How could anyone hate a little .....

dis, have y ou considered feeding your rabbits....a friend of mine has greater luck with rabbits and other stuff than feeder rats...he has a white boa...with just rats it had dry skin and all..when he added rabbits ...the snake flourished...shed and all that...
dis, have y ou considered feeding your rabbits....a friend of mine has greater luck with rabbits and other stuff than feeder rats...he has a white boa...with just rats it had dry skin and all..when he added rabbits ...the snake flourished...shed and all that...

I gave him to a friend when he got too big for me to pick up on my own (he was over 5' long, and still growing)..
The building manager in an office I worked at saw a field mouse in the hallway and was going to squash the poor little guy with his foot! :eek: I got in between him and the mouse, got some paper and a cup and caught him (uh, the mouse not the manager) and set him free outside. Squash a mouse with your foot . . . really? :cuckoo:

Spiders and I have a rule - they stay in their territory and I stay in mine. If either one of us breaks the rule, the other has a right to attack! Spiders make my toes curl.

Of all creatures, dogs are the best.


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The building manager in an office I worked at saw a field mouse in the hallway and was going to squash the poor little guy with his foot! :eek: I got in between him and the mouse, got some paper and a cup and caught him (uh, the mouse not the manager) and set him free outside. Squash a mouse with your foot . . . really? :cuckoo:

Spiders and I have a rule - they stay in their territory and I stay in mine. If either one of us breaks the rule, the other has a right to attack! Spiders make my toes curl.

Of all creatures, dogs are the best.

I knew there had to be something nice about you.
Rats are cool.

So are mice. I think they both make good pets. Probably better if you don't have a mouse-eating cat, though.

My daughter had a russian hamster once called Samster the Hamster. He wasn't nice, just bit us all the time. Guess we picked the wrong rodent for a pet!
Don Knotts turned into a fish from doing that too much :lol:

1964, The Incredible Mr. Limpet.

When I lived in Tampa, Florida, there were so many bugs it was horrible. So one day I caught me one of these little guys and turned it loose in my apartment. I figured he'd eat any bugs there might be in my place. I'd see him around on stuff, and one night I woke up with him sitting on my shoulder. I thought he was a cute little shit. When I moved I tried to find him. I was going to take him with me. I'd grown attached to him. Couldn't find him though...

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I like that little lizard guy you posted. Too bad you couldn't find him when you moved.

He also had a little thing under his neck he'd fan out. Had all kinds of cool colors on it. Yeah he was a cool little critter. I'd have kept him if I could have found him. He did seem to keep my apartment bug free. I owed him.
.... creature like this?

Please don't trash this thread with mean talk about wildlife.

And please do post your favorite wildlife pics and stories. :happy-1:


I am right with you buddy!!!! God Bless our Animals of the world!!! That is one cute little critter. I work with the Forestry,Wildlife and Conservation department here in Washington State, so i support this little critter and all other animals 100%.
Oh my gosh, I watched the freakiest show on discovery last was "RiverMonsters" or something like that, and it's this extreme fishing dude...

He was fishing the Congo for a huge, toothed, hideous fish that kills people every now and then..I had NO IDEA the Congo was like it was. I thought it was a big river, but it's absolutely unbelievable where he was fishing. And the local fishermen jump in that awful water to dig out their nets! It looks worse than the ocean when the tide is going out, in the winter, on a particularly dicy Pacific jetty!


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