How deep is the Mueller corruptin?


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
Looks to be over his head....

Mueller's FBI Will Never Recover Its Good Name
By James Lewis
Robert Mueller just fired a senior FBI agent for openly twittering against POTUS Trump. But if Mr. Mueller imagines that firing one guy will restore his shredded credibility to the public, fuggedaboudit. The unprecedented witch-hunt against a newly elected Donald Trump will remain green in the public memory for years to come. The FBI and DOJ will therefore have to live with a huge loss of public credibility. The IRS will never recover among Trump voters.

Elected governments only work as long as they enjoy basic public confidence, and when that is gone -- as it is in Italy and Greece -- it can take many years to restore. Even if most of our FBI people are honest patriots, a few rotten apples will ruin it for the rest. In Italy, every sane person is expected to run some kind of tax scam, and until recently, the IRS told us that it relied on self-reported income. But high-level corruption sets an example for the whole country, and the Clintons and Obamas have shown us nothing but high-level corruption. The perps may get out of jail free, but the political culture will feel the damage they have inflicted.

Mueller is a partisan hack to end all partisan hacks, and no sane observer believes otherwise. It was Mueller who got Bill Clinton out of trouble for selling missile launching secrets to China, secrets that may now be helping North Korea to aim nuclear-armed missiles at Washington DC and Paris.

That's the trouble when the Democrats elect major corruptocrats like the Clintons and the Obamas. Half the voters have been profoundly angered by their corrupt shenanigans for years and years. The Clintons came out of the old Dixiecrat Machine in Little Rock, Ark, with ole Bill smokin' dope and harassing women to the max, and then came Obama...
Mueller's FBI Will Never Recover Its Good Name
The Russian Collusion Delusion is a huge political farce and another left wing attack on our democracy
:lol: parrots gargling piss

Have you ever seen the RWnut flailing this bad around here?
You simply deny reality. Mueller is engaging in a witch hunt and when pointed out you spin and smoke. Why you people want all manner of evil brought on this country is beyond mental.

Mueller has real guilty pleas and real plea bargains. You keep denying that.

lol, if it's a witch hunt, it's only because all of the witches haven't been rounded up yet.
:lol: parrots gargling piss

Have you ever seen the RWnut flailing this bad around here?
Not since Obama spanked them. They’re definitely scrambling for anything to distract from the disaster of Trumps presidency
In 7 years you won't even know what institution you are in.
That’s the same lame response you just used on me in another thread. Like literally 2 minutes ago.

Try something new, pal
:lol: parrots gargling piss

Have you ever seen the RWnut flailing this bad around here?
Not since Obama spanked them. They’re definitely scrambling for anything to distract from the disaster of Trumps presidency
In 7 years you won't even know what institution you are in.
That’s the same lame response you just used on me in another thread. Like literally 2 minutes ago.

Try something new, pal
What for? So you can play denial some more?
:lol: parrots gargling piss

Have you ever seen the RWnut flailing this bad around here?
You simply deny reality. Mueller is engaging in a witch hunt and when pointed out you spin and smoke. Why you people want all manner of evil brought on this country is beyond mental.

Mueller has real guilty pleas and real plea bargains. You keep denying that.

lol, if it's a witch hunt, it's only because all of the witches haven't been rounded up yet.
Seriously. Apparently, a grand jury heard enough to hand out indictments, and the indicted and their lawyers heard enough to encourage them to cooperate.

But Meuller has a so-called biased agent reassigned and that somehow invalidates the entire investigation :lol:
:lol: parrots gargling piss

Have you ever seen the RWnut flailing this bad around here?
You simply deny reality. Mueller is engaging in a witch hunt and when pointed out you spin and smoke. Why you people want all manner of evil brought on this country is beyond mental.
Mueller has a long reputation of republican support.
Lindsey Graham says Mueller must be able to continue his Russia investigation without interference from Trump.
Republicans pledge to let Mueller’s investigation proceed.
And that he does, now with bank records.
:lol: parrots gargling piss

Have you ever seen the RWnut flailing this bad around here?
You simply deny reality. Mueller is engaging in a witch hunt and when pointed out you spin and smoke. Why you people want all manner of evil brought on this country is beyond mental.
Mueller has a long reputation of republican support.
Lindsey Graham says Mueller must be able to continue his Russia investigation without interference from Trump.
Republicans pledge to let Mueller’s investigation proceed.
And that he does, now with bank records.
Proving what?

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