How Close is America to the "Workers Paradise"?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
How Close is America to the "Workers Paradise"? Are we there yet? There's 90MM people out of the work force, may of whom are stimulating the economy via unemployment.

If we're not there yet, how close are we? What other progress must Progressive make to get us there?
no, we are not there yet.

but the camp wire has already arrived ;)
How Close is America to the "Workers Paradise"? Are we there yet? There's 90MM people out of the work force, may of whom are stimulating the economy via unemployment.

If we're not there yet, how close are we? What other progress must Progressive make to get us there?

Why do you care? You don't have a job. Well, not full time. Not one anyone can be proud of.
How Close is America to the "Workers Paradise"? Are we there yet? There's 90MM people out of the work force, may of whom are stimulating the economy via unemployment.

If we're not there yet, how close are we? What other progress must Progressive make to get us there?

Just a few more changes

Colorado Transgender Group Demands Free Mammograms Under Obamacare

News that an uninsured transgender woman in Colorado was denied a free mammogram has prompted two advocacy groups to petition the federal government for equality in screening.

“That is irrational discrimination, plain and simple,” said Harper Jean Tobin, director of policy for the National Center for Transgender Equality.

Next the reactionary left will want to make nuns pay for birth control
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OP-Farther than any other modern country, thanks to bought off Pubs and silly dupes...For example, only New Guinea and the USA don't have paid parental leave lol...still fighting universal health care just to protect the stupidest, most expensive by far scam of a Pub health system. A disgrace...
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How Close is America to the "Workers Paradise"? Are we there yet? There's 90MM people out of the work force, may of whom are stimulating the economy via unemployment.

If we're not there yet, how close are we? What other progress must Progressive make to get us there?

Why do you care? You don't have a job. Well, not full time. Not one anyone can be proud of.

Not true! He has a posting career.
How Close is America to the "Workers Paradise"? Are we there yet? There's 90MM people out of the work force, may of whom are stimulating the economy via unemployment.

If we're not there yet, how close are we? What other progress must Progressive make to get us there?

Just a few more changes

Colorado Transgender Group Demands Free Mammograms Under Obamacare

News that an uninsured transgender woman in Colorado was denied a free mammogram has prompted two advocacy groups to petition the federal government for equality in screening.

“That is irrational discrimination, plain and simple,” said Harper Jean Tobin, director of policy for the National Center for Transgender Equality.

Next the reactionary left will want to make nuns pay for birth control

The reactionary left? If the left is progressive how can it be regressive? If anybody is reactionary it would have to be the right wing.
How Close is America to the "Workers Paradise"? Are we there yet? There's 90MM people out of the work force, may of whom are stimulating the economy via unemployment.

If we're not there yet, how close are we? What other progress must Progressive make to get us there?

Just a few more changes

Colorado Transgender Group Demands Free Mammograms Under Obamacare

News that an uninsured transgender woman in Colorado was denied a free mammogram has prompted two advocacy groups to petition the federal government for equality in screening.

“That is irrational discrimination, plain and simple,” said Harper Jean Tobin, director of policy for the National Center for Transgender Equality.

Next the reactionary left will want to make nuns pay for birth control

mammograms have always been "free" - if one has insurance.
no co-payments, nothing, even reminding by themselves if you skip a year
transgenders after full makeover have breasts, so they need mammograms ( maybe even more than natural ones, since theirs are the result of severe hormonal bombardment).
But after full makeover transgender person is the gender they drifted to, so I assume this is just a stunt, since they would have mammograms covered already
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The reactionary left? If the left is progressive how can it be regressive? If anybody is reactionary it would have to be the right wing.

left is not "progressive" that is what they think they are.
In the reality they are reactionary retards :D
How Close is America to the "Workers Paradise"? Are we there yet? There's 90MM people out of the work force, may of whom are stimulating the economy via unemployment.

If we're not there yet, how close are we? What other progress must Progressive make to get us there?

Just a few more changes

Colorado Transgender Group Demands Free Mammograms Under Obamacare

News that an uninsured transgender woman in Colorado was denied a free mammogram has prompted two advocacy groups to petition the federal government for equality in screening.

“That is irrational discrimination, plain and simple,” said Harper Jean Tobin, director of policy for the National Center for Transgender Equality.

Next the reactionary left will want to make nuns pay for birth control

The reactionary left? If the left is progressive how can it be regressive? If anybody is reactionary it would have to be the right wing.

North Korea also calls themselves 'Democratic'
Does anybody believe they really are?

No the only thing 'progressive' about Progressives is increases in gov't spending and
increasing the national debt
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How Close is America to the "Workers Paradise"? Are we there yet? There's 90MM people out of the work force, may of whom are stimulating the economy via unemployment.

If we're not there yet, how close are we? What other progress must Progressive make to get us there?

Just a few more changes

Colorado Transgender Group Demands Free Mammograms Under Obamacare

News that an uninsured transgender woman in Colorado was denied a free mammogram has prompted two advocacy groups to petition the federal government for equality in screening.

“That is irrational discrimination, plain and simple,” said Harper Jean Tobin, director of policy for the National Center for Transgender Equality.

Next the reactionary left will want to make nuns pay for birth control

mammograms have always been "free" - if one has insurance.
no co-payments, nothing, even reminding by themselves if you skip a year
transgenders after full makeover have breasts, so they need mammograms ( maybe even more than natural ones, since theirs are the result of severe hormonal bombardment).
But after full makeover transgender person is the gender they drifted to, so I assume this is just a stunt, since they would have mammograms covered already

I know it may be a shock to you but

Current federal guidance says that only women who are “genetically female” are eligible for subsidized mammograms

Technically, females to males, I would guess actually have a higher risk since their body was born female

Damn it - mammograms for all !

Democratic's war on breasts!
Why do the Democrats hate breasts?
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1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire is the working and business environment that would occur if CrusaderFrank had his America.

[ame=]The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911 - YouTube[/ame]
Just a few more changes

Colorado Transgender Group Demands Free Mammograms Under Obamacare

News that an uninsured transgender woman in Colorado was denied a free mammogram has prompted two advocacy groups to petition the federal government for equality in screening.

“That is irrational discrimination, plain and simple,” said Harper Jean Tobin, director of policy for the National Center for Transgender Equality.

Next the reactionary left will want to make nuns pay for birth control

mammograms have always been "free" - if one has insurance.
no co-payments, nothing, even reminding by themselves if you skip a year
transgenders after full makeover have breasts, so they need mammograms ( maybe even more than natural ones, since theirs are the result of severe hormonal bombardment).
But after full makeover transgender person is the gender they drifted to, so I assume this is just a stunt, since they would have mammograms covered already

I know it may be a shock to you but

Current federal guidance says that only women who are “genetically female” are eligible for subsidized mammograms

Technically, females to males, I would guess actually have a higher risk since their body was born female

Damn it - mammograms for all !

Democratic's war on breasts!
Why do the Democrats hate breasts?

why should it be a shock for me? :rolleyes:
I could not care less, to be honest, one way or the other.
From the strictly medical point of view transgenders need mammograms as they have breast tissue.
How is it regulated federally ( holy shit, the boobs have to have federal regulations :D - talk about freedom of ones body ;)) - I don't give a damn.

p.s. females to males almost never happen. almost. and if they happen - there is no breast tissue left so there is no mammograms needed
transgenderism is mostly male to female issue, because of it's underlying inborn and other anatomic-physiological factors.
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