How Democrats run their scam


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees

This is just the basics as to how they get that "free" stuff. You want to end it? Fine, QUIT voting democrat. THAT simple...

This is just the basics as to how they get that "free" stuff. You want to end it? Fine, QUIT voting democrat. THAT simple...

This has nothing to do with Democrats running a scam you goof, but you are correct, there are a good number of people doing this. I don't know how accurate the numbers are that this states, but we all know it happens. The logical thing to do is to change the tax laws so there is no marriage penalty and to then go after those who actually abuse the system. I really do not believe you would find many Democrats who would oppose this.
"How Democrats run their scam"

How republicans contrive a straw man fallacy, yet another ridiculous lie from the right.

As already correctly noted: this has nothing to do with 'democrats.'
Democrats have been building this welfare house of cards since the 60's. Year after year the numbers increase along with the debt and the past 7 years have shown the biggest gains. It only has to last long enough to have a majority of the citizens dependent and voting Democrat. Once they have a lock on government and a compliant SCOTUS, they can pass anti gun legislation to disarm the citizens, then the shit will hit the fan. The lazy idiots who think the free ride will never end will be forced to work (slave labor) whether they want to or not. They won't be able to resist because their ability to defend themselves will be gone. That's our future if we keep electing Democrats.
Different states offer different amounts for welfare. I have known two people who actually lived near the border and managed to scam welfare from two different states. My sister reported one of them, but found out that each state doesn't care about what happens in another.

I have also known people who live with their boyfriend, have several kids with them, yet still collect welfare. They claim in the welfare office that they don't know who the father is and the state cannot go after the father for child support.

It is a huge scam. I have known older women to have another baby when their youngest is nearing 18. They do it to keep the benefits coming in and always claim they didn't catch the guy's name when they slept with him and got pregnant.

I have liberal friends who say it doesn't matter, that if a person is so desperate and afraid to work, then they still need help. And once the baby is here, we have to pay to raise it. So, even though they know some are cheating, they don't care. People want to keep getting that money, so the left isn't about to scare people by scrutinizing any welfare recipient. If there was an audit to ensure that applicants were really deserving, there would be a panic. I don't think the left would agree to it. They might not say anything in the rare instance someone gets caught cheating, but they won't ever openly warn that cheaters will be found and made to pay back the money. They'd lose votes.

It's amazing how many claim disability for ailments that can't really be proven. Back pain is a common one and now there is fibromyalgia, which can't be proven one way or the other and provides a good excuse to get the strong pain killers. While many people genuinely suffer from disabilities, it's curious that more people than ever are now applying. A lot of the people who were collecting unemployment for the 99 weeks applied for disability. Nothing needs to be verified by a doctor and it's assumed that if a person keeps complaining about something, you have to take it as fact. In other words, just keep repeating the same lie till you get your way. Nothing better to do for many.

Most working people I know have some kind of back pain. They keep on working despite that. I know physically handicapped people who work and they'd have a great excuse to sit back and collect money for nothing. One lady at a local department store doesn't have a right arm, yet manages to ring up purchases and bag them with one arm. A guy with one leg runs a café and he waits on people at the counter by pushing himself around on a stool on wheels. He's fast and good at his job. It's all in the attitude.

I know people who have tried to get disability for not being able to read, for drug and/or alcohol addiction, for asthma and a host of other things. I know several people who claim they can't work, but amazingly they can hike, fish, party, dance, ski and many other physical things. I guess the pain only starts when someone mentions the "w" word.
"How Democrats run their scam"

How republicans contrive a straw man fallacy, yet another ridiculous lie from the right.

As already correctly noted: this has nothing to do with 'democrats.'
BS this is the New Deal on steroids and its all delivered for the price of a vote.
I know a couple that got divorced for this very reason. When I say divorced I mean just a piece of paper, he never so much as moved to the other side of the bed. He "pays" child support uses his moms address, she gets every govt hand out you can imagine. He says it was like getting an 18k/yr raise.

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