But when the wind dies down, or blows at a constant speed, they have to flap or be pulled down by air resistance and gravity.

The maximum speed a bird can flap is limited by its muscle strength and decreases for heavier species with longer wings.

Prof Sato says animals heavier than 40kg would not be able to flap fast enough to stay aloft. This would explain why the wandering albatross weighs only 22 kg (46lbs).

A bird weighing too close to 40kg would be incredible unstable and "would not have a safety margin to fly in bad weather", he added."

Pterodactyls were too heavy to fly, scientist claims

Pop science article
Pterodactyl, Pteranodon & Other Flying 'Dinosaurs'

Interesting. It turns out that snakes can "fly," i.e. glide, for a brief time, too. They flatten their bodies in order to glide, but can't do it as well as the draco lizard. Creation science thinks bird are birds and reptiles belong in their own grouping which include dinosaurs. There is no need to make it fit some macroevolutionary common ancestor (circular reasoning).
Ignorance means we take the time to find out.
Haha...coming from the OP, who argues, "We don't know how pterosaurs flew, therefore...magic!"

Haha, good stuff....

We know you can't fly. That head of yours is too thick and heavy to get off the ground.

Mark Witton and Mike Habib have the answers and they consider gravity was weaker in the past. Weaker gravity, before Noah's Flood, is also creation science theory. Evos can't explain how dinosaurs got so big and that there were giant humans such as David vs Goliath..
Maybe they were gliders.
If they had hollow bones and such, maybe.
I am not saying they did fly or did not! We do not know! We have plenty of birds around today that do not fly. This dinsour may not have flown either! According to laws of aerodynamics the humming bird can not fly but they do! Most of what is said about dinosours is conjecture!
Mark Witton and Mike Habib have the answers and they consider gravity was weaker in the past
And they are wrong, and their idea is a laughingstock in the global scientific community. And they find themselves as the subject of mockery because they are making up ideas in order to fit the evidence to a magical story of creationist nonsense.
Evos can't explain how dinosaurs got so big and that there were giant humans such as David vs Goliath.
Yes, evolution can explain it. And no, there were no giants. Two lies, back to back. You are working overtime today.
It is scientifically impossible for a hummingbird to fly
So according to Creationcysts like James Bond.. "god" Must have created a creature with Giant Wings that couldn't fly.. and would also then be unwieldly and and undefendable on the ground.
Yet they lived for 100 million years! - Hmm

I guess they indeed flew.
Does JB look for an explanation for his 2008 article?
He's a Blind believer, and and just wants to throw science in doubt.
I look and learn.
Creationists, though, are Willfully Stupid.
This is S&T forum. Not religion and Christian. I can only surmise you must be worried greatly about ending up spiritually dead and facing Jesus and the lake of fire.
If You don't believe in evolution, and you don't, you believe in Creationism.
Then YOU also believe god created a laughable nonviable monstrosity.
Of course, and again, that obviously isn't the case considering the span of time they lived for.
No answer
You lost.

Part of this article verifies what I have said that it was impossible for them to fly...
Yes I Bolded That part so I could give other points of view with more context from the Wiki entry.
IOW, Wiki mentions it/him, it Doesn't "verify" the author's contention.
At best you're left with what I just said above.
A "god-created"-non-viable creature.

James Bond said:
Thus, the atheist abu has failed in actually explaining and it's due to his stupidity.
On the contrary
I gave a few points of view on the issue.
We analytically thinking people don't claim we know everything/everything yet.
The full mechanics of Ptero-flight aren't yet 100% understood.
While Dishonest/in-Denial/LowIQ godists like you say "Goddidit" for everything they don't understand.
You tried to post - but Botched - the usual "God of the Gaps" FALLACY.
That being, assigning god to anything you can't understand.
Just as your ignorant predecessors did to Fire, Lightning, fertility, etc, x10,000.

But in this case you Porked yourself, and impeached the whole ID idea by assigning STUPID, non-viable, design to god in your usual Low IQ way just to throw some nebulous dirt at 'science.'

Really, this is the single dumbest attempt at refuting evolution in favor of god/creationism I've ever seen.

Creation science thinks they know, but the evo scientists do not get it. Gravity was much less in the ancient times, relatively speaking, and that's how land dwelling humans and dinosaurs grew so large. I think Mark Witton and Mike Habib think along those same lines. They mention today's scientists think atmosphere density and gravity are constants, but are willing to consider it was different in the past.
Gravity was far less?

Now we are entering bizarro land
Now we are entering bizarro land
Well, of course. This is the bizarre nonsense you get from "backward think", whereby a conclusion is decided ahead of time, and then one must works backwards to explain the evidence, often having to concot absurd ideas which contradict one another. Rational, evidence based deductive reasoning first considers the evidence, then draws a conclusion based on it.
Maybe they had a series of pouches and cavities layered between their bones, muscles, and skin that filled with lighter than air fart gas. Should have been called Balloonasaurs.
When I was a kid they said they didn't know how bees flew. Ignorance doesn't stop something from happening.

So, do you know how bees fly now? Or is it still, you do not know?

Your statement is one of the worst statements made in the history of humankind. Ignorance due to evolution is causing the truth of creation and creation science to be left out. Ignorance means we take the time to find out.

Truth of creation? Really? We're on to fantasy stories now are we?
Mark Witton and Mike Habib have the answers and they consider gravity was weaker in the past
And they are wrong, and their idea is a laughingstock in the global scientific community. And they find themselves as the subject of mockery because they are making up ideas in order to fit the evidence to a magical story of creationist nonsense.
Evos can't explain how dinosaurs got so big and that there were giant humans such as David vs Goliath.
Yes, evolution can explain it. And no, there were no giants. Two lies, back to back. You are working overtime today.

I can't think of one thing that you have explained in the years that I have known you while I have answered over 96% of your questions. That's an excellent statistical ratio. Yes, there were giant humans and very large dinosaurs. Atheist Fort Fun Indiana is wrong again ha ha.

And who said they are creation scientists? You are so wrong. These are the experts on Pterosaurs. Why don't read their blogs and papers?

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