How cannabis could be made legal by tomorrow.........


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
I was watching a news commentary program the other day, and they brought up a very interesting point about cannabis, and how the federal government could make it legal TOMORROW if they wanted to, with no action required by either the Congress or the President.

Currently, marijuana is classified as a Class I substance on the banned substances list, right up there alongside heroin, ecstacy, LSD and peyote. Those substances are classified as such because they are considered dangerous, addictive, and have no medicinal value whatsoever.

However, Class II substances are considered to have medicinal value, and can be prescribed under a doctor's supervision. Some of those drugs include things like cocaine and oxycotin.

Considering all the research that has been done since the 90's on cannabis, it HAS been proven to have medicinal value, as it can help with Alzheimer's, people with chronic pain, cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, as well as many other ailments such as glaucoma.

It has also been proven to not be physically addictive.

Now, since Washington and Colorado have both legalized marijuana, the quickest way for the federal government to allow the states to do what they wish on this issue, is to move it from Schedule I substances, down to Schedule II substances, because then it would be legal federally as doctors would then be able to prescribe it.

Maybe all of us people who think cannabis should be legal should get together and submit a petition to the White House to have it moved to Schedule II.

Not only would it help to alleviate the war on drugs that is currently going on in the South, but we would also be able to regulate and tax it like alcohol, and that would generate quite a bit of money for the states. Look at how much California has been able to generate in tax revenue from cannabis.

It would also solve another problem that is currently on the rise in this country that is doing SERIOUS damage to those who partake of it, and that is the "synthetic marijuana" that is currently being sold to those who think it's safer than the real stuff.

It's not.

So...................we could solve quite a few problems here. What do you guys and gals think?
And.................don't forget that the leftover plant material can be used for making things like canvas cloth, fiberglass, food and biofuel.
Just what this country needs. One more thing to lower our standards.

Just what this country needs. Someone who thinks 'our standards' are lowered by effecting rational and sane drug policy.

However, if states DO legalize it, my vote is that it be regulated like alcohol, and sold to those who are 21 and over.

Why? Because it's been proven that the brain is still developing until a person is 17-19 years old, and substances like either alcohol or cannabis can affect development if it's used regularly before you turn 19.

But...............if you're over the age of 21? Smoke away.

Besides, cannabis is LESS HARMFUL to the body than alcohol ever thought of being. Alcohol is physically addictive, cannabis isn't.
Legalize all depravity!

The potheads are so full of shit when they try to pretend they are concerned about "medicinal use." They seem to have no problem using sick people as a prop when all they really want is to get their smokey-smokey on. Self-indulgent low lifes.
Legalize all depravity!

How is smoking cannabis "depravity"?

Did you know that one of the ingredients of the Holy Annointing Oil of the Kings of Israel (of which Jesus was annointed with) contained cannabis oil?

Besides...................didn't God tell Adam and Eve that "if it grows out of the ground, you may have it" when He kicked them out of Eden?

How is a simple plant "depraved"?
The potheads are so full of shit when they try to pretend they are concerned about "medicinal use." They seem to have no problem using sick people as a prop when all they really want is to get their smokey-smokey on. Self-indulgent low lifes.

Did you know that smoking a joint is less harmful to your body than drinking a few beers?
The potheads are so full of shit when they try to pretend they are concerned about "medicinal use." They seem to have no problem using sick people as a prop when all they really want is to get their smokey-smokey on. Self-indulgent low lifes.

Did you know that smoking a joint is less harmful to your body than drinking a few beers?

Be careful, smoking all that dope can stunt your growth...oh...well, too late for you anyway...
The potheads are so full of shit when they try to pretend they are concerned about "medicinal use." They seem to have no problem using sick people as a prop when all they really want is to get their smokey-smokey on. Self-indulgent low lifes.

I don't know any pothead who pretends to be concerned about medicinal use.

They want it straight up legalized, and there's nothing particularly 'self-indulgent' about that.
90% of the potheads' arguments for legalizing pot are really just arguments against alcohol. Of course being potheads they can't see this...
The potheads are so full of shit when they try to pretend they are concerned about "medicinal use." They seem to have no problem using sick people as a prop when all they really want is to get their smokey-smokey on. Self-indulgent low lifes.

I don't know any pothead who pretends to be concerned about medicinal use.

They want it straight up legalized, and there's nothing particularly 'self-indulgent' about that.

It's entirely self indulgent. What the hell else could it be?
The potheads are so full of shit when they try to pretend they are concerned about "medicinal use." They seem to have no problem using sick people as a prop when all they really want is to get their smokey-smokey on. Self-indulgent low lifes.

Did you know that smoking a joint is less harmful to your body than drinking a few beers?

Be careful, smoking all that dope can stunt your growth...oh...well, too late for you anyway...

No, it wouldn't stunt anyone's growth. See my post about the legal age for use which I believe should be 21, because the brain (and body) are still developing until you reach 17-19 years old.

If you're over 21, smoke (or drink) whatever you wish.
The potheads are so full of shit when they try to pretend they are concerned about "medicinal use." They seem to have no problem using sick people as a prop when all they really want is to get their smokey-smokey on. Self-indulgent low lifes.

I don't know any pothead who pretends to be concerned about medicinal use.

They want it straight up legalized, and there's nothing particularly 'self-indulgent' about that.

It's entirely self indulgent. What the hell else could it be?

What do you call it when you buy a 6 pack or a bottle of Scotch?
90% of the potheads' arguments for legalizing pot are really just arguments against alcohol. Of course being potheads they can't see this...

Really? I've never heard of anyone who advocates the legalization of cannabis state that alcohol should be banned.
The potheads are so full of shit when they try to pretend they are concerned about "medicinal use." They seem to have no problem using sick people as a prop when all they really want is to get their smokey-smokey on. Self-indulgent low lifes.

I don't know any pothead who pretends to be concerned about medicinal use.

They want it straight up legalized, and there's nothing particularly 'self-indulgent' about that.

It's entirely self indulgent. What the hell else could it be?

Really? Well then you should very easily be able to explain exactly why it's 'self-indulgent'.

Go ahead, I'll wait.

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