How come Kahn doesn't let his wife speak?

Sirs, I don't know where you are getting your information, but the Khans have been on cable news shows every day for the last three days and Mrs. Khan has spoken openly and freely in the interviews.

She explained that she did not speak at the DNC for fear of losing her composure, as her son's death is still very raw and upsetting for her. She said she cannot even go into his old bedroom of their house, and it is very difficult for her to even be in the same room where his service photo hangs.

Your callous and juvenile comments only underscore the hypocrisy of the right and their true feelings about the troops and those lost in war: disposal human beings you use as props for patriotism.
Sure...she was permitted to speak, no one is denying her husband commanded she speak....

No one knows anything about their marriage, especially neanderthals like yourself, Mr. Owebo. But we do know that their son was a captain in the U.S. Army and died defending this troops. What have YOU ever done for YOUR country?
Are you saying they are not Islamic Muslims?

No, I simply stated facts. Now, answer my question: What have you done for your country that could come even CLOSE to what they have done for their adopted country?
Well then, there you have it....

I see. So Mr. Ow, you have done nothing for your country except complain about it.
Sure...she was permitted to speak, no one is denying her husband commanded she speak....

No one knows anything about their marriage, especially neanderthals like yourself, Mr. Owebo. But we do know that their son was a captain in the U.S. Army and died defending this troops. What have YOU ever done for YOUR country?
Are you saying they are not Islamic Muslims?
Of course they are.....does that make them terrorists in your mind?
Of course not silly man...khans Muslim brotherhood membership does....

Would you like to prove Mr. Khan's affiliations, Mr. Ow? Besides that of the New York and American Bar Associations.
There is a thread on this forum about his Muslim brotherhood affiliations.....sadness on you....
No one knows anything about their marriage, especially neanderthals like yourself, Mr. Owebo. But we do know that their son was a captain in the U.S. Army and died defending this troops. What have YOU ever done for YOUR country?
Are you saying they are not Islamic Muslims?
Of course they are.....does that make them terrorists in your mind?
Of course not silly man...khans Muslim brotherhood membership does....

Would you like to prove Mr. Khan's affiliations, Mr. Ow? Besides that of the New York and American Bar Associations.
There is a thread on this forum about his Muslim brotherhood affiliations.....sadness on you....

Hahahaha,....A thread on this forum is proof? Because someone snatched propaganda from Breitbart or Alex Jones and posts it here, and that satisfies your curiosity. No wonder Trump has captivated you so.

Snopes is a far better source for veracity....Sadness on you, now:

Khizr Khan Is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent?
CLAIM: DNC speaker Kzhir Khan, father of fallen Army Capt. Humayun Khan, is a Muslim Brotherhood operative.


WHAT'S TRUE: Khzir Khan is a Muslim-American.

WHAT'S FALSE: No credible evidence supports the assertion that Khan is an operative of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Shoebats went on to cite two papers written by Khan in 1983 and 1984 pertaining to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC, described as "an intergovernmental oil company consisting of mainly Islamic countries" and a second titled "Juristic Classification of Islamic Law" (both of which were written prior to the family's move to the United States). With respect to the latter, Shoebat bracketed a not-present "Sharia" in the title and included a snapshot of the only page of the paper freely available (which in no part suggested support for Sharia law or membership in the Muslim brotherhood and appeared to be an academic piece, not an advocacy paper). The Shoebats maintained that in the paper "Khan shows his appreciation for the icon of the Muslim Brotherhood," referencing a citation holding that "The contribution to this article of S. Ramadan’s writing is greatly acknowledged."

However, the quoted text was suspiciously elided from the screenshot that appeared on Shoebat and looked far less damning in its actual context as an academic footnote:


The elided citation was offered as support of the assertion that Khan's work was undersigned by the "Saudi Wahhabist religious institution" and cited a "recent report" that Khan had moved from Pakistan to the United Arab Emirates, "a hotbed for the Muslim Brotherhood."
Last edited:
Are you saying they are not Islamic Muslims?
Of course they are.....does that make them terrorists in your mind?
Of course not silly man...khans Muslim brotherhood membership does....

Would you like to prove Mr. Khan's affiliations, Mr. Ow? Besides that of the New York and American Bar Associations.
There is a thread on this forum about his Muslim brotherhood affiliations.....sadness on you....

Hahahaha,....A thread on this forum is proof? Because someone snatched propaganda from Breitbart or Alex Jones and posts it here, and that satisfies your curiosity. No wonder Trump has captivated you so.
Your ignorance is embarrassing....
Of course they are.....does that make them terrorists in your mind?
Of course not silly man...khans Muslim brotherhood membership does....

Would you like to prove Mr. Khan's affiliations, Mr. Ow? Besides that of the New York and American Bar Associations.
There is a thread on this forum about his Muslim brotherhood affiliations.....sadness on you....

Hahahaha,....A thread on this forum is proof? Because someone snatched propaganda from Breitbart or Alex Jones and posts it here, and that satisfies your curiosity. No wonder Trump has captivated you so.
Your ignorance is embarrassing....

I suggest you scroll up to my edited post no. 24 as it will reveal just how ignorant you are, Mr. Ow.
Sure...she was permitted to speak, no one is denying her husband commanded she speak....

No one knows anything about their marriage, especially neanderthals like yourself, Mr. Owebo. But we do know that their son was a captain in the U.S. Army and died defending this troops. What have YOU ever done for YOUR country?
Are you saying they are not Islamic Muslims?

No, I simply stated facts. Now, answer my question: What have you done for your country that could come even CLOSE to what they have done for their adopted country?
Well then, there you have it....

I see. So Mr. Ow, you have done nothing for your country except complain about it.
Fuck off!
Your 'type' come and go and leave nothing but a trail of LIB slim behind them.
Permanent Ignore.

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