How can liberals believe that...

This is not Islam. In America we are presumed innocent until proven guilty. I mean you were a Holocaust denier in HS and drew swastikas on schools. Prove me wrong....

You fail to prove my statement wrong
Going into an anti-Muslim rant or a Godwin Defense does nothing to help your case
Where is the proof and corroborating witnesses in fords case liar?

Where is it in any sexual assault case?

There is usually physical evidence or evidence that the alleged was actually there. There is no proof with CBF that Kav was even there and non of her witnesses recall it. If there was corroboration that Kav was even in the same house then it may be a different story. Damn, you're dumb. are changing the premise from “no evidence” to “not enough evidence”

NO EVIDENCE. ZERO. People are trying to be politically correct but CBF is a liar.
How can liberals believe that...not having any proof yet someone should still be punished?

Eyewitness testimony is proof. Many people are in prison based on eyewitness restimony
Where's all the eyewitnesses in the judges case?

Dr Ford provided eyewitness testimony to a sexual assault and identified Brett Kavanaugh as the perpetrator
Most sexual assaults don’t take place in front of an audience.

Many people have gone to prison based on testimony of the victim

Wrong. People go to prison based mostly on physical evidence that a crime actually happened. It hasn’t even been established that a crime was committed against “Dr.” Ford. The “crime” was never reported to the authorities by the alleged “victim”. Females falsely accuse males of sex crimes all the time, there is no reason to believe this one considering the circumstances.
How can liberals believe that...they know what the temperature was 33000 years ago?

I agree that this one has little to do with liberal vs conservative and more to do with scientist vs. non-scientist. I'm not a climatologist and I don't have much of an understanding of the methods used to establish temperatures during the paleolithic era. I believe it mostly involves clever inferences which we can draw from the chemical composition of ice cores or other physical remains from those time periods. It may involve measuring things like carbon dioxide levels and inferring temperature ranges from that. I would expect there to be relatively large error bars on those estimates. As far as climate change goes, I think the trends just in the last couple centuries are probably enough to be alarming, even accepting a large amount of uncertainty in paleolithic temperature estimates.
Dr Ford provided eyewitness testimony to a sexual assault and identified Brett Kavanaugh as the perpetrator
Most sexual assaults don’t take place in front of an audience.

Many people have gone to prison based on testimony of the victim

Are you kidding or trolling with that statement?

Prove me wrong

This is not Islam. In America we are presumed innocent until proven guilty. I mean you were a Holocaust denier in HS and drew swastikas on schools. Prove me wrong....

You fail to prove my statement wrong
Going into an anti-Muslim rant or a Godwin Defense does nothing to help your case

LOL. In America you are innocent until PROVEN guilty. An uncorroborated claim without any physical evidence is a nothing burger. You are dying on the hill of stupidity. And who made you judge and jury? You're a retired dumbass living off my labor.

Not for social justice terrorists like wrongwinger. Conservatives are always guilty of any accusations until proven innocent.
How can liberals believe that...they know what the temperature was 33000 years ago?

You are confusing liberals with Scientists
You are lying again. Most "scientists" who work for the gov are liberals. I knew many. Especially in the national weather service where you either swallowed the global warming hype or found another job.
Possibly they bought it because they understand the scientific method well enough to trust the overwhelming evidence of climate change, what is causing it and what limited options we have to limit its impact..
lol 33000 thousand years ago. Even Fred Flintstone can't help your fantasy.
They got ice core samples or some such.

It is a liberal conspiracy
This is not Islam. In America we are presumed innocent until proven guilty. I mean you were a Holocaust denier in HS and drew swastikas on schools. Prove me wrong....

You fail to prove my statement wrong
Going into an anti-Muslim rant or a Godwin Defense does nothing to help your case
Where is the proof and corroborating witnesses in fords case liar?

Where is it in any sexual assault case?

There is usually physical evidence or evidence that the alleged was actually there. There is no proof with CBF that Kav was even there and non of her witnesses recall it. If there was corroboration that Kav was even in the same house then it may be a different story. Damn, you're dumb. are changing the premise from “no evidence” to “not enough evidence”

The only "evidence" is from a leftwing hack who deleted all her social media before coming out to blame Kavanaugh of rape 36 years later after DiFi sat on it for 7 weeks.

STFU ya lefty loon.
Don't we have enough Kavanaugh threads? I'd prefer not to add one more. (I will answer the questions here in a bit though. The other thing you should expect is that I will be kind of slow about it :p)
So you DON'T really want to hear questions about why Democrats believe much of the crap they do?

Let's try this:

How can Democrats declare others to be 'GUILTY' based on ZERO evidence while simultaneously saying Democrats are NOT 'guilty' when there is solid evidence they have committed crimes?

Case in point - the FBI publicly declared they had recovered over 15,000 official documents that had been subpoenaed yet Hillary had tried to destroy (Obstruction), documents she was required by law to turn in yet she refused to, she did not turn them in and US was in violation of the Freedom of Information Act.

Democrats attempted to defend her and still do, claiming that the more than 15,000 violations of the Freedom of Information Act Plus the criminal act of obstruction is somehow not a crime....

Meanwhile, going on over 2 years now, they can find no criminal evidence to support their accusations against the President?!
As a liberal, I am willing to give Brett Kavanaugh a pass on his teen aged transgressions. There is no evidence that it carried over to adulthood

I do object to his lying about his drinking and claiming to be a choirboy as a teen. That is unbecoming of a Justice

I also objected to his blatant partisanship and claiming the Clintons are out to get him....kind of whacky
How can Democrats declare others to be 'GUILTY' based on ZERO evidence while simultaneously saying Democrats are NOT 'guilty' when there is solid evidence they have committed crimes?

I think I already addressed the first part of your question, as to the second:

Case in point - the FBI publicly declared they had recovered over 15,000 official documents that had been subpoenaed yet Hillary had tried to destroy (Obstruction), documents she was required by law to turn in yet she refused to, she did not turn them in and US was in violation of the Freedom of Information Act.

Democrats attempted to defend her and still do, claiming that the more than 15,000 violations of the Freedom of Information Act Plus the criminal act of obstruction is somehow not a crime....

Meanwhile, going on over 2 years now, they can find no criminal evidence to support their accusations against the President?!

I would assume partisanship explains a large part of the variation in people's willingness to believe various charges, and I'm OK with some level of criticism on that point, although I see no evidence that this problem is particularly more acute among liberals. But, as with so many questions being asked, the answer involves a dispute about the premises. You take it for granted that Clinton is clearly guilty of various crimes, and most liberals do not, probably because she was not actually charged with any crimes. And of course, if she were she should have the same presumption of innocence in a criminal trial as Kavanaugh should have were he to face such a trial.

I can't address specific allegations about Clinton because I haven't seen the evidence and I have a fairly cursory understanding of the law. My feeling is that if the Trump DOJ believes they have a credible criminal case against her then they ought to file charges, and I do infer from the fact that this hasn't happened that there is probably not such a case. I don't see a lot of reasons to expect the Trump administration to have shown her much deference. But, it's not a conviction I hold with certainty.
You fail to prove my statement wrong
Going into an anti-Muslim rant or a Godwin Defense does nothing to help your case
Where is the proof and corroborating witnesses in fords case liar?

Where is it in any sexual assault case?

There is usually physical evidence or evidence that the alleged was actually there. There is no proof with CBF that Kav was even there and non of her witnesses recall it. If there was corroboration that Kav was even in the same house then it may be a different story. Damn, you're dumb. are changing the premise from “no evidence” to “not enough evidence”

The only "evidence" is from a leftwing hack who deleted all her social media before coming out to blame Kavanaugh of rape 36 years later after DiFi sat on it for 7 weeks.

STFU ya lefty loon.

Trump said she gave credible testimony until he turned Trump and reversed himself.
Many women have repressed sexual attacks for decades. Look at Bill Cosby or men molested by priests
They remember the attacks vividly but not some of the details of the surroundings
Several of the libs aren't even real people in some cases I think. They repeat each other so often I think it's just a few apparatchiks and several computers programmed to paste the same bullshit all day. There are a handful of decent libs like OldLady and some other people that are either republicrat operatives trying to look as stupid as possible or they really are retards. You'll figure out who they are. Then there's Jake Fake and his 4 socks.

1. Liberals can not think. They've proven that. If you pay any attention to MSNBC, that's what they believe. You can't provide enough evidence to convince them they're wrong. We are talking about people who belong in a political party that used to have as their "Lion in the Senate" a...(ahem....) "man" who drove off a bridge one night into a lake. Swam out. Walked home and went to bed. Later that next day after his car had been dragged out of the water and the dead body of Mary Jo Kopechne was found inside, Ted Kennedy phoned his lawyer, and then they notified police that the piece of shit drove off a bridge and left a woman for dead, assuming she was alive in the first place.

That's the sort of "men" who lead "people" like liberals and that's why you won't find more than a few that even expose themselves to arguments that might change their programming.

I'm a mean nasty troll also BTW...

Enjoy your experience here.

Agreed. OldLady, Coyote, Pogo.

Great Liberals. This place would suck so bad and be boring with out them.
OH, and Toro, but he is a bit of an authoritarian globalist. . . not much there really.
Where is the proof and corroborating witnesses in fords case liar?

Where is it in any sexual assault case?

There is usually physical evidence or evidence that the alleged was actually there. There is no proof with CBF that Kav was even there and non of her witnesses recall it. If there was corroboration that Kav was even in the same house then it may be a different story. Damn, you're dumb. are changing the premise from “no evidence” to “not enough evidence”

The only "evidence" is from a leftwing hack who deleted all her social media before coming out to blame Kavanaugh of rape 36 years later after DiFi sat on it for 7 weeks.

STFU ya lefty loon.

Trump said she gave credible testimony until he turned Trump and reversed himself.
Many women have repressed sexual attacks for decades. Look at Bill Cosby or men molested by priests
They remember the attacks vividly but not some of the details of the surroundings

But DiFi had to stretch it out another 7 weeks?
You leftist are good for nothing but amusement and ridicule.
Here's a little tip...the rest of America sees right through your bullshit.
Where is it in any sexual assault case?

There is usually physical evidence or evidence that the alleged was actually there. There is no proof with CBF that Kav was even there and non of her witnesses recall it. If there was corroboration that Kav was even in the same house then it may be a different story. Damn, you're dumb. are changing the premise from “no evidence” to “not enough evidence”

The only "evidence" is from a leftwing hack who deleted all her social media before coming out to blame Kavanaugh of rape 36 years later after DiFi sat on it for 7 weeks.

STFU ya lefty loon.

Trump said she gave credible testimony until he turned Trump and reversed himself.
Many women have repressed sexual attacks for decades. Look at Bill Cosby or men molested by priests
They remember the attacks vividly but not some of the details of the surroundings

But DiFi had to stretch it out another 7 weeks?
You leftist are good for nothing but amusement and ridicule.
Here's a little tip...the rest of America sees right through your bullshit.
Why were Republicans willing to ignore potential sexual assault charges in order to rush a vote?
It is a lifetime appointment, why not get the facts first?
There is usually physical evidence or evidence that the alleged was actually there. There is no proof with CBF that Kav was even there and non of her witnesses recall it. If there was corroboration that Kav was even in the same house then it may be a different story. Damn, you're dumb. are changing the premise from “no evidence” to “not enough evidence”

The only "evidence" is from a leftwing hack who deleted all her social media before coming out to blame Kavanaugh of rape 36 years later after DiFi sat on it for 7 weeks.

STFU ya lefty loon.

Trump said she gave credible testimony until he turned Trump and reversed himself.
Many women have repressed sexual attacks for decades. Look at Bill Cosby or men molested by priests
They remember the attacks vividly but not some of the details of the surroundings

But DiFi had to stretch it out another 7 weeks?
You leftist are good for nothing but amusement and ridicule.
Here's a little tip...the rest of America sees right through your bullshit.
Why were Republicans willing to ignore potential sexual assault charges in order to rush a vote?
It is a lifetime appointment, why not get the facts first?

Here's the simple answer for the simpleton.
They knew the accusations were total bullshit.
Are you kidding or trolling with that statement?

Prove me wrong

This is not Islam. In America we are presumed innocent until proven guilty. I mean you were a Holocaust denier in HS and drew swastikas on schools. Prove me wrong....

You fail to prove my statement wrong
Going into an anti-Muslim rant or a Godwin Defense does nothing to help your case
Where is the proof and corroborating witnesses in fords case liar?
Collins and Manchin voted Yes. It's over. Now will you shut up about Kavanaugh PLEASE?

Are you related to Sen. Hirono ?

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