How Can We "Offend" an Enemy (Mexico) Who Is Invading Us ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Amazing the things that come out of the mouths of liberals. This morning, in a 4 way conversation on CNN, John King and fellow liberals were discussing (what else ?) Donald Trump. Referring to Trump's now infamous words about Mexico, all were assuming that Trump's words were offensive to Mexico. They also were acting as if that were a bad thing.

Did it ever occur to these 4, and thousands of other liberals like them, that Mexico has been invading the US with illegal migrants, deliberately sending them here (even publishing a handbook for them to assist them to evade US officials), and plundering the US economy and tax treasuries, for hundreds of Billions$$$ ? Did it occur to them that these stolen US dollars (from remittances & welfare) are Mexico's # 1 source of income ?

And did it ever occur to these do-gooders that the parasite known as Mexico, has stolen probably more money from the USA, than all organized crime and other countries all combined ? Well, liberals, that's exactly what has been happening. So why are these folks so worried about offending a country, whose actions could well qualify it as America's # 1 enemy in the world ?

Could one imagine MacArthur hesitating to invade Iwo Jima or Okinawa in 1945, because the Japanese might get offended ? Or Eisenhower being worried about offending Hitler or Mussolini ? The problem, I think, is that liberals only watch liberal media and listen to other liberals, none of whom are focused on what's been happening between Mexico and the USA over the past 55 years.

Fact is, we SHOULD be offending Mexico. We should be offending them with National Guard troops along the Mexican border, US warships along both Mexican coasts, and US jet fighters buzzing their shorelines, together with demands that they stop their illegal migration to the US, secure their borders against exit migrants, and pay us back hundreds of Billions$$ that they have taken from us, in the biggest international burglary in world history. If they refuse, it's 1848 all over again, except this time we don't take half Mexico's land. We take ALL of it.

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