How Big Will the Impeachment Blowback Be?

You keep bring up Hillary. She's gone. Get over it. Move on. There is nothing here. Or are you afraid to face the ones that Rump will have to face.

If Hillary is gone, why does she keep showing up??? Seems to me if they go, it will be kicking and screaming. I didn't hint that Hillary might get in the race, she did.

Why do you keep bringing her up? Does she make you lose sleep at night? Is She hiding under your bed or in your closet? She means nothing to me. And She means nothing to the average American. Or is this just another one of your Rump Circus Dog and Pony Acts to try and keep us from looking at your Rump Boy.

I told you why I keep bringing her up, and that is because she won't go away. I could understand if she respectfully disappeared into the darkness and we never heard from her again. But she's being interviewed all the time by left-wing media, and you ask why I bring her up????

More of your Dog and Pony Act trying to make us "Hey, Look over There".

You seem to be hung-up on the "dog and pony" phrase instead of addressing what I said. I bring up Hillary because she's bringing herself up. If she quietly went away after the election like other failed candidates, I wouldn't say a thing about her.

You need a better side show. Head south of the border and you can add that fat lady, donkey and disappearing midget (use your own imagination on that one).
Every other election the loser gracefully conceded and the nation began to heal. Only this drunken ignorant old crook couldn't summon the decency to do that. She simultaneously claims she was "robbed by the Russians" and that she actually won, because she won the meaningless popular vote. There is no American that shouldn't be smart enough to see what a loser she is and refuse to follow her into her self serving delusions.

People poured money into the Clinton accounts either through phony speeches or their so-called charity. Everybody wanted to garner favor with them because of her position in politics. She has to keep bating those people to keep that money coming in, even if to a lesser degree.

So she keeps her seat in the spotlight for that reason. That's why she never bowed out.

You keep bring up Hillary. She's gone. Get over it. Move on. There is nothing here. Or are you afraid to face the ones that Rump will have to face.

If Hillary is gone, why does she keep showing up??? Seems to me if they go, it will be kicking and screaming. I didn't hint that Hillary might get in the race, she did.
It's her turn!

The half black dude cheated her out of her turn

That's okay, at least 3 others are cheating Biden out of his. Welcome to reality.
I consider Twitter a great barometer for how Lefty Nation is feeling about something. Right now, anything about the Impeachment is trending no 16 and no 18 on US trends. So yeah, nowhere near the top 10 and yeah, Lefties not too hot on it and don't want to admit it.

Maybe, after Kavanaugh and Mueller, they're a little nervous. Well they should be. They got nothing and CERTAINLY nothing worthy of impeachment. What they really should be saying, if they wanted to be honest, is "We're butthurt. Therefore IMPEACH 45!!"
I consider Twitter a great barometer for how Lefty Nation is feeling about something. Right now, anything about the Impeachment is trending no 16 and no 18 on US trends. So yeah, nowhere near the top 10 and yeah, Lefties not too hot on it and don't want to admit it.

Maybe, after Kavanaugh and Mueller, they're a little nervous. Well they should be. They got nothing and CERTAINLY nothing worthy of impeachment. What they really should be saying, if they wanted to be honest, is "We're butthurt. Therefore IMPEACH 45!!"

Rump is guilty of the same crimes that Nixon was guilty of and that was Impeachable. Nixon didn't authorize the breakin. he didn't monitor the break in. He found about it afterwards. Then he tried to bury it.When Congress started looking into it, he obstructed the investigation. Does any of this sound familiar?

But there is a huge difference between Rump and Nixon. Nixon was trying to protect his people and got bagged for it. Rump is demanding his "People"" protect him. Nixon's people were the ones that did the deed. Rump is the one that has done the deeds. I highly respect Nixon to this day. I never liked him but I did respect him. I neither like nor respect rump.
I consider Twitter a great barometer for how Lefty Nation is feeling about something. Right now, anything about the Impeachment is trending no 16 and no 18 on US trends. So yeah, nowhere near the top 10 and yeah, Lefties not too hot on it and don't want to admit it.

Maybe, after Kavanaugh and Mueller, they're a little nervous. Well they should be. They got nothing and CERTAINLY nothing worthy of impeachment. What they really should be saying, if they wanted to be honest, is "We're butthurt. Therefore IMPEACH 45!!"

Rump is guilty of the same crimes that Nixon was guilty of and that was Impeachable. Nixon didn't authorize the breakin. he didn't monitor the break in. He found about it afterwards. Then he tried to bury it.When Congress started looking into it, he obstructed the investigation. Does any of this sound familiar?

But there is a huge difference between Rump and Nixon. Nixon was trying to protect his people and got bagged for it. Rump is demanding his "People"" protect him. Nixon's people were the ones that did the deed. Rump is the one that has done the deeds. I highly respect Nixon to this day. I never liked him but I did respect him. I neither like nor respect rump.

Um. Nixon's impeachment involved BREAKING AND ENTERING, you realize. Indisputable, actual crimes.

What you have here is real corruption on the part of the Biden's and maybe, MAYBE, Trump wanted this investigated, but we can't be sure. Not even close to the same thing you know it and the American people know it. And what was on the line is not breaking and entering but the GIVING OF FOREIGN AID.

So please.
I consider Twitter a great barometer for how Lefty Nation is feeling about something. Right now, anything about the Impeachment is trending no 16 and no 18 on US trends. So yeah, nowhere near the top 10 and yeah, Lefties not too hot on it and don't want to admit it.

Maybe, after Kavanaugh and Mueller, they're a little nervous. Well they should be. They got nothing and CERTAINLY nothing worthy of impeachment. What they really should be saying, if they wanted to be honest, is "We're butthurt. Therefore IMPEACH 45!!"

Rump is guilty of the same crimes that Nixon was guilty of and that was Impeachable. Nixon didn't authorize the breakin. he didn't monitor the break in. He found about it afterwards. Then he tried to bury it.When Congress started looking into it, he obstructed the investigation. Does any of this sound familiar?

But there is a huge difference between Rump and Nixon. Nixon was trying to protect his people and got bagged for it. Rump is demanding his "People"" protect him. Nixon's people were the ones that did the deed. Rump is the one that has done the deeds. I highly respect Nixon to this day. I never liked him but I did respect him. I neither like nor respect rump.

Um. Nixon's impeachment involved BREAKING AND ENTERING, you realize. Indisputable, actual crimes.

What you have here is real corruption on the part of the Biden's and maybe, MAYBE, Trump wanted this investigated, but we can't be sure. Not even close to the same thing you know it and the American people know it. And what was on the line is not breaking and entering but the GIVING OF FOREIGN AID.

So please.

Nixon did not authorize nor direct nor have prior knowledge of the break in. He learned about it afterwards. His crime was the coverup, not the deed. The ones involved in the actual breakin went to prison. Nixon was bagged for obstructing the investigation of Congress. Back then, the Republicans had backbones and understood that even a President had to answer for that.

The closed door witnesses have given enough information for it to the next level which is floor wide open investigations. The fact remains that Rump tried to use the funds to blackmail the Ukrainian President for Political Favors. to be specific, to either find or manufacture dirt on a political rival. He tried to use those funds as a bribe. And Bribery is specifically mentioned as a reason for impeachment. The afterfact that Rump found out that he didn't have the right to withhold those funds are irrelevant. It's the fact he tried to use them to get what he wanted. And first person testimony has already been done in closed sessions. That same testimony will be starting today.

Pelosi has been soft pedaling all this until now. What changed her mind was this Ukrainian mess when the 7 moderates changed from no impeachment to impeach. This is a make or break time for the Republicans in office. If the testimony goes like it did under close sessions (there is no reason it shouldn't) then they are going to be hard pressed to not vote for impeachment including in the Senate or be replaced. Even if it never makes it to the Senate, rump can no longer threaten the elected Republicans like he has in the past. And that threat is all he has had going for him. His 36% base won't change but he'll lose all the rest and that is not enough to make the Republicans toe the line.

I don't want to see a full Senate conviction. I want it to go to the Voters in November of next year. But I want everything on the table for everyone to see. I want to give the Republicans a chance to stand on their two hind legs and grow a pair. The last thing I want to see is for one party to control the President, Senate and the House. That's when we get some of the most damaging laws passed that it takes years to get over regardless of which party is in control.

You think that the Dems will be destroyed. You are wrong. Rump is going for a long ride and not at the expense of Air Force One. The question is, how many Republicans are willing to take the same trip.
I consider Twitter a great barometer for how Lefty Nation is feeling about something. Right now, anything about the Impeachment is trending no 16 and no 18 on US trends. So yeah, nowhere near the top 10 and yeah, Lefties not too hot on it and don't want to admit it.

Maybe, after Kavanaugh and Mueller, they're a little nervous. Well they should be. They got nothing and CERTAINLY nothing worthy of impeachment. What they really should be saying, if they wanted to be honest, is "We're butthurt. Therefore IMPEACH 45!!"

Rump is guilty of the same crimes that Nixon was guilty of and that was Impeachable. Nixon didn't authorize the breakin. he didn't monitor the break in. He found about it afterwards. Then he tried to bury it.When Congress started looking into it, he obstructed the investigation. Does any of this sound familiar?

But there is a huge difference between Rump and Nixon. Nixon was trying to protect his people and got bagged for it. Rump is demanding his "People"" protect him. Nixon's people were the ones that did the deed. Rump is the one that has done the deeds. I highly respect Nixon to this day. I never liked him but I did respect him. I neither like nor respect rump.

Um. Nixon's impeachment involved BREAKING AND ENTERING, you realize. Indisputable, actual crimes.

What you have here is real corruption on the part of the Biden's and maybe, MAYBE, Trump wanted this investigated, but we can't be sure. Not even close to the same thing you know it and the American people know it. And what was on the line is not breaking and entering but the GIVING OF FOREIGN AID.

So please.

Nixon did not authorize nor direct nor have prior knowledge of the break in. He learned about it afterwards. His crime was the coverup, not the deed. The ones involved in the actual breakin went to prison. Nixon was bagged for obstructing the investigation of Congress. Back then, the Republicans had backbones and understood that even a President had to answer for that.

The closed door witnesses have given enough information for it to the next level which is floor wide open investigations. The fact remains that Rump tried to use the funds to blackmail the Ukrainian President for Political Favors. to be specific, to either find or manufacture dirt on a political rival. He tried to use those funds as a bribe. And Bribery is specifically mentioned as a reason for impeachment. The afterfact that Rump found out that he didn't have the right to withhold those funds are irrelevant. It's the fact he tried to use them to get what he wanted. And first person testimony has already been done in closed sessions. That same testimony will be starting today.

Pelosi has been soft pedaling all this until now. What changed her mind was this Ukrainian mess when the 7 moderates changed from no impeachment to impeach. This is a make or break time for the Republicans in office. If the testimony goes like it did under close sessions (there is no reason it shouldn't) then they are going to be hard pressed to not vote for impeachment including in the Senate or be replaced. Even if it never makes it to the Senate, rump can no longer threaten the elected Republicans like he has in the past. And that threat is all he has had going for him. His 36% base won't change but he'll lose all the rest and that is not enough to make the Republicans toe the line.

I don't want to see a full Senate conviction. I want it to go to the Voters in November of next year. But I want everything on the table for everyone to see. I want to give the Republicans a chance to stand on their two hind legs and grow a pair. The last thing I want to see is for one party to control the President, Senate and the House. That's when we get some of the most damaging laws passed that it takes years to get over regardless of which party is in control.

You think that the Dems will be destroyed. You are wrong. Rump is going for a long ride and not at the expense of Air Force One. The question is, how many Republicans are willing to take the same trip.

You have no "facts".
I consider Twitter a great barometer for how Lefty Nation is feeling about something. Right now, anything about the Impeachment is trending no 16 and no 18 on US trends. So yeah, nowhere near the top 10 and yeah, Lefties not too hot on it and don't want to admit it.

Maybe, after Kavanaugh and Mueller, they're a little nervous. Well they should be. They got nothing and CERTAINLY nothing worthy of impeachment. What they really should be saying, if they wanted to be honest, is "We're butthurt. Therefore IMPEACH 45!!"

Rump is guilty of the same crimes that Nixon was guilty of and that was Impeachable. Nixon didn't authorize the breakin. he didn't monitor the break in. He found about it afterwards. Then he tried to bury it.When Congress started looking into it, he obstructed the investigation. Does any of this sound familiar?

But there is a huge difference between Rump and Nixon. Nixon was trying to protect his people and got bagged for it. Rump is demanding his "People"" protect him. Nixon's people were the ones that did the deed. Rump is the one that has done the deeds. I highly respect Nixon to this day. I never liked him but I did respect him. I neither like nor respect rump.

Um. Nixon's impeachment involved BREAKING AND ENTERING, you realize. Indisputable, actual crimes.

What you have here is real corruption on the part of the Biden's and maybe, MAYBE, Trump wanted this investigated, but we can't be sure. Not even close to the same thing you know it and the American people know it. And what was on the line is not breaking and entering but the GIVING OF FOREIGN AID.

So please.

Nixon did not authorize nor direct nor have prior knowledge of the break in. He learned about it afterwards. His crime was the coverup, not the deed. The ones involved in the actual breakin went to prison. Nixon was bagged for obstructing the investigation of Congress. Back then, the Republicans had backbones and understood that even a President had to answer for that.

The closed door witnesses have given enough information for it to the next level which is floor wide open investigations. The fact remains that Rump tried to use the funds to blackmail the Ukrainian President for Political Favors. to be specific, to either find or manufacture dirt on a political rival. He tried to use those funds as a bribe. And Bribery is specifically mentioned as a reason for impeachment. The afterfact that Rump found out that he didn't have the right to withhold those funds are irrelevant. It's the fact he tried to use them to get what he wanted. And first person testimony has already been done in closed sessions. That same testimony will be starting today.

Pelosi has been soft pedaling all this until now. What changed her mind was this Ukrainian mess when the 7 moderates changed from no impeachment to impeach. This is a make or break time for the Republicans in office. If the testimony goes like it did under close sessions (there is no reason it shouldn't) then they are going to be hard pressed to not vote for impeachment including in the Senate or be replaced. Even if it never makes it to the Senate, rump can no longer threaten the elected Republicans like he has in the past. And that threat is all he has had going for him. His 36% base won't change but he'll lose all the rest and that is not enough to make the Republicans toe the line.

I don't want to see a full Senate conviction. I want it to go to the Voters in November of next year. But I want everything on the table for everyone to see. I want to give the Republicans a chance to stand on their two hind legs and grow a pair. The last thing I want to see is for one party to control the President, Senate and the House. That's when we get some of the most damaging laws passed that it takes years to get over regardless of which party is in control.

You think that the Dems will be destroyed. You are wrong. Rump is going for a long ride and not at the expense of Air Force One. The question is, how many Republicans are willing to take the same trip.

You have no "facts".

The butthurt is reeeeeel!
I consider Twitter a great barometer for how Lefty Nation is feeling about something. Right now, anything about the Impeachment is trending no 16 and no 18 on US trends. So yeah, nowhere near the top 10 and yeah, Lefties not too hot on it and don't want to admit it.

Maybe, after Kavanaugh and Mueller, they're a little nervous. Well they should be. They got nothing and CERTAINLY nothing worthy of impeachment. What they really should be saying, if they wanted to be honest, is "We're butthurt. Therefore IMPEACH 45!!"

Rump is guilty of the same crimes that Nixon was guilty of and that was Impeachable. Nixon didn't authorize the breakin. he didn't monitor the break in. He found about it afterwards. Then he tried to bury it.When Congress started looking into it, he obstructed the investigation. Does any of this sound familiar?

But there is a huge difference between Rump and Nixon. Nixon was trying to protect his people and got bagged for it. Rump is demanding his "People"" protect him. Nixon's people were the ones that did the deed. Rump is the one that has done the deeds. I highly respect Nixon to this day. I never liked him but I did respect him. I neither like nor respect rump.

Um. Nixon's impeachment involved BREAKING AND ENTERING, you realize. Indisputable, actual crimes.

What you have here is real corruption on the part of the Biden's and maybe, MAYBE, Trump wanted this investigated, but we can't be sure. Not even close to the same thing you know it and the American people know it. And what was on the line is not breaking and entering but the GIVING OF FOREIGN AID.

So please.

Nixon did not authorize nor direct nor have prior knowledge of the break in. He learned about it afterwards. His crime was the coverup, not the deed. The ones involved in the actual breakin went to prison. Nixon was bagged for obstructing the investigation of Congress. Back then, the Republicans had backbones and understood that even a President had to answer for that.

The closed door witnesses have given enough information for it to the next level which is floor wide open investigations. The fact remains that Rump tried to use the funds to blackmail the Ukrainian President for Political Favors. to be specific, to either find or manufacture dirt on a political rival. He tried to use those funds as a bribe. And Bribery is specifically mentioned as a reason for impeachment. The afterfact that Rump found out that he didn't have the right to withhold those funds are irrelevant. It's the fact he tried to use them to get what he wanted. And first person testimony has already been done in closed sessions. That same testimony will be starting today.

Pelosi has been soft pedaling all this until now. What changed her mind was this Ukrainian mess when the 7 moderates changed from no impeachment to impeach. This is a make or break time for the Republicans in office. If the testimony goes like it did under close sessions (there is no reason it shouldn't) then they are going to be hard pressed to not vote for impeachment including in the Senate or be replaced. Even if it never makes it to the Senate, rump can no longer threaten the elected Republicans like he has in the past. And that threat is all he has had going for him. His 36% base won't change but he'll lose all the rest and that is not enough to make the Republicans toe the line.

I don't want to see a full Senate conviction. I want it to go to the Voters in November of next year. But I want everything on the table for everyone to see. I want to give the Republicans a chance to stand on their two hind legs and grow a pair. The last thing I want to see is for one party to control the President, Senate and the House. That's when we get some of the most damaging laws passed that it takes years to get over regardless of which party is in control.

You think that the Dems will be destroyed. You are wrong. Rump is going for a long ride and not at the expense of Air Force One. The question is, how many Republicans are willing to take the same trip.

2016 dems openly embraced their Inner Mao. Bernie raved about Venezuela being better than the USA.

2017 onward dems went full Stalinist, spying on the political opponent, shredding his attorney client privilege, Show Trials -- and you think that's going to play well in the USA?
I don't want to see a full Senate conviction. I want it to go to the Voters in November of next year. But I want everything on the table for everyone to see.

clarity in governance ,along with some manner of choice would be nice.....~S~
What is going on is, the rumpsters are just throwing crap on the wall trying to see what will stick. Later on today, it's going to get rough. The Dems are going to be asking pointed questions while the Reps are going to be trying to play gotcha's and discredits. The facts will come out and the Reps really don't have a real defense. It's going to be either abandon rump or face their voters in their home districts. Let's hope that the Reps stand on their hind legs and grow a pair. Rump can no longer threaten them with anything.
What is going on is, the rumpsters are just throwing crap on the wall trying to see what will stick. Later on today, it's going to get rough. The Dems are going to be asking pointed questions while the Reps are going to be trying to play gotcha's and discredits. The facts will come out and the Reps really don't have a real defense. It's going to be either abandon rump or face their voters in their home districts. Let's hope that the Reps stand on their hind legs and grow a pair. Rump can no longer threaten them with anything.

And that's before the Mueller Report drops, right?
What is going on is, the rumpsters are just throwing crap on the wall trying to see what will stick. Later on today, it's going to get rough. The Dems are going to be asking pointed questions while the Reps are going to be trying to play gotcha's and discredits. The facts will come out and the Reps really don't have a real defense. It's going to be either abandon rump or face their voters in their home districts. Let's hope that the Reps stand on their hind legs and grow a pair. Rump can no longer threaten them with anything.

And that's before the Mueller Report drops, right?

Just keep deflecting. But it only works for so long and the time is coming to an end.
...Um. Nixon's impeachment involved BREAKING AND ENTERING, you realize. Indisputable, actual crimes...
Nixon's (threatened) impeachment involved Obstruction of Justice; not the break-in. We see the same thing today: Obstruction of Justice.

...What you have here is real corruption on the part of the Biden's...
Irrelevant to Obstruction of Justice, Extortion, Conspiracy to defame a domestic political opponent, etc., etc., etc.

...and maybe, MAYBE, Trump wanted this investigated, but we can't be sure...
If that's what he wanted to do, then he went about it the wrong way, then tried to cover it up. Too late for this now.

Your boy phukked-up sssoooooo badly that he may very well lose his Teflon coating over this one.

Arrogant bastard thought he was above The Law.

...Not even close to the same thing you know it and the American people know it...
All Tricky Dick did was to obstruct justice. Your Orange Creature actually tried to get foreign intelligence to hammer a domestic political opponent.

The American People do, indeed, know the difference. What your boy did was far worse.

...And what was on the line is not breaking and entering but the GIVING OF FOREIGN AID...
Nope. Obstruction. Conspiracy. Extortion. And that's just for starters.
What is going on is, the rumpsters are just throwing crap on the wall trying to see what will stick. Later on today, it's going to get rough. The Dems are going to be asking pointed questions while the Reps are going to be trying to play gotcha's and discredits. The facts will come out and the Reps really don't have a real defense. It's going to be either abandon rump or face their voters in their home districts. Let's hope that the Reps stand on their hind legs and grow a pair. Rump can no longer threaten them with anything.

And that's before the Mueller Report drops, right?

Just keep deflecting. But it only works for so long and the time is coming to an end.
Trump's tax returns!!! ZOMG! Did Mueller review Trump's tax returns?!!
What is going on is, the rumpsters are just throwing crap on the wall trying to see what will stick. Later on today, it's going to get rough. The Dems are going to be asking pointed questions while the Reps are going to be trying to play gotcha's and discredits. The facts will come out and the Reps really don't have a real defense. It's going to be either abandon rump or face their voters in their home districts. Let's hope that the Reps stand on their hind legs and grow a pair. Rump can no longer threaten them with anything.

And that's before the Mueller Report drops, right?

Just keep deflecting. But it only works for so long and the time is coming to an end.
Trump's tax returns!!! ZOMG! Did Mueller review Trump's tax returns?!!

More of the Circus Dog and Pony Act.
What is going on is, the rumpsters are just throwing crap on the wall trying to see what will stick. Later on today, it's going to get rough. The Dems are going to be asking pointed questions while the Reps are going to be trying to play gotcha's and discredits. The facts will come out and the Reps really don't have a real defense. It's going to be either abandon rump or face their voters in their home districts. Let's hope that the Reps stand on their hind legs and grow a pair. Rump can no longer threaten them with anything.

And that's before the Mueller Report drops, right?

Just keep deflecting. But it only works for so long and the time is coming to an end.

What is going on is, the rumpsters are just throwing crap on the wall trying to see what will stick. Later on today, it's going to get rough. The Dems are going to be asking pointed questions while the Reps are going to be trying to play gotcha's and discredits. The facts will come out and the Reps really don't have a real defense. It's going to be either abandon rump or face their voters in their home districts. Let's hope that the Reps stand on their hind legs and grow a pair. Rump can no longer threaten them with anything.

And that's before the Mueller Report drops, right?

Just keep deflecting. But it only works for so long and the time is coming to an end.
Trump's tax returns!!! ZOMG! Did Mueller review Trump's tax returns?!!

More of the Circus Dog and Pony Act.

...Um. Nixon's impeachment involved BREAKING AND ENTERING, you realize. Indisputable, actual crimes...
Nixon's (threatened) impeachment involved Obstruction of Justice; not the break-in. We see the same thing today: Obstruction of Justice.

...What you have here is real corruption on the part of the Biden's...
Irrelevant to Obstruction of Justice, Extortion, Conspiracy to defame a domestic political opponent, etc., etc., etc.

...and maybe, MAYBE, Trump wanted this investigated, but we can't be sure...
If that's what he wanted to do, then he went about it the wrong way, then tried to cover it up. Too late for this now.

Your boy phukked-up sssoooooo badly that he may very well lose his Teflon coating over this one.

Arrogant bastard thought he was above The Law.

...Not even close to the same thing you know it and the American people know it...
All Tricky Dick did was to obstruct justice. Your Orange Creature actually tried to get foreign intelligence to hammer a domestic political opponent.

The American People do, indeed, know the difference. What your boy did was far worse.

...And what was on the line is not breaking and entering but the GIVING OF FOREIGN AID...
Nope. Obstruction. Conspiracy. Extortion. And that's just for starters.

None of that is actually true

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