Donald Trump and the American Future


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
President Trump, has a nice ring to it don't cha' think...:biggrin:
Donald Trump and the American Future
Republicans better wake up and remember who the enemy is.
December 22, 2015
David Horowitz


I have to confess that of late I have become increasingly pessimistic about the future of our country. For awhile I was hopeful that the electorate would finally cut through the fog of political correctness: the racist, collectivist, America-and-white people-are-guilty party line of the Democratic Party. Not so any more. Both the conservative punditry (with a few notable exceptions) and the Republican establishment are proving as feckless in resisting the left’s attacks, and as unfocused on the Democratic adversary as the Republican congress. The Democrats are at it full bore. Having gotten away with disarming the nation in the face of its enemies, and with promoting systematic racial discrimination, along with racist lynch mobs in the streets, the Democrats are busy on the attack. In their election campaign year, they are accusing Republican candidates of being racist and recruiters for ISIS. The only serious - i.e., bloody-minded - fire coming from the Republican side is directed at Donald Trump. (Think about it – all the Democrats need is a damaged Trump. Then they can condemn Republicans for merely associating with him.) If Republicans want to join Democrats and match their viciousness in taking down the Republican front-runner, Hillary Clinton is going to be our next president.

The most recent explosion of outrage at Trump is his proposal for a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration “until we figure it out” – i.e., figure out how to vet Muslim immigrants so that we don’t allow anymore Tashfeen Malik’s into the country where they are determined to kill innocent Americans. Otherwise perfectly intelligent conservatives have joined the Democrat smear squad in denouncing Trump’s suggestion as unconstitutional, illegal, and un-American. In fact, as a cursory Internet search should convince anyone free of anti-Republican bigotry, Trump’s proposal is not only constitutional (foreigners seeking entry into the country have no rights under the US Constitution – only US citizens do. It is also perfectly legal. There is an actual U.S. code that says the president has the authority to ban “any class” of individuals he deems a threat to the American citizens.

Moreover, Trump’s proposal is obviously sensible – i.e., is justified by a realistic confrontation with the facts. According to a Pew Poll, 64% of Muslims in Egypt and Pakistan believe that leaving the Muslim faith should be punished by death. In Afghanistan the figure is 78%. While 64% of Muslims are not active terrorists, there was not a single member of the Muslim community in San Bernardino willing to alert authorities to the hateful, indeed murderous ideas of the shooter couple. Punishing apostasy by death is only a crystallization of the jihadists’ belief that all non-Muslims who refuse to submit to the Islamic faith should be killed. That is what the war that Islamists have declared on us is about. Donald Trump has done the country a service by putting this issue – previously unmentionable – before the American public. Thus far he is the only candidate with the guts to do this, and that is why he is leading in the polls by a wide margin.


How much innocent blood do Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have on their hands? How much innocent blood will be spilled in the next four years if Clinton is elected? These are the questions Republicans should be asking, not whether Donald Trump is a bigot. He obviously is not. Impolitic yes. Racist no. Donald Trump has many faults but lack of political courage is not one of them. He seems motivated by concern for the pit into which this country has fallen under an administration with catastrophic priorities and uncertain loyalties. That is what Republicans need to think about when framing their next attacks. Otherwise the future is dim indeed.

Donald Trump and the American Future
Trump is a clown who will never be president, and the right supporting his crazy ideas is pushing more people away from their party every day. How can they ever expect to gain sane supporters after showing that the majority of the party is stupid enough to support him?
GO TRUMP!!!! The best present anyone could give Hillary!!!!
Trump is a clown who will never be president, and the right supporting his crazy ideas is pushing more people away from their party every day. How can they ever expect to gain sane supporters after showing that the majority of the party is stupid enough to support him?
GO TRUMP!!!! The best present anyone could give Hillary!!!!
Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton 'got schlonged' in 2008 -

: you should change the last part of your name...

Well thank you. I did enjoy reading that. To answer his question, I'm sure those others didn't enjoy running against him because they were all competing for the crazy vote. There is just no way to out crazy Trump. Hillary is going for a completely different demographic. Sane people.
Trump is a clown who will never be president, and the right supporting his crazy ideas is pushing more people away from their party every day. How can they ever expect to gain sane supporters after showing that the majority of the party is stupid enough to support him?
GO TRUMP!!!! The best present anyone could give Hillary!!!!
Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton 'got schlonged' in 2008 -

: you should change the last part of your name...

Well thank you. I did enjoy reading that. To answer his question, I'm sure those others didn't enjoy running against him because they were all competing for the crazy vote. There is just no way to out crazy Trump. Hillary is going for a completely different demographic. Sane people.
Change that to "Gullible people" and you've got it right.
Trump is a clown who will never be president, and the right supporting his crazy ideas is pushing more people away from their party every day. How can they ever expect to gain sane supporters after showing that the majority of the party is stupid enough to support him?
GO TRUMP!!!! The best present anyone could give Hillary!!!!
Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton 'got schlonged' in 2008 -

: you should change the last part of your name...

Well thank you. I did enjoy reading that. To answer his question, I'm sure those others didn't enjoy running against him because they were all competing for the crazy vote. There is just no way to out crazy Trump. Hillary is going for a completely different demographic. Sane people.
Change that to "Gullible people" and you've got it right.

Your party actually believes. the president was born in Kenya, the president is Muslim, there were actual death panels, the military attacked Texas. Walmart has tunnels, FEMA prisons. the WTC was an inside job, anchor babies, someone is coming for your guns, black helicopters, the world will end soon, Ted Nugent is someone to emulate, poor people want to be poor, and Donald Trump might actually become president. And you want to call Democrats gullible?
Trump is a clown who will never be president, and the right supporting his crazy ideas is pushing more people away from their party every day. How can they ever expect to gain sane supporters after showing that the majority of the party is stupid enough to support him?
GO TRUMP!!!! The best present anyone could give Hillary!!!!
Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton 'got schlonged' in 2008 -

: you should change the last part of your name...

Well thank you. I did enjoy reading that. To answer his question, I'm sure those others didn't enjoy running against him because they were all competing for the crazy vote. There is just no way to out crazy Trump. Hillary is going for a completely different demographic. Sane people.
Change that to "Gullible people" and you've got it right.

Your party actually believes. the president was born in Kenya, the president is Muslim, there were actual death panels, the military attacked Texas. Walmart has tunnels, FEMA prisons. the WTC was an inside job, anchor babies, someone is coming for your guns, black helicopters, the world will end soon, Ted Nugent is someone to emulate, poor people want to be poor, and Donald Trump might actually become president. And you want to call Democrats gullible?
Your hysterical ranting and raving won't change the fact that Hillary is a liar.
Trump is a clown who will never be president, and the right supporting his crazy ideas is pushing more people away from their party every day. How can they ever expect to gain sane supporters after showing that the majority of the party is stupid enough to support him?
GO TRUMP!!!! The best present anyone could give Hillary!!!!
Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton 'got schlonged' in 2008 -

: you should change the last part of your name...

Well thank you. I did enjoy reading that. To answer his question, I'm sure those others didn't enjoy running against him because they were all competing for the crazy vote. There is just no way to out crazy Trump. Hillary is going for a completely different demographic. Sane people.
Change that to "Gullible people" and you've got it right.

Your party actually believes. the president was born in Kenya, the president is Muslim, there were actual death panels, the military attacked Texas. Walmart has tunnels, FEMA prisons. the WTC was an inside job, anchor babies, someone is coming for your guns, black helicopters, the world will end soon, Ted Nugent is someone to emulate, poor people want to be poor, and Donald Trump might actually become president. And you want to call Democrats gullible?
Your hysterical ranting and raving won't change the fact that Hillary is a liar.

Hysterical? Nope. The leaders of the right have said every silly thing I listed, as well as so much more crazy stuff, was true
Lib Dem Says Trump is Right About Bill
Shocker from WaPo scribe
Brian Lilley


Liberal Democrat Ruth Marcus doesn't like it but the Washington Post columnist has had to admit that Donald Trump is right when it comes to calling out Bill Clinton.

Marcus begrudgingly admits that while Trump is, in her opinion, wrong on so many things, he is right to say Bill has a problem with women.

Shortly after Hillary Clinton once again accused Donald Trump of sexism, it was revealed that Bill Clinton was being brought out to assist his wife in winning the Democratic primaries. That set off Trump on Twitter:


While those comments may make some think only of Monica Lewinsky, and only if you are old enough to remember that scandal, but Trump is also hinting at Juanita Broaddrick who has accused Bill of rape; Kathleen Willey, who has accused him of sexual assault; and Gennifer Flowers, Bill's mistress of 12 years. Radio host Aaron Klein has been interviewing the women and documenting their stories, which have been forgotten by many.


Marcus says that while Trump has "smeared women because of their looks," Bill Clinton has actually preyed on women.


Perhaps this time, liberal Democrats will see one of their heroes for what he actually is.

Lib Dem Says Trump is Right About Bill
Trump is a clown who will never be president, and the right supporting his crazy ideas is pushing more people away from their party every day. How can they ever expect to gain sane supporters after showing that the majority of the party is stupid enough to support him?
GO TRUMP!!!! The best present anyone could give Hillary!!!!

Trump and two democrats O'Malley and Hillary can be A president 1 year till. But I hopes only this 3 person's in plan B. Plan A is Rubio and Cruz. Two conservative and catholics. 4 of 5 candidates is catholics. Jeb.Bush and Christie is two last hopes. I don't believe on Sanders soon over 70 year.
What about Christie challenge Trump & Co in republicans. And new US president 10 months till ??
Trump Keeps On Being Trump in First Campaign Ad, Media Outraged
Instead of apologizing, Trump repeats his calls for a Muslim ban and border control.
January 5, 2016
Robert Spencer


Donald Trump has just released his first television ad, and the predictable Leftist firestorm has ensued. Instead of being embarrassed by his proposal for a moratorium on Muslim immigration in the face of the ongoing jihad threat, Trump has featured it front and center. And it turns out that his talk about securing the Southern border is accompanied by footage not of Mexicans, but of…Moroccans! The hard-Left self-proclaimed “fact checker” PolitiFact has given the ad a “Pants on Fire” rating, and pundits everywhere are tut-tutting about how the shoot-from-the-hip blowhard has done it again, and surely, surely this time, surely, he has finally torpedoed his own campaign.

Responding to the nontroversy, NBC News stated that “Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told NBC News, ‘No sh—it’s not the Mexican border, but that’s what our country is going to look like. This was 1,000 percent on purpose.’” PolitiFact declared itself unsatisfied by this explanation – but its attention to this issue epitomizes how desperate the mainstream media is to derail Trump’s campaign, and how it keeps on trying to do it in a way that is certain to be ineffective.

Consider, after all, who will care that Trump’s campaign used footage of Moroccans when talking about Mexicans: Leftists who will crow about how Trump can’t tell his Brown-People-Whose-Names-Start-with-M apart, and who were never going to vote for him anyway. No one else. Back in the United States of America, no one cares. Trump will probably pick up some supporters from among those who know that border security and illegal immigration are major problems, and remain major problems even if Trump’s commercial uses video from some other place with border security and illegal immigration problems.

I am no fan of Trump. After he denounced our free-speech event in Garland, Texas, last May, which was attacked by Islamic jihadists, it is not at all clear that Donald Trump understands the jihad imperative or the war against free speech, or is at all equipped to counter them. When violent jihadis commit murder to prevent people from drawing Muhammad, to desist voluntarily from drawing Muhammad is to reward violent intimidation, and encourage more. When Trump said, “They can’t do something else? They have to be in the middle of Texas doing something on Muhammad and insulting everybody?,” he was revealing that he did not grasp that essential point, and was willing to acquiesce to Sharia restrictions on the freedom of speech.

It was an odd moment in a campaign that has been remarkable for Trump’s willingness to take on the Left’s sacred cows. He infuriates the mainstream media because he, unlike any other major candidate in recent memory, won’t dance to their tune: when Leftist journalists confront him about some supposedly egregious thing he has said, he doesn’t apologize, he doesn’t explain, he doesn’t back down – generally he doubles down, and with a cheerful defiance that has lifted the heart of everyone who has seen the arena of free discourse inexorably narrowed over the last few decades by the authoritarian enforcers of political correctness.


Whatever happens to the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump, his challenge to that hegemony has been and is refreshing. If his insouciance in the face of those who set themselves up as our moral and intellectual superiors, and refusal to toe their line, survives his candidacy and spreads to others, he will have done the country an unparalleled service, no matter who is elected in November.

Trump Keeps On Being Trump in First Campaign Ad, Media Outraged
Protecting Muslims From Trump
Or does Trump need protecting from Muslims?
January 6, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


After an Islamic terror attack, Americans are told that they’re foolish and fearful to worry about the type of Islamic terrorism that just filled a local morgue with bodies. Instead of focusing on the families of the dead, the media coverage sharply pivots to a million stories about Muslims who claim to be terrified of a “backlash” from Americans and must be protected from the threat of this imaginary backlash.

When Americans worry about being murdered by the Islamic terrorist next door, they are accused of “giving in to fear”, but when Muslims claim that they’re terrorized by the occasional dirty look, that’s not only a legitimate fear, but actually rises to the level of a national crisis.

Never mind the American corpses, let’s focus on the Muslim hurt feelings.

After Trump suggested that maybe we shouldn’t be bringing tens of thousands of Syrians to this country when 13% of them poll as ISIS supporters (that’s 1,300 for each batch of 10,000 Syrians), Muslims Brotherhood front groups and their media allies swiftly began their victimhood theater.

Donald J. Trump has killed zero Americans or even Muslims in terrorist attacks. Meanwhile Muslims have killed 9,983 Americans.

Determining whether Trump or Muslims are the bigger threat is a matter of simple math.

But the media dismisses the threat of Islamic terrorism and urges the country to panic over Trump. And it never questions the credibility of the Muslims who whine that they need protection from Trump.

On ABC News, CAIR boss Nihad Awad complained that Trump was fueling anti-Muslim sentiment. No one at ABC asked him about the time he said, "I am in support of the Hamas movement".

Nihad Awad openly supported Islamic terrorism and made anti-Semitic remarks. And yet the media acted as if the pro-terrorist activist needed protection from Trump, when it’s Americans who need protection from Awad and his cronies.

“Donald Trump must be held partially responsible for the spike in anti-Muslim hate crimes and discrimination we have witnessed since the Paris terror attacks,” Awad insisted.

Does that mean that Awad and CAIR are responsible for Islamic attacks on Jews?

CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper claimed, “Trump’s statement has really given tacit permission to that minority of bigots out there to go after Muslims.”

Hooper had previously claimed that Al Qaeda attacks on America had been caused by "misunderstandings of both sides" and had said that he wants Islam to dominate America.

CAIR’s founder had said, "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran is the highest authority in America, and Islam is the only accepted religion on earth."

Instead of asking even the most basic questions of Trump’s Muslim accusers, the media whitewashes Islamist spokesmen with a history of supporting terrorism and runs puff pieces on Muslim crybullies.

In the latest bout of manufactured Muslim crybullying, the media eagerly reported that “U.S. service members are using the hashtag #IWillProtectYou to show support for a young Muslim girl who believed her family would be forced to flee following Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslims from the country.”

The #IWillProtectYou hashtag links back to victimhood theater from Melissa Chance Yassini whose Facebook likes lean toward Salafist clerics, some of whom admire Osama bin Laden and support the murder of American soldiers.

One of Yassini’s likes is Imam Zaid Shakir who said that attacking “an airplane filled with the 82nd Airborne” was fine under Islamic law. While the media solicits American soldiers to “protect” the Yassini clan from Trump, one of Melissa Yassini’s favorite clerics authorizes murdering those same soldiers.


Protecting Muslims From Trump
Trump Says What "You Can’t Say"

But can the American voter handle the truth?

January 15, 2016
Bruce Thornton


Received wisdom is what “everybody knows” is true without anyone having to think about it. Received wisdom has a lot of defense mechanisms: for example, trading in unexamined assumptions, avoiding contrary evidence, dismissing the need of evidence at all, or demonizing those who question it. Question-begging slogans are another. Mantras like “nothing to do with Islam” or “war on women” substitute for evidence and analysis. Another is “you can’t say that,” used to dismiss or marginalize comments or proposed policies by assuming disastrous consequences, or implying that saying such things is morally repugnant and, to quote Obama’s favorite obfuscation, “doesn’t represent who we are as a country.” In fact, “you can’t say that” is usually an ideological weapon, or an excuse for inaction.
Various “establishments” left or right are founded on received wisdom. They are the original “box” we’re all advised to “think outside” of. The Republican “establishment,” for example, purveys an electoral narrative that says Republicans can’t win nationally unless they “reach out” to women, minorities, and immigrants, and so must avoid alienating these potential Republicans.
We saw the effects of this narrative in 2008, when John McCain gave Barack Obama a pass on his relationship with race-baiter Jeremiah Wright, terrorist Bill Ayers, crook Tony Reszko, and apologist for Palestinian Arab terror Rashid Khalidi. McCain also passed over Obama’s refusal to release his complete medical records and college transcripts. All so McCain wouldn’t appear “racist” and alienate all those fence-sitting black voters who might vote Republican. Mitt Romney was just as timid in 2012. His worst “preemptive cringe” came in the foreign policy debate, when “moderator” Candy Crowley shamefully––and incorrectly––corrected Romney about Obama’s characterization of the Benghazi attacks. Instead of scolding Crowley (can’t bully a woman!) and Obama (can’t appear racist!), Romney just stood there with a deer-in-the-headlights look while Obama smirked.
Similarly, received wisdom holds that if Hillary is the candidate, her Republican opponent must be careful not to appear to be bullying her and thus confirming the “war on women” narrative. Don’t want to lose all those female millenials who might vote Republican. And be careful with Bill Clinton. He has a 60% approval rating, and people look back on his two terms with fondness. Bringing up his history of serial sexual harassment and assault will just anger voters, and make Hillary into a sympathetic victim.
Then Donald Trump comes along and brings up the whole sordid history to punish Hillary’s hypocrisy in saying Trump has a “penchant for sexism.” This was just the latest example of Trump’s willingness to ignore received wisdom and say all those things “you can’t say.” And Trump’s instincts were correct. These days “snowflake” college co-eds claim an awkward pass is “sexual assault”; women on colleges like the University of North Carolina and the University of Virginia are fabricating gang rapes eagerly reported by the media; and Hillary Clinton tweets, “Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported”––the opposite of the brutal tack she took with Bill’s victims. In this world of Puritanism on steroids that that progressives created, Hillary is unlikely to get much sympathy as a “victim,” and Bill’s behavior to get the pass he got in the 90s. Watch Bill’s first appearance after Trump’s broadside. A befuddled Clinton, one of the slickest and savviest politicians in recent history, had no answer to a question about his sexual history and its implications for Hillary’s candidacy.
And the consequences of Trump’s saying all those things you “can’t” say or do? Trump continues to lead the primary pack, and is virtually even with Hillary in national polls. As for his malign effects on the Party, Bill Kristol of The Weekly Standard, no fan of Trump, tells us:


Trump Says What "You Can’t Say"
President Trump, has a nice ring to it don't cha' think...:biggrin:
Donald Trump and the American Future
Republicans better wake up and remember who the enemy is.
December 22, 2015
David Horowitz


I have to confess that of late I have become increasingly pessimistic about the future of our country. For awhile I was hopeful that the electorate would finally cut through the fog of political correctness: the racist, collectivist, America-and-white people-are-guilty party line of the Democratic Party. Not so any more. Both the conservative punditry (with a few notable exceptions) and the Republican establishment are proving as feckless in resisting the left’s attacks, and as unfocused on the Democratic adversary as the Republican congress. The Democrats are at it full bore. Having gotten away with disarming the nation in the face of its enemies, and with promoting systematic racial discrimination, along with racist lynch mobs in the streets, the Democrats are busy on the attack. In their election campaign year, they are accusing Republican candidates of being racist and recruiters for ISIS. The only serious - i.e., bloody-minded - fire coming from the Republican side is directed at Donald Trump. (Think about it – all the Democrats need is a damaged Trump. Then they can condemn Republicans for merely associating with him.) If Republicans want to join Democrats and match their viciousness in taking down the Republican front-runner, Hillary Clinton is going to be our next president.

The most recent explosion of outrage at Trump is his proposal for a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration “until we figure it out” – i.e., figure out how to vet Muslim immigrants so that we don’t allow anymore Tashfeen Malik’s into the country where they are determined to kill innocent Americans. Otherwise perfectly intelligent conservatives have joined the Democrat smear squad in denouncing Trump’s suggestion as unconstitutional, illegal, and un-American. In fact, as a cursory Internet search should convince anyone free of anti-Republican bigotry, Trump’s proposal is not only constitutional (foreigners seeking entry into the country have no rights under the US Constitution – only US citizens do. It is also perfectly legal. There is an actual U.S. code that says the president has the authority to ban “any class” of individuals he deems a threat to the American citizens.

Moreover, Trump’s proposal is obviously sensible – i.e., is justified by a realistic confrontation with the facts. According to a Pew Poll, 64% of Muslims in Egypt and Pakistan believe that leaving the Muslim faith should be punished by death. In Afghanistan the figure is 78%. While 64% of Muslims are not active terrorists, there was not a single member of the Muslim community in San Bernardino willing to alert authorities to the hateful, indeed murderous ideas of the shooter couple. Punishing apostasy by death is only a crystallization of the jihadists’ belief that all non-Muslims who refuse to submit to the Islamic faith should be killed. That is what the war that Islamists have declared on us is about. Donald Trump has done the country a service by putting this issue – previously unmentionable – before the American public. Thus far he is the only candidate with the guts to do this, and that is why he is leading in the polls by a wide margin.


How much innocent blood do Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have on their hands? How much innocent blood will be spilled in the next four years if Clinton is elected? These are the questions Republicans should be asking, not whether Donald Trump is a bigot. He obviously is not. Impolitic yes. Racist no. Donald Trump has many faults but lack of political courage is not one of them. He seems motivated by concern for the pit into which this country has fallen under an administration with catastrophic priorities and uncertain loyalties. That is what Republicans need to think about when framing their next attacks. Otherwise the future is dim indeed.

Donald Trump and the American Future

Who is the enemy?

Those who try and kill, or those who try and destroy the US Constitution?

Or both?
Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump, Rallying Conservatives

Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and 2008 vice-presidential nominee who became a Tea Party sensation and a favorite of grass-roots conservatives, will endorse Donald J. Trump in Iowa on Tuesday, officials with his campaign confirmed. The endorsement provides Mr. Trump with a potentially significant boost just 13 days before the state’s caucuses.


”Over the years Palin has actually cultivated a number of relationships in Iowa,” said Craig Robinson, the former executive director of the Republican Party of Iowa and publisher of the website The Iowa Republican.” There are the Tea Party activists who still think she’s great and a breath of fresh air, but she also did a good job of courting Republican donors in the state,” he added.


Little-known before Mr. McCain picked her as his running mate, Mrs. Palin ultimately eclipsed Mr. McCain in popularity. She has endured as a coveted endorser with an impressive fund-raising list.

Mrs. Palin endorsed several of Mr. Trump’s Republican rivals in their statewide races, including Mr. Cruz in Texas and Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. Mr. Cruz, after his 2012 primary victory over the incumbent lieutenant governor, David Dewhurst, said he would not have made it to the Senate without Mrs. Palin’s backing.
The “Establishment” vs. Trump -- and the People
The battle that crystallizes where we are after the disastrous seven years of Obama.
January 27, 2016
Bruce Thornton



This brings us to the underlying assumptions behind much of the distaste for Trump. The implication––one, by the way, more typical of progressives––is that our candidates should be soberly and judiciously debating and discoursing about policy and principles, not pandering to irrational emotions and selfish interests. The burden of anti-Trumpism is that his policy prescriptions are incoherent, constantly changing, unworkable, or just morally objectionable. As the National Review editorial put it, his “political opinions have wobbled all over the lot” and “make no sense.” That may be true, but when have voters elected a president based on a technical analysis of policy prescriptions? When they twice elected an amateur full of soothing rhetoric, vague promises, and pleasing perceptions? And was our Constitution designed on the assumption that the mass of people would be cool rationalists voting on the basis of intellectual and ethical coherence?


The battle between Trump and the political elite is merely another example of a fundamental dynamic of our political order, one that goes to the heart of a permanent contradiction of democracy. Is politics a question of knowledge possessed only by an elite? Or do the common people have enough virtue and common sense to transcend their passions and interests and make the right choices for the country, both for the present and the future? The Founders created a political order that brilliantly resolved that contradiction, but the undermining of the Constitution has moved us closer to the dangerous dysfunctions of Athenian democracy that the Founders tried to avoid. How this contradiction ends up is a question only elections can answer.

The “Establishment” vs. Trump -- and the People

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