How Closely Tied Are Your Religious Beliefs To Your Political Beliefs?

Not sure how the two can be related.

I'd never vote because of my religious beliefs - as I hold little regard for much that has to do with religion.
I guess what Im really asking is how much of your religious faith or lack thereof --affect what decisions you make in the voting procces, And does your religion or lack thereof form the basis of your political idelogy?
I realise it's a personal question so I won't be offended if you choose not to answer, Im just wondering?
on moral issues like abortion, and family values. they are pretty important but tax view and foriegn policy arent terribly influenced by religious beliefs. but then if religion is a strong part of our lives it influences us in ways that we dont always notice. Like my religious beliefs encourage me to learn things, become educated, work hard etc. who knows how that effects my life or to what extent.
Our ethical beliefs, whether they are tied to religious thought or not, inform and affect our choices on a daily basis, whether we realize it or not. So, in a sense, our religious beliefs are tied to our political beliefs.
Well, I vote Republican as a vote against the left more than FOR the right.

The lefty's want to stop me from sacrificing goats on the solstice, they don't want my altar to the gods of greed and money to be seen in public, and they look at me funny when I say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Winter festivities.....
It is impossible to be a Christian that truly puts God first in their life and be liberal, or vote liberally. Once you begin to rationalize away your beliefs you are becoming a very bad Christian. Pro-choice is the right to choose murder which I have a very tough time understanding. Gay marriage is an oxymoron. Marriage was an institution created by God, and as a Christian you would believe that. Marriage is defined as a union between and man and a woman. Enough said.
The only Christians who cannot be liberal are the ones who stick to a very literal interpretation of the Bible. Not the wisest of choices in my mind, but, I'm an atheist.

Religion impacts your ethical beliefs which in turn affect how you vote. So yes, they impact your political stance.
YoungChristian said:
It is impossible to be a Christian that truly puts God first in their life and be liberal, or vote liberally. Once you begin to rationalize away your beliefs you are becoming a very bad Christian. Pro-choice is the right to choose murder which I have a very tough time understanding. Gay marriage is an oxymoron. Marriage was an institution created by God, and as a Christian you would believe that. Marriage is defined as a union between and man and a woman. Enough said.

Impossible? What kind of Christianity do you mean? It's a broad, sweeping black and white statement you've made. There are, obviously, many brands of Christianity. Some are way out there liberal, others are highly conservative. Christians who are from "liberal" denominations and vote Dem share many of your beliefs, but not all. Perhaps I don't agree with their interpretations on many issues, but I'd still call them Christian.

I'm sure you'll that the "J-Man" was a radical, not a conformist to his Jewish tradition. He was way out there, broke all the rules, colored outside the lines bigtime. You know, healing people on the Sabbath, touching sick people, talking to prostitutes, that kind of thing--all of which were verboten for a Jewish rabbi.
YoungChristian said:
It is impossible to be a Christian that truly puts God first in their life and be liberal, or vote liberally. Once you begin to rationalize away your beliefs you are becoming a very bad Christian. Pro-choice is the right to choose murder which I have a very tough time understanding. Gay marriage is an oxymoron. Marriage was an institution created by God, and as a Christian you would believe that. Marriage is defined as a union between and man and a woman. Enough said.

Nicely put. People won't like this post because it may provide conviction.

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